Off Grades of Grain and Grades of Screenings Order (C.R.C., c. 890)
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Regulations are current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2021-08-01. Previous Versions
Off Grades of Grain and Grades of Screenings Order
C.R.C., c. 890
Off Grades of Grain and Grades of Screenings Order
1 [Repealed, SOR/2021-177, s. 2]
PART IOff Grades of Grain
- SOR/93-363, s. 2(F)
2 (1) Grain of all kinds and varieties for which grades are established by the Canada Grain Act or the Canada Grain Regulations, but that cannot have any of those grades assigned to it unless it is treated or specially cleaned, shall be graded according to the specifications for the off grades of grain that are established under the grade names set out in this Part.
(2) Grades established under this Part may be referred to as “Off Grades” or “Class III grades”.
- SOR/93-363, s. 2(F)
3 Grain that contains excessive moisture shall be graded according to the specifications for the grade that would be assigned to that grain if it did not contain excessive moisture, except that there shall be added to and made part of the grade name the word “Tough”, “Damp”, “Moist” or “Wet” according to the percentage of moisture set out in respect of that grain and word in
(a) Schedule I, in the case of Canada grain grades;
(b) Schedule II, in the case of Canada Western grain grades; and
(c) Schedule III, in the case of Canada Eastern grain grades.
- SOR/80-513, s. 1
- SOR/84-615, s. 1
- SOR/93-363, s. 2(F)
4 to 9 [Repealed, SOR/84-615, s. 2]
10 Western grain that contains excessive stones or similar material, but not in excess of 2.5 per cent, shall be graded according to the specifications for the grade that would otherwise apply to it except that there shall be added to and made part of the grade name the words “Rejected — Account Stones”.
- SOR/93-363, s. 2(F)
11 to 13 [Repealed, SOR/84-615, s. 3]
14 Grain that contains stones in excess of 2.5 per cent or contains gravel, cinders or similar material that is normally contained in grain salvaged from a wreck in transit shall be graded “Sample Salvage”.
15 Grain that does not qualify for any other grade established by or under the Canada Grain Act shall be graded “Sample” and there shall be added to and made part of the grade name words to indicate the damage, condition or admixtures.
- SOR/84-615, s. 4
- SOR/93-363, s. 2(F)
PART IIGrades of Screenings
- SOR/93-363, s. 2(F)
16 (1) The grades for screenings, including wild oats and mixtures of whole and broken grain that are removed from other grain as a result of cleaning and do not qualify for any other established grade, and the specifications for those grades of screenings, as set out in this Part are hereby established.
(2) Grades of screenings established pursuant to this Part may be referred to as “Grades of Screenings” or “Class IV Grades”.
(3) No. 1 Feed Screenings
(a) shall be grain screenings;
(b) shall be cool and sweet;
(c) shall contain
(i) not less than 35 per cent in the aggregate of broken or shrunken grain,
(ii) not more than two per cent hare’s ear mustard,
(iii) not more than one per cent hulls,
(iv) not more than three per cent in the aggregate of small weed seeds that can pass through a 4½/64 inch round-hole sieve, chaff, hulls and dust,
(v) not more than six per cent in the aggregate of small weed seeds that can pass through a 4½/64 inch round-hole sieve, chaff, hulls, dust, wild and domestic mustard seed, ball mustard, canola and rapeseed,
(vi) not more than eight per cent wild oats, and
(vii) not more than one per cent of the seeds designated as injurious in the Feeds Regulations; and
(d) may contain wild buckwheat and not more than 10 per cent of other large seeds not named in this section.
(4) No. 2 Feed Screenings
(a) shall be grain screenings;
(b) shall be cool and sweet;
(c) shall contain
(i) not more than two per cent hare’s ear mustard or wild mustard seed,
(ii) not more than one per cent hulls,
(iii) not more than three per cent in the aggregate of small weed seeds that can pass through a 4½/64 inch round-hole sieve, chaff, hulls, and dust,
(iv) not more than 10 per cent in the aggregate of small weed seeds that can pass through a 4½/64 inch round-hole sieve, chaff, hulls, dust, wild and domestic mustard seed, ball mustard, canola and rapeseed,
(v) not more than 49 per cent wild oats, and
(vi) not more than one per cent of the seeds designated as injurious in the Feeds Regulations except that there may be a total of two per cent of such seeds where the excess over one per cent is hare’s ear mustard or wild mustard (Brassica Kaber); and
(d) may contain wheat scourings.
