Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Energy Efficiency Regulations, 2016 (SOR/2016-311)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2024-12-17. Previous Versions

PART 2Energy-Using Products (continued)

DIVISION 7Lamps and Lamp Ballasts (continued)

SUBDIVISION CModified Spectrum Incandescent Lamps (continued)

Marginal note:Energy-using product

  •  (1) A modified spectrum incandescent lamp is prescribed as an energy-using product.

  • Marginal note:Limits

    (2) However, a modified spectrum incandescent lamp is not considered to be an energy-using product

    • (a) for the purposes of sections 4 and 439,

      • (i) if it is a rough service lamp, a vibration service lamp, a shatter-resistant lamp or a lamp with an E26d screw base,

      • (ii) if it has a luminous flux of at least 788 lm and was manufactured before January 1, 2014, or

      • (iii) if it has a luminous flux of less than 788 lm and was manufactured before December 31, 2014; and

    • (b) for the purposes of sections 5 and 425 to 429, if it was manufactured before September 1, 2008.

Marginal note:Energy efficiency standards

  •  (1) The energy efficiency standards set out in column 2 of the table to this section apply to modified spectrum incandescent lamps described in column 1 that are manufactured during the periods set out in column 3.

  • Marginal note:Testing standard

    (2) A modified spectrum incandescent lamp complies with the energy efficiency standard if it meets that standard when tested in accordance with testing procedures that are applicable to a modified spectrum incandescent lamp as defined in section 437 and set out in the following standards:

    • (a) IES LM45 for the nominal power;

    • (b) IES LM49 for the life of the product; and

    • (c) CIE 13.3 for the colour rendering index.

  • Marginal note:Adjusted testing procedure

    (3) The testing referred to in subsection (2) must, despite any provision to the contrary in the identified standard, be conducted with the lamp operating at 120 V regardless of its nominal voltage.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemEnergy-using ProductEnergy Efficiency StandardPeriod of Manufacture
    1Modified spectrum incandescent lamps that have a luminous flux of < 563 lm

    Nominal power ≤ 29 W

    Life ≥ 1 000 hours

    Colour rendering index ≥ 75

    On or after December 31, 2014
    2Modified spectrum incandescent lamps that have a luminous flux of ≥ 563 lm and < 788 lm

    Nominal power ≤ 43 W

    Life ≥ 1 000 hours

    Colour rendering index ≥ 75

    On or after December 31, 2014
    3Modified spectrum incandescent lamps that have a luminous flux of ≥ 788 lm and < 1 118 lm

    Nominal power ≤ 53 W

    Life ≥ 1 000 hours

    Colour rendering index ≥ 75

    On or after January 1, 2014
    4Modified spectrum incandescent lamps that have a luminous flux of ≥ 1 118 lm

    Nominal power ≤ 72 W

    Life ≥ 1 000 hours

    Colour rendering index ≥ 75

    On or after January 1, 2014

Marginal note:Information

 For the purpose of subsection 5(1) of the Act, the following information must be provided to the Minister in respect of a modified spectrum incandescent lamp:

  • (a) a description of the lamp, collected in accordance with ANSI C78.79;

  • (b) its colour rendering index, collected in accordance with CIE 13.3;

  • (c) its correlated colour temperature, collected in accordance with CIE 15;

  • (d) the following information collected in accordance with IES LM45, with the testing procedure adjusted in accordance with subsection 439(3), namely,

    • (i) its nominal power, expressed in watts, or if it is a three-way lamp, its nominal power, expressed in watts, at each operating level, and

    • (ii) its luminous flux, expressed in lumens, or if it is a three-way lamp, its luminous flux, expressed in lumens, at each operating level; and

  • (e) its life, expressed in hours, collected in accordance with IES LM49, with the testing procedure adjusted in accordance with subsection 439(3).

SUBDIVISION DGeneral Service Incandescent Reflector Lamps

Marginal note:Definitions

 The following definitions apply in this Subdivision.

