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Foreign Ownership of Land Regulations (SOR/79-416)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04

Foreign Ownership of Land Regulations




Registration 1979-05-22

Regulations Respecting the Ownership of Agricultural and Recreational Land in Alberta

The Lieutenant Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Associate Minister of Public Lands and Wildlife, pursuant to subsections 33(2) and 33(3) of the Citizenship Act (Canada), sections 2, 4 and 5 of The Agricultural and Recreational Land Ownership Act (Alberta), sections 25.1, 146, 156, 167 and 177 of The Companies Act (Alberta), sections 4 and 24 of The Co-operative Associations Act (Alberta), sections 6 and 64 of The Credit Union Act (Alberta), sections 13 and 26 of The Religious Societies’ Land Act (Alberta) and sections 7 and 25 of The Societies Act (Alberta), hereby makes the annexed Regulations respecting the Ownership of Agricultural and Recreational Land in Alberta and repeals the Foreign Ownership of Land (Temporary) Regulations made by Order in Council numbered O.C. 404/77 of April 26, 1977Footnote 1, as amendedFootnote 2.

Short Title

 These Regulations may be cited as the Foreign Ownership of Land Regulations.


 In these Regulations,


Act means the Citizenship Act (Canada); (Loi)

controlled land

controlled land means land in Alberta but does not include

  • (a) land of the Crown in right of Alberta;

  • (b) land within the boundaries of a city, town, new town, village or summer village, and

  • (c) mines and minerals; (terrain réglementé)


corporation means a corporation with or without share capital; (société)

foreign controlled corporation

foreign controlled corporation means

  • (a) a corporation incorporated elsewhere than in Canada,

  • (b) in the case of a public corporation whose shares are not traded on a stock exchange in Canada or a private corporation, a corporation

    • (i) the percentage of foreign ownership of which calculated under section 13 is 50% or greater, or

    • (ii) that is the last in a succession of corporations the outstanding shares of each of which are more than 50% owned by its predecessor in the succession of corporations if the outstanding shares of any of the corporations in the succession are more than 50% held by ineligible persons or by any other corporation the percentage of foreign ownership of which calculated under section 13 is 50% or greater, or

  • (c) in the case of a public corporation whose shares are traded on a stock exchange in Canada, a corporation

    • (i) less than 2/3 of whose directors are Canadian citizens or permanent residents, or

    • (ii) in which 50% or more of its outstanding shares are held in blocks of 5% or more by ineligible persons or corporations the percentage of foreign ownership of which calculated under section 13 is 50% or greater; (société sous contrôle étranger)

ineligible person

ineligible person means

  • (a) an individual who is not a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident,

  • (b) the government of a country other than Canada or a political subdivision of a country other than Canada, or any agency of such government or political subdivision, or

  • (c) a corporation incorporated elsewhere than in Canada; (personne inéligible)

limited partnership

limited partnership means a limited partnership to which The Partnership Act (Alberta) applies or to which sections 48 to 66 of chapter 230 of the Revised Statutes of Alberta, 1955 continue to apply; (société en commandite)


Minister means the Associate Minister of Public Lands and Wildlife; (ministre)


parcel means an area of land the boundaries of which are

  • (a) shown on a plan registered or filed in a land titles office, or

  • (b) described in the certificate of title to the land,

and that has not been divided into smaller areas by an instrument or plan registered or filed in a land titles office, other than a registered road plan or right of way plan, or by a natural boundary shown on a plan registered in a land titles office; (parcelle)

private corporation

private corporation means a corporation incorporated under the laws of Canada or a province of Canada that by its memorandum, articles, by-laws, charter or regulations,

  • (a) in the case of a corporation having share capital,

    • (i) restricts or prohibits the right to transfer any of its shares,

    • (ii) limits the number of its members to 50 or less (exclusive of persons who are in the employment of the corporation, and persons who, having been formerly in the employment of the corporation, were while in that employment and have continued after the termination of that employment to be members of the corporation), but where two or more persons hold one or more shares in the corporation jointly they shall, for the purposes of this definition, be treated as a single member, and

    • (iii) prohibits an invitation to the public to subscribe for any shares or debentures of the corporation, or

  • (b) in the case of a corporation not having share capital,

    • (i) limits the number of its members to 50 or less (exclusive of persons who are in the employment of the corporation, and of persons who having been formerly in the employment of the corporation were, while in that employment and continued after the termination of that employment to be members of the corporation),

    • (ii) prohibits an invitation to the public to become members or to subscribe for debentures of the corporation, and

    • (iii) restricts or prohibits a transfer of the interest of a member in the corporation; (société privée)

permanent resident

permanent resident means a permanent resident within the meaning of the Immigration Act, 1976 (Canada); (résident permanent)

public corporation

public corporation means a corporation incorporated under the laws of Canada or a province of Canada that is not a private corporation. (société publique)

Effective Control of Corporation

 A corporation that is a foreign controlled corporation is, for the purposes of the Act and these Regulations, effectively controlled by persons who are not Canadian citizens.


  •  (1) Subject to these Regulations, no ineligible person or foreign controlled corporation shall take or acquire, directly or indirectly, an interest in controlled land.

  • (2) Nothing in subsection (1) affects the succession by any person to an interest in controlled land arising out of the death of a person.


