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Muskowekwan First Nation Solution Potash Mining Regulations (SOR/2017-47)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04

Muskowekwan First Nation Solution Potash Mining Regulations



Registration 2017-03-24

Muskowekwan First Nation Solution Potash Mining Regulations

P.C. 2017-258 2017-03-24

Whereas the Muskowekwan First Nation has requested by resolution of its council that the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development recommend to the Governor in Council the making of the annexed Regulations and, in accordance with paragraph 5(1)(a) of the First Nations Commercial and Industrial Development ActFootnote a, the Minister has received that resolution;

Whereas the Muskowekwan First Nation is a First Nation within the meaning of the First Nations Commercial and Industrial Development ActFootnote a;

Whereas the intention of the annexed Regulations is to ensure that certain laws set out in Schedule 3 to these Regulations apply as federal law to the project, within the limits of federal constitutional authority;

Whereas the annexed Regulations specify provincial officials by whom, and provincial bodies by which, powers may be exercised or duties must be performed;

And whereas, in accordance with paragraph 5(1)(b) of the First Nations Commercial and Industrial Development ActFootnote a an agreement has been concluded between the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, the Province of Saskatchewan and the council of the Muskowekwan First Nation for the administration and enforcement of the Regulations by those provincial officials and bodies;

Therefore, His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, pursuant to section 3Footnote b of the First Nations Commercial and Industrial Development ActFootnote a, makes the annexed Muskowekwan First Nation Solution Potash Mining Regulations.


Marginal note:Definitions

 The following definitions apply in these Regulations.

incorporated laws

incorporated laws means the statutes and regulations of Saskatchewan, or any portions of them, that are set out in Schedule 3, as amended from time to time and as adapted by sections 11 to 43. (texte législatif incorporé)


potash means all natural mineral salts of boron, calcium, lithium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, bromine, chlorine, fluorine, iodine, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur, and their compounds, occurring more than 60 m below the surface of the project lands. (potasse)


project means the exploration for potash and the development of potash located within the project lands and the construction, modification, operation, decommissioning, reclamation and abandonment of a solution potash mine on those project lands. (projet)

project lands

project lands means

  • (a) Muskowekwan First Nation reserve lands that are set out in Schedule 1;

  • (b) entitlement lands that are set out in Schedule 2 and that are added to the Muskowekwan First Nation Reserve under subsection 5(1) of the Claim Settlements (Alberta and Saskatchewan) Implementation Act; and

  • (c) road allowances that are adjacent to any lands set out in Schedule 1 or 2 and that are set apart as reserve lands for the use and benefit of the Muskowekwan First Nation under the Saskatchewan Treaty Land Entitlement Framework Agreement. (terres du projet)

Marginal note:Provincial Interpretation Act, 1995

 The incorporated laws are to be interpreted in accordance with the Saskatchewan statute The Interpretation Act, 1995, S.S. 1995, c. I-11.2, as amended from time to time and, for that purpose, references to “enactment” in that Act are to be read to include the incorporated laws.

Marginal note:Other expressions

 For greater certainty, the adaptations in sections 11 to 43 are to be interpreted to be part of the incorporated laws to which they apply.

Application of Laws

Marginal note:Incorporation by reference

 Subject to section 5, the incorporated laws apply to the project.

Marginal note:Restriction — laws in force

  •  (1) A provision of an incorporated law applies only if the provision of the law of Saskatchewan that it incorporates is in force.

  • Marginal note:Restriction — limits of authority

    (2) For greater certainty, an incorporated law applies only to the extent that it is within the limits of federal constitutional authority.

Marginal note:Incorporation of procedural matters

  •  (1) Unless otherwise provided and subject to any adaptations set out in sections 11 to 43, the following are to be carried out in accordance with the laws of Saskatchewan, whether or not those laws have been set out in Schedule 3:

    • (a) the enforcement of incorporated laws;

    • (b) the prosecution of an offence, or any other proceedings, in relation to the contravention of an incorporated law;

    • (c) the review or appeal of an action or decision that is taken, or of a failure to take an action that could have been taken, under an incorporated law; and

    • (d) any requirements for notice or service in relation to an action that is to be taken under an incorporated law.

  • Marginal note:Related powers

    (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), a person or body that has a power, duty or function under a law of Saskatchewan has the same power, duty or function in respect of any actions that are taken under that subsection.

Marginal note:Offences and penalties

  •  (1) If contravention of a law of Saskatchewan that is incorporated in these Regulations is an offence under the laws of Saskatchewan, contravention of the incorporated law is also an offence and is subject to the same penalties as under the laws of Saskatchewan.

  • Marginal note:Violations and administrative monetary penalties

    (2) If contravention of a law of Saskatchewan that is incorporated in these Regulations is a violation under the laws of Saskatchewan, contravention of the incorporated law is also a violation and is subject to the same administrative monetary penalties as under the laws of Saskatchewan.

Marginal note:Financial requirements under lease

 If the incorporated laws require a cash deposit or other financial security to be given, those requirements do not displace, but instead apply in addition to, the requirements of any lease of the project lands in relation to cash deposits or other financial security.

Inapplicable Federal Regulations

Marginal note:Exclusion

 The Indian Reserve Waste Disposal Regulations do not apply to the project.

Transitional Provision

Marginal note:Survival of rights

 Any lease, permit, authorization, order or exemption – including any amendment to one – that is issued by a provincial official in relation to the project before the coming into force of these Regulations is considered to have been issued under these Regulations and to be valid for the purposes of these Regulations.

General Adaptations to Incorporated Laws

Marginal note:Statutes and regulations of Saskatchewan

 Unless otherwise indicated, the statutes and regulations referred to in sections 16 to 43 are statutes and regulations of Saskatchewan.

Marginal note:Reference to Crown

 For greater certainty, in the incorporated laws,

  • (a) “Crown” does not include Her Majesty in right of Canada;

  • (b) “Crown lands” or “Crown mineral lands” do not include the project lands; and

  • (c) a “Crown disposition” does not include a disposition by Her Majesty in right of Canada.

Marginal note:Interpretation of incorporated laws

  •  (1) Incorporated laws are to be read without reference to any of the following:

    • (a) spent provisions and provisions making consequential amendments to other enactments that are not incorporated laws;

    • (b) provisions appointing a person, providing for the remuneration of a person, or establishing or continuing a provincial body, program, fund or registry;

    • (c) provisions relating to the internal management of a provincial body;

    • (d) provisions requiring or authorizing monies to be paid from the General Revenue Fund of Saskatchewan or from other funds administered by Saskatchewan;

    • (e) provisions authorizing the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, a Minister or a provincial body to make regulations of general application except to the extent required to make the regulations set out in Schedule 3;

    • (f) provisions authorizing any person, provincial official or provincial body to expropriate any interest in lands; and

    • (g) provisions authorizing or imposing a tax or granting or authorizing a tax credit.

  • Marginal note:Interpretation of incorporated laws

    (2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1)(b),

    • (a) a person who is appointed to a position under a law of Saskatchewan incorporated by reference in these Regulations is considered to have been appointed to the same position for the purposes of these Regulations for as long as that person remains in that position under the law of Saskatchewan; and

    • (b) a provincial body, program, fund or registry that is established or continued under a law of Saskatchewan incorporated by reference in these Regulations is considered to have been established or continued for the purposes of these Regulations.

  • Marginal note:Specified person, official or body

    (3) For greater certainty, a person, provincial official or provincial body that has a power, duty or function under a law of Saskatchewan incorporated by reference in these Regulations has the same power, duty or function under these Regulations, subject to the adaptations set out in sections 16 to 43.

