Energy Efficiency Regulations, 2016 (SOR/2016-311)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2024-12-17. Previous Versions
PART 2Energy-Using Products (continued)
DIVISION 4Furnaces, Fireplaces, Unit Heaters and Recovery Ventilators (continued)
- SOR/2019-164, s. 1
SUBDIVISION CGas Fireplaces (continued)
Marginal note:Information
267 (1) For the purpose of subsection 5(1) of the Act, the following information must be provided to the Minister in respect of a gas fireplace:
(a) the type of fuel it uses;
(b) its maximum and minimum input rates, expressed in kilowatts (British thermal units per hour);
(c) the fireplace efficiency;
(d) information that indicates whether it is freestanding, zero-clearance or an insert;
(e) the type of ignition system it uses;
(f) the venting configuration the product has, namely, natural venting, direct venting or powered venting;
(g) information that indicates whether the product is a decorative gas fireplace or a heating gas fireplace; and
(h) if the product is a decorative gas fireplace that is manufactured on or after January 1, 2020, information that indicates whether it is intended for use as a replacement unit.
Marginal note:Standard
(2) The information must be collected in accordance with
(a) CSA P.4.1, if the product was manufactured on or after June 1, 2003 and before January 1, 2017; or
(b) CSA P.4.1-15, if the product is manufactured on or after January 1, 2017.
SUBDIVISION DGas-Fired Unit Heaters
Marginal note:Definitions
268 The following definitions apply in this Subdivision.
- CSA P.11
CSA P.11 means the CSA standard CAN/CSA-P.11-07 entitled Testing Method for Measuring Efficiency and Energy Consumption of Gas-fired Unit Heaters. (CSA P.11)
- gas-fired unit heater
gas-fired unit heater means a self-contained, automatically controlled, vented, gas-burning appliance that distributes warmed air without the use of ducts and that has an input rate of not more than 2 931 kW (10,000,000 Btu/h). (aérotherme à gaz)
Marginal note:Energy-using product
269 (1) A gas-fired unit heater is prescribed as an energy-using product.
Marginal note:Limit
(2) However, for the purposes of sections 4, 5 and 270, a gas-fired unit-heater is not considered to be an energy-using product unless it is manufactured on or after August 8, 2008.
Marginal note:Energy efficiency standards
270 (1) The following energy efficiency standards apply to a gas-fired unit heater:
(a) its thermal efficiency must be at least 80% at the maximum heat input nominal capacity; and
(b) it must be equipped with an intermittent ignition device and
(i) a power-vented system,
(ii) an automatic vent damper, or
(iii) an automatic flue damper.
Marginal note:Testing standard
(2) A gas-fired unit heater complies with the energy efficiency standard if it meets that standard when tested in accordance with testing procedures established by CSA P.11 that are applicable to a gas-fired unit heater as defined in section 268.
Marginal note:Information
271 For the purpose of subsection 5(1) of the Act, the following information must be collected in accordance with CSA P.11 and provided to the Minister in respect of a gas-fired unit heater:
(a) the type of fuel it uses;
(b) the type of ignition system it has;
(c) the venting configuration it has, namely, a power-vented system, an automatic vent damper or an automatic flue damper;
(d) its maximum heat input and output nominal capacities, expressed in kilowatts;
(e) its thermal efficiency when at the maximum heat input nominal capacity;
(f) its electricity consumption, expressed in kilowatt hours, when at the maximum nominal heat input capacity; and
(g) if it is a modulating or staged control gas-fired unit heater,
(i) its reduced heat input and output nominal capacities, expressed in kilowatts, and
(ii) its electricity consumption, expressed in kilowatt hours, when at reduced heat input nominal capacity.
SUBDIVISION EElectric Furnaces
Marginal note:Definition of electric furnace
272 In this Subdivision, electric furnace means an automatic operating central forced air furnace that uses single-phase electric current to heat one or more electrical resistance heating elements and has an input rate of not more than 65.92 kW (225,000 Btu/h). It does not include an electric furnace that
(a) produces at least 300 Pa (1.2 inches of water) external static pressure when operated at an air volume rate of 104 to 165 L/s (220 to 350 ft3/min) per nominal ton of cooling in the highest default cooling airflow-control setting; and
(b) uses room outlets that produce velocities greater than 5 m/s (1,000 ft/min) and each have an area less than 39 cm2 (6 square inches).
Marginal note:Energy-using product
273 (1) An electric furnace is prescribed as an energy-using product.
Marginal note:Limit
(2) However, for the purposes of sections 4, 5 and 274, an electric furnace is not considered to be an energy-using product unless it is manufactured on or after July 3, 2019.
Marginal note:Energy efficiency standard
274 (1) The energy efficiency standard that applies to an electric furnace is that its FER must be less than or equal to the FER for product class “Non-Weatherized, Electric Furnace/Modular Blower Fan”, set out in 10 C.F.R. §430.32(y).
Marginal note:Testing standard
(2) An electric furnace complies with the energy efficiency standard if it meets that standard when tested in accordance with testing procedures established by 10 C.F.R. Appendix AA that are applicable to an electric furnace as defined in section 272.
Marginal note:Information
275 For the purpose of subsection 5(1) of the Act, the following information must be collected in accordance with 10 C.F.R. Appendix AA and provided to the Minister in respect of an electric furnace:
(a) its maximum heat input nominal capacity, expressed in kilowatts (British thermal units per hour);
(b) its FER, expressed in watts per 472 L/s (watts per 1000 ft3/min); and
(c) its maximum airflow (Qmax), expressed in L/s (ft3/min).
