Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Royal Canadian Mounted Police Public Complaints Commission Rules of Practice (SOR/93-17)

Regulations are current to 2024-12-15


FORM 1(Section 14)





You are hereby summoned and required to attend before the RCMP Public Complaints Commission a hearing to be held at blank line in the City of blank line, the blank line day of blank line 19blank line, at the hour of blank line o’clock in the blank line noon, and so from day to day until the hearing is concluded or the Commission otherwise orders, to give evidence on oath in respect of the hearing and to bring with you and produce at such time and place such records under your control as are relevant to the inquiry into the complaint, including:

blank line

blank line

blank line

Dated at blank line this blank line day of blank line, 19blank line.

blank line
Presiding member
RCMP Public Complaints Commission


You may request payment of the fees and allowances for your attendance at the hearing as are paid for the attendance of a witness summoned to attend before the Federal Court of Canada.

If you fail to attend and give evidence at the hearing, or to produce records specified, at the time and place specified, without lawful excuse, you are liable to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars or to imprisonment of six months or to both. (Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act, R.S., c. R-10, s. 51)

FORM 2(Section 21)Style of Cause

Declaration and Undertaking

I hereby undertake:

  • 1 THAT I will maintain the confidentiality of any information or evidence that I receive during the course of the hearing in private and will not disclose any information or evidence that I receive during the course of that hearing;

  • 2 THAT I will not reproduce in any manner, without the prior written approval of the Commission, any records dealing with the evidence taken and submissions made in the hearing in private;

  • 3 THAT at the end of the hearing, I will return to the Commission all records provided to me by the Commission during the hearing in private, and any notes taken by me with respect to evidence that I received during the course of that hearing in private.

DATED AT blank line, blank line, this blank line day of blank line, 19blank line.

Signature: blank line
Name: blank line
  • SOR/96-447, s. 3(E)

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