Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Food and Drug Regulations (C.R.C., c. 870)

Regulations are current to 2024-09-16 and last amended on 2024-06-17. Previous Versions

PART BFoods (continued)

DIVISION 13Grain and Bakery Products (continued)

Bread (continued)

 [S]. Enriched Bread or Enriched White Bread

  • (a) shall be bread that is baked from a dough in which enriched flour is the only wheat flour used;

  • (b) shall contain

    • (i) for each 100 parts of flour used, not less than

      • (A) two parts by weight of skim milk solids,

      • (B) four parts by weight of dried whey powder, or

      • (C) such amount of the protein product made from peas (Pisum sativum) or soybeans (Glycine max) as will provide 0.5 parts by weight of protein, and

    • (ii) in 100 grams of bread,

      • (A) 0.40 milligram of thiamine,

      • (B) 0.24 milligram of riboflavin,

      • (C) 3.3 milligrams of niacin or niacinamide,

      • (D) 0.10 milligram of folic acid, and

      • (E) 2.76 milligrams of iron;

  • (c) may contain, in 100 grams of bread,

    • (i) 0.14 milligram of vitamin B6,

    • (ii) 0.6 milligram of d-pantothenic acid,

    • (iii) 90 milligrams of magnesium, and

    • (iv) 66 milligrams of calcium; and

  • (d) where it contains not less than six parts by weight of milk solids per 100 parts of enriched flour used, may be described by the common name “milk bread”.

  • SOR/78-698, s. 3
  • SOR/87-704, s. 1
  • SOR/89-170, s. 2
  • SOR/89-198, s. 3
  • SOR/98-550, s. 3

 [Repealed, SOR/79-252, s. 3]

 [S]. Raisin Bread shall be bread that contains for each 100 parts by weight of flour used not less than 50 parts by weight of seeded or seedless raisins, or raisins and currants of which not less than 35 parts shall be raisins and may contain spices or peel.

 [S]. (naming the percentage) Whole Wheat Bread

  • (a) shall

    • (i) be bread in the making of which the named percentage of the flour used shall be whole wheat flour, and

    • (ii) contain not less than 60 per cent whole wheat flour in relation to the total flour used; and

  • (b) may

    • (i) contain caramel, and

    • (ii) where it contains not less than six parts by weight of milk solids per 100 parts of the total enriched flour and whole wheat flour used, be described by the common name “(naming the percentage) whole wheat milk bread”.

  • SOR/89-170, s. 3

 [S]. Brown Bread shall be bread coloured by the use of whole wheat flour, graham flour, bran, molasses or caramel.

 [Repealed, SOR/97-151, s. 23]

 A specialty bread may contain

  • (a) one or more of the ingredients specified in paragraph B.13.021(i) in a total amount greater than the total amount specified in that paragraph; and

  • (b) fruit, nuts, seeds and flavouring.

  • SOR/79-251, s. 3

Alimentary Paste

 No person shall sell macaroni, spaghetti, noodles or similar alimentary pastes, as egg macaroni, egg spaghetti, egg noodles or egg alimentary pastes, respectively, unless they contain, on the dry basis, not less than four per cent, egg-yolk solids derived from whole egg, dried egg, frozen egg or frozen egg-yolk.

  •  (1) Notwithstanding sections D.01.009, D.01.011 and D.02.009, no person shall sell an alimentary paste to which a vitamin or a mineral nutrient set out in column I of any item of the table to this section has been added unless each 100 g of the alimentary paste contains the added vitamin or mineral nutrient in an amount not less than the minimum amount set out in column II of that item and not more than the maximum amount set out in column III of that item.

  • (2) No person shall represent an alimentary paste as “enriched” unless the alimentary paste contains added thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid and iron, in accordance with the table to this section.


