Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Energy Efficiency Regulations, 2016 (SOR/2016-311)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2024-12-17. Previous Versions

PART 2Energy-Using Products (continued)

DIVISION 3Heat Pumps (continued)

SUBDIVISION ESingle Package Central Heat Pumps (continued)

  • SOR/2022-265, s. 14

Marginal note:Information

 For the purpose of subsection 5(1) of the Act, the information set out in column 3 of the table to this section must be collected and provided to the Minister in respect of a single package central heat pump described in column 1 and, if applicable, the information must be collected in accordance with the standard set out in column 2.


Column 1Column 2Column 3
ItemEnergy-using ProductTesting StandardInformation
1Single package central heat pumps that are single-phase, other than those that are through-the-wall, manufactured on or after February 3, 1995 and before January 1, 2023

CSA C656-14 for information set out in paragraphs (a) to (e)

10 C.F.R. Appendix M for off mode power consumption

  • (a) product classification set out in column II of Table 1 to CSA C656-14;

  • (b) cooling capacity in kW (Btu/h);

  • (c) heating capacity in kW (Btu/h);

  • (d) seasonal energy efficiency ratio;

  • (e) heating seasonal performance factor and the region for the factor;

  • (f) off mode power consumption, in watts; and

  • (g) phase of electric current.

2Single package central heat pumps that are three-phase, other than those that are through-the-wall, manufactured on or after February 3, 1995 and before January 1, 2023CSA C656-14 for information set out in paragraphs (a) to (e)
  • (a) product classification set out in column II of Table 1 to CSA C656-14;

  • (b) cooling capacity in kW (Btu/h);

  • (c) heating capacity in kW (Btu/h);

  • (d) seasonal energy efficiency ratio;

  • (e) heating seasonal performance factor and the region for the factor; and

  • (f) phase of electric current.

3Single package central heat pumps that are single-phase, through-the-wall and manufactured on or after February 3, 1995 and before January 1, 2023

CSA C656-05 for information set out in paragraphs (a) to (e)

10 C.F.R. Appendix M for off mode power consumption

  • (a) product classification set out in column II of Table 1 to CSA C656-05;

  • (b) cooling capacity in kW (Btu/h);

  • (c) heating capacity in kW (Btu/h);

  • (d) seasonal energy efficiency ratio;

  • (e) heating seasonal performance factor and the region for the factor;

  • (f) off mode power consumption, in watts; and

  • (g) phase of electric current.

4Single package central heat pumps that are three-phase, through-the-wall and manufactured on or after February 3, 1995 and before January 1, 2023CSA C656-05 for information set out in paragraphs (a) to (e)
  • (a) product classification set out in column II of Table 1 to CSA C656-05;

  • (b) cooling capacity in kW (Btu/h);

  • (c) heating capacity in kW (Btu/h);

  • (d) seasonal energy efficiency ratio;

  • (e) heating seasonal performance factor and the region for the factor; and

  • (f) phase of electric current.

5Single package central heat pumps that are single-phase and manufactured on or after January 1, 2023 and before January 1, 202510 C.F.R. Appendix M1 for information set out in paragraphs (b) to (i)
  • (a) type;

  • (b) cooling capacity in kW (Btu/h);

  • (c) heating capacity at 8.3°C (47°F) in kW (Btu/h);

  • (d) seasonal energy efficiency ratio 2;

  • (e) information that indicates whether the results from the very low temperature heating test (H4), if conducted at -15°C (5°F), was included in the calculation of the heating seasonal performance factor 2 for Region V;

  • (f) heating seasonal performance factor 2 for Region V;

  • (g) heating capacity at -15°C (5°F) in kW (Btu/h), if the very low temperature heating test (H4) was conducted at -15°C (5°F);

  • (h) coefficient of performance at -15°C (5°F), if the very low temperature heating test (H4) was conducted at -15°C (5°F);

  • (i) off mode power consumption, in watts; and

  • (j) phase of electric current.

6Single package central heat pumps that are single-phase and manufactured on or after January 1, 202510 C.F.R. Appendix M1 with the very low temperature heating test (H4) conducted at -15°C (5°F) for information set out in paragraphs (b) to (h)
  • (a) type;

  • (b) cooling capacity in kW (Btu/h);

  • (c) heating capacity at 8.3°C (47°F) in kW (Btu/h);

  • (d) seasonal energy efficiency ratio 2;

  • (e) heating seasonal performance factor 2 for Region V;

  • (f) heating capacity at -15°C (5°F) in kW (Btu/h);

  • (g) coefficient of performance at -15°C (5°F);

  • (h) off mode power consumption, in watts; and

  • (i) phase of electric current.

