Canadian Aviation Regulations (SOR/96-433)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2023-06-21. Previous Versions
Part IV — Personnel Licensing and Training (continued)
Subpart 2 — Air Traffic Controller Licences and Ratings (continued)
Division I — General (continued)
Language Proficiency Evaluations
402.09 If the documentation included with an application for an air traffic controller licence that was issued in the form of a booklet label establishes that the holder demonstrated an operational level ability during their language proficiency evaluation, the holder shall, for the purposes of renewing the licence, be evaluated again within the six months preceding the expiry date of the aviation document booklet in which it is affixed.
- SOR/2010-26, s. 6
Division II — Training Records
Training Records
402.16 The manager of an ATC unit shall
(a) maintain, on a form provided by the Minister, a training record for each person undergoing training at the ATC unit for the purpose of obtaining a rating or operational location endorsement in respect of the ATC unit;
(b) enter the licence number of the training officer or supervisor in the training record and certify that any information entered in the record is correct by signing and dating the entry and any amendment thereto;
(c) at the request of any person who is undergoing or has undergone training at the ATC unit, provide a copy of the person’s training record to the person; and
(d) at the request of the Minister, provide the Minister with a copy of the training record of any person who is undergoing or has undergone training at the ATC unit and who holds an air traffic controller licence.
Subpart 3 — Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licences and Ratings
Division I — General
403.01 This Subpart applies to
(a) holders of an aircraft maintenance engineer (AME) licence and applicants for the issuance or renewal of such a licence; and
(b) approved training organizations that provide aircraft maintenance training courses, and persons applying to become approved training organizations.
Requirement to Hold AME Licence
403.02 (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall exercise the privileges of an aircraft maintenance engineer (AME) licence unless the person
(a) holds an AME licence issued pursuant to this Subpart;
(b) exercises the privileges in accordance with the ratings and any limitations endorsed on the licence; and
(c) exercises the privileges in accordance with Part V.
(2) A person who does not meet the conditions specified in subsection (1) may sign a maintenance release if the person holds a restricted certification authority issued pursuant to Part V.
Issuance and Endorsement of AME Licence
403.03 Subject to section 6.71 of the Act, the Minister shall, on receipt of an application submitted in the form and manner specified in Chapter 566 of the Airworthiness Manual, issue an aircraft maintenance engineer (AME) licence to the applicant or endorse the applicant’s AME licence with a rating, where the applicant provides documentation to the Minister that establishes
(a) the applicant’s citizenship; and
(b) that the applicant meets the requirements set out in Chapter 566 of the Airworthiness Manual in respect of
(i) minimum age,
(ii) training,
(iii) knowledge,
(iv) experience, and
(v) skill.
Validity Period of AME Licence
403.04 Subject to section 403.05, an aircraft maintenance engineer (AME) licence is valid for the period specified in the licence.
Recency Requirements
403.05 (1) No holder of an aircraft maintenance engineer (AME) licence shall exercise the privileges of the licence unless
(a) the licence was issued within the preceding 24 months; or
(b) the holder of the licence has, for at least six months within the preceding 24 months,
(i) performed aircraft maintenance,
(ii) supervised the performance of aircraft maintenance,
(iii) supervised in an executive capacity the performance of aircraft maintenance, or
(iv) served as an aviation maintenance instructor or supervised another aviation maintenance instructor in an aircraft maintenance training course provided by an approved training organization.
(2) The holder of an AME licence who is not in compliance with subsection (1) shall regain currency in accordance with the standards set out in Chapter 566 of the Airworthiness Manual prior to exercising the privileges of the licence.
Division II — Approved Training Organizations
Approved Training Organizations
403.08 (1) No person shall provide aircraft maintenance training courses as an approved training organization unless the person holds an approved training organization certificate.
(2) The Minister shall issue an approved training organization certificate to a person who
(a) makes an application for a certificate; and
(b) meets the standards respecting training courses, facilities and instructors that are applicable to the training to be provided, as set out in Chapter 566 of the Airworthiness Manual.
(3) The Minister shall approve a policy manual or a training control manual and any amendments to that manual if the manual and amendments meet the requirements of Standard 566 — Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licensing and Training.
- SOR/2003-154, s. 3
Subpart 4 — Medical Requirements
Division I — General
404.01 (1) In this Subpart, CAME means a Civil Aviation Medical Examiner appointed by the Minister to conduct medical examinations of applicants for the issuance or renewal of medical certificates pursuant to subsection 404.04(1).
(2) Any reference in this Subpart to the personnel licensing standards is a reference to the Personnel Licensing and Training Standards respecting Medical Requirements.
404.02 This Subpart applies to
(a) persons who hold or who apply for the issuance or renewal of a medical certificate for the purpose of exercising the privileges of a permit, licence or rating referred to in section 404.10; and
(b) the physicians referred to in section 404.16.
Division II — Medical Certificate
Requirement to Hold a Medical Certificate
404.03 (1) No person shall exercise or attempt to exercise the privileges of a permit, licence or rating unless the person holds a valid medical certificate of a category that is appropriate for that permit, licence or rating, as specified in section 404.10.
(2) A medical certificate that is issued in the form of a booklet label is not valid unless
(a) the label is affixed in an aviation document booklet;
(b) the booklet number displayed on the label matches the number of the booklet; and
(c) the booklet is signed by the holder.