CSA C862-01

CSA C862-01 means the CSA standard CAN/CSA-C862-01 entitled Performance of Incandescent Reflector Lamps. (CSA C862-01)

CSA C862-09

CSA C862-09 means the CSA standard CAN/CSA-C862-09 entitled Performance of Incandescent Reflector Lamps. (CSA C862-09)

CSA C862-12

CSA C862-12 means the CSA standard CAN/CSA-C862-12 entitled Performance of incandescent reflector lamps. (CSA C862-12)

general service incandescent reflector lamp

general service incandescent reflector lamp means an incandescent reflector lamp that has a bulb shape described in ANSI C78.79 or a bulb shape similar to that shape, and that has an E26/24 single contact or E26/50×39 skirted medium screw base, a nominal voltage of at least 100 V but not more than 130 V or a nominal voltage range that lies at least partially between those voltages, a diameter of more than 57 mm and a nominal power of at least 40 W but not more than 205 W. It does not include any of the following:

  • (a) a coloured lamp;

  • (b) a rough service lamp;

  • (c) a vibration service lamp;

  • (d) a BR30 or BR40 lamp that has a nominal power of 50 W or less or of 65 W;

  • (e) an R20 lamp that

    • (i) has a nominal power of 45 W or less, or

    • (ii) has a nominal power of 100 W and a nominal overall length of not more than 92 mm (3.625 inches) and is designed and marketed for pool and spa applications; or

  • (f) a modified spectrum lamp that

    • (i) is an ER30 or ER40 lamp, that has a nominal power of 50 W or less,

    • (ii) is an ER40 lamp that has a nominal power of 65 W, or

    • (iii) was manufactured before July 15, 2012. (lampe-réflecteur à incandescence standard)

Marginal note:Energy-using product

  •  (1) A general service incandescent reflector lamp is prescribed as an energy-using product.

  • Marginal note:Limits

    (2) However, a general service incandescent reflector lamp is not considered to be an energy-using product

    • (a) for the purpose of section 4, if it was manufactured before December 31, 1996; and

    • (b) for the purposes of sections 425 to 429, if it was manufactured before September 1, 2008.

Marginal note:Energy efficiency standards

  •  (1) The energy efficiency standards set out in column 2 of the table to this section apply to general service incandescent reflector lamps described in column 1 that are manufactured during the periods set out in column 3.

  • Marginal note:Testing standard

    (2) A general service incandescent reflector lamp complies with the energy efficiency standard if it meets that standard when tested in accordance with testing procedures established by CSA C862-12 that are applicable to a general service incandescent reflector lamp as defined in section 441.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemEnergy-using ProductEnergy Efficiency StandardPeriod of Manufacture
    1General service incandescent reflector lampsCSA C862-01, Tables 1 and 2Before June 1, 2009
    2General service incandescent reflector lamps that are ER30 or ER40 lamps with a nominal power of 50 W7.0 lm/WOn or after June 1, 2009
    3General service incandescent reflector lamps that are ER30 or ER40 lamps with a nominal power of < 50 W10.5 lm/WOn or after June 1, 2009
    4General service incandescent reflector lamps that are ER40 lamps with a nominal power of 65 W12.5 lm/WOn or after June 1, 2009
    5General service incandescent reflector lamps, other than ER30 or ER40 lamps with a nominal power of ≤ 50 W and ER40 lamps with a nominal power of 65 WCSA C862-09, Table 1On or after June 1, 2009 and before July 15, 2012
    6General service incandescent reflector lamps, other than ER30 or ER40 lamps with a nominal power of ≤ 50 W and ER40 lamps with a nominal power of 65 WCSA C862-12, Table 1On or after July 15, 2012

Marginal note:Information

 For the purpose of subsection 5(1) of the Act, the information set out in column 3 of the table to this section must be collected in accordance with the standard set out in column 2 and provided to the Minister in respect of a general service incandescent reflector lamp described in column 1.


Column 1Column 2Column 3
ItemEnergy-using ProductTesting StandardInformation
1General service incandescent reflector lamps manufactured before June 1, 2009CSA C862-12
  • (a) description;

  • (b) nominal power, in W;

  • (c) average lamp efficacy;

  • (d) life, in hours; and

  • (e) luminous flux.

2General service incandescent reflector lamps manufactured on or after June 1, 2009

CSA C862-12 for information set out in paragraphs (a) to (g)

CIE 15 for correlated colour temperature in paragraph (h)

  • (a) description;

  • (b) nominal power, in W;

  • (c) average lamp efficacy at nominal voltage and at 120 V;

  • (d) life, in hours;

  • (e) nominal voltage or voltage range;

  • (f) luminous flux, rounded to nearest tenth, at nominal voltage and at 120 V;

  • (g) diameter;

  • (h) correlated colour temperature; and

  • (i) if applicable, identification of lamp as a modified spectrum lamp.