7Single package central heat pumps that are three-phase and manufactured on or after January 1, 2023CSA C656-14 for information set out in paragraphs (a) to (e)
  • (a) product classification set out in column II of Table 1 to CSA C656-14;

  • (b) cooling capacity in kW (Btu/h);

  • (c) heating capacity in kW (Btu/h);

  • (d) seasonal energy efficiency ratio;

  • (e) heating seasonal performance factor; and

  • (f) phase of electric current.

SUBDIVISION FSingle Package Vertical Heat Pumps

Marginal note:Definition of single package vertical heat pump

 In this Subdivision, single package vertical heat pump means a single package commercial heat pump that is encased, that has its major components arranged vertically and that

  • (a) is air-cooled and uses reverse cycle refrigeration as its primary heat source; and

  • (b) is intended for mounting through, or on either side of, an exterior wall.

Marginal note:Energy-using product

  •  (1) A single package vertical heat pump is prescribed as an energy-using product.

  • Marginal note:Limit

    (2) However, for the purposes of sections 4, 5 and 209, a single package vertical heat pump is not considered to be an energy-using product unless it is manufactured on or after January 1, 2011 and has a cooling capacity of less than 70 kW (240,000 Btu/h).

Marginal note:Energy efficiency standards

  •  (1) The energy efficiency standards set out in column 2 of the table to this section apply to single package vertical heat pumps described in column 1 that are manufactured during the periods set out in column 3.

  • Marginal note:Testing standard

    (2) A single package vertical heat pump complies with the energy efficiency standard if it meets that standard when tested in accordance with testing procedures established by CSA C746-17 that are applicable to a single package vertical heat pump as defined in section 207.


    ItemColumn 1Column 2Column 3
    Energy-using ProductEnergy Efficiency StandardPeriod of manufacture
    1Single package vertical heat pumps that have a cooling capacity of < 19 kW (65,000 Btu/h)

    Energy efficiency ratio ≥ 9.0

    Heating coefficient of performance ≥ 3.0

    On or after January 1, 2011 and before September 23, 2019
    2Single package vertical heat pumps that have a cooling capacity of < 19 kW (65,000 Btu/h)

    Energy efficiency ratio ≥ 11.0

    Heating coefficient of performance ≥ 3.3

    On or after September 23, 2019
    3Single package vertical heat pumps that have a cooling capacity of ≥ 19 kW (65,000 Btu/h) and < 39.5 kW (135,000 Btu/h)

    Energy efficiency ratio ≥ 8.9

    Heating coefficient of performance ≥ 3.0

    On or after January 1, 2011 and before October 9, 2015
    4Single package vertical heat pumps that have a cooling capacity of ≥ 19 kW (65,000 Btu/h) and < 39.5 kW (135,000 Btu/h

    Energy efficiency ratio ≥ 10.0

    Heating coefficient of performance ≥ 3.0

    On or after October 9, 2015
    5Single package vertical heat pumps that have a cooling capacity of ≥ 39.5 kW (135,000 Btu/h) and < 70 kW (240,000 Btu/h)

    Energy efficiency ratio ≥ 8.6

    Heating coefficient of performance ≥ 2.9

    On or after January 1, 2011 and before October 9, 2016
    6Single package vertical heat pumps that have a cooling capacity of ≥ 39.5 kW (135,000 Btu/h) and < 70 kW (240,000 Btu/h)

    Energy efficiency ratio ≥ 10.0

    Heating coefficient of performance ≥ 3.0

    On or after October 9, 2016

Marginal note:Information

 For the purpose of subsection 5(1) of the Act, the following information must be collected in accordance with CSA C746-17 and provided to the Minister in respect of a single package vertical heat pump:

  • (a) its classification set out in columns II and III of Table 2 to CSA C746-17;

  • (b) its cooling capacity, expressed in kilowatts (British thermal units per hour);

  • (c) its energy efficiency ratio;

  • (d) its heating capacity, expressed in kilowatts (British thermal units per hour); and

  • (e) its heating coefficient of performance.

SUBDIVISION GSplit System Central Heat Pumps

  • SOR/2022-265, s. 18

Marginal note:Definitions

 The following definitions apply in this Subdivision.

off mode power consumption

off mode power consumption means the power consumption when the unit is connected to mains power but is not providing cooling or heating. (consommation d’énergie en mode arrêt)

split system central heat pump

split system central heat pump means a single-phase or three-phase air-to-air central heat pump that is a split system and that has a cooling or heating capacity of less than 19 kW (65,000 Btu/h). (thermopompe centrale bibloc)

split-system heat pump

split-system heat pump[Repealed, SOR/2022-265, s. 19]

Marginal note:Energy-using product

  •  (1) A split system central heat pump is prescribed as an energy-using product.