  •  (1) An ineligible person or foreign controlled corporation may take or acquire, directly or indirectly, an interest in controlled land if as a result of that taking or acquisition the ineligible person or foreign controlled corporation will own or beneficially own interests in controlled land consisting of not more than two parcels containing, in the aggregate, not more than 20 acres.

  • (2) Subject to subsection (3), an ineligible person or foreign controlled corporation that owns or beneficially owns, as a tenant in common, an interest in a parcel of controlled land is considered to own or beneficially own an interest in that area of controlled land equal to the product obtained by multiplying the area of the parcel by the extent, expressed in a percentage, of the ineligible person’s or foreign controlled corporation’s interest in the parcel of controlled land.

  • (3) No ineligible person or foreign controlled corporation shall as a tenant in common take or acquire, directly or indirectly, an interest in a parcel of controlled land that is greater than 20 acres in area if as a result of that taking or acquisition more than five ineligible persons or foreign controlled corporations will own or beneficially own, as tenants in common, that interest in the parcel of controlled land.

  • (4) Foreign controlled corporations that are associated with one another as determined under section 256 of the Income Tax Act (Canada) shall be considered as a single corporation for the purposes of this section, but in determining whether and at what time foreign controlled corporations are associated for the purposes of this section, subsection 256(1) of the Income Tax Act (Canada) shall be read as though the words “at any time in the year” were struck out.

 An ineligible person or foreign controlled corporation may take or acquire a lease of controlled land for a term of 20 years or less, other than a lease that contains a provision by which its term may be extended or renewed so that the period in which the lease is in effect will exceed 20 years, if the lease is registered in a land titles office within 60 days of its being made.

 An ineligible person or foreign controlled corporation may take or acquire an option to purchase an interest in controlled land if

  • (a) the option to purchase is exercisable within a period of one year from its effective date and not afterwards, and

  • (b) the option to purchase contains a condition that it may be exercised only in favour of the ineligible person or foreign controlled corporation when the ineligible person or foreign controlled corporation becomes eligible to acquire the interest under these Regulations.


  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), these Regulations, except for sections 22 to 25, do not apply in respect of the following:

    • (a) a right of entry order under The Surface Rights Act (Alberta);

    • (b) an interest in controlled land acquired for a purpose for which a right of entry order under The Surface Rights Act (Alberta) may be granted;

    • (c) the taking or acquisition of an interest in controlled land for the purpose of establishing an industrial, processing, manufacturing, commercial or transportation facility if the area of controlled land in respect of which the interest is taken or acquired does not exceed 80 acres for any separate facility;

    • (d) the taking or acquisition of an interest in controlled land for the purpose of the construction of

      • (i) a pipeline, a processing plant, an installation, a manufacturing plant, a marketing plant, or a refinery as those words are defined in The Pipeline Act, 1975 (Alberta), or

      • (ii) a transmission line, power plant or an electric distribution system as defined in The Hydro and Electric Energy Act (Alberta), or

      • (iii) a system as defined in The Alberta Government Telephones Act (Alberta);

    • (e) the taking or acquisition of an interest in controlled land for the purpose of extracting sand, gravel, clay or marl if the area of controlled land in respect of which the interest is taken or acquired does not exceed 160 acres for any separate project or development;

    • (f) the taking or acquisition of an interest in controlled land for the purpose of establishing a residence or carrying out a residential development if

      • (i) in the opinion of the Minister or any person authorized by him, the land is located in an area in which the establishment of a residence or subdivision for the purposes of residential development is or will likely be permitted, and

      • (ii) the area of controlled land in respect of which the interest is taken or acquired does not exceed

        • (A) in the case of a single residence, 20 acres, or

        • (B) in the case of a residential development, 80 acres for any separate development;

    • (g) the taking or acquisition of an interest in controlled land pursuant to section 30 of The Water, Gas, Electric and Telephone Companies Act (Alberta);

    • (h) the taking or acquisition of an interest in controlled land by a foreign state for diplomatic or consular purposes;

    • (i) the taking or acquisition of an interest in controlled land by a person as the executor or administrator of the estate of a deceased person;

    • (j) an order of a court charging an interest in controlled land for the benefit of a spouse or child of the owner of that interest in controlled land;

    • (k) a burial lot or plot to which The Cemeteries Act (Alberta) applies.

  • (2) If an interest in controlled land is taken or acquired by an ineligible person or foreign controlled corporation for any of the purposes set out in paragraphs (1)(b) to (f), the ineligible person or foreign controlled corporation, or any associated corporation to which the interest in controlled land is transferred under section 12, shall

    • (a) divest himself or itself, as the case may be, of the interest in controlled land within three years of completion or termination of the purpose set out in paragraphs (1)(b) to (f) for which the interest was taken or acquired,

    • (b) if reclamation is required in respect of the land, divest himself or itself, as the case may be, of the interest in controlled land within three years of the completion of the reclamation,

    • (c) if the purpose set out in paragraphs (1)(b) to (f) for which the interest was taken or acquired is not proceeded with, divest himself or itself, as the case may be, of the interest in controlled land within three years of the time at which the ineligible person or foreign controlled corporation, in the opinion of the Minister or any person authorized by him, became aware that the purpose would not proceed, or

    • (d) if an interest in more than the required area of controlled land is taken or acquired and the area of controlled land actually required is less than 50% of the area taken or acquired and may be separated from the area not required, subdivide off the area not required and divest himself or itself, as the case may be, of the interest in controlled land in respect of the area of controlled land so subdivided off within three years of it being so subdivided off.


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