Vancouver International Airport Zoning Regulations (SOR/80-902)
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Regulations are current to 2025-01-22
SCHEDULE(ss. 2 and 4)
PART IDescription of Airport Reference Point
Being a point distant 720.532 metres measured Northerly at right angles to the centre line of runway 08R-26L, from a point thereon distant 1 514.206 metres measured Easterly along that centre line from the end of the strip associated with runway approach 08R, which distances are ground level distances.
PART IIDescription of Outer Limits of Land
COMMENCING at the intersection of the westerly production of the northerly limit of Blundell Road and the westerly boundary of the Township of Richmond; THENCE easterly along the said westerly production and the said northerly limit of Blundell Road to an intersection with the southwesterly limit of the approach surface associated with Runway Approach 30; THENCE on an azimuth of 150°31′19″ and following the said southwesterly limit to an intersection with a line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip associated with the said Runway Approach and distant 15 000 metres southeasterly from the end of the said strip; THENCE on an azimuth of 51°59′28″ along the said line which said line is the southeasterly end of the said approach surface a distance of 4 800 metres to the most easterly corner of the said approach surface; THENCE on an azimuth of 313°27′38″ and following the northeasterly limit of the said approach surface to an intersection with the northerly limit of Blundell Road; THENCE easterly along the said northerly limit of Blundell Road to the westerly limit of Garden City Road; THENCE northerly along the said westerly limit of Garden City Road to an intersection with the westerly production of that portion of the northerly limit of Granville Avenue lying east of Garden City Road; THENCE easterly along the said westerly production and the said northerly limit of Granville Avenue to the westerly limit of Number 4 Road; THENCE northerly along the said westerly limit of Number 4 Road to the northerly limit of New Westminster Highway; THENCE westerly along the said northerly limit of New Westminster Highway to the easterly limit of Garden City Road; THENCE northerly along the said easterly limit of Garden City Road to an intersection with the southerly limit of the approach surface associated with Runway Approach 26L; THENCE on an azimuth of 108°32′10″ and following the said southerly limit to an intersection with a line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip associated with the said Runway Approach and distant 15 000 metres easterly from the end of the said strip; THENCE on an azimuth of 10°00′19″ along the said line, which said line is the easterly end of the said approach surface a distance of 4 800 metres to the northeast corner of the said approach surface; THENCE on an azimuth of 271°28′28″ and following the northerly limit of the said approach surface to an intersection with a line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip associated with Runway Approach No. 26R and distant 15 000 metres easterly from the end of the said strip; THENCE on an azimuth of 10°00′19″ along the said line which said line is the easterly end of the said approach surface to the northeast corner of the said approach surface; THENCE on an azimuth of 271°28′28″ and following the northerly limit of the said approach surface to an intersection with the northerly production of the westerly limit of Number 4 Road; THENCE northerly along the said northerly production of Number 4 Road to an intersection with the centre line of the North Arm of the Fraser River Channel being the boundary of the Township of Richmond and the City of Vancouver; THENCE southwesterly along the said boundary to an intersection with the aforementioned northerly limit of the approach surface associated with Runway Approach 26R; THENCE on an azimuth of 271°28′28″ and following the northerly limit of the said approach surface to an intersection with the northerly portion of the transitional surface associated with the said Runway Approach; THENCE on an azimuth of 279°25′28″ and following the northerly limit of the said transitional surface to an intersection with the aforementioned boundary of the Township of Richmond and the City of Vancouver; THENCE northwesterly and following the said boundary to the most northerly corner of the Township of Richmond; THENCE southerly along the westerly boundary of the said Township of Richmond boundary to an intersection with the northeasterly limit of the approach surface associated with Runway Approach 12; THENCE on an azimuth of 330°31′19″ and following the said northeasterly limit to an intersection with a line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip associated with the said Runway Approach and distant 15 000 metres northwesterly from the end of the said strip; THENCE on an azimuth of 231°59′28″ along the said line, which said line is the northwesterly end of the said approach surface a distance of 4 800 metres to the most westerly corner of the said approach surface; THENCE on an azimuth of 133°27′38″ and following the southwesterly limit of the said approach surface to an intersection with the westerly boundary of the aforementioned Township of Richmond; THENCE southerly along the said boundary to an intersection with the northerly portion of the transitional surface associated with Runway Approach 08L; THENCE on an azimuth of 280°35′11″ and