Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Pulp and Paper Mill Defoamer and Wood Chip Regulations (SOR/92-268)

Regulations are current to 2025-01-22

SCHEDULE II(Section 8)Information Respecting Defoamers That Are Manufactured, Imported, Offered for Sale or Sold for Use in a Mill in Canada That Uses a Chlorine Bleaching Process

  • 1 
    The quantity of each defoamer manufactured, imported, offered for sale or sold and the date of the manufacture, import, offer or sale.
  • 2 
    The name and address of each mill in respect of which the defoamer is manufactured, imported, offered for sale or sold, and the quantity of each batch of defoamer received at the mill.
  • 3 
    The concentrations of dibenzofuran and dibenzo-para-dioxin in each batch of defoamer received at each mill in respect of which the defoamer is manufactured, imported, offered for sale or sold.
  • 4 
    The name of the laboratory conducting the concentration analyses, where the analyses were not conducted by the manufacturer, importer or vendor.

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