Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canadian Pork Promotion-Research Agency Proclamation (SOR/2020-282)

Regulations are current to 2024-07-23

Canadian Pork Promotion-Research Agency Proclamation



Registration 2020-12-16

Canadian Pork Promotion-Research Agency Proclamation

Julie Payette



ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories QUEEN, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.

Nathalie G. Drouin

Deputy Attorney General

Great Seal of Canada

TO ALL TO WHOM these presents shall come or whom the same may in any way concern,


A Proclamation

Whereas subsection 39(1)Footnote a of the Farm Products Agencies ActFootnote b provides that the Governor in Council may, by proclamation, establish a promotion and research agency with powers relating to one or more farm products, if the Governor in Council is satisfied that the majority of the aggregate of the producers or, if the import trade in one or more farm products is to be included, the majority of the aggregate of the producers and importers, of all of those farm products, in Canada or in the region to which the proclamation relates, is in favour of the establishment of such an agency;

And whereas the Governor in Council is satisfied that a majority of the aggregate of the producers and importers of hogs and pork products in Canada is in favour of the establishment of a promotion and research agency;

Now Know You that We, by and with the advice of Our Privy Council for Canada and pursuant to Order in Council P.C. 2020-844 of October 30, 2020, do by this Our Proclamation

  • (a) establish a promotion and research agency, known as the Canadian Pork Promotion-Research Agency, consisting of 12 members appointed in the manner and for the term as set out in the annexed schedule;

  • (b) specify that the manner of designation of the chair and vice-chair of the Canadian Pork Promotion-Research Agency, the manner of appointment and term of temporary substitute members of the Agency and the place within Canada where its head office is to be situated are as set out in the annexed schedule;

  • (c) designate that the farm products in relation to which the Canadian Pork Promotion-Research Agency may exercise its powers are hogs and pork products as defined in the annexed schedule; and

  • (d) specify that the terms of the promotion and research plan that the Canadian Pork Promotion-Research Agency is empowered to implement are as set out in the annexed schedule;

And Know You further that this Proclamation may be cited as the Canadian Pork Promotion-Research Agency Proclamation.

Of all which Our loving subjects and all others whom these presents may concern are required to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, We have caused this Our Proclamation to be published and the Great Seal of Canada to be affixed to it.


Our Right Trusty and Well-beloved Julie Payette, Chancellor and Principal Companion of Our Order of Canada, Chancellor and Commander of Our Order of Military Merit, Chancellor and Commander of Our Order of Merit of the Police Forces, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada.

AT OUR GOVERNMENT HOUSE, in Our City of Ottawa, this twenty-fifth day of November in the year of Our Lord two thousand and twenty and in the sixty-ninth year of Our Reign


Simon Kennedy
Deputy Registrar General of Canada

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