Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Quebec Maple Syrup Producers’ Levy (Interprovincial and Export Trade) Order (SOR/93-195)

Regulations are current to 2024-06-20 and last amended on 2018-06-21. Previous Versions

Quebec Maple Syrup Producers’ Levy (Interprovincial and Export Trade) Order



Registration 1993-04-14

Quebec Maple Syrup Producers’ Levy (Interprovincial and Export Trade) Order

The Fédération des producteurs acéricoles du Québec, pursuant to sections 3 and 4 of the Quebec Maple Sap and Maple Syrup Order, made by Order in Council P.C. 1993-606 of March 30, 1993Footnote *, hereby makes the annexed Order providing for the fixing, imposing and collecting of levies from producers in the Province of Quebec who are engaged in the production or marketing in bulk of maple syrup in interprovincial and export trade.

Longueuil, Quebec, April 14, 1993

 [Repealed, SOR/2018-125, s. 2]


 In this Order,


buyer means a person who buys or receives maple syrup in bulk from a producer; (acheteur)

Commodity Board

Commodity Board means the Fédération des producteurs acéricoles du Québec; (Fédération)

maple syrup

maple syrup means any maple syrup produced in the Province of Quebec and marketed in bulk; (sirop d’érable)


producer means a person who owns, leases or otherwise operates a sugar bush in the Province of Quebec and who produces, directly or through or on behalf of another person, maple syrup to market in bulk in interprovincial or export trade. (producteur)


 Every producer must pay to the Commodity Board a levy of $0.14 per pound of maple syrup that is marketed in bulk in interprovincial and export trade.

  • SOR/95-263, s. 1
  • SOR/2012-19, s. 1
  • SOR/2018-125, s. 3

Method of Payment

 Subject to section 5, the producer must remit the levy payable under section 3 to the Commodity Board at its head office in Longueuil, Quebec, within the time limit referred to in section 3 of the Règlement sur les contributions des producteurs acéricoles du Québec, RLRQ, c. M-35.1, r. 9.2.

  • SOR/2018-125, s. 3

 If levies are not remitted by the producer, the buyer must, if they are situated in Quebec, deduct, from the moneys payable to a producer for maple syrup, the levy payable by the producer to the Commodity Board under section 3 and must remit the levy directly to the Commodity Board at its head office in Longueuil, Quebec, within the time limit referred to in section 3 of the Règlement sur les contributions des producteurs acéricoles du Québec, RLRQ, c. M-35.1, r. 9.2.

  • SOR/2018-125, s. 3

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