Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canadian Aviation Regulations (SOR/96-433)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2023-06-21. Previous Versions

Part IX — Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (continued)

Subpart 1 — Small Remotely Piloted Aircraft (continued)

Division IV — Basic Operations (continued)

Issuance of Pilot Certificate — Small Remotely Piloted Aircraft (VLOS) — Basic Operations

 The Minister shall, on receipt of an application, issue a pilot certificate — small remotely piloted aircraft (VLOS) — basic operations if the applicant demonstrates to the Minister that the applicant

  • (a) is at least 14 years of age; and

  • (b) has successfully completed the examination “Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems — Basic Operations” which is based on the standard entitled Knowledge Requirements for Pilots of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, 250 g up to and including 25 kg, Operating within Visual Line-of-Sight (VLOS), TP 15263, published by the Minister and covers the subjects set out in section 921.01 of Standard 921 — Small Remotely Piloted Aircraft in Visual Line-of-Sight (VLOS).

Recency Requirements
  •  (1) No holder of a pilot certificate — small remotely piloted aircraft (VLOS) — basic operations or of a pilot certificate — small remotely piloted aircraft (VLOS) — advanced operations shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system under this Division unless the holder has, within the 24 months preceding the flight,

    • (a) been issued a pilot certificate — small remotely piloted aircraft (VLOS) — basic operations under section 901.55 or a pilot certificate — small remotely piloted aircraft (VLOS) — advanced operations under section 901.64; or

    • (b) successfully completed

      • (i) either of the examinations referred to in paragraphs 901.55(b) and 901.64(b),

      • (ii) a flight review referred to in paragraph 901.64(c), or

      • (iii) any of the recurrent training activities set out in section 921.04 of Standard 921 — Small Remotely Piloted Aircraft in Visual Line-of-Sight (VLOS).

  • (2) The person referred to in subsection (1) shall keep a record of all activities referred to in paragraph (1)(b), including the dates on which they were completed, for at least 24 months after the day on which they were completed.

Access to Certificate and Proof of Recency

 No pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system under this Division unless both of the following are easily accessible to the pilot during the operation of the system:

  • (a) the pilot certificate — small remotely piloted aircraft (VLOS) — basic operations issued under section 901.55 or the pilot certificate — small remotely piloted aircraft (VLOS) — advanced operations issued under section 901.64; and

  • (b) documentation demonstrating that the pilot meets the recency requirements set out in section 901.56.

Examination Rules

 No person shall, in respect of an examination taken under this Division,

  • (a) copy or remove from any place all or any portion of the text of the examination;

  • (b) give help to or accept help from any person during the examination; or

  • (c) complete all or any portion of the examination on behalf of any other person.

Retaking of an Examination or Flight Review

 A person who fails an examination or a flight review taken under this Division is ineligible to retake the examination or flight review for a period of 24 hours after the examination or review.

[901.60 and 901.61 reserved]

Division V — Advanced Operations


 This Division applies in respect of remotely piloted aircraft systems that include small remotely piloted aircraft and that are intended for operation

  • (a) in controlled airspace, in accordance with paragraph 901.69(1)(a) and sections 901.71 and 901.72;

  • (b) at a distance of less than 100 feet (30 m) but not less than 16.4 feet (5 m) from another person except from a crew member or other person involved in the operation, measured horizontally and at any altitude, in accordance with paragraph 901.69(1)(b);

  • (c) at a distance of less than 16.4 feet (5 m) from another person, measured horizontally and at any altitude, in accordance with paragraph 901.69(1)(c); or

  • (d) within three nautical miles from the centre of an airport, or within one nautical mile from the centre of a heliport, in accordance with section 901.73.

Pilot Requirements
  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system under this Division unless the person

    • (a) is at least 16 years of age; and

    • (b) holds a pilot certificate — small remotely piloted aircraft (VLOS) — advanced operations issued under section 901.64.

  • (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person who is

    • (a) less than 16 years of age if the operation of the remotely piloted aircraft system is conducted under the direct supervision of a person who is 16 years of age or older and who can operate a remotely piloted aircraft system under this Division; or

    • (b) operating a remotely piloted aircraft system as part of a flight review in order to meet the requirement set out in paragraph 901.64(c).

Issuance of Pilot Certificate — Small Remotely Piloted Aircraft (VLOS) — Advanced Operations

 The Minister shall, on receipt of an application, issue a pilot certificate — small remotely piloted aircraft (VLOS) — advanced operations if the applicant demonstrates to the Minister that the applicant

  • (a) is at least 16 years of age;

  • (b) has successfully completed the examination “Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems — Advanced Operations” which is based on the standard entitled Knowledge Requirements for Pilots of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, 250 g up to and including 25 kg, Operating within Visual Line-of-Sight (VLOS), TP 15263, published by the Minister and covers the subjects set out in section 921.02 of Standard 921 — Small Remotely Piloted Aircraft in Visual Line-of-Sight (VLOS); and

  • (c) has, within 12 months before the date of application, successfully completed a flight review in accordance with section 921.02 of Standard 921 — Small Remotely Piloted Aircraft in Visual Line-of-Sight (VLOS) conducted by a person qualified to conduct flight reviews under section 901.82.

