Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Domestic Ferries Security Regulations (SOR/2009-321)

Regulations are current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2015-06-17. Previous Versions

PART 5Security Assessment and Security Plan (continued)

Security Assessment (continued)

Content of the Security Assessment Report

Marginal note:Content of report

 A security assessment report shall be written in English or French and shall contain

  • (a) a summary of how the on-site security assessment was conducted;

  • (b) details of existing security procedures and operations;

  • (c) a description of each vulnerability found during the security assessment;

  • (d) a description of the security procedures to be used to address each vulnerability;

  • (e) a list of the essential operations that it is important to protect; and

  • (f) possible security threats to those operations.

Security Plan


Marginal note:Requirement to establish security plan

  •  (1) A security plan shall be established in respect of each domestic ferry and each domestic ferry facility.

  • Marginal note:Content of security plan

    (2) The security plan shall

    • (a) be written in English or French;

    • (b) state the name of the operator;

    • (c) be based on the findings of the security assessment;

    • (d) address each vulnerability identified in the security assessment; and

    • (e) state procedures for cooperating with emergency response personnel at all MARSEC levels.

  • Marginal note:Structure and presentation of security plan

    (3) A security plan shall include the following individual sections and, if the plan does not list the sections in the following order, it shall contain a table of contents that identifies the location of the sections:

    • (a) organizational structure for security;

    • (b) personnel training;

    • (c) drills and exercises;

    • (d) records and documentation;

    • (e) response to a change in the MARSEC level;

    • (f) procedures for an interface;

    • (g) communications;

    • (h) maintenance of security systems and equipment;

    • (i) security procedures for access control;

    • (j) security procedures for restricted areas;

    • (k) security procedures for handling cargo, if any;

    • (l) security procedures for delivery of ships’ stores and bunkers;

    • (m) security procedures for monitoring;

    • (n) procedures for security threats, security breaches and security incidents;

    • (o) security assessment summary; and

    • (p) security plan audits and amendments.


Marginal note:Required elements

 A security plan shall address the following:

  • (a) procedures for the prevention of unauthorized access;

  • (b) procedures for the establishment and identification of restricted areas, for controlling access to those areas, and respecting any security equipment or systems for those areas;

  • (c) security of information relating to record keeping and referred to in section 103;

  • (d) procedures for embarking and disembarking passengers and for loading and unloading vehicles, cargo, if any, and ships’ stores and bunkers;

  • (e) procedures for monitoring the domestic ferry and domestic ferry facility, including restricted areas and the areas adjacent to them;

  • (f) procedures for responding to security threats, security breaches and security incidents, including provisions for maintaining critical operations;

  • (g) procedures for evacuation in case of security threats, security breaches or security incidents;

  • (h) procedures for reporting security threats, security breaches and security incidents to local law enforcement agencies, to the Minister and, if applicable, to the port administration;

  • (i) procedures for responding to any security measures formulated by the Minister and, in the case of a domestic ferry, any directions issued by the Minister in respect of a specific security threat, including changes in the MARSEC level;

  • (j) duties of personnel assigned security responsibilities and of other personnel with respect to security-related matters;

  • (k) communications;

  • (l) procedures for training, drills, and exercises associated with the security plan;

  • (m) procedures for interfacing at all MARSEC levels;

  • (n) procedures for the periodic review of the plan and for updating it;

  • (o) procedures to ensure the inspection, testing, calibration and maintenance of any security equipment;

  • (p) the frequency of the testing or calibration of any security equipment;

  • (q) the frequency of inspections;

  • (r) procedures for securing non-critical operations in order to focus response on critical operations; and

  • (s) any other security procedures at each MARSEC level, if applicable.

Security Plan in respect of a Domestic Ferry

Marginal note:Security officer and master

 A security plan in respect of a domestic ferry shall

  • (a) identify the ferry security officer by name or, if they hold another position, by position, and provide 24-hour contact information for the officer; and

  • (b) specify that the ferry’s master has the overriding authority and responsibility to make decisions with respect to the security of the ferry and to request the assistance of the ferry operator or the Minister when necessary.

Security Plan in respect of a Domestic Ferry Facility

Marginal note:Security officer

 A security plan in respect of a domestic ferry facility shall identify the ferry facility security officer by name or, if they hold another position, by position, and provide 24-hour contact information for the officer.

Security Procedures for Access Control


Marginal note:Objectives

  •  (1) Security procedures for controlling access to a domestic ferry and a domestic ferry facility shall be established in their respective security plans for all MARSEC levels, as appropriate to their operations, in order to

    • (a) prevent persons from introducing unauthorized weapons, explosives, incendiaries, and other dangerous substances and devices on the ferry or at the ferry facility;

    • (b) secure weapons, explosives, incendiaries, and other dangerous substances and devices that are authorized to be on the ferry or at the ferry facility;

    • (c) verify the identity of ferry personnel, ferry facility personnel and any other authorized personnel;

    • (d) indicate the frequency of access controls, particularly if they are carried out on a random or occasional basis;

    • (e) verify that passengers have valid tickets; and

    • (f) ensure that unattended goods do not pose an immediate threat to marine security.

