Bagotville Airport Zoning Regulations (SOR/93-293)
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Regulations are current to 2024-06-20
Bagotville Airport Zoning Regulations
Registration 1993-06-08
Regulations Respecting Zoning at Bagotville Airport
P.C. 1993-1203 1993-06-08
Whereas, pursuant to subsection 5.5(1)Footnote * of the Aeronautics Act, a copy of proposed Regulations Respecting Zoning at Bagotville Airport was published in two successive issues of a newspaper serving the area to which the proposed Regulations relate, on May 27 and May 28, 1992, and in two successive issues of the Canada Gazette Part I, on April 11 and April 18, 1992;
And Whereas a reasonable opportunity was thereby afforded to interested persons to make representations to the Minister of National Defence with respect to the proposed Regulations;
And Whereas the purpose of the proposed Regulations is to prevent lands adjacent to or in the vicinity of Bagotville Airport from being used or developed in a manner that is, in the opinion of the Minister of National Defence, incompatible with the safe operation of an airport or aircraft;
Therefore, His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of National Defence, pursuant to paragraph 5.4(2)(b)Footnote * of the Aeronautics Act, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Regulations Respecting Zoning at Bagotville Airport.
Return to footnote *R.S., c. 33 (1st Supp.), s. 1
Short Title
1 These Regulations may be cited as the Bagotville Airport Zoning Regulations.
2 (1) In these Regulations,
- airport
airport means the Bagotville Airport situated in the Municipality of Laterrière and the Town of La Baie, in Quebec; (aéroport)
- airport zoning reference point
airport zoning reference point means the point described in Part I of the schedule; (point de repère du zonage de l′aéroport)
- approach surface
approach surface means an imaginary inclined plane that extends upward and outward from each end of a strip and that is more particularly described in Part III of the schedule; (surface d′approche)
- outer surface
outer surface means an imaginary surface that is located above and in the immediate vicinity of the airport and that is more particularly described in Part V of the schedule, the outer limits of which are more particularly described in Part VI of the schedule; (surface extérieure)
- strip
strip means the rectangular portion of the landing area of the airport, including the runway, that is prepared for the take-off and landing of aircraft in a particular direction and that is more particularly described in Part II of the schedule; (bande)
- transitional surface
transitional surface means an imaginary inclined plane that extends upward and outward from the lateral limits of a strip and its approach surfaces and that is more particularly described in Part IV of the schedule. (surface de transition)
(2) For the purposes of these Regulations, the elevation of the airport zoning reference point is 156 m above sea-level.
3 These Regulations apply in respect of all lands, including public road allowances, that are adjacent to or in the vicinity of the airport, the outer limits of which lands are described in Part VII of the schedule, other than the lands that from time to time form part of the airport.
4 No person shall erect or construct on any land in respect of which these Regulations apply any building, structure or object, or any addition to an existing building, structure or object, the highest point of which will exceed in elevation any of the following surfaces that extend over the land on which the building, structure or object is situated, namely,
(a) an approach surface;
(b) the outer surface; or
(c) a transitional surface.
Natural Growth
5 No owner or lessee of any lands in respect of which these Regulations apply shall permit an object of natural growth on those lands to exceed in elevation any of the surfaces set out in paragraphs 4(a) to (c).
Bird Hazards
6 In order to minimize bird hazards to aviation, no owner or lessee of any lands in respect of which these Regulations apply shall permit those lands or any part thereof to be used as a site for
(a) a sanitary land fill;
(b) a food garbage disposal site;
(c) a sewage lagoon; or
(d) an open water storage reservoir.
SCHEDULE(Sections 2 and 3)
PART IDescription of the Airport Zoning Reference Point
The airport zoning reference point is a point on the centre line of runway 11-29 at the threshold of runway 29.
PART IIDescription of the Strips
Each strip is described as follows:
(a) the strip associated with runway 11-29 is 300 m in width, 150 m being on each side of the centre line of the runway, and 3 286.863 m in length, and
(b) the strip associated with runway 18-36 is 300 m in width, 150 m being on each side of the centre line of the runway, and 1 956.965 m in length,
which strips are shown on Department of Public Works Bagotville Airport Zoning Plan No. MM-88-6775, dated January 4, 1988.