- SOR/2010-26, s. 7
Issuance, Renewal, Validity Period and Extension of a Medical Certificate
- SOR/2008-140, s. 4
404.04 (1) Subject to subsection (2) and subsection 404.05(1), the Minister shall issue or renew a medical certificate on receipt of an application therefor if
(a) where the applicant is applying for a medical certificate in connection with an application for a student pilot permit-aeroplane, pilot permit — recreational, pilot or student pilot permit — ultra-light aeroplane, a pilot licence — glider or student pilot permit — glider, the applicant has completed and submitted a medical declaration, in accordance with the personnel licensing standards, that attests to the fact that the applicant is medically fit to exercise the privileges of the permit or licence that is applied for; or
(b) in any case not referred to in paragraph (a), it is established, by means of a medical examination conducted by a physician referred to in section 404.16, that the applicant meets the medical fitness requirements specified in the personnel licensing standards.
(1.1) A medical certificate is also renewed if it is signed, dated and stamped in accordance with paragraph 404.18(a).
(2) The Minister
(a) may request an applicant for the issuance or renewal of a medical certificate to undergo, before a specified date, any medical tests or examinations that are necessary to determine whether the applicant meets the medical fitness requirements specified in the personnel licensing standards;
(b) shall not issue or renew a medical certificate until the applicant has undergone all of the tests and examinations requested by the Minister pursuant to paragraph (a); and
(c) may suspend, or refuse to issue or renew, the applicant’s medical certificate if the applicant fails to comply with the request referred to in paragraph (a) before the specified date.
(3) The Minister may
(a) request the holder of a medical certificate to undergo, before a specified date, any medical tests or examinations or provide any additional medical information, as necessary to determine whether the holder continues to meet the medical fitness requirements specified in the personnel licensing standards; and
(b) suspend, or refuse to renew, the holder’s medical certificate if the holder fails to comply with the request referred to in paragraph (a) before the specified date.
(4) A medical certificate is subject to any restrictions or limitations that have been endorsed on the certificate in accordance with subsection 404.05(2).
(5) A medical certificate is valid starting on the day on which the applicant signs the medical declaration submitted for the issuance or renewal of the certificate or on the day on which the medical examination for the issuance or renewal of the certificate is conducted until the earliest of
(a) the end of the validity period set out in the table to subsection (6) for the certificate,
(b) the end of any shorter validity period endorsed on the certificate by the Minister, and
(c) the day on which a new medical certificate is issued to the holder.
(6) Subject to subsection (9), the validity period of a medical certificate for a permit, licence or rating that is set out in column 1 of the table to this subsection is set out in column 2 if the holder of the permit, licence or rating is under 40 years of age and in column 3 if the holder of the permit, licence or rating is 40 years of age or older.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item Permit, licence or rating Under 40 years of age 40 years of age or older 1 Private pilot licence 60 months 24 months 2 Pilot licence — glider 60 months 60 months 3 Pilot licence — balloon 60 months 24 months 4 Pilot permit — recreational 60 months 24 months 5 Pilot permit — gyroplane 60 months 24 months 6 Pilot permit — ultra-light aeroplane 60 months 60 months 7 Flight instructor rating — glider 60 months 60 months 8 Flight instructor rating — ultra-light aeroplane 60 months 60 months 9 Passenger-carrying rating — ultra-light aeroplane 60 months 24 months 10 Flight engineer licence 12 months 12 months 11 Air traffic controller licence 24 months 12 months 12 Student pilot permit 60 months 60 months (6.1) The validity period of a medical certificate for a commercial pilot licence, a multi-crew pilot licence — aeroplane and an airline transport pilot licence, if the holder of the licence is acting as a flight crew member for hire or reward, is 12 months.
(6.2) However, the validity period of a medical certificate referred to in subsection (6.1) is reduced to 6 months if
(a) the holder of the licence is 40 years of age or older and is conducting a single-pilot operation with passengers on board; or
(b) the holder of the licence is 60 years of age or older.
(6.3) The holder of a commercial pilot licence or an airline transport pilot licence may exercise the privileges of a private pilot licence until the end of the applicable validity period for the private pilot licence specified in subsection (6).
(7) The end of the validity period of a medical certificate that is issued or renewed under subsection (1) is calculated from the first day of the month following
(a) the day on which the applicant signs the medical declaration submitted for the issuance or renewal of the certificate; or
(b) the day on which the medical examination for the issuance or renewal of the certificate is conducted.
(8) The end of the validity period of a medical certificate that is renewed in accordance with subsection (1.1) is calculated from
(a) the day on which the preceding validity period ends if the medical examination for the renewal of the certificate is conducted within 90 days before the end of that validity period; or
(b) the first day of the month following the day on which the medical examination for the renewal of the certificate is conducted if the examination is conducted more than 90 days before the end of the preceding validity period.
(9) The Minister shall endorse a shorter validity period on a medical certificate if
(a) a physician referred to in section 404.16 recommends the shorter validity period in their medical report; and
(b) it is warranted by the results of an assessment conducted in accordance with subsection 404.11(1).
(10) Despite subsection (6), the Minister shall extend the validity period of a medical certificate for a period of not more than 60 days beginning on the day on which the certificate would otherwise expire, if
(a) the application for extension of the certificate is made while the certificate is still valid; and
(b) the applicant demonstrates that there has been no reasonable opportunity to undergo a medical examination within the 90 days before the day on which the certificate would otherwise expire.
- SOR/2007-229, s. 2
- SOR/2008-140, s. 5
- SOR/2014-15, s. 15
- SOR/2019-201, s. 1
- Date modified: