Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Trademarks Regulations (SOR/2018-227)

Regulations are current to 2024-06-19 and last amended on 2024-01-01. Previous Versions

PART 1Rules of General Application (continued)

Proceeding Under Section 45 of Act

Marginal note:Fee

 For the purpose of subsection 45(1) of the Act, the fee to be paid by a person that requests that a notice be given under that subsection is that set out in item 13 of the schedule to these Regulations.

Marginal note:Correspondence

 A person that corresponds with the Registrar in respect of a proceeding under section 45 of the Act must clearly indicate that the correspondence relates to that proceeding.

Marginal note:Forwarding copies of documents

 A party to a proceeding under section 45 of the Act that, on a given day after the Registrar has given notice under subsection 45(1) of the Act, provides to the Registrar a document, other than a document that they are otherwise required to serve, that relates to that proceeding must, on that day, forward a copy of it to any other party.

Marginal note:Service on representative of party

 A party to a proceeding under section 45 of the Act may file with the Registrar and serve on any other party to the proceeding a notice setting out the name and address in Canada of a person on whom or a firm on which service of any document in respect of the proceeding may be made with the same effect as if it had been served on them.

Marginal note:Manner of service

  •  (1) Service of a document in respect of a proceeding under section 45 of the Act must be effected

    • (a) by personal service in Canada;

    • (b) by registered mail to an address in Canada;

    • (c) by courier to an address in Canada;

    • (d) by the sending of a notice to the other party advising that the document to be served has been filed with or submitted to the Registrar, if the party seeking to effect service does not have the information necessary to serve the other party in accordance with any of paragraphs (a) to (c); or

    • (e) in any manner that is agreed to by the parties.

  • Marginal note:Service on trademark agent

    (2) Despite section 70, if a party to be served appoints a trademark agent in respect of a proceeding under section 45 of the Act, service must be effected on that agent unless the parties agree otherwise.

  • Marginal note:Effective date of service

    (3) Subject to subsections (4) to (7) and (10), service is effective on the day on which the document is delivered.

  • Marginal note:Exception — service by registered mail

    (4) Service by registered mail is effective on the day on which the document is mailed.

  • Marginal note:Exception — service by courier

    (5) Service by courier is effective on the day on which the document is provided to the courier.

  • Marginal note:Exception — service by electronic means

    (6) Service by an electronic means is effective on the day on which the document is transmitted.

  • Marginal note:Exception — service by sending of notice

    (7) Service by the sending of a notice under paragraph (1)(d) is effective on the day on which the notice is sent.

  • Marginal note:Notice of manner and date of service

    (8) The party effecting service must notify the Registrar of the manner of service and the effective date of service.

  • Marginal note:Proof of service

    (9) A party that serves a document must, on request of the Registrar, provide proof of service within one month after the date of the request. If proof of service is not provided within that month, the document is deemed not to have been served.

  • Marginal note:Validity of irregular service

    (10) Service of a document other than in accordance with subsection (1) is nonetheless valid if the Registrar determines that the document has been provided to the party being served and informs the parties of that determination. The service is effective on the day on which the document was provided to the party being served.

Marginal note:Evidence — timing

 For the purpose of subsection 45(2.1) of the Act, the time within which the registered owner of the trademark must serve their evidence on the person at whose request the notice was given is the three-month period referred to in subsection 45(1) of the Act.

Marginal note:Written representations

  •  (1) After the registered owner has furnished an affidavit or statutory declaration to the Registrar in response to a notice given under subsection 45(1) of the Act, the Registrar must give the parties notice that they may submit written representations to the Registrar.

  • Marginal note:Timing if notice given at Registrar’s initiative

    (2) For the purpose of subsection 45(2) of the Act, if the notice referred to in subsection 45(1) of the Act was given on the Registrar’s own initiative, the time within which the registered owner may submit written representations to the Registrar is two months after the date of the notice given under subsection (1) of this section.

  • Marginal note:Statement of registered owner

    (3) If the registered owner does not wish to submit written representations in respect of a notice referred to in subsection 45(1) of the Act that was given on the Registrar’s own initiative, they may submit a statement to that effect to the Registrar within the two-month period referred to in subsection (2) of this section.