PART IIIDescription of the Approach Surfaces
The approach surfaces, shown on Department of Public Works Bagotville Airport Zoning Plan No. MM-88-6775, dated January 4, 1988, are imaginary surfaces that abut each end of the strips associated with runways 18-36 and 11-29 and that are more particularly described as follows:
(a) a surface that abuts the end of the strip associated with runway 18 and consists of an inclined plane having a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 60 m measured horizontally rising to an intersection with the outer surface; thence the approach surface slopes upward at a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 50 m measured horizontally and rises to an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip and at a distance of 15 000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip, the outer ends of the imaginary horizontal line being 2 400 m from the projected centre line; the imaginary horizontal line being 291 m measured vertically above the elevation of the airport zoning reference point;
(b) a surface that abuts the end of the strip associated with runway 36 and consists of an inclined plane having a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 60 m measured horizontally rising to an intersection with the outer surface; thence the approach surface slopes upward at a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 50 m measured horizontally rising to an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip and at a distance of 15 000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip, the outer ends of the imaginary horizontal line being 2 400 m from the projected centre line; the imaginary horizontal line being 294.6 m measured vertically above the elevation of the airport zoning reference point;
(c) a surface that abuts the end of the strip associated with runway 11 and consists of an inclined plane having a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 60 m measured horizontally rising to an intersection with the outer surface; thence the approach surface slopes upward at a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 50 m measured horizontally rising to an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip and at a distance of 15 000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip, the outer ends of the imaginary horizontal line being 2 400 m from the projected centre line; the imaginary horizontal line being 293.4 m measured vertically above the elevation of the airport zoning reference point; and
(d) a surface that abuts the end of the strip associated with runway 31 and consists of an inclined plane having a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 60 m measured horizontally rising to an intersection with the outer surface; thence the approach surface slopes upward at a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 50 m measured horizontally rising to an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip and at a distance of 15 000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip, the outer ends of the imaginary horizontal line being 2 400 m from the projected centre line; the imaginary horizontal line being 291 m measured vertically above the elevation of the airport zoning reference point.
PART IVDescription of the Transitional Surfaces
Each transitional surface, shown on Department of Public Works Bagotville Airport Zoning Plan No. MM-88-6775, dated January 4, 1988, is an inclined plane that rises at a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 7 m measured horizontally at right angles to the centre line of each strip and that extends upward and outward from the lateral limits of the strip and its approach surfaces to an intersection with the outer surface or the transitional surface of an adjoining strip.
PART VDescription of the Outer Surface
The outer surface, shown on Department of Public Works Bagotville Airport Zoning Plan No. MM-88-6775, dated January 4, 1988, is an imaginary surface that consists of a common plane established at a constant elevation of 45 m above the elevation of the airport zoning reference point, except that, where that common plane is less than 9 m above the surface of the ground, the imaginary surface is located at 9 m above the surface of the ground.
PART VIDescription of the Outer Limits of the Outer Surface
Commencing at a point, the coordinates of which are N 5 355 577.199 m and E 262 79.347 m, being situated at the intersection of the northerly limit of the approach surface to runway 11, with a circle having a radius of 4 000 m, the centre of which is the intersection of the centre line and threshold of runway 11, the coordinates of which are N 5 354 744.104 m and E 266 391.629 m;
thence a distance of 3 889.370 m measured following an arc of a circle, in a northerly direction, having a radius of 4 000 m, the centre of which is the intersection of the centre line and threshold of runway 11, the coordinates of which are N 5 354 744.104 m and E 266 391.629 m, to a point;
thence, following a line having an azimuth of 67°43′56″, a distance of 1 760.138 m, to a point;
thence a distance of 3 369.442 m measured following an arc of a circle, in an easterly direction, having a radius of 4 000 m, the centre of which is the intersection of the centre line and threshold of runway 18, the coordinates of which are N 5 355 411.080 m and E 268 020.502 m, to a point;
thence following a line having an azimuth of 115°59′46″ a distance of 1 709.917 m to a point;
thence a distance of 7 596.454 m measured following an arc of a circle, in a southerly direction, having a radius of 4 000 m, the centre of which is the intersection of the centre line and threshold of runway 29, the coordinates of which are N 5 354 661.608 m and E 269 557.417 m, to a point;
thence, following a line having an azimuth of 224°48′26″, a distance of 1 420.056 m to a point;
thence a distance of 5 020.681 m measured following an arc of a circle, in a westerly direction, having a radius of 4 000 m, the centre of which is the intersection of the centre line and threshold of runway 36, the coordinates of which are N 5 353 654.104 m and E 268 556.670 m, to a point;
thence, following a line having an azimuth of 296°43′23″, a distance of 2 423.944 m, to a point;
thence a distance of 5 256.794 m measured following an arc of a circle, in a northerly direction, having a radius of 4 000 m, the centre of which is the intersection of the centre line and threshold of runway 11, the coordinates of which are N 5 354 744.104 m and E 266 391.629 m, to the point of commencement.
The outer limits are shown on Department of Public Works Bagotville Airport Zoning Plan No. MM-88-6775, dated January 4, 1988.