following the northerly limit of the said transitional surface to an intersection with the approach surface associated with the said Runway Approach; THENCE on an azimuth of 288°32′10″ and following the northerly limit of the said approach surface to an intersection with a line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip associated with Runway Approach 08L and distant 15 000 metres westerly from the end of the said strip; THENCE on an azimuth of 190°00′19″ and following the said line, which said line is the westerly end of the said approach surface to an intersection with the approach surface associated with Runway Approach 08R; THENCE on an azimuth of 288°32′10″ and following the northerly limit of the said approach surface to an intersection with a line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip associated with the said Runway Approach and distant 15 000 metres westerly from the end of the said strip; THENCE on an azimuth of 190°00′19″ along the said line, which said line is the westerly end of the said approach surface a distance of 4 800 metres to the southwest corner of the said approach surface; THENCE on an azimuth of 91°28′28″ and following the southerly limit of the said approach surface to an intersection with the southerly portion of the transitional surface associated with the said Runway Approach; THENCE on an azimuth of 99°25′28″ and following the southerly limit of the said transitional surface to an intersection with the westerly boundary of the aforementioned Township of Richmond; THENCE southerly and following the said westerly boundary to the point of commencement; EXCEPTING thereout, from the lands included within the above described outer limits of land, those portions of land more particularly described as follows: FIRSTLY: That portion of land, within the Township of Richmond bounded on the West by the westerly limit of Number 4 Road, on the South by the northerly limit of the approach surface associated with Runway Approach 26L and on the North by the southerly limit of the approach surface associated with Runway Approach 26R; and SECONDLY: That portion of land covered by water lying within the strait of Georgia bounded on the East by the westerly boundary of the Township of Richmond, on the South by the northerly limits of the approach surface and transitional surface associated with Runway Approach 08R and on the North by southerly limits of the Approach surface and transitional surface associated with Runway Approach 08L;
which outer limits of land and exceptions are shown outlined in yellow, red and blue on sheets 1 to 32 of Department of Transport Plan Number BC 1280 dated November 2, 1978.
PART IIIDescription of Each Approach Surface
The approach surfaces are described as follows:
(a) a surface abutting the end of the strip associated with runway approach 08R, consisting of an inclined plane having a ratio of one (1) metre measured vertically to fifty (50) metres measured horizontally to an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip and distant fifteen thousand (15 000) metres measured horizontally from the end of the strip, the outer ends of the imaginary line being two thousand four hundred (2 400) metres from the projected centre line; the imaginary line being three hundred decimal five (300.5) metres, measured vertically, above the assigned elevation of the airport reference point,
(b) a surface abutting the end of the strip associated with runway approach 26L consisting of an inclined plane having a ratio of one (1) metre measured vertically to fifty (50) metres measured horizontally rising to an intersection with the outer surface; thence the approach surface shall be horizontal and contiguous to an intersection with an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line and passing through the northwest corner of Lot 1, Section 3, Block 4 North, Range 6 West, Plan 24067; thence the approach surface shall slope upward at a ratio of one (1) metre measured vertically to fifty (50) metres measured horizontally to an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip and distant fifteen thousand (15 000) metres measured horizontally from the end of the strip, the outer ends of the imaginary horizontal line being two thousand four hundred (2 400) metres from the projected centre line; the imaginary horizontal line being two hundred and ninety-one decimal six zero (291.60) metres, measured vertically, above the assigned elevation of the airport reference point,
(c) a surface abutting the end of the strip associated with runway approach 08L consisting of an inclined plane having a ratio of one (1) metre measured vertically to fifty (50) metres measured horizontally to an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip and distant fifteen thousand (15 000) metres measured horizontally from the end of the strip, the outer ends of the imaginary horizontal line being two thousand four hundred (2 400) metres from the projected centre line; the imaginary horizontal line being three hundred decimal six (300.6) metres, measured vertically, above the assigned elevation of the airport reference point,