  • Marginal note:Timing if notice given on request

    (4) For the purpose of subsections 45(2) and (2.1) of the Act, if the notice referred to in subsection 45(1) of the Act was given at the request of a person, the time within which that person may submit written representations to the Registrar and must serve those representations on the registered owner is two months after the date of the notice given under subsection (1) of this section.

  • Marginal note:Statement of person requesting notice

    (5) If that person does not wish to submit written representations, they may submit a statement to that effect to the Registrar within the two-month period referred to in subsection (4) and, if so, they must serve it on the registered owner within that period.

  • Marginal note:Timing of registered owner’s written representations

    (6) For the purpose of subsections 45(2) and (2.1) of the Act, if the notice referred to in subsection 45(1) of the Act was given at the request of a person, the time within which the registered owner may submit written representations to the Registrar and must serve those representations on that person is

    • (a) in the case that a service referred to in subsection (4) or (5) of this section, as the case may be, is effective within the two-month period referred to in that subsection (4), two months after the day on which that service is effective; and

    • (b) in any other case, two months after the end of the two-month period referred to in that subsection (4).

  • Marginal note:Statement of registered owner

    (7) If the registered owner does not wish to submit written representations in respect of a notice referred to in subsection (6), they may submit a statement to that effect to the Registrar within the two-month period determined under subsection (6) for their submission of written representations and, if so, they must serve it on the person requesting the notice within that period.

Marginal note:Request for hearing

  •  (1) Every party that wishes to make representations to the Registrar at a hearing must file with the Registrar a request that indicates

    • (a) whether the party intends to make representations in English or French and whether they will require simultaneous interpretation if another party makes representations in the other official language; and

    • (b) whether the party wishes to make representations in person, by telephone, by video conference or by another means of communication offered by the Registrar and that sets out any information necessary to permit the use of the chosen means of communication.

  • Marginal note:Period

    (2) The request must be filed within the following period:

    • (a) if the notice referred to in subsection 45(1) of the Act was given on the Registrar’s own initiative, one month after the day on which the registered owner submits to the Registrar written representations or a statement that they do not wish to make written representations or, if no such submission is made within the two-month period referred to in subsection 73(2) of these Regulations, one month after the end of that two-month period; and

    • (b) if the notice referred to in subsection 45(1) of the Act was given at the request of a person, one month after the day on which the registered owner’s service of written representations or of a statement that they do not wish to make written representations is effective or, if no such service is effective within the two-month period determined under 73(6) of these Regulations for their submission of written representations, one month after the end of that two-month period.

  • Marginal note:When representations may be made

    (3) A party may make representations at the hearing only if they file a request in accordance with this section.

  • Marginal note:Changes

    (4) If a party, at least one month before the date of the hearing, notifies the Registrar of changes to be made in respect of any of the information provided under subsection (1), the Registrar must modify the administrative arrangements for the hearing accordingly.

Renewal of Registration

Marginal note:Fee

 For the purpose of section 46 of the Act, the renewal fee to be paid is that set out in item 14 of the schedule to these Regulations.

Marginal note:Period

 For the purpose of section 46 of the Act, the period within which the renewal fee is to be paid

  • (a) begins on the day that is six months before the end of the initial period or the renewal period, as the case may be, and

  • (b) ends at the later of

    • (i) the end of the six-month period that begins after the end of that initial or renewal period, and

    • (ii) if a notice is sent under subsection 46(2) of the Act, the end of the two-month period that begins after the date of that notice.

Marginal note:Deemed date — merged registrations

 For the purpose of a renewal under section 46 of the Act, the deemed day of registration in respect of a registration of a trademark that results from the merger of registrations under paragraph 41(1)(f) of the Act is the day that is 10 years before the earliest day, after the day of the merger, on which the initial period or the renewal period, as the case may be, in respect of any of the registrations being merged would have expired, had the merger not occurred.