SUBDIVISION EGeneral Service Fluorescent Lamps

Marginal note:Definitions

 The following definitions apply in this Subdivision.

10 C.F.R. Appendix R

10 C.F.R. Appendix R means Appendix R to Subpart B, Part 430 of Title 10 to the United States Code of Federal Regulations, entitled Uniform Test Method for Measuring Average Lamp Efficacy (LE), Color Rendering Index (CRI), and Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) of Electric Lamps, as amended from time to time. (appendice R 10 C.F.R.)

10 C.F.R. §430.32(n)(4)

10 C.F.R. §430.32(n)(4) means the table to paragraph 430.32(n)(4) of Subpart C, Part 430 of Title 10 to the United States Code of Federal Regulations, as amended from time to time. (10 C.F.R. §430.32(n)(4))

ANSI C78.81

ANSI C78.81 means the ANSI standard ANSI C78.81-2010 entitled American National Standard for Electric Lamps Double-Capped Fluorescent Lamps — Dimensional and Electrical Characteristics. (ANSI C78.81)

ANSI C78.901

ANSI C78.901 means the ANSI standard ANSI C78.901-2005 entitled American National Standard for Electric Lamps Single — Based Fluorescent Lamps — Dimensional and Electrical Characteristics. (ANSI C78.901)

CSA C819-11

CSA C819-11 means the CSA standard CAN/CSA-C819-11 entitled Performance of general service fluorescent lamps. (CSA C819-11)

CSA C819-16

CSA C819-16 means the CSA standard CAN/CSA-C819-16 entitled Performance of General Service Fluorescent Lamps. (CSA C819-16)

CSA C819-95

CSA C819-95[Repealed, SOR/2018-201, s. 44]

cold temperature fluorescent lamp

cold temperature fluorescent lamp means a fluorescent lamp that is marketed for outdoor or cold temperature use and that is designed to start at temperatures as low as –29°C (–20°F) when used with a ballast that conforms to the requirements of ANSI C78.81 and ANSI C78.901. (lampe fluorescente pour basses températures)

coloured fluorescent lamp

coloured fluorescent lamp means a fluorescent lamp that has

  • (a) a colour rendering index of less than 40, as determined in accordance with CIE 13.3; or

  • (b) a correlated colour temperature of less than 2 500 K or more than 7 000 K, as determined in accordance with the IES standard IES LM-9-09 entitled IES Approved Method for the Electrical and Photometric Measurement of Fluorescent Lamps. (lampe fluorescente colorée)

general service fluorescent lamp

general service fluorescent lamp means a fluorescent lamp that

  • (a) is straight-shaped and has a nominal overall length of 1 200 mm (48 inches), a medium bi-pin base and a nominal power of at least 25 W;

  • (b) is U-shaped and has a nominal overall length of at least 560 mm (22 inches) but not more than 635 mm (25 inches), a medium bi-pin base and a nominal power of at least 25 W;

  • (c) is rapid-start and straight-shaped and has a nominal overall length of 2 400 mm (96 inches) and a recessed double-contact base;

  • (d) is instant-start and straight-shaped and has a nominal overall length of 2 400 mm (96 inches), a single-pin base and a nominal power of at least 49 W;

  • (e) is straight-shaped and standard output and has a nominal overall length of at least 1 125 mm (45 inches) but not more than 1 200 mm (48 inches), a miniature bi-pin base and a nominal power of at least 25 W;

  • (f) is straight-shaped and high output with a nominal overall length of at least 1 125 mm (45 inches) but not more than 1 200 mm (48 inches), a miniature bi-pin base and a nominal power of at least 44 W; or

  • (g) is a physical and electrical equivalent of a lamp described in any of paragraphs (a) to (f).

It does not include any of the following:

  • (h) a fluorescent lamp that is marketed as a plant lamp;

  • (i) a cold temperature fluorescent lamp;

  • (j) a coloured fluorescent lamp;

  • (k) a fluorescent lamp that is designed to be impact-resistant;

  • (l) a reflectorized or aperture fluorescent lamp;

  • (m) a fluorescent lamp that is designed for use in reprographic equipment;

  • (n) a fluorescent lamp that is primarily designed to produce ultraviolet radiation; or

  • (o) a fluorescent lamp that has a colour rendering index of at least 87. (lampe fluorescente standard)


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