Energy Efficiency Regulations, 2016 (SOR/2016-311)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2024-12-17. Previous Versions
PART 2Energy-Using Products (continued)
DIVISION 2Air Conditioners, Condensing Units and Chillers (continued)
SUBDIVISION GLarge Condensing Units (continued)
Marginal note:Information
139 For the purpose of subsection 5(1) of the Act, the following information must be collected in accordance with CSA C746-98 and provided to the Minister in respect of a large condensing unit:
(a) its classification as set out in Column II of Table 1 of CSA C746-98;
(b) its cooling capacity, expressed in kilowatts (British thermal units per hour); and
(c) its energy efficiency ratio.
Marginal note:Definitions
140 The following definitions apply in this Subdivision.
- ASHRAE 90.1-16
ASHRAE 90.1-16 means ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016, entitled Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings. (ASHRAE 90.1-16)
- chiller
chiller means a machine, with or without an integral refrigerant condenser, that is designed to use a refrigerant cycle to remove heat from a liquid and to reject the heat to a cooling medium. (refroidisseur)
- CSA C743-02
CSA C743-02 means the CSA standard CAN/CSA-C743-02 entitled Performance Standard for Rating Packaged Water Chillers. (CSA C743-02)
- CSA C743-09
CSA C743-09 means the CSA standard CAN/CSA-C743-09 entitled Performance Standard for Rating Packaged Water Chillers. (CSA C743-09)
Marginal note:Energy-using product
141 (1) A chiller is prescribed as an energy-using product.
Marginal note:Limit
(2) However, for the purposes of sections 4, 5 and 142, a chiller is not considered to be an energy-using product unless it has an integral refrigerant condenser and is manufactured on or after October 28, 2004.
Marginal note:Energy efficiency standards
142 (1) The energy efficiency standards set out in column 2 of the table to this section apply to chillers that are manufactured during the periods set out in column 3.
Marginal note:Testing standard
(2) A chiller complies with the energy efficiency standard if it meets that standard when tested in accordance with testing procedures established by the standard set out in column 1 that are applicable to a chiller as defined in section 140.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item Testing Standard Energy Efficiency Standard Period of Manufacture 1 CSA C743-02 CSA C743-02, Tables 9 to 15 On or after October 28, 2004 and before January 1, 2017 2 CSA C743-09 Product’s coefficient of performance and integrated part-load value must meet those applicable to the product in CSA C743-09, Path A or Path B, Table 10 On or after January 1, 2017 and before December 31, 2019 3 ASHRAE 90.1-16, table 6.8.1-3, column 6 Product’s coefficient of performance and integrated part-load value must meet those applicable to the product in ASHRAE 90.1-16, Path A or Path B, Table 6.8.1-3 On or after December 31, 2019
Marginal note:Information
143 For the purpose of subsection 5(1) of the Act, the information set out in column 3 of the table to this section must be collected in accordance with the standard set out in column 2 and provided to the Minister in respect of a chiller described in column 1.
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
Energy-using Product | Testing Standard | Information | |
1 | Chillers manufactured on or after October 28, 2004 and before January 1, 2017 | CSA C743-02 |
2 | Chillers manufactured on or after January 1, 2017 and before December 31, 2019 | CSA C743-09 |
3 | Chillers manufactured on or after December 31, 2019 | ASHRAE 90.1-16, Table 6.8.1-3, column 6 |
SUBDIVISION IPortable Air Conditioners
Marginal note:Definitions
144 The following definitions apply in this Subdivision.
- 10 C.F.R. Appendix CC
10 C.F.R. Appendix CC means Appendix CC to Subpart B, Part 430 of Title 10 to the United States Code of Federal Regulations, entitled Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Portable Air Conditioners, as amended from time to time. (appendice CC 10 C.F.R.)
- dual-duct portable air conditioner
dual-duct portable air conditioner means a portable air conditioner that draws some or all of the condenser inlet air from outside the conditioned space through a duct attached to an adjustable window bracket and discharges the condenser outlet air outside the conditioned space by means of a separate duct attached to an adjustable window bracket. (climatiseur portative à deux conduits)
- portable air conditioner
portable air conditioner means a single package air conditioner, other than a packaged terminal air conditioner, room air conditioner or dehumidifier, with or without mounted wheels, that is portable and that
(a) is designed to deliver cooled and conditioned air to an enclosed space;
(b) is powered by single-phase electric current; and
(c) has a cooling capacity of less than 19 kW (65,000 Btu/h). (climatiseur portatif)
- single-duct portable air conditioner
single-duct portable air conditioner means a portable air conditioner that draws all of the condenser inlet air from the conditioned space without the means of a duct and discharges the condenser outlet air outside the conditioned space through a single duct attached to an adjustable window bracket. (climatiseur portatif à un conduit unique)
Marginal note:Energy-using product
145 (1) A portable air conditioner is prescribed as an energy-using product.