Objection Proceeding Under Section 11.13 of Act

Marginal note:Fee

 For the purpose of subsection 11.13(1) of the Act, the fee to be paid for filing a statement of objection is that set out in item 15 of the schedule to these Regulations.

Marginal note:Correspondence

 A person that corresponds with the Registrar in respect of an objection proceeding must clearly indicate that the correspondence relates to that proceeding.

Marginal note:Forwarding copies of documents

 A party to an objection proceeding that, on a given day after a statement of objection has been filed with the Registrar under subsection 11.13(1) of the Act, provides to the Registrar a document, other than a document that they are otherwise required to serve on another party, that relates to that proceeding must, on that day, forward a copy of it to the other party.

Marginal note:Manner of service

  •  (1) Service of a document in respect of an objection proceeding must be effected

    • (a) by personal service in Canada;

    • (b) by registered mail to an address in Canada;

    • (c) by courier to an address in Canada;

    • (d) by the sending of a notice to the other party advising that the document to be served has been filed with or submitted to the Registrar, if the party seeking to effect service does not have the information necessary to serve the other party in accordance with any of paragraphs (a) to (c); or

    • (e) in any manner that is agreed to by the parties.

  • Marginal note:Service on trademark agent

    (2) If a party to be served appoints a trademark agent in respect of an objection proceeding,

    • (a) that agent is deemed, in respect of any party that has been served with notice of the appointment, to replace any person or firm set out in a statement by the Minister or a statement of objection as a person on whom or a firm on which service of any document may be made with the same effect as if it had been served on the party directly; and

    • (b) service must be effected on that agent unless the parties agree otherwise.

  • Marginal note:Effective date of service

    (3) Subject to subsections (4) to (7) and (10), service is effective on the day on which the document is delivered.

  • Marginal note:Exception — service by registered mail

    (4) Service by registered mail is effective on the day on which the document is mailed.

  • Marginal note:Exception — service by courier

    (5) Service by courier is effective on the day on which the document is provided to the courier.

  • Marginal note:Exception — service by electronic means

    (6) Service by an electronic means is effective on the day on which the document is transmitted.

  • Marginal note:Exception — service by sending of notice

    (7) Service by the sending of a notice under paragraph (1)(d) is effective on the day on which the notice is sent.

  • Marginal note:Notice of manner and date of service

    (8) The party effecting service must notify the Registrar of the manner of service and the effective date of service.

  • Marginal note:Proof of service

    (9) A party that serves a document must, on request of the Registrar, provide proof of service within one month after the date of the request. If proof of service is not provided within that month, the document is deemed not to have been served.

  • Marginal note:Validity of irregular service

    (10) Service of a document other than in accordance with subsection (1) is nonetheless valid if the Registrar determines that the document has been provided to the party being served and informs the parties of that determination. The service is effective on the day on which the document was provided to the party being served.

Marginal note:Amendment

  •  (1) No amendment to a statement of objection or counter statement may be made except with leave of the Registrar on terms that the Registrar considers to be appropriate.

  • Marginal note:Interests of justice

    (2) The Registrar must grant leave under subsection (1) if it is in the interests of justice to do so.

Marginal note:Manner of submitting evidence

 Evidence in respect of an objection proceeding, other than evidence referred to in subsection 91(3) of these Regulations, is to be submitted to the Registrar by way of affidavit or statutory declaration. However, if the evidence consists of a document or extract from a document that is in the official custody of the Registrar, it may be submitted by way of a certified copy referred to in section 54 of the Act.

Marginal note:Timing of objector’s evidence

  •  (1) The objector may submit evidence referred to in subsection 11.13(5) of the Act to the Registrar within a period of four months after the day on which the responsible authority’s service on the objector of a copy of the counter statement is effective.

  • Marginal note:Timing of service

    (2) For the purpose of subsection 11.13(5.1) of the Act, the time within which the objector must serve that evidence on the responsible authority is during that four-month period.

  • Marginal note:Objector’s statement

    (3) If the objector does not wish to submit evidence, they may submit a statement to that effect to the Registrar within the four-month period referred to in subsection (1) and, if so, they must serve it on the responsible authority within that period.


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