Recency Requirements
  •  (1) No holder of a pilot certificate — small remotely piloted aircraft (VLOS) — advanced operations shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system under this Division unless the holder has, within the 24 months preceding the flight,

    • (a) been issued a pilot certificate — small remotely piloted aircraft (VLOS) — advanced operations under section 901.64; or

    • (b) successfully completed

      • (i) either of the examinations referred to in paragraphs 901.55(b) and 901.64(b),

      • (ii) a flight review referred to in paragraph 901.64(c), or

      • (iii) any of the recurrent training activities set out in section 921.04 of Standard 921 — Small Remotely Piloted Aircraft in Visual Line-of-Sight (VLOS).

  • (2) The person referred to in subsection (1) shall keep a record of all activities completed in accordance with paragraph (1)(b), including the dates on which they were completed, for at least 24 months after the day on which they were completed.

Access to Certificate and Proof of Recency

 No pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system under this Division unless both of the following are easily accessible during the operation of the system:

  • (a) the pilot certificate — small remotely piloted aircraft (VLOS) — advanced operations issued under section 901.64; and

  • (b) documentation demonstrating that the pilot meets the recency requirements set out in section 901.65.

Examination Rules

 No person shall commit an act referred to in paragraphs 901.58(a) to (c) in respect of an examination taken under this Division.

Retaking of an Examination or Flight Review

 A person who fails an examination or a flight review taken under this Division is ineligible to retake the examination or flight review for a period of 24 hours after the examination or review.

Manufacturer Declaration — Permitted Operations
  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft system under this Division to conduct any of the following operations unless a declaration under section 901.76 has been made in respect of that model of system and the certificate of registration issued in respect of the aircraft specifies the operations for which the declaration was made:

    • (a) operations in controlled airspace;

    • (b) operations at a distance of less than 100 feet (30 m) but not less than 16.4 feet (5 m) from another person except from a crew member or other person involved in the operation, measured horizontally and at any altitude; or

    • (c) operations at a distance of less than 16.4 feet (5 m) from another person, measured horizontally and at any altitude.

  • (2) A pilot may operate a remotely piloted aircraft system under this Division to conduct the operations referred to in paragraphs (1)(a) and (b) if, before April 1, 2019, the model of system was determined by the Minister to meet the requirements set out in Appendix C - Criteria for a Compliant Small UAV System Design of Staff Instruction (SI) No. 623-001, published by the Minister on November 19, 2014.

Operation of a Modified Remotely Piloted Aircraft System

 If a declaration has been made under section 901.76 in respect of a model of remotely piloted aircraft system for any operation referred to in subsection 901.69(1), no pilot shall conduct any of those operations using a system of that model if the system has been modified in any way, unless

  • (a) the pilot is able to demonstrate to the Minister that, despite the modification, the system continues to meet the technical requirements set out in Standard 922 — RPAS Safety Assurance applicable to the operations referred to in subsection 901.69(1) for which the declaration was made; and

  • (b) if applicable, the modification was performed according to the instructions of the manufacturer of the part or equipment used to modify the system.

Operations in Controlled Airspace
  •  (1) No pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft in controlled airspace under this Division unless the following information is provided to the provider of air traffic services in the area of operation before a proposed operation and an authorization has been issued by that provider:

    • (a) the date, time and duration of the operation;

    • (b) the category, registration number and physical characteristics of the aircraft;

    • (c) the vertical and horizontal boundaries of the area of operation;

    • (d) the route of the flight to access the area of operation;

    • (e) the proximity of the area of operation to manned aircraft approaches and departures and to patterns of traffic formed by manned aircraft;

    • (f) the means by which two-way communications with the appropriate air traffic control unit will be maintained;

    • (g) the name, contact information and pilot certificate number of any pilot of the aircraft;

    • (h) the procedures and flight profiles to be followed in the case of a lost command and control link;

    • (i) the procedures to be followed in emergency situations;

    • (j) the process and the time required to terminate the operation; and

    • (k) any other information required by the provider of air traffic services that is necessary for the provision of air traffic management.

  • (2) Despite section 901.25, a pilot may operate a remotely piloted aircraft in controlled airspace under this Division at an altitude above those referred to in that section if an authorization to that effect has been issued by the provider of air traffic services in the area of operation.


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