    ItemColumn IColumn IIColumn III
    Added Vitamin or Mineral NutrientMinimum Amount per 100 g of Alimentary PasteMaximum Amount per 100 g of Alimentary Paste
    1Thiamine0.63 mg1.50 mg
    2Riboflavin0.11 mg0.60 mg
    3Niacin5.90 mg7.50 mg
    4Folic Acid0.20 mg0.27 mg
    5Pantothenic Acid1.00 mg2.00 mg
    6Vitamin B60.40 mg0.80 mg
    7Iron2.90 mg4.30 mg
    8Magnesium150.00 mg300.00 mg
  • SOR/94-37, s. 1
  • SOR/94-689, s. 2
  • SOR/96-527, s. 2
  • SOR/98-550, ss. 4, 5

Breakfast Cereal

 Notwithstanding sections D.01.009, D.01.011 and D.02.009, no person shall sell a breakfast cereal to which a vitamin or mineral nutrient set out in Column I of an item of the table to this section has been added, either singly or in any combination, unless each 100 g of the breakfast cereal contains the added vitamin or mineral nutrient in the amount set out in Column II of that item.


Column IColumn II
ItemVitamin or Mineral NutrientAmount per 100 g of Breakfast Cereal
1Thiamine2.0 mg
2Niacin4.8 mg
3Vitamin B60.6 mg
4Folic Acid0.06 mg
5Pantothenic Acid1.6 mg
6Magnesium160.0 mg
7Iron13.3 mg
8Zinc3.5 mg
  • SOR/83-858, s. 1
  • SOR/89-145, s. 2
  • SOR/98-458, s. 7(F)

DIVISION 14Meat, Its Preparations and Products

 In this Division,


animal means any animal used as food, but does not include marine and fresh water animals; (animal)


filler means any vegetable material (except tomato or beetroot), milk, egg, yeast or any derivative or combination thereof that is acceptable as food. (agent de remplissage)

  • SOR/82-768, s. 39
  • SOR/86-875, s. 1

 [S]. Meat shall be the edible part of the skeletal muscle of an animal that was healthy at the time of slaughter, or muscle that is found in the tongue, diaphragm, heart or oesophagus, and may contain accompanying and overlying fat together with the portions of bone, skin, sinew, nerve and blood vessels that normally accompany the muscle tissue and are not separated from it in the process of dressing, but does not include muscle found in the lips, snout, scalp or ears.

 [S]. Meat by-product shall be any edible part of an animal, other than meat, that has been derived from one or more animals that were healthy at the time of slaughter.

 Meat, meat by-products or preparations thereof are adulterated if any of the following substances or class of substances are present therein or have been added thereto:

  • (a) mucous membranes, any organ or portions of the genital system, black gut, spleens, udders, lungs or any other organ or portion of animal that is not commonly sold as an article of food;

  • (b) preservatives other than those provided for in this Division; or

  • (c) colour other than annatto, allura red and sunset yellow FCF, where provided for in this Division, and caramel.

  • SOR/92-725, s. 2
  • SOR/97-516, s. 2
  • SOR/2016-74, s. 6(F)

 [S]. Prepared meat or a prepared meat by-product shall be any meat or any meat by-product, respectively, whether comminuted or not, to which has been added any ingredient permitted by these Regulations, or which has been preserved, placed in a hermetically-sealed container or cooked, and may contain

  • (a) a Class II preservative;

  • (a.1) in the case of prepared hams, shoulders, butts, picnics and backs, gelatin;

  • (b) in the case of partially defatted pork fatty tissue and partially defatted beef fatty tissue, a Class IV preservative;

  • (c) where a minimum total protein content or a minimum meat protein content is prescribed in this Division, phosphate salts that do not when calculated as sodium phosphate, dibasic, exceed the maximum level provided therefor in Table XII to section B.16.100 and that are one or more of the following phosphate salts, namely,

    • (i) sodium acid pyrophosphate,

    • (ii) sodium hexametaphosphate,

    • (iii) sodium phosphate, dibasic,

    • (iv) sodium phosphate, monobasic,

    • (v) sodium pyrophosphate, tetrabasic,

    • (vi) sodium tripolyphosphate,

    • (vii) potassium phosphate, monobasic,

    • (viii) potassium phosphate, dibasic, and

    • (ix) potassium pyrophosphate, tetrabasic; and

  • (d) in the case of vacuum-packed sliced roast beef and vacuum-packed sliced cooked ham, Carnobacterium maltaromaticum CB1.