  • Marginal note:Domestic ferry

    (2) In the case of a domestic ferry,

    • (a) security procedures shall be established in the security plan in respect of the ferry, for all MARSEC levels, as appropriate to its operations, to control access to ladders, access gangways, access ramps, access doors, side scuttles, windows and ports, hatches, mooring lines, anchor chains and hoisting gear; and

    • (b) at all MARSEC levels, the ferry security officer shall, after any period during which the ferry was unattended, ensure that security sweeps are performed in order to confirm the absence of security threats or dangerous substances or devices before the ferry gets under way.

  • Marginal note:Domestic ferry facility

    (3) In the case of a domestic ferry facility, security procedures shall be established in the security plan in respect of the ferry facility for all MARSEC levels, as appropriate to its operations, to identify

    • (a) the locations at which restrictions or prohibitions preventing unauthorized access are to be applied; and

    • (b) the types of restrictions or prohibitions to be applied and the means of applying them.

MARSEC Level 1

Marginal note:Domestic ferry

  •  (1) In the case of a domestic ferry, security procedures for access control at MARSEC level 1 shall be established in the security plan in respect of the ferry, as appropriate to its operations, including

    • (a) searching selected areas before passengers embark;

    • (b) securing all non-passenger areas; and

    • (c) at least one of the following methods:

      • (i) conducting security patrols,

      • (ii) using additional closed-circuit video cameras to monitor passenger areas, vehicles and baggage.

  • Marginal note:Domestic ferry facility

    (2) In the case of a domestic ferry facility, security procedures for access control at MARSEC level 1 shall be established in the security plan in respect of the ferry facility, as appropriate to its operations, including

    • (a) appropriate access controls for restricted areas;

    • (b) identification of access points that must be secured or guarded to prevent unauthorized access; and

    • (c) methods to prevent unauthorized access to the ferry facility and to restricted areas.

MARSEC Level 2

Marginal note:Domestic ferry

  •  (1) In the case of a domestic ferry, additional security procedures for access control at MARSEC level 2 shall be established in the security plan in respect of the ferry, as appropriate to its operations, including

    • (a) increasing the frequency and detail of the security procedures set out in subsection 76(1); and

    • (b) increasing the frequency of the security sweeps referred to in paragraph 75(2)(b).

  • Marginal note:Domestic ferry facility

    (2) In the case of a domestic ferry facility, additional security procedures for access control at MARSEC level 2 shall be established in the security plan in respect of the ferry facility, as appropriate to its operations, including

    • (a) increasing the frequency and detail of the security procedures set out in subsection 76(2);

    • (b) assigning additional personnel to guard access points and to patrol the perimeter of the ferry facility to deter unauthorized access;

    • (c) limiting the number of access points to the ferry facility by closing and securing some access points and providing physical barriers to impede movement through the remaining access points; and

    • (d) coordinating the deterrence of waterside access to the domestic ferry in liaison with the ferry facility or a port administration.

MARSEC Level 3

Marginal note:Domestic ferry

  •  (1) In the case of a domestic ferry, additional security procedures for access control at MARSEC level 3 shall be established in the security plan in respect of the ferry, as appropriate to its operations, including

    • (a) increasing the frequency of MARSEC level 2 security procedures;

    • (b) preparing for a full or partial search of the ferry;

    • (c) cooperating with emergency response personnel, other vessels and marine facilities;

    • (d) limiting access to the ferry to a single, controlled access point;

    • (e) granting access only to emergency response personnel responding to a security incident or security threat;

    • (f) suspending embarkation or disembarkation activities;

    • (g) suspending cargo operations, if any;

    • (h) moving the ferry; and

    • (i) evacuating the ferry.

  • Marginal note:Domestic ferry facility

    (2) In the case of a domestic ferry facility, additional security procedures for access control at MARSEC level 3 shall be established in the security plan in respect of the ferry facility, as appropriate to its operations, including

    • (a) preparing for a full or partial search of the ferry facility;

    • (b) cooperating with emergency response personnel, vessels and other marine facilities;

    • (c) granting access only to emergency response personnel responding to a security incident or security threat;

    • (d) suspending access to the ferry facility;

    • (e) suspending cargo operations, if any;

    • (f) restricting pedestrian or vehicular movement on the grounds of the ferry facility;

    • (g) increasing monitoring at the ferry facility; and

    • (h) evacuating the ferry facility.


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