Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Energy Efficiency Regulations, 2016 (SOR/2016-311)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2024-12-17. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE 2 / ANNEXE 2(Paragraph 114(a) / alinéa 114a))Explanation for Elements on Room Air Conditioner Energy Efficiency Label / Explication du contenu de l’étiquette indiquant l’efficacité énergétique des climatiseurs individuels

The graphic depicts the form of the bilingual EnerGuide label for a room air conditioner manufactured before June 2014 and provides instructions for the information that must be on the label. Except for the EnerGuide logo, which has white text on a black background, all text on the label is black on a white background. The label displays the following information about the room air conditioner: its energy efficiency ratio, its type and cooling capacity category and its model number. The label also displays a horizontal scale that shows the energy efficiency of the product relative to similar models in the same size and cooling capacity category. From top to bottom, the elements of the label and their associated instructions are the following: The Canada word-mark is at the top of the graphic. The EnerGuide logo is prominently displayed underneath the Canada word-mark. Below, under the heading “Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER)”, the value “A.A” is prominently displayed. The instruction for this value states “Replace “A.A” with energy efficiency ratio of room air conditioner.” Next, the label depicts a gradient scale that gradually changes from black on the left to white on the right. The value “B.B” is displayed at the left endpoint of the scale, immediately above a bolded heading that states “Least energy-efficient”. The instruction for this value states “Replace “B.B” with value of least energy-efficient model within same type and cooling capacity category.” The value “C.C” is displayed at the right endpoint of the scale, immediately above a bolded heading that states, “Most energy-efficient”. The instruction for this value states “Replace “C.C” with value of most energy-efficient model within same type and cooling capacity category.” Immediately above the scale and depicted as an inverted black triangle is the energy efficiency ratio indicator, which is used to mark the relative energy efficiency of the product at issue. The instruction for this indicator states “Position model on energy efficiency ratio scale relative to others within same type and cooling capacity category.” Next below, at the left margin, is the heading “Similar models compared”. The values “DDD” and “EEE”, which are related to this heading, are centered on the graphic. The instruction for those values states “Replace “DDD” with applicable type and replace “EEE” with applicable cooling capacity category, if any.” Next below, at the left margin, is the heading “Model number”. The value “FFF”, which is related to this heading, is centered on the graphic. The instruction for this value states “Replace “FFF” with model number.” Lastly, the graphic provides a reminder that “Removal of this label before first retail purchase is an offence (S.C. 1992, c. 36)”.

SCHEDULE 2 (continued) / ANNEXE 2 (suite)

The graphic depicts the form of the bilingual EnerGuide label for a room air conditioner manufactured before June 2014 and provides the external dimensions of the label and the font types and sizes. The exterior dimensions of the label are 13.49 cm by 14.76 cm. The colour of the label is black and white. The font and size requirements of the elements of the graphic, from top to bottom, are as follows: The EnerGuide logo is in 42.8 pt. Helvetica Black, with -2.5 pt. letter spacing. The heading “Energy Efficiency Ratio” is in 12.5 pt. Helvetica bold. The acronym “EER” is located immediately beside that heading, is boxed and is in 13.5 pt. Helvetica bold, with -2 pt. letter spacing. The value “A.A” is in 82 pt. Helvetica bold, with -2 pt. letter spacing. The words “This model”, which appear next to the energy consumption indicator, are in 8 pt. Helvetica. The values “B.B.” and “C.C.” are in 10 pt. Helvetica. The headings “Least energy-efficient” and “Most energy-efficient” are in 11.5/12 pt. Helvetica bold. The headings “Similar models compared” and “Model number” are in 9.5 pt. Helvetica. The value “DDD” is in 10 pt. Helvetica bold. The value “EEE” is in 9 pt. Helvetica bold italic. The value “FFF” is in 11 pt. Helvetica bold. The offence reminder statement is in 7 pt. Helvetica.

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