Marginal note:Limit
(2) However, for the purposes of sections 4 and 5, a portable air conditioner is not considered to be an energy-using product unless it is manufactured on or after July 1, 2020.
Marginal note:Information
146 (1) For the purpose of subsection 5(1) of the Act, the following information must be collected in accordance with 10 C.F.R. Appendix CC and provided to the Minister in respect of a portable air conditioner:
(a) its seasonally adjusted cooling capacity;
(b) its combined energy efficiency ratio; and
(c) whether it is a single-duct portable air conditioner or a dual-duct portable air conditioner.
Marginal note:Additional information
(2) For a product with multiple duct configuration options, the information required by paragraphs 1(a) and (b) must be provided for both applicable duct configurations.
[147 to 185 reserved]
DIVISION 3Heat Pumps
Marginal note:Definitions
186 The following definitions apply in this Division.
- CSA C656-05
CSA C656-05 means the CSA standard CAN/CSA-C656-05 entitled Performance Standard for Split-System and Single-Package Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps. (CSA C656-05)
- CSA C656-14
CSA C656-14 means the CSA standard CAN/CSA-C656-14 entitled Performance Standard for Split-System and Single-Package Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps. (CSA C656-14)
- CSA C746-06
CSA C746-06 means the CSA standard CAN/CSA-C746-06 entitled Performance Standard for Rating Large and Single Packaged Vertical Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps. (CSA C746-06)
- CSA C13256-1
CSA C13256-1 means the CSA standard CAN/CSA-C13256-1-01 entitled Water-Source Heat Pumps — Testing and Rating for Performance — Part 1: Water-to-Air and Brine-to-Air Heat Pumps. (CSA C13256-1)
- small-duct and high-velocity
small-duct and high-velocity means, with respect to a split system central heat pump or a single package central heat pump, one that has an indoor blower and coil combination that
(a) produces at least 300 Pa (1.2 inches of water) external static pressure when operated at an air volume rate of 104 to 165 L/s (220 to 350 cubic feet/minute) per nominal ton of cooling; and
(b) uses room outlets that produce velocities greater than 5 m/s (1,000 feet/minute) and that each have an area less than 39 cm2 (6 square inches). (à grand débit et à petits conduits)
- space-constrained
space-constrained, with respect to a single package central heat pump or a split system central heat pump, means one that
(a) has a cooling capacity that is less than or equal to 8.79 kW (30,000 Btu/h); and
(b) has an outdoor or indoor unit that has an overall displacement or at least two overall exterior dimensions that
(i) are substantially smaller than those of other units of a similar cooling capacity that are usually installed in single family homes, and
(ii) if increased, would result in a considerable increase in the usual cost of installation or in a significant loss in the utility of the product to the consumer. (à espace restreint)
- 10 C.F.R. Appendix M
10 C.F.R. Appendix M means Appendix M to Subpart B, Part 430 of Title 10 to the United States Code of Federal Regulations, entitled Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps, as amended from time to time. (appendice M 10 C.F.R.)
- 10 C.F.R. Appendix M1
10 C.F.R. Appendix M1 means Appendix M1 to Subpart B, Part 430 of Title 10 to the United States Code of Federal Regulations, entitled Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps, as amended from time to time. (appendice M1 10 C.F.R.)
Marginal note:Type
186.1 For the purposes of these Regulations, a central heat pump manufactured on or after January 1, 2023 is one of the following types:
(a) single package, other than space-constrained;
(b) space-constrained single package;
(c) split system, other than space-constrained or small-duct and high-velocity;
(d) small-duct and high-velocity split-system; or
(e) space-constrained split-system.
SUBDIVISION AGround-Source Heat Pumps
Marginal note:Definitions
187 The following definitions apply in this Subdivision.
- CSA C446-94
CSA C446-94 means the CSA standard CAN/CSA-C446-94 entitled Performance of Ground-Source Heat Pumps. (CSA C446-94)
- ground-source heat pump
ground-source heat pump means a single package or split-system heat pump that is factory-built, has a cooling or heating capacity of less than 40 kW (135,000 Btu/h) and is intended for application in an open- or closed-loop ground-source system. (thermopompe géothermique)
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