Canadian Aviation Regulations (SOR/96-433)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2023-06-21. Previous Versions
Part IV — Personnel Licensing and Training (continued)
Subpart 6 — Flight Training Units (continued)
Division V — Flight Training Operations (continued)
Journey Log Entries
406.57 A flight training unit that operates an aeroplane, a helicopter or a glider shall designate a person to make journey log entries in accordance with section 605.94.
Flight Training at a Satellite Base
406.58 (1) A flight training unit that conducts flight training at a satellite base shall
(a) assign a flight instructor, other than a Class 4 flight instructor, to be responsible for flight training operations at the satellite base; and
(b) ensure that a qualified flight instructor is on duty at that satellite base while a solo training flight is in progress.
(2) A Class 4 flight instructor shall not conduct flight training at a satellite base unless a qualified Class 1 or Class 2 flight instructor is on duty.
Division VI — Manuals and Course Certificates
Flight Training Operations Manual
406.61 (1) Every flight training unit that conducts an integrated course or operates a sub-base shall establish and maintain a flight training operations manual that includes the instructions and information necessary to enable the personnel concerned to perform their duties safely and that meets the personnel licensing standards.
(2) The flight training operations manual may be issued in separate parts corresponding to specific aspects of operations.
(3) Whenever the flight training operations manual no longer meets the personnel licensing standards, the flight training unit shall amend it to bring it into compliance with the standards.
(4) A flight training unit shall submit to the Minister its flight training operations manual and, if they relate to the information required by the personnel licensing standards, any separately issued parts and any subsequent amendments to them or to the manual.
(5) If the personnel licensing standards are met, the Minister shall approve the parts of a flight training operations manual that relate to the information required by the personnel licensing standards and any subsequent amendments to the parts.
(6) A flight training unit shall distribute its flight training operations manual, any separately issued parts and any subsequent amendments to the manual or parts in accordance with the personnel licensing standards.
(7) The chief flight instructor shall maintain a master list of the holders of the flight training operations manual and ensure that the manual is distributed in accordance with the list.
(8) The following operational personnel shall hold copies of the flight training operations manual and shall be responsible for its amendment:
(a) the chief flight instructor;
(b) the assistant chief flight instructor;
(c) the check instructor; and
(d) the person responsible for the maintenance control system or the approved maintenance organization.
(9) The chief flight instructor shall make manuals available to all other operational personnel who are involved in operational control, including flight instructors, students and, if applicable, flight dispatchers.
(10) Every person who has been provided with a copy of the appropriate parts of a flight training operations manual pursuant to subsections (7) and (8) shall keep it up to date by inserting in it the amendments provided and shall ensure that the appropriate parts are accessible when the person is performing assigned duties.
- SOR/2006-352, s. 24
Training Manual
406.62 (1) Every flight training unit that conducts an integrated course shall establish and maintain a training manual that meets the personnel licensing standards.
(2) The training manual may be issued in separate parts corresponding to specific aspects of the integrated course.
(3) Whenever the training manual no longer meets the personnel licensing standards, the flight training unit shall amend it to bring it into compliance with the standards.
(4) A flight training unit shall submit to the Minister its training manual and, if they relate to the information required by the personnel licensing standards, any separately issued parts and any subsequent amendments to them or to the manual.
(5) If the personnel licensing standards are met, the Minister shall approve the parts of a training manual that relate to the information required by the personnel licensing standards and any subsequent amendments to the parts.
- SOR/2006-352, s. 24
Certificate of Enrolment
406.63 (1) A flight training unit that conducts an integrated course shall provide to each trainee, at the start of the course, a certificate of enrolment that meets the personnel licensing standards.
(2) A flight training unit that conducts an integrated course shall maintain a current list of the trainees enrolled in each integrated course conducted by the flight training unit.
- SOR/2006-352, s. 24
Course Completion Certificate
406.64 A flight training unit that conducts an integrated course shall provide to each trainee, on successful completion of the course, a course completion certificate that meets the personnel licensing standards.
- SOR/2006-352, s. 24
- SOR/2015-160, s. 21(F)
Division VII — Training
Operational Personnel Training Program
406.71 (1) For the purposes of this section, competency check means a certification by the chief flight instructor or an instructor delegated by the chief flight instructor that a flight instructor conducting training under an integrated course has demonstrated in flight an ability to perform both normal and emergency manoeuvres appropriate to the most complex single-engined aeroplane to be used for the flight instruction.