  • Marginal note:Interpretation of incorporated laws

    (4) For greater certainty, if a law of Saskatchewan is adapted by these Regulations, a reference to that law in an incorporated law, or in any notice, form, instrument or other document issued under an incorporated law, is to be read as a reference to that law as adapted by these Regulations.

Marginal note:Limitation on searches and inspections

 A power to search or make inspections under an incorporated law, including the power to enter a place, does not include a power to enter or search, or to inspect anything in, a federal government office, without the consent of the person who is or appears to be in charge of that office.

Marginal note:Limitation on production of documents

 A power to seize, remove or compel the production of documents under an incorporated law does not include a power to seize, remove or compel the production of a document in the possession of the federal government, without the consent of the person in possession of the document.

Adaptations to Incorporated Laws

The Electrical Inspection Act, 1993

Marginal note:Adaptation to subsections 19(2), 21(3), etc.

 In subsections 19(2), 21(3), 23(1) and (2), paragraph 26(1)(b) and subsection 26(3) of The Electrical Inspection Act, 1993, a reference to “owner” is to be read as a reference to “occupant”.

The Environmental Assessment Act

Marginal note:Adaptation to paragraph 7.4(c), section 12, etc.

 In paragraph 7.4(c), the portion of section 12 before paragraph (a), paragraph 15(2)(c) and the portion of subsection 23(1) after paragraph (b) of the The Environmental Assessment Act, a reference to “person” or “persons”, as the case may be, is to be read to include Her Majesty in right of Canada.

The Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2010

Marginal note:Adaptation to subsection 13(2)

 In subsection 13(2) of the The Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2010, a reference to “owner” is to be read as a reference to Her Majesty in right of Canada and the Muskowekwan First Nation.

Marginal note:Adaptation to subsection 34(2)

  •  (1) Subsection 34(2) of the Act is to be read as follows:

    • (2) If the minister is satisfied that any sewage works will adversely affect any land other than the project lands, the minister shall provide a written request to the permit holder requiring the permit holder to:

      • (a) in respect of lands other than reserve lands,

        • (i) obtain from the registered owner of the other land an easement, in the prescribed form,

        • (ii) obtain from any other person having a registered interest in the land mentioned in subclause (i) a consent to the granting of the easement,

        • (iii) apply to the Registrar of Titles to register the easement against the titles to the affected lands; and

      • (b) in respect of reserve lands situated outside the project lands, obtain an easement pursuant to the Indian Act.

  • Marginal note:Adaptation to subsection 34(4)

    (2) In subsection 34(4) of the Act, the reference to “subsection (2)” is to be read as a reference to “clause (2)(a)”.

Marginal note:Adaptation to paragraph 50(1)(a)

 Paragraph 50(1)(a) of the Act is to be read as follows:

  • (a) on any land that is owned by another person or the Crown or on the project lands or any other Muskowekwan reserve lands; or

The Environmental Management and Protection (Saskatchewan Environmental Code Adoption) Regulations

Marginal note:Adaptation to paragraph 1-7(1)(a)

  •  (1) In paragraph 1-7(1)(a) of Chapter B.1.1 of the appendix to the The Environmental Management and Protection (Saskatchewan Environmental Code Adoption) Regulations, a reference to “owner” is to be read as a reference to Her Majesty in right of Canada and the Muskowekwan First Nation.

  • Marginal note:Adaptation to paragraph 1-7(2)(a)

    (2) In paragraph 1-7(2)(a) of Chapter B.1.1 of the appendix to the Regulations, a reference to “owner of adjacent land” is to be read as a reference to Her Majesty in right of Canada and the Muskowekwan First Nation.

Marginal note:Adaptation to paragraph 1-8(2)(a)

 In paragraph 1-8(2)(a) of Part 1 of Chapter B.1.2 of the appendix to the Regulations, a reference to “owner” is to be read to include Her Majesty in right of Canada and the Muskowekwan First Nation.