  • Marginal note:Limit

    (2) However, for the purposes of sections 4, 5 and 213, a split system central heat pump is not considered to be an energy-using product unless it is manufactured on or after December 31, 1998.

Marginal note:Energy efficiency standards — single-phase

  •  (1) The energy efficiency standards set out in column 3 of Table 1 to this section apply to single-phase split system central heat pumps described in column 1 that are manufactured during the periods set out in column 4.

  • Marginal note:Energy efficiency standards — three-phase

    (1.1) The energy efficiency standards set out in column 3 of Table 2 to this section apply to three-phase split system central heat pumps described in column 1 that are manufactured during the periods set out in column 4.

  • Marginal note:Testing standard

    (2) A split system central heat pump complies with the energy efficiency standard if it meets that standard when tested in accordance with testing procedures established by the standard set out in column 2 that are applicable to a split system central heat pump as defined in section 211.

    TABLE 1

    Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
    ItemEnergy-using ProductTesting StandardEnergy Efficiency StandardPeriod of Manufacture
    1Split system central heat pumps, other than those that are small-duct and high-velocity

    CSA C656-14 for seasonal energy efficiency ratio and heating seasonal performance factor

    10 C.F.R. Appendix M for off mode power consumption

    Seasonal energy efficiency ratio ≥ 14.0

    Heating seasonal performance factor (Region V) ≥ 7.1

    Off mode power consumption ≤ 33 W

    On or after December 31, 1998 and before January 1, 2023
    2Split system central heat pumps that are small-duct and high-velocity

    CSA C656-14 for seasonal energy efficiency ratio and heating seasonal performance factor

    10 C.F.R. Appendix M for off mode power consumption

    Seasonal energy efficiency ratio ≥ 12.0

    Heating seasonal performance factor (Region V) ≥ 6.3

    Off mode power consumption ≤ 30 W

    On or after December 31, 1998 and before January 1, 2023
    3Split system central heat pumps, other than those that are small-duct and high-velocity or space-constrained10 C.F.R. Appendix M1

    Seasonal energy efficiency ratio 2 ≥ 14.3

    Heating seasonal performance factor 2 (Region V) ≥ 6.0

    Off mode power consumption ≤ 33 W

    On or after January 1, 2023 and before January 1, 2025
    4Split system central heat pumps that are small-duct and high-velocity10 C.F.R. Appendix M1

    Seasonal energy efficiency ratio 2 ≥ 12.0

    Heating seasonal performance factor 2 (Region V) ≥ 4.9

    Off mode power consumption ≤ 30 W

    On or after January 1, 2023 and before January 1, 2025
    5Split system central heat pumps that are space-constrained10 C.F.R. Appendix M1

    Seasonal energy efficiency ratio 2 ≥ 11.9

    Heating seasonal performance factor 2 (Region V) ≥ 5.0

    Off mode power consumption ≤ 33 W

    On or after January 1, 2023 and before January 1, 2025
    6Split system central heat pumps, other than those that are small-duct and high-velocity or space-constrained10 C.F.R. Appendix M1 with the very low temperature heating test (H4) conducted at -15°C (5°F)

    Seasonal energy efficiency ratio 2 ≥ 14.3

    Heating seasonal performance factor 2 (Region V) ≥ 6.0

    Off mode power consumption ≤ 33 W

    On or after January 1, 2025
    7Split system central heat pumps that are small-duct and high-velocity10 C.F.R. Appendix M1 with the very low temperature heating test (H4) conducted at -15°C (5°F)

    Seasonal energy efficiency ratio 2 ≥ 12.0

    Heating seasonal performance factor 2 (Region V) ≥ 4.9

    Off mode power consumption ≤ 30 W

    On or after January 1, 2025
    8Split system central heat pumps that are space-constrained10 C.F.R. Appendix M1 with the very low temperature heating test (H4) conducted at -15°C (5°F)

    Seasonal energy efficiency ratio 2 ≥ 11.9

    Heating seasonal performance factor 2 (Region V) ≥ 5.0

    Off mode power consumption ≤ 33 W

    On or after January 1, 2025

    TABLE 2

    Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
    ItemEnergy-using ProductTesting StandardEnergy Efficiency StandardPeriod of Manufacture
    1Split system central heat pumps, other than those that are small-duct and high-velocityCSA C656-14

    Seasonal energy efficiency ratio ≥ 14.0

    Heating seasonal performance factor (Region V) ≥ 7.1

    On or after December 31, 1998
    2Split system central heat pumps that are small-duct and high-velocityCSA C656-14

    Seasonal energy efficiency ratio ≥ 12.0

    Heating seasonal performance factor (Region V) ≥ 6.3

    On or after December 31, 1998

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