(d) a surface abutting the end of the strip associated with runway approach 26R consisting of an inclined plane having a ratio of one (1) metre measured vertically to fifty (50) metres measured horizontally rising to an intersection with the outer surface; thence the approach surface shall be horizontal and contiguous to the outer surface to an intersection with an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip and passing through the northeast corner of the remainder of Lot D, Section 15, Block 5 North, Range 6 West, Plan 5736; thence the approach surface shall slope upwards at a ratio of one (1) metre measured vertically to fifty (50) metres measured horizontally to an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip, and distant fifteen thousand (15 000) metres from the end of the strip, the outer ends of the imaginary horizontal line being two thousand four hundred (2 400) metres from the projected centre line; the imaginary horizontal line being two hundred and seventy-eight decimal six (278.6) metres, measured vertically, above the assigned elevation of the airport reference point,
(e) a surface abutting the end of the strip associated with runway approach 12 consisting of an inclined plane having a ratio of one (1) metre measured vertically to fifty (50) metres measured horizontally rising to an intersection with the outer surface; thence the approach surface shall be horizontal and contiguous to the said outer surface to an intersection with an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip and commencing at the intersection point of the westerly limit of approach 12 and the westerly boundary of the Township of Richmond boundary; thence the approach surface shall slope upward at a ratio of one (1) metre measured vertically to fifty (50) metres measured horizontally to an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip and distant fifteen thousand (15 000) metres measured horizontally from the end of the strip, the outer ends of the imaginary horizontal line being two thousand four hundred (2 400) metres from the projected centre line; the imaginary horizontal line being two hundred and ninety-nine decimal sixty-eight (299.68) metres, measured vertically, above the assigned elevation of the airport reference point, and
(f) a surface abutting the end of the strip associated with runway approach 30 consisting of an inclined plane having a ratio of one (1) metre measured vertically to fifty (50) metres horizontally rising to an intersection with the outer surface; thence the approach surface shall be horizontal and contiguous to the said outer surface to an intersection with an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip and commencing at the intersection of the southwesterly limit of Approach 30 with the northerly limit of Blundell Road; thence the approach surface shall slope upwards at a ratio of one (1) metre measured vertically to fifty (50) metres measured horizontally to an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip and distant fifteen thousand (15 000) metres from the end of the strip, the outer ends of the imaginary horizontal line being two thousand four hundred (2 400) metres from the projected centre line; the imaginary horizontal line being two hundred and seventy-six decimal zero five (276.05) metres, measured vertically, above the assigned elevation of the airport reference point,
which approach surfaces have a divergence of 15 per cent on each side of the centre line of each strip and are shown outlined in blue on Department of Transport Plan No. BC 1280 dated November 2, 1978.
PART IVDescription of the Outer Surface
Being an imaginary surface consisting of
(a) a common plane established at a constant elevation of forty-five (45) metres above the assigned elevation of the airport reference point, and
(b) where the common plane described in paragraph (a) is less than nine (9) metres above the surface of the ground, an imaginary surface located at nine (9) metres above the surface of the ground,
which outer surface is shown outlined in yellow on Department of Transport Plan No. BC 1280 dated November 2, 1978.
PART VDescription of the Strips
The strips are described as follows:
(a) the strip associated with runway 08R-26L is three hundred (300) metres in width, one hundred and fifty (150) metres being on each side of the centre line of the runway, and three thousand four hundred and seventy-two decimal ninety-six (3 472.96) metres in length, sixty (60) metres extending beyond each end of the runway,
(b) the strip associated with runway 08L-26R is three hundred (300) metres in width, one hundred and fifty (150) metres being on each side of the centre line of the runway, and three thousand one hundred and fifty (3 150) metres in length, sixty (60) metres extending beyond each end of the runway, and
(c) the strip associated with runway 12-30 is three hundred (300) metres in width, one hundred and fifty (150) metres being on each side of the centre line of the runway, and two thousand three hundred and forty-five decimal fourteen (2 345.14) metres in length, sixty (60) metres extending beyond each end of the runway,
which strips are shown outlined in green on Department of Transport Plan No. BC 1280 dated November 2, 1978.
PART VIDescription of Each Transitional Surface
Being a surface consisting of an inclined plane rising at a ratio of one (1) metre measured vertically to seven (7) metres measured horizontally at right angles to the centre line and centre line produced of each strip and extending upward and outward from the lateral limits of each strip and its approach surfaces to an elevation of forty-five (45) metres, measured vertically, above the assigned elevation of the airport reference point, which surfaces are shown outlined in red on Department of Transport Plan No. 1280 dated November 2, 1978.
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