Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Energy Efficiency Regulations, 2016 (SOR/2016-311)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2024-12-17. Previous Versions

PART 2Energy-Using Products (continued)

DIVISION 7Lamps and Lamp Ballasts (continued)

SUBDIVISION GMetal Halide Lamp Ballasts

Marginal note:Definitions

 The following definitions apply in this Subdivision.

CSA C863-16

CSA C863-16 means the CSA standard CAN/CSA C863-16 entitled Energy efficiency of high-intensity discharge (HID) and low-pressure sodium (LPS) lamp ballasts. (CSA C863-16)

electronic ballast

electronic ballast means a ballast that is controlled by a transistor, thyristor or other active electronic component and in which impedance is provided by capacitive or inductive reactance. (ballast électronique)

magnetic-regulated lamp ballast

magnetic-regulated lamp ballast means a ballast that operates at a lagging high power factor and that has

  • (a) three coils;

  • (b) isolated secondary windings; and

  • (c) a constant-voltage regulator that, in conjunction with capacitive reactance, provides power factor correction and lamp wattage regulation. (ballast à régulation magnétique)

metal halide lamp ballast

metal halide lamp ballast means a device that is used to obtain the voltage, current and waveform necessary for starting and operating a metal halide lamp that has a nominal power of at least 50 W but not more than 1 000 W. It does not include any of the following:

  • (a) a magnetic-regulated lamp ballast;

  • (b) a replacement metal halide lamp ballast; or

  • (c) an electronic ballast that is designed for a nominal voltage of 480 V or to operate a lamp at an output frequency of 1000 Hz or more. (ballast pour lampes aux halogénures métalliques)

replacement metal halide lamp ballast

replacement metal halide lamp ballast means a ballast that is marketed for use as replacement ballast for a metal halide luminaire installation and that is sold in a package of 10 or fewer. (ballast pour lampes aux halogénures métalliques de remplacement)

10 C.F.R. §431.324

10 C.F.R. §431.324 means section 431.324 of Subpart S, Part 431 of Title 10 to the United States Code of Federal Regulations, as amended from time to time. (10 C.F.R. §431.324)

Marginal note:Energy-using product

  •  (1) A metal halide lamp ballast is prescribed as an energy-using product.

  • Marginal note:Limit

    (2) However, for the purposes of sections 4, 5 and 455, a metal halide lamp ballast is not considered to be an energy-using product if

    • (a) it was manufactured before February 10, 2017; or

    • (b) it is manufactured before December 31, 2019 and is capable of using a nominal voltage of 347 V.

Marginal note:Energy efficiency standards

  •  (1) The energy efficiency standards set out in Table 3 of CSA C863-16 apply to metal halide lamp ballasts.

  • Marginal note:Testing standard

    (2) A metal halide lamp ballast complies with the energy efficiency standard if it meets that standard when tested in accordance with testing procedures established by CSA C863-16 or 10 C.F.R. §431.324 that are applicable to a metal halide lamp ballast as defined in section 453.

Marginal note:Information

 For the purpose of subsection 5(1) of the Act, the following information must be collected in accordance with CSA C863-16 and provided to the Minister in respect of a metal halide lamp ballast:

  • (a) its type;

  • (b) the efficiency of the lamp and ballast combination, expressed as a percentage;

  • (c) its nominal voltage;

  • (d) its input power, in watts;

  • (e) the power, in watts, of the lamps that the ballast is designed to operate; and

  • (f) its power factor.

[457 to 505 reserved]

DIVISION 8Lighting Fixtures


Marginal note:Definitions

 The following definitions apply in this Division.

CSA C22.2 No. 250.0

CSA C22.2 No. 250.0 means the CSA standard C22.2 No. 250.0-08 entitled Luminaires. (CSA C22.2 No. 250.0)


ITE VTCSH[Repealed, SOR/2018-201, s. 52]


pin-based means, with respect to a socket of a ceiling fan or ceiling fan light kit, one that is designed to hold a fluorescent lamp that is not integrally ballasted and that has a plug-in lamp base. It does not include a GU-24 socket. (à broche)


Marginal note:Definitions

 The following definitions apply in this Subdivision.

CSA C22.2 No. 250.4

CSA C22.2 No. 250.4 means the CSA standard C22.2 No. 250.4-14 entitled Portable luminaires. (CSA C22.2 No. 250.4)


torchiere means a portable luminaire that has a reflector bowl or similar-shaped reflector that directs light in a predominantly upward direction for the purpose of providing indirect lighting and that may be equipped with one or more additional sockets intended for other lighting functions. (torchère)

Marginal note:Energy-using product

  •  (1) A torchiere is prescribed as an energy-using product.

  • Marginal note:Limit

    (2) However, for the purposes of sections 4, 5 and 509, a torchiere is not considered to be an energy-using product unless it is manufactured on or after January 1, 2007.

Marginal note:Energy efficiency standards

  •  (1) The energy efficiency standards set out in column 2 of the table to this section apply to torchieres described in column 1 that are manufactured during the periods set out in column 3.