(5) Uncleaned Screenings shall be grain screenings that do not meet the specifications for No. 1 or No. 2 Feed Screenings because of the content of weed seeds, hulls, chaff or dust but that contain
(a) at least 35 per cent of material that if separated would meet the grade requirements for No. 1 Feed Screenings; and
(b) not more than one per cent of excessive wild oat hulls.
(6) Refuse Screenings shall be grain screenings that do not meet the grade requirements for No. 1 or No. 2 Feed Screenings or Uncleaned Screenings because of the content of weed seeds, chaff or dust.
(7) An inspector may include in the grade name of any screenings
(a) if he considers the screenings to be typical of screenings obtained from the cleaning of a particular kind of grain, the name of that grain; and
(b) if deterioration or an objectionable condition or odour occurs in the screenings to such a degree as materially to affect the quality of the screenings, words to indicate the type of deterioration, condition or odour.
- SOR/88-370, s. 1
- SOR/93-363, s. 2(F)
Mixed Feed Oats
17 (1) A mixture of western wild oats and western cereal grain because of being so mixed shall, if it has the qualities set out in subsection (2), be graded “Mixed Feed Oats”.
(2) Mixed Feed Oats shall
(a) contain not less than 50 per cent wild oats;
(b) contain not more than one per cent of material that passes through a 4½/64 inch round-hole sieve; and
(c) contain in whole, broken, hulled or hulless form not more than
(i) five per cent heated kernels,
(ii) five per cent wild buckwheat,
(iii) five per cent wheat heads,
(iv) four per cent knuckles, straw and chaff,
(v) five per cent in the aggregate of wild buckwheat, wheat heads, knuckles, straw and chaff,
(vi) five per cent flaxseed,
(vii) 0.1 per cent stones, or
(viii) 0.25 per cent ergot.
No. 2 Mixed Feed Oats
18 (1) A mixture of western wild oats and other materials that does not qualify for the established grade Mixed Feed Oats because of being so mixed shall, if it has the qualities set out in subsection (2), be graded “No. 2 Mixed Feed Oats”.
(2) No. 2 Mixed Feed Oats shall
(a) contain not less than 50 per cent wild oats;
(b) contain not more than one per cent of material that passes through a 4½/64 inch round-hole sieve; and
(c) contain in whole, broken, hulled or hulless form not more than
(i) 10 per cent heated kernels,
(ii) five per cent wild buckwheat,
(iii) 10 per cent in the aggregate of wheat heads, knuckles, straw and chaff,
(iv) five per cent flaxseed,
(v) 0.2 per cent stones, or
(vi) 1/3 of one per cent ergot.
- SOR/93-363, s. 2(F)
- SOR/2013-146, s. 1
Sample Feed Grain
19 (1) A mixture of western grain that contains cereal grains and other materials, and that, because of being so mixed, does not qualify for any established grade or off grade shall, if it has the qualities set out in subsection (2), be graded “Sample Feed Grain”.
(2) Sample Feed Grain shall
(a) have as its predominating component any class of cereal grain in whole, broken, hulled or hulless form;
(b) be practically free of all material that passes through a 4½/64 inch round-hole sieve; and
(c) contain not more than
(i) 50 per cent broken grain,
(ii) 1/3 of one per cent ergot,
(iii) five per cent heated kernels,
(iv) 49 per cent wild oats,
(v) three per cent large weed seeds,
(vi) 10 per cent unthreshed wheat heads,
(vii) four per cent knuckles and straw,
(viii) 10 per cent in the aggregate of unthreshed wheat heads, large weed seeds, knuckles and straw,
(ix) 50 per cent in the aggregate of wild oats, large weed seeds, unthreshed wheat heads, knuckles and straw,
(x) 0.1 per cent stones, or
(xi) five per cent flaxseed.
- SOR/93-363, s. 2(F)
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