All coordinates, distances and azimuths in this description refer to the Quebec plane coordinate system (S.CO.P.Q.), zone number 7, central meridian 70°30′.
PART VIIDescription of the Outer Limits of the Lands in Respect of Which These Regulations Apply
Commencing at a point, the coordinates of which N 5 355 955.590 m and E 260 338.516 m, being intersection of the northerly limit of the approach surface to runway 11, with a circle having a radius of 8 000 m, the centre of which is the intersection of the centre lines of runways 11-29 and 18-36;
thence, in a northeasterly direction, following an arc of a circle having a radius of 8 000 m, the centre of which is the intersection of the centre lines of runways 11-29 and 18-36, to its intersection with the southwesterly limit of the approach surface of the strip associated with runway 18;
thence, following that limit, in a northwesterly direction to a point, the coordinates of which are N 5 369 114.800 m and E 261 329.339 m, and being situated at the north-west. angle of the above-mentioned approach surface;
thence, following the northwesterly limit of that approach surface, being a line perpendicular to the centre line of runway 18 and situated at a distance of 15 000 m from northerly end of the strip associated with runway 18, in a northeasterly direction to a point, the coordinates of which are N 5 370 515.810 m and E 265 920.327 m, and being situated at the north-east angle of that approach surface;
thence following the northeasterly limit of that approach surface in a southeasterly direction to its intersection with an arc of circle having a radius of 8 000 m, the centre of which is the intersection of the centre lines of runways 11-29 and 18-36;
thence, following that arc of circle in a southeasterly direction, to its intersection with the northerly limit of the approach surface that abuts the strip associated with runway 29;
thence, following that limit, in a northeasterly direction to a point, the coordinates of which are N 5 356 668.484 m and E 284 674.826 m, and being situated at the north-east angle of that approach surface;
thence, following that limit, being a line perpendicular to the centre line of runway 29 and situated at a distance of 15 000 m from the easterly end of the strip associated with runway 29, in a southerly direction to a point, the coordinates of which are N 5 351 870.113 m and E 284 549.787 m, and being situated at the south-east angle of that approach surface;
thence, following the southerly limit of that approach surface in a northwesterly direction to its intersection with an arc of circle having a radius of 8 000 m, the centre of which is the intersection of the centre lines of runways 11-29 and 18-36;
thence, following that arc of circle in a southwesterly direction to its intersection with the northeasterly limit of the approach surface that abuts the strip associated with runway 36;
thence, following that limit in a southeasterly direction to a point, the coordinates of which are N 5 339 950.384 m and E 275 247.833 m, and being situated at the southeasterly angle of the above-mentioned approach surface;
thence, following the southeasterly limit of that approach surface, being a line perpendicular to the centre line of runway 36 and situated at a distance of 15 000 m from the southerly end of the strip associated with runway 36, in a southwesterly direction to a point, the coordinates of which are N 5 338 549.374 m and E 270 656.845 m, and being situated at the southwesterly angle of that approach surface;
thence, following the southwesterly limit of that approach surface, in a northwesterly direction to its intersection with an arc of circle having a radius of 8 000 m, the centre of which is the intersection of the centre lines of runways 11-29 and 18-36;
thence, following that arc of circle, in a northwesterly direction to its intersection with the southerly limit of the approach surface of the strip associated with runway 11;
thence, following that limit, in a southwesterly direction to a point, the coordinates of which are N 5 352 737.228 m and E 251 274.220 m, and being situated at the southwesterly angle of that approach surface;
thence, following the westerly limit of that approach surface, being a line perpendicular to the centre line of runway 11 and situated at a distance of 15 000 m from the westerly end of the strip associated with runway 11, in a northerly direction to a point, the coordinates of which are N 5 357 535.599 m and E 251 399.259 m, and being situated at the northwesterly angle of that approach surface;
thence, following the northerly limit of that approach surface, in a southeasterly direction to the point of commencement.
The outer limits are shown on Department of Public Works Bagotville Airport Zoning Plan No. MM-88-6775, dated January 4, 1988.
All the coordinates and distances mentioned in this description refer to the Quebec plane coordinate system (S.CO.P.Q.), zone number 7, central meridian 70°30′.
The lands found within the above-described limits form part of the Cadastre of the Townships of Jonquière, Laterrière, Chicoutimi, Bagot, Tremblay and Cimon (unorganized), of the parishes of Chicoutimi, Saint-Alphonse and Saint-Alexis, of the Villages of Grande-Baie, Bagotville and Sainte-Anne-de-Chicoutimi and the Town of Chicoutimi, Registry Division of Chicoutimi, Province of Quebec.
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