  • Marginal note:Testing standard

    (2) A torchiere complies with the energy efficiency standard if it meets that standard when tested in accordance with testing procedures established by CSA C22.2 No. 250.4 that are applicable to a torchiere as defined in section 507.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemEnergy-using ProductEnergy Efficiency StandardPeriod of Manufacture
    1Torchieres that have no additional socketsTotal power ≤ 190 WOn or after January 1, 2007 and before January 1, 2010
    2Torchieres that have no additional socketsTotal power ≤ 75 WOn or after January 1, 2010
    3Torchieres that have one or more additional socketsTotal power ≤ 230 WOn or after January 1, 2007 and before January 1, 2010
    4Torchieres that have one or more additional socketsTotal power ≤ 100 WOn or after January 1, 2010

Marginal note:Information

 For the purpose of subsection 5(1) of the Act, the following information must be collected in accordance with CSA C22.2 No. 250.4 and provided to the Minister in respect of a torchiere:

  • (a) information that indicates whether the product has lighting functions additional to those of the bowl; and

  • (b) the total power, expressed in watts, for all lighting functions.

SUBDIVISION B[Repealed, SOR/2018-201, s. 53]

 [Repealed, SOR/2018-201, s. 53]

 [Repealed, SOR/2018-201, s. 53]

 [Repealed, SOR/2018-201, s. 53]

 [Repealed, SOR/2018-201, s. 53]

SUBDIVISION CCeiling Fan Light Kits

Marginal note:Definitions

 The following definitions apply in this Subdivision.

ceiling fan light kit

ceiling fan light kit means equipment that is designed to provide light from a ceiling fan and that is

  • (a) integral to the fan before its retail sale; or

  • (b) attachable to the fan after its retail sale. (ensemble d’éclairage pour ventilateurs de plafond)

integrated solid-state lighting circuitry

integrated solid-state lighting circuitry[Repealed, SOR/2024-54, s. 1]

non-consumer-replaceable solid-state lighting

non-consumer-replaceable solid-state lighting means the lighting system in a ceiling fan light kit for which the solid-state lighting light source and all components necessary for the starting and stable operation of the light source – that is, the driver, heat sink, intermediate circuitry – cannot be replaced by the consumer without permanently altering the ceiling fan light kit. Furthermore, if the lighting system fails, the entire ceiling fan light kit must be replaced. (éclairage à semi-conducteurs non remplaçable par le consommateur)

10 C.F.R. §430.23(x)(1)

10 C.F.R. §430.23(x)(1) means paragraph 430.23(x)(1) of Subpart B, Part 430 of Title 10 to the United States Code of Federal Regulations, as amended from time to time. (10 C.F.R. §430.23(x)(1))

10 C.F.R. §430.32(s)(6)

10 C.F.R. §430.32(s)(6) means the table to paragraph 430.32(s)(6) of Subpart C, Part 430 of Title 10 to the United States Code of Federal Regulations, as amended from time to time. (10 C.F.R. §430.32(s)(6))

Marginal note:Energy-using product

  •  (1) A ceiling fan light kit is prescribed as an energy-using product.

  • Marginal note:Limits

    (2) However, a ceiling fan light kit is not considered to be an energy-using product

    • (a) for the purposes of sections 4 and 5, if it was manufactured before January 1, 2010; and

    • (b) for the purpose of section 517,

      • (i) if it was manufactured before January 1, 2010,

      • (ii) if it is manufactured on or after January 1, 2010 and before January 7, 2019, it has a total power less than or equal to 10 W or only pin-based sockets, or

      • (iii) if it is manufactured on or after January 7, 2019, it has at least one socket, has maximum wattage markings on each socket that together indicate that the combined total power for the lighting is less than or equal to 70 W and does not have non-consumer-replaceable solid-state lighting.

Marginal note:Energy efficiency standards

  •  (1) The energy efficiency standards set out in column 3 of the table to this section apply to ceiling fan light kits described in column 1 that are manufactured during the periods set out in column 4.

  • Marginal note:Testing standard

    (2) A ceiling fan light kit complies with the energy efficiency standard if it meets that standard when tested in accordance with testing procedures established by the standard set out in column 2 that are applicable to a ceiling fan light kit as defined in section 515.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
    ItemEnergy-using ProductTesting StandardEnergy Efficiency StandardPeriod of Manufacture
    1Ceiling fan light kitsCSA C22.2 No. 250.0Total power for lighting ≤ 190 WOn or after January 1, 2010 and before January 7, 2019
    2Ceiling fan light kits that have at least one socket, that are not packaged with a lamp for each socket and that do not have non-consumer-replaceable solid-state lightingCSA C22.2 No. 250.0Total power for lighting ≤ 70 WOn or after January 7, 2019
    3Ceiling fan light kits that have at least one socket, that are packaged with a lamp for each socket and that do not have non-consumer-replaceable solid-state lighting10 C.F.R. §430.23(x)(1)Lighting efficacy ≥ minimum required efficacy in 10 C.F.R. §430.32(s)(6)On or after January 7, 2019
    4Ceiling fan light kits that have non-consumer-replaceable solid-state lighting10 C.F.R. §430.23(x)(1)Lighting efficacy ≥ minimum required efficacy in 10 C.F.R. §430.32(s)(6)On or after January 7, 2019

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