(2) A flight training unit that conducts flight training in accordance with a flight training operations manual that has been approved by the Minister shall establish and maintain a ground and flight training program for operational personnel as follows:
(a) indoctrination training is required upon employment for all persons assigned to an operational control function, including chief flight instructors, assistant chief flight instructors, flight instructors and persons responsible for flight following;
(b) the training referred to in paragraph (a) shall ensure that persons involved in the control of flight operations are aware of their responsibilities, know reporting relationships and are competent to fulfil their assigned duties related to flight training operations;
(c) the training referred to in paragraph (a) shall include a review of the flight training operations manual and the training manual, as applicable;
(d) each flight instructor who conducts training in accordance with an integrated course shall, before receiving authorization to conduct the training, successfully complete, under the supervision of the chief flight instructor, assistant chief flight instructor or check instructor,
(i) the indoctrination training referred in paragraph (a),
(ii) a review of, and a briefing on, the contents of the flight training operations manual and the training manual, and
(iii) an initial competency check in each type of aircraft in which the flight instructor conducts training in accordance with the integrated course; and
(e) each flight instructor who conducts training in accordance with an integrated course shall, every 12 months after the month in which the initial competency check was completed, successfully complete
(i) a recurrent competency check in one of the aircraft in which the flight instructor conducts training in accordance with the integrated course,
(ii) an in-flight monitoring of a training flight conducted by the flight instructor,
(iii) a flight test toward the issuance of a flight instructor rating, multi-engine class rating or instrument rating, or
(iv) a competency check in accordance with Part VI or a pilot proficiency check in accordance with Part VII, as applicable.
- SOR/2006-352, s. 24
- SOR/2014-131, s. 11
- SOR/2015-160, s. 22
Division VIII — Integrated Course
406.75 An integrated course shall be conducted under the supervision of the chief flight instructor of a flight training unit that holds a flight training unit operator certificate and shall be arranged by that flight training unit in accordance with the personnel licensing standards.
- SOR/2006-352, s. 24
- SOR/2015-160, s. 23
406.76 The flight training unit shall ensure that an applicant, before being admitted to an integrated course, has a secondary school diploma or equivalent in accordance with the personnel licensing standards.
- SOR/2006-352, s. 24
406.77 Any trainee wishing to transfer to another flight training unit during an integrated course shall apply to the other flight training unit for a formal assessment of the further hours of training required at that flight training unit. The assessment shall be recorded in the applicant’s training record.
- SOR/2006-352, s. 24
Subpart 7 — [Reserved]
Subpart 8 — Conduct of Flight Tests
408.01 (1) Any reference in this Subpart to the flight testing standards is a reference to Standard 428 — Personnel Licensing and Training Standards respecting the Conduct of Flight Tests.
(2) The following definitions apply in this Subpart.
- air flight test item
air flight test item means a flight test item performed using an aeroplane, helicopter or synthetic flight training equipment, including the pre-flight inspection, start-up, run-up, taxiing and emergency procedures. (exercice en vol)
- examiner
examiner means a person designated by the Minister to conduct flight tests for the issuance or renewal of flight crew permits, licences or ratings for an aeroplane or helicopter. (examinateur)
- ground flight test item
ground flight test item means a flight test item performed prior to the pre-flight inspection of the aeroplane or helicopter. (exercice au sol)
- SOR/2011-284, s. 16
408.02 This Subpart applies in respect of the conduct, using an aeroplane, helicopter or synthetic flight training equipment, of flight tests required for the issuance or renewal of a flight crew permit, licence or rating.
- SOR/2011-284, s. 16
Record of Flight Test
408.11 The Minister shall maintain a record of each flight test in accordance with this Subpart and the flight testing standards. The record shall contain the following information:
(a) an assessment of the results of each flight test item;
(b) the overall results; and
(c) whether the candidate passed or failed the flight test.
- SOR/2011-284, s. 16
Prerequisite for Flight Test
408.12 Before conducting a flight test or partial re-test, the examiner shall ensure that they have received the documentation specified in section 1 of Schedules 1 to 18 to the flight testing standards, dated, if applicable, as specified in that section.
- SOR/2011-284, s. 16
Aircraft and Equipment Required for a Flight Test
408.13 The examiner shall ensure that the candidate who takes a flight test provides the aircraft and equipment described in section 2 of Schedules 1 to 18 to the flight testing standards.
- SOR/2011-284, s. 16
Flight Test
408.14 (1) In the case of a flight test conducted in accordance with Schedules 1 to 8 to the flight testing standards, a candidate successfully completes the flight test if
(a) the candidate completes all of the items set out in section 5 of those schedules; and
(b) the candidate receives at least the passing grade for the permit, licence or rating specified in the following table and does not fail any flight test item for any of the reasons set out in subsection 408.18(1).
Permit, Licence or Rating Passing Grade Rating for Passenger-Carrying Ultra-Light Aeroplane 50% Permit for Recreational Pilot — Aeroplane 50% Licence for Private Pilot — Aeroplane 50% Licence for Commercial Pilot — Aeroplane 70% Licence for Private Pilot — Helicopter 50% Licence for Commercial Pilot — Helicopter 70% Multi-Engine Class Rating — Aeroplane 70% Instrument Rating 60% (2) In the case of a flight test conducted in accordance with Schedules 9 to 18 to the flight testing standards, a candidate successfully completes the flight test if
(a) the candidate completes all of the items set out in section 5 of those schedules; and
(b) the candidate successfully completes each item of the flight test and does not fail the test for any of the reasons set out in section 408.19.
- SOR/2011-284, s. 16
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