  • SOR/94-262, s. 2
  • SOR/2010-264, s. 1
  • SOR/2011-280, s. 1

 Powdered fully hydrogenated cottonseed oil may be applied as a release agent to the surface of meat, meat by-product, prepared meat, prepared meat by-product, extended meat product and simulated meat product in an amount not greater than 0.25% of the product.

 [S]. Meat Binder or (naming the meat product) Binder shall be a filler with any combination of salt, sweetening agents, spices or other seasonings (except tomato), egg, egg albumen, and

  • (a) where sold for use in preserved meat or preserved meat by-product, may contain any of ascorbic acid, calcium ascorbate, erythorbic acid, iso-ascorbic acid, potassium nitrate, potassium nitrite, sodium ascorbate, sodium carbonate, sodium erythorbate, sodium iso-ascorbate, sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite, provided that these nitrates and nitrites, if any, are packaged separately from any spice or seasoning.

  • (b) where sold for use in prepared meat or meat by-product in which a gelling agent is a permitted ingredient, may contain a gelling agent;

  • (c) where sold for use in fresh, uncooked sausage, may contain artificial maple flavour; and

  • (d) may contain an anticaking agent.

  • SOR/80-13, s. 1
  • SOR/82-913, s. 1
  • SOR/86-875, s. 2(F)
  • SOR/2010-143, s. 9
  • SOR/2017-18, s. 3(F)

 No person shall sell a meat binder, filler or preparations for pumping pickle, cover pickle or dry cure represented for use in meat products unless the label thereof carries directions for use that when followed will produce a food that will comply with the requirements of section B.14.030 insofar as the filler is concerned and the food will not contain food additives in excess of the maximum levels of use prescribed by these Regulations.

  • SOR/84-300, s. 44(E)

 [S]. Pumping pickle, cover pickle and dry cure employed in the curing of preserved meat or preserved meat by-product may contain

  • (a) Class I preservatives if the nitrate or nitrite salts or both are packaged separately from any spice or seasoning;

  • (b) citric acid, sodium citrate or vinegar;

  • (c) sweetening agents, including maple sugar and maple syrup;

  • (d) liquid smoke flavour, liquid smoke flavour concentrate, salt, seasonings, spices, spice extracts, spice oils or spice oleoresins;

  • (e) sodium bicarbonate, sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide;

  • (f) in the case of pumping pickle for cured pork, beef and lamb cuts, disodium phosphate, monosodium phosphate, sodium hexametaphosphate, sodium tripolyphosphate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate and sodium acid pyrophosphate in such amount calculated as disodium phosphate, as will result in the finished product containing not more than 0.5 per cent added phosphate;

  • (g) in the case of pumping pickle for cured beef cuts, enzymes, if the principal display panel of the label of the cured beef carries, immediately preceding or following the common name, the statement “Tenderized with (naming the proteolytic enzyme or enzymes)”;

  • (h) in the case of dry cure, an anticaking agent or a humectant; and

  • (i) in the case of pumping pickle

    • (i) for cured pork hams, shoulders and backs, artificial maple flavour, and

    • (ii) for cured pork bellies, artificial maple flavour and an orange flavour that meets the standard prescribed in section B.10.005.

  • SOR/79-251, s. 4
  • SOR/80-13, s. 2
  • SOR/82-596, s. 1
  • SOR/88-336, s. 3
  • SOR/94-567, s. 1
  • SOR/2010-143, s. 10(F)
  • SOR/2017-18, s. 4(F)
  • SOR/2018-69, s. 4(F)

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