Campbell River Airport Zoning Regulations (SOR/84-127)
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Regulations are current to 2025-01-22
PART IDescription of the Airport Reference Point
The airport reference point is a point distant 86.00 m measured southwesterly and at right angles to the centre line of runway 11-29 from a point thereon distant 823.18 m from the intersection of the centre line and the northwesterly end of the strip.
PART IIDescription of the Outer Limits of Lands
The boundary of the outer limits of lands, shown on Campbell River Airport Zoning Plan No. (Z) B.C. 1594, sheets 1 to 13 inclusive, dated April 12, 1983, are described as follows:
All that land in Comox District in the Province of British Columbia contained within the following described boundary:
COMMENCING at the southwest corner of the southwest quarter, Section 5, Township 1, Plan 552;
THENCE northeasterly to the northeast corner of said southwest quarter, Section 5;
THENCE easterly to the southeast corner of the south half of the northeast quarter of said Section 5;
THENCE northerly to the northeast corner of the north half of the northeast quarter of said Section 5;
THENCE easterly to the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter, Section 9, Township 1, Plan 552;
THENCE northerly to the northeast corner of the said southwest quarter of the southwest quarter, Section 9;
THENCE northeasterly to the northeast corner of the north half of the southwest quarter of said Section 9;
THENCE northerly to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of said Section 9;
THENCE northerly to the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of Section 16, Township 1, Plan 552;
THENCE northwesterly to the southwest corner of Willow Creek Road as shown dedicated on Plan 11621;
THENCE northerly to the northwest corner of said Willow Creek Road;
THENCE westerly and northwesterly along the easterly boundary of Lot A, Plan 11621 to the northeast corner of said Lot A;
THENCE westerly to a point on the north boundary of said Lot A, said point being the southerly production of the east boundary of Lot 14, Plan 19300;
THENCE northerly to the most easterly northeasterly corner of Lot 1, Plan 30752;
THENCE northwesterly to the most northerly corner of said Lot 1, Plan 30752;
THENCE northwesterly across Erickson Road to the southeasterly corner of Lot 1, Plan 32589;
THENCE southwesterly to the southwesterly corner of said Lot 1, Plan 32589;
THENCE northwesterly to the southeasterly corner of Lot C, Plan 33029;
THENCE southwesterly along the southerly boundaries of Lots C, B, and A, Plan 33029 to the southwesterly corner of said Lot A, Plan 33029;
THENCE northerly to the northeast corner of the Fractional southwest quarter, Section 21, Township 1;
THENCE northwesterly across Harrogate Road to the most easterly corner of Lot A, Plan 11598;
THENCE northwesterly along the northeasterly boundaries of Lots A and B, Plan 11598 to the most northerly corner of said Lot B, Plan 11598;
THENCE across Holm Road to the most easterly corner of Lot 3, Plan 29897;
THENCE northwesterly along the northeasterly boundaries of Lots 3 and 4, Plan 29897 and the Remainder of District Lot 218 to the southeast corner of Lot 1, Plan 33442;
THENCE westerly along the north boundary of said Remainder of District Lot 218 to the southeast corner of Lot 3, Plan 27856;
THENCE northerly along the east boundaries of Lots 3, 2 and 1, Plan 27856, Lot A, Plan 16385 and Lot 5, Plan 11660 to the northeast corner of said Lot 5, Plan 11660;
THENCE westerly along the north boundaries of Lots 5, 4, 3 and 2, Plan 11660 and Lots 2 and 1, Plan 28979 to the northwest corner of said Lot 1, Plan 28979;
THENCE westerly across South Alder Street to the northeast corner of Lot A, Plan 37152;
THENCE northerly across Hilchey Road to the southeast corner of Lot 4, Plan 37837;
THENCE northerly along the east boundaries of Lots 4, 3, 2 and 1, Plan 37837 to the northeast corner of said Lot 1, Plan 37837;
THENCE northerly across Parkway Road to the southeast corner of Lot 1, Plan 24133;
THENCE northerly to the northeast corner of said Lot 1, Plan 24133;
THENCE westerly to the northwest corner of said Lot 1, Plan 24133;
THENCE westerly to the southwest corner of Parcel A (D.D. A74739);
THENCE northerly to the northwest corner of said Parcel A (D.D. A74739);
THENCE westerly to the northwest corner of the west half of the southwest quarter, Section 29, Township 1, Plan 552;
THENCE northwesterly to the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of the northwesterly quarter, Section 30, Township 1, Plan 552;
THENCE westerly to the northwest corner of the Fractional South half of the northwest quarter, Section 25, Township 2, Plan 552A;
THENCE southerly to the southwest corner of said Fractional South half of the northwest quarter, Section 25;
THENCE southwesterly to the most westerly corner of the 23 acre Part of the Fractional southeast quarter of Section 26, Township 2, Plan 552A;
