Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Canada–Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Area Petroleum Operations Framework Regulations (SOR/2024-25)

Regulations are current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2024-10-28. Previous Versions

PART 12Notice, Records, Reports and Other Information for Authorized Works and Activities (continued)

Drilling and Production (continued)

Marginal note:Annual production report

 An operator must ensure that, not later than March 31 of each year, an annual production report for a pool, field or zone is submitted to the Board that contains information on how the operator manages and intends to manage the resource being produced without waste, including

  • (a) for the preceding calendar year, details on performance, production forecasts, reserve revision, the reasons for deviations in well performance from forecasts in previous annual production reports, gas conservation resources, efforts to maximize the recovery of petroleum and operating and capital expenditures, including the cost of each well operation; and

  • (b) for the preceding calendar year, the current calendar year and the next two calendar years, capital costs and fixed operating costs for each well and field in a production project, variable costs, commodity prices and financial commitments in relation to the transportation of the resource, including by pipeline.

Marginal note:Gas venting records

 An operator must ensure that a record is kept of the following information in respect of each gas venting referred to in paragraph 82(c):

  • (a) a description of the emergency situation that justified the venting;

  • (b) a description of the venting, the date it occurred and its duration; and

  • (c) the volume of gas vented.

Marginal note:Compressor records

 An operator must ensure that a record containing the following documents and information is kept in respect of the compressors referred to in subsection 84(1):

  • (a) information demonstrating, with supporting documents, that the continuous monitoring device referred to in subsection 84(2) has been calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations such that its measurements have a maximum margin of error of ±10%; and

  • (b) for each compressor, if its maximum flow rate limit under subsection 84(3) or (4) has been exceeded,

    • (i) its serial number, make and model,

    • (ii) the date on which the maximum flow rate limit was exceeded,

    • (iii) the flow rate indicated by the continuous monitoring device when the maximum flow rate limit was exceeded, and

    • (iv) a description of the corrective measures that were taken and the dates on which they was taken.

Marginal note:Fugitive emission records

 An operator must ensure that a record containing the following information is kept in respect of any fugitive emission from an installation that is detected:

  • (a) the date on which the emission was detected;

  • (b) the type of equipment from which the emission was released and its location within the installation or identifier;

  • (c) the means by which the emission was identified; and

  • (d) a description of the corrective measures that were taken and the dates on which they were taken.

Marginal note:Record retention period

 An operator must ensure that a record referred to in any of sections 203 to 205 is retained for five years after the day on which the record is created.

Diving Projects or Construction Activities

Marginal note:Weekly status reports

  •  (1) An operator must ensure that weekly reports are submitted to the Board on the status of any diving project or construction activities.

  • Marginal note:Content of reports

    (2) The weekly status reports must contain the following documents and information:

    • (a) the project number assigned by the Board;

    • (b) information identifying, and indicating the current location and status of, all operations sites and support craft used in the diving project or construction activities;

    • (c) a description of the works and activities carried out during the preceding week;

    • (d) an indication of the total number of persons involved in the works and activities who, during the week, were at, or transferred to or from, the operations sites and, if applicable, the means by which they were transferred;

    • (e) a summary of emergency drills and exercises that were completed and reportable incidents that occurred during the week;

    • (f) an indication of the quantities of consumable substances that are critical to safety that are currently at each operations site; and

    • (g) a summary of the verification, inspection, monitoring, testing, maintenance and operating activities that are critical to safety that were carried out during the preceding week.

PART 13Repeals and Coming into Force


 The following Regulations are repealed:

Coming into Force

Marginal note:Eight months after publication

Footnote * These Regulations come into force on the day that, in the eighth month after the month in which they are published in the Canada Gazette, Part II, has the same calendar number as the day on which they are published or, if that eighth month has no day with that number, the last day of that eighth month.


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