SUBDIVISION FRecovery Ventilators
Marginal note:Definitions
276 The following definitions apply in this Subdivision.
- CSA C439-18
CSA C439-18 means the CSA standard CAN/CSA-C439-18 entitled Laboratory methods of test for rating the performance of heat/energy-recovery ventilators. (CSA C439-18)
- energy-recovery ventilator
energy-recovery ventilator means a factory-built packaged unit that has fans or blowers, has a maximum rated airflow of not more than 142 L/s (300 ft3/min) at 0°C and transfers heat and moisture between two isolated airstreams. (ventilateur-récupérateur d’énergie)
- heat-recovery ventilator
heat-recovery ventilator means a factory-built packaged unit that has fans or blowers, has a maximum rated airflow of not more than 142 L/s (300 ft3/min) at 0°C and transfers heat between two isolated airstreams. (ventilateur-récupérateur de chaleur)
- sensible heat recovery efficiency
sensible heat recovery efficiency means, in respect of an energy-recovery ventilator or a heat-recovery ventilator, the ratio of the net sensible energy recovered by the unit’s supply airstream, as adjusted to account for the unit’s external and internal energy gains and losses, to the maximum sensible energy that would be recovered if the unit had an infinite transfer area. (efficacité de récupération de chaleur sensible)
Energy-recovery Ventilators
Marginal note:Energy-using product
277 (1) An energy-recovery ventilator is prescribed as an energy-using product.
Marginal note:Limit
(2) However, for the purposes of sections 4 and 5, an energy-recovery ventilator is not considered to be an energy-using product unless it is manufactured on or after January 1, 2020.
Marginal note:Information
278 For the purpose of subsection 5(1) of the Act, the following information must be collected in accordance with CSA C439-18 and be provided to the Minister in respect of an energy-recovery ventilator:
(a) its maximum rated airflow at 0°C;
(b) its sensible heat recovery efficiency at 0°C and the associated net supply airflow, expressed in L/s, and electrical power consumption, expressed in watts; and
(c) unless the unit is marked for use only where the outdoor design temperature is greater than or equal to -10°C, its sensible heat recovery efficiency at -25°C and the associated net supply airflow, expressed in L/s.
Heat-recovery Ventilators
Marginal note:Energy-using product
279 (1) A heat-recovery ventilator is prescribed as an energy-using product.
Marginal note:Limit
(2) However, for the purposes of sections 4 and 5, a heat-recovery ventilator is not considered to be an energy-using product unless it is manufactured on or after January 1, 2020.
Marginal note:Information
280 For the purpose of subsection 5(1) of the Act, the following information must be collected in accordance with CSA C439-18 and be provided to the Minister in respect of a heat-recovery ventilator:
(a) its maximum rated airflow at 0°C;
(b) its sensible heat recovery efficiency at 0°C and the associated net supply airflow, expressed in L/s, and electrical power consumption, expressed in watts; and
(c) unless the unit is marked for use only where the outdoor design temperature is greater than or equal to -10°C, its sensible heat recovery efficiency at -25°C and the associated net supply airflow, expressed in L/s.
[281 to 313 reserved]
Marginal note:Definitions
314 The following definitions apply in this Division.
- ASHRAE 103
ASHRAE 103 means the ANSI/ASHRAE standard 103-2007 entitled Method of Testing for Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency of Residential Central Furnaces and Boilers. (ASHRAE 103)
- automatic water temperature adjustment device
automatic water temperature adjustment device means a device that
(a) adjusts the temperature of the water supplied by a boiler to ensure that an incremental change in inferred heat load produces a corresponding incremental change in the temperature of the water supplied or, if the boiler fires at a single input rate, automatically allows the burner or heating element to fire only when the device has determined that the inferred heat load cannot be met by the residual heat of the water in the system; and
(b) when there is no inferred heat load, limits the water temperature in the boiler to not more than 60°C. (dispositif automatique de réglage de la température de l’eau)
- CSA P.2
CSA P.2 means the CSA standard CAN/CSA-P.2-13 entitled Testing Method for Measuring the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency of Residential Gas-Fired or Oil-Fired Furnaces and Boilers. (CSA P.2)
- 10 C.F.R. Appendix A
10 C.F.R. Appendix A means Appendix A to Subpart E, Part 431 of Title 10 to the United States Code of Federal Regulations, entitled Uniform Test Method for the Measurement of Thermal Efficiency and Combustion Efficiency of Commercial Packaged Boilers, as amended from time to time. (appendice A 10 C.F.R.)
Marginal note:Definitions
315 The following definitions apply in this Subdivision.
- CGA P.2
CGA P.2 means the CGA standard CGA P.2-1991 entitled Testing Method for Measuring Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiencies of Residential Furnaces and Boilers. (CGA P.2)
- CSA P.2
CSA P.2[Repealed, SOR/2019-164, s. 14]
- gas boiler
gas boiler means a boiler that uses exclusively propane or natural gas, is intended for application in a low pressure steam, or hot water, central heating system and has an input rate of not more than 2 930.71 kW (10,000,000 Btu/h). (chaudière à gaz)
Marginal note:Type
315.1 For the purpose of these Regulations, a gas boiler is one of the following types:
(a) household, if it has an input rate of less than 87.92 kW (300,000 Btu/h); or
(b) commercial, if it is has an input rate of greater than or equal to 87.92 kW (300,000 Btu/h) but not more than 2 930.71 kW (10,000,000 Btu/h).
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