Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Domestic Ferries Security Regulations (SOR/2009-321)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2015-06-17. Previous Versions

PART 5Security Assessment and Security Plan (continued)

Amendment to Security Plan

Obligation to Amend

Marginal note:Amendments required

 A security plan shall be amended if

  • (a) an audit conducted under subsection 106(2) or 107(2) indicates that the security plan no longer meets the requirements of these Regulations; or

  • (b) the Minister determines that an amendment is required to address security threats, security breaches or security incidents that are not addressed in the plan.

Procedures for Taking Effect

Marginal note:Amendments by operator

  •  (1) Any amendment to a security plan shall be submitted to the Minister at least 30 days before the day on which it is to take effect.

  • Marginal note:Amendment required by Minister

    (2) If an amendment is required by the Minister under paragraph 108(b), the operator shall submit the amendment to the Minister within 60 days after the day on which the Minister sends the operator written notification of the determination.

Approval of Amendments

Marginal note:Approval

  •  (1) The Minister shall approve the amendments to the security plan if they meet the requirements of these Regulations, unless approving the amendments is likely to adversely affect marine transportation security.

  • Marginal note:Security plan no longer valid

    (2) If an amendment to the security plan that is required under section 108 is not submitted or approved, the approved security plan ceases to be valid on the day on which the operator receives notification in writing that the plan is no longer valid.

Coming into Force

Marginal note:Registration

 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered.


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