Order Respecting the Calculation of the Moisture Shrinkage for Grain (SOR/2018-176)
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Regulations are current to 2024-06-19
Order Respecting the Calculation of the Moisture Shrinkage for Grain
Registration 2018-08-23
Order Respecting the Calculation of the Moisture Shrinkage for Grain
The Canadian Grain Commission, pursuant to paragraph 118(h) of the Canada Grain ActFootnote a, makes the annexed Order Respecting the Calculation of the Moisture Shrinkage for Grain.
Winnipeg, August 16, 2018
Return to footnote aR.S., c. G-10
Marginal note:Calculation
1 (1) The percentage of moisture shrinkage for tough, damp, moist or wet grain that is artificially dried at the producer’s request at a licensed primary elevator is the percentage determined by the formula
(A – B) × 100/(100% – B)
- A
- is the grain’s percentage of moisture content before drying; and
- B
- is the grain’s percentage of moisture content after drying.
Marginal note:Minimum percentage
(2) The percentage referred to in element B of the formula must be no less than 0.1% below the minimum percentage of moisture content specified for the tough grade of that grain in Schedule I or II of the Off Grades of Grain and Grades of Screenings Order.
Marginal note:Weight of grain
(3) The grain’s moisture shrinkage must be calculated on the basis of the weight of the grain that is recorded by the elevator manager when it is delivered to the licensed primary elevator for artificial drying.
Marginal note:Coming into Force
2 This Order comes into force on the day on which it is registered.
— SOR/2024-93, s. 1
1 (1) The portion of subsection 1(1) of the Order Respecting the Calculation of the Moisture Shrinkage for GrainFootnote 1 before the formula is replaced by the following:
Return to footnote 1SOR/2018-176
1 (1) The percentage of moisture shrinkage for tough, damp, moist or wet grain that is artificially dried at the producer’s request at a licensed primary or terminal elevator is the percentage determined by the formula
(2) Subsection 1(3) of the Order is replaced by the following:
Weight of grain
(3) The grain’s moisture shrinkage must be calculated on the basis of the weight of the grain that is recorded by the elevator manager when it is delivered to the licensed primary or terminal elevator for artificial drying.
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