THENCE southwesterly to the most northerly corner of the 52 acre Part of the Fractional southeast quarter of Section 26, Township 2, Plan 552A;
THENCE southerly and following the western boundary of the said 52 acre Part of the Fractional Southeast quarter of Section 26 to the point of intersection with the northwestern limit of the approach surface associated with Runway 11;
THENCE on a grid bearing of 226°44′44″ and following the said northwestern limit of the approach surface to the point of intersection with the northern boundary of the northwest quarter of Section 23, Township 2, Plan 552A;
THENCE westerly along the said northern boundary of the northwest quarter, Section 23, to the northwest corner of said northwest quarter, Section 23;
THENCE southerly to the southwest corner of said northwest quarter, Section 23;
THENCE southwesterly to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of Section 22, Township 2, Plan 552A;
THENCE southerly to the southwest corner of the Fractional Southeast quarter of Section 15, Township 2, Plan 552A;
THENCE southeasterly to the southeast corner of Lot 1, Plan 26360;
THENCE southeasterly to the most northerly corner of the Fractional Southeast quarter of Section 10, Township 2, Plan 552A;
THENCE southerly to the southwest corner of the north half of the northwest quarter of Section 2, Township 2, Plan 552A;
THENCE easterly to the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 2, Township 2, Plan 552A;
THENCE southerly to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 2, Township 2, Plan 552A;
THENCE easterly to the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 2, Township 2, Plan 552A;
THENCE southerly to the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 2, Township 2, Plan 552A;
THENCE easterly to the southeast corner of the said northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 2, Township 2, Plan 552A;
THENCE southerly to the southwest corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 1, Township 2, Plan 552A;
THENCE easterly to the southeast corner of the east half of the southeast quarter of Section 1, Township 2, Plan 552A;
THENCE easterly to the southwest corner of the southwest quarter of Section 5, Township 1, Plan 552, being the point of commencement.
PART IIIDescription of the Approach Surfaces
The approach surfaces, shown on Campbell River Airport Zoning Plan No. (Z) B.C. 1594, sheets 1 to 13 inclusive, dated April 12, 1983, are surfaces abutting each end of the strip associated with the runway designated 11-29 and are described as follows:
(a) a surface abutting the end of the strip associated with runway approach 11 consisting of an inclined plane having a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 50 m measured horizontally rising to an intersection with the outer surface, thence such approach surface shall be horizontal and contiguous to the said outer surface to an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip and distant 3 000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip, the outer ends of the imaginary horizontal line being 600 m from the projected centre line; and
(b) a surface abutting the end of the strip associated with runway approach 29 consisting of an inclined plane having a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 40 m measured horizontally rising to an intersection with the outer surface, thence such approach surface shall be horizontal and contiguous to the said outer surface to an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip and distant 3 000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip, the outer ends of the imaginary horizontal line being 600 m from the projected centre line.
PART IVDescription of the Outer Surface
The outer surface, shown on Campbell River Airport Zoning Plan No. (Z) B.C. 1594, sheets 1 to 13 inclusive, dated April 12, 1983, is an imaginary surface located at a common plane established at a constant elevation of 45 m above the assigned elevation of the airport reference point, except that, where that common plane is less than 9 m above the surface of the ground, an imaginary surface is located at 9 m above the surface of the ground.
PART VDescription of the Strip
The strip, shown on Campbell River Airport Zoning Plan No. (Z) B.C. 1594, sheets 1 to 13 inclusive, dated April 12, 1983, is described as a strip associated with runway 11-29 being 300 m in width, 150 m being on each side of the centre line of the runway, and 1 644 m in length.
PART VIDescription of Each Transitional Surface
Each transitional surface, shown on Campbell River Airport Zoning Plan No. (Z) B.C. 1594, sheets 1 to 13 inclusive, dated April 12, 1983, is a surface consisting of an inclined plane rising at a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 7 m measured horizontally at right angles to the centre line and centre line produced of the strip extending upward and outward from the lateral limits of the strip and its approach surfaces to an intersection with the outer surface.
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