Marginal note:Adaptation to paragraphs 3-2(a) and 3-3(b)

 In paragraphs 3-2(a) and 3-3(b) of Part 3 of Chapter C.3.1 of the appendix to the Regulations, a reference to “landowner” is to be read to include Her Majesty in right of Canada and the Muskowekwan First Nation.

The Gas Inspection Act, 1993

Marginal note:Adaptation to paragraphs 11(1)(a), (b), etc.

 In paragraphs 11(1)(a) and (b), the portion of subsection 11(2) before paragraph (a) and the portion of paragraph 25(1)(b) before subparagraph (i) of The Gas Inspection Act, 1993, a reference to “owner” is to be read as a reference to “occupant”.

Marginal note:Adaptation to subsection 25(3)

 In subsection 25(3) of the Act, a reference to “owner” is to be read to include the occupant.

The Ground Water Regulations

Marginal note:Adaptation to subsection 26(1)

 In subsection 26(1) of The Ground Water Regulations, a reference to “landowner” is to be read to include Her Majesty in right of Canada.

The Hazardous Substances and Waste Dangerous Goods Regulations

Marginal note:Adaptation to subparagraph 15(1)(b)(i)

 In subparagraph 15(1)(b)(i) of the The Hazardous Substances and Waste Dangerous Goods Regulations, the reference to the ““National Fire Code of Canada, 1990”, as revised, amended or substituted at the date of the coming into force of this subclause” is to be read as a reference to the ““National Fire Code of Canada, 2010”, as amended from time to time”.

The Oil and Gas Conservation Act

Marginal note:Adaptation to subsection 17.041(2)

  •  (1) In subsection 17.041(2) of The Oil and Gas Conservation Act, a reference to “owner” is to be read to include Her Majesty in Right of Canada.

  • Marginal note:Adaptation to subsection 17.041(6)

    (2) The portion of subsection 17.041(6) of the Act before paragraph (a) is to be read as follows:

    • (6) A person who enters on or passes over any land pursuant to subsection (1) shall compensate Her Majesty in right of Canada, for the use and benefit of the Muskowekwan First Nation, or the occupant for:

The Oil and Gas Conservation Regulations, 2012

Marginal note:Adaptation to paragraph 2(bb)

 In the definition person in paragraph 2(bb) of The Oil and Gas Conservation Regulations, 2012, a reference to “government” is to be read to exclude the Government of Canada.

Marginal note:Adaptation to subparagraphs 39(1)(b)(i) and (ii), etc.

 In subparagraphs 39(1)(b)(i) and (ii) and paragraphs 53(1)(b) and 55(3)(e) of the Regulations, a reference to “owner” is to be read to include Her Majesty in right of Canada.

The Pipelines Regulations, 2000

Marginal note:Adaptation to paragraph 4(1)(g)

 In paragraph 4(1)(g) of The Pipelines Regulations, 2000, a reference to “surface landowners” is to be read to include Her Majesty in right of Canada.

The Railway Act

Marginal note:Adaptation to paragraph 22.1(7)(b)

 In paragraph 22.1(7)(b) of The Railway Act, a reference to “municipality” is to be read as a reference to the “Muskowekwan First Nation”.

Marginal note:Adaptation to subsection 22.2(1)

  •  (1) Subsection 22.2(1) of the Act is to be read as follows:

    • 22.2(1) In this section, council means the council of the Muskowekwan First Nation.

  • Marginal note:Adaptation to subsection 22.2(2)

    (2) Subsection 22.2(2) of the Act is to be read as follows:

    • (2) If a railway company decides to make a written offer pursuant to clause 22.1(7)(b), the railway company shall send the written offer to the minister and the council.

  • Marginal note:Adaptation to paragraphs 22.2(6)(a) and (b)

    (3) Paragraphs 22.2(6)(a) and (b) of the Act are to be read as follows:

    • (a) the minister shall advise the council in writing; and

    • (b) the council may accept the written offer.

