Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Cribs, Cradles and Bassinets Regulations (SOR/2016-152)

Regulations are current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2022-12-19. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE 8(Sections 23, 28 and 32, paragraph 36(c), section 38 and paragraph 41(c))Test for Structural Integrity


  • 1 The following method is to be used for testing the structural integrity of a crib under dynamic conditions:

    • (a) assemble the crib according to the manufacturer’s instructions, omitting any attachments that could interfere with the conduct of the test;

    • (b) if a mattress is supplied with the crib, remove it;

    • (c) secure the crib to a horizontal surface in a manner that will not interfere with the conduct of the test and place the mattress support in its lowest position;

    • (d) place on the mattress support a test mattress that

      • (i) is made of polyurethane foam that is 76 mm thick and that has a density of 30 kg/m3 ± 6 kg/m3 and a 25% indentation force deflection (IFD) of 144 N ± 30 N,

      • (ii) has dimensions that are no more than 25 mm narrower than the interior dimensions of the crib, and

      • (iii) is covered with a tight-fitting 8- to 12-gauge vinyl material;

    • (e) using the 20-kg load illustrated in the figure to this section, cause the load to fall freely onto the geometric centre of the surface of the test mattress from a height of 150 mm above its upper surface, measured at the outset of the test;

    • (f) remove the load after two seconds;

    • (g) repeat the steps set out in paragraphs (e) and (f) 149 times at the rate of one impact every four seconds for a total of 150 impacts;

    • (h) record any damage to the crib, any disengagement or permanent deformation of its latching or locking mechanisms and any loosening of its fasteners;

    • (i) without readjusting the mattress support, repeat the steps set out in paragraphs (e) to (g) near a mattress support mechanism, causing the load to fall at a point that is 150 mm from the innermost surface of each of the nearest crib sides, measured from the geometric centre of the load, and repeat the step set out in paragraph (h); and

    • (j) repeat the steps set out in paragraph (i) for all the other mattress support mechanisms; and

    • (k) if the crib has any access sides, repeat the steps set out in paragraphs (e) to (h) at the midpoint along the edge of the mattress support beside each access side, causing the load to fall at a point that is 150 mm from the side, measured from the geometric centre of the load.

    Figure — Test Load

    The test load is cylindrical and has a diameter of 200 mm. Its bottom surface is convex, with a radius of curvature of 260 mm, and its edges are cambered, with radii of 5 mm.
  • 2 The following method is to be used for testing the structural integrity of a crib under horizontal force conditions:

    • (a) assemble the crib according to the manufacturer’s instructions, omitting any attachments that could interfere with the conduct of the test;

    • (b) secure the crib to a horizontal surface in a manner that will not interfere with the conduct of the test and place the mattress support in its lowest position;

    • (c) place the movable part of any access sides of the crib in the adjustment position that is designed to provide accommodation for an unattended child;

    • (d) apply a horizontal force of 120 N perpendicularly to any point midway along the length of one of the sides of the crib, not more than 50 mm from its upper edge, in a back-and-forth motion at a frequency of 150 cycles per minute for a total of 9,000 cycles;

    • (e) record any damage to the crib, any disengagement or permanent deformation of its latching or locking mechanisms and any loosening of its fasteners; and

    • (f) repeat the steps set out in paragraphs (c) to (e) for all the other sides of the crib.

  • 3 The following method is to be used for testing the structural integrity of a crib under vertical force conditions:

    • (a) assemble the crib according to the manufacturer’s instructions, omitting any attachments that could interfere with the conduct of the test;

    • (b) secure the crib to a horizontal surface in a manner that will not interfere with the conduct of the test and place the mattress support in its lowest position and;

    • (c) place the movable part of any access sides of the crib in the adjustment position that is designed to provide accommodation for an unattended child;

    • (d) apply a vertical force of 120 N to the midpoint of the upper edge of one of the sides, in an up-and-down motion at a frequency of 150 cycles per minute for a total of 9,000 cycles;

    • (e) record any damage to the crib, any disengagement or permanent deformation of its latching or locking mechanisms and any loosening of its fasteners; and

    • (f) repeat the steps set out in paragraphs (c) to (e) for all the other sides of the crib.


  • 4 The following method is to be used for testing the structural integrity of a cradle under dynamic conditions:

    • (a) assemble the cradle according to the manufacturer’s instructions, omitting any attachments that could interfere with the conduct of the test;

    • (b) if a mattress is supplied with the cradle, remove it;

    • (c) secure the cradle to a horizontal surface in a manner that will not interfere with the conduct of the test and place the mattress support in its lowest position;

    • (d) place on the mattress support a test mattress that

      • (i) is made of polyurethane foam that is 76 mm thick and that has a density of 30 kg/m3 ± 6 kg/m3 and a 25% indentation force deflection (IFD) of 144 N ± 30 N,

      • (ii) has dimensions that are no more than 25 mm narrower than the interior dimensions of the cradle, and

      • (iii) is covered with a tight-fitting 8- to 12-gauge vinyl material;

    • (e) using a load of 13.7 kg that has a square base that measures 305 mm × 305 mm, cause the load to fall freely onto the geometric centre of the surface of the test mattress from a height of 150 mm above its upper surface, measured at the outset of the test;

    • (f) remove the load after two seconds;

    • (g) repeat the steps set out in paragraphs (e) and (f) 499 times at the rate of one impact every four seconds for a total of 500 impacts; and

    • (h) record any damage to the cradle, any disengagement or permanent deformation of its latching or locking mechanisms and any loosening of its fasteners.


  • 5 The following method is to be used for testing the structural integrity of a bassinet under static conditions:

    • (a) assemble the bassinet according to the manufacturer’s instructions, omitting any attachments that could interfere with the conduct of the test;

    • (b) if a removable mattress is supplied with the bassinet, remove it;

    • (c) set up the bassinet in one of the following ways:

      • (i) if the bassinet is elevated by an integral supporting structure, place it on a horizontal surface,

      • (ii) if the bassinet is designed or advertised to be used with a stand, put the bassinet on the stand according to the stand manufacturer’s instructions and place the stand on a horizontal surface,

      • (iii) if the bassinet has one or more handles, hang the bassinet from its handles above a horizontal surface, and

      • (iv) if the bassinet has no handles, no integral supporting structure and no stand, elevate the bassinet above a horizontal surface in a way that the blocking or other support used to hold it in the elevated position does not act directly on the bassinet’s mattress support;

    • (d) identify the areas on the mattress support that are most likely to be damaged by the application of the load and mark them;

    • (e) apply a load of 24 kg that has a square base that measures 152 mm × 152 mm to one of the marked areas and maintain the load for 60 seconds;

    • (f) repeat the step set out in paragraph (e) for all other marked areas;

    • (g) record any damage to the bassinet, including to its handles; and

    • (h) if the bassinet can be set up in more than one way set out in paragraph (c), repeat the steps set out in paragraphs (d) to (g) for each possible way.


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