Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Pay and Allowances Regulations (DSPCA) (SOR/67-619)

Regulations are current to 2024-09-16

Pay and Allowances Regulations (DSPCA)




Regulations Made Pursuant to Vote 49a of the Appropriation Act No. 7, 1967

The Treasury Board, pursuant to vote 49a of the Appropriation Act Number 7, 1967, hereby makes the annexed Pay and Allowances Regulations (DSPCA).

 These Regulations may be cited as the Pay and Allowances Regulations (DSPCA).

 In these Regulations,

authorized pay

authorized pay means pay at the rates prescribed by Regulations made under the National Defence Act for the rank held by the person in respect of whom the expression is being applied; and (solde autorisée)


allowances means the subsistence allowance and the marriage allowance authorized to be paid to a man pursuant to Regulations made under the National Defence Act at the rates in effect on September 30, 1966. (indemnités)

 Every man to whom the Defence Service Pension Continuation Act applies and who after September 30, 1966, served in

  • (a) the regular forces of the Canadian Army or the Royal Canadian Air Force or on Continuous or Special Duty in the reserve forces of those Services and held a rank below the rank of warrant officer, class 2; or

  • (b) the regular force of the Canadian Forces or on Continuous or Special Duty in the reserve force of the Canadian Forces and held a rank below the rank of master warrant officer;

shall, for the purposes of sections 13 and 14 of the said Act, be deemed to have been during that service in receipt of

  • (c) the allowances applicable to him for the rank held by him; and

  • (d) pay in an amount equal to the amount by which his authorized pay exceed his allowances.

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