Marginal note:Adaptation to subsection 44(3)

 Subsection 44(3) of the Act is to be read as follows:

  • (3) Where a railway company causes damage to land as a result of any action taken pursuant to subsection (1), it is liable to Her Majesty in right of Canada, for the use and benefit of the Muskowekwan First Nation, for the amount of those damages.

The Saskatchewan Employment Act

Marginal note:Adaptation to paragraph 3-1(1)(t)

 The definition owner in paragraph 3-1(1)(t) of the The Saskatchewan Employment Act is to be read as follows:


owner means:

  • (i) any person to whom Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada has granted a right in relation to the project, and includes any continuation of that person resulting from one or more amalgamations or reorganizations and any successor to that person; and

  • (ii) any delegate, assignee, partnership, agent, sub-lessor, receiver, mortgagee or person who acts for or on behalf of a person mentioned in subclause (i).

The Seismic Exploration Regulations, 1999

Marginal note:Adaptation to subsections 30(2), 34(3), etc.

 In subsections 30(2), 34(3), 38(2) and 42(4) and paragraph 45(1)(b) of The Seismic Exploration Regulations, 1999, a reference to “owner” is to be read to include Her Majesty in right of Canada.

The Subsurface Mineral Conservation Regulations

Marginal note:Adaptation to portion of section 5

  •  (1) The portion of section 5 of The Subsurface Mineral Conservation Regulations before paragraph (a) is to be read as follows:

    5 Notwithstanding sections 112 and 113 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Regulations, 2012, any information with respect to the Prairie Evaporite that is required to be submitted for a well drilled pursuant to a well licence within the project lands remains confidential until the earlier of:

  • Marginal note:Adaptation to paragraph 5(b)

    (2) Paragraph 5(b) of the Regulations is to be read as follows:

    • (b) the expiry of the potash permit or lease issued for the purpose of the project.

The Uniform Building and Accessibility Standards Act

Marginal note:Adaptation to paragraph 2(1)(j.1)

  •  (1) The definition land surveyor in paragraph 2(1)(j.1) of the The Uniform Building and Accessibility Standards Act is to be read as follows:

  • Marginal note:Adaptation to paragraph 2(1)(k)

    (2) The definition local authority in paragraph 2(1)(k) of the Act is to be read as follows:

    local authority

    local authority means:

    • (i) a municipality;

    • (ii) a regional park authority within the meaning of The Regional Parks Act, 2013;

    • (iii) with respect to park land within the meaning of The Parks Act, the minister responsible for the administration of that Act; or

    • (iv) the Muskowekwan First Nation;

Marginal note:Adaptation to subsection 21(3)

 Subsection 21(3) of the Act is to be read without reference to “and may be added to the tax payable on the property and collected in the same manner as taxes on the property.”

The Uniform Building and Accessibility Standards Regulations

Marginal note:Adaptation to subsection 11(1)

 Subsection 11(1) of The Uniform Building and Accessibility Standards Regulations is to be read without paragraph (c).

The Water Security Agency Act

Marginal note:Adaptation to subsection 82(4)

 Subsection 82(4) of The Water Security Agency Act is to be read as follows:

  • (4) On receipt of the notice served pursuant to clause (1)(a), the rights and obligations arising out of this Division apply to and enure to the benefit of, and are binding on, any person who received the notice.

Marginal note:Adaptation to subsection 83(7)

 Subsection 83(7) of the Act is to be read as follows:

  • (7) On service of the order in accordance with subsection (3), the terms and conditions of and the rights and obligations under the order that is the subject of the notice are binding on the person to whom the order was originally directed and any successor to that person.

The Waterworks and Sewage Works Regulations

Marginal note:Adaptation to section 72

 In section 72 of the The Waterworks and Sewage Works Regulations, a reference to “clause 34(2)(a)” is to be read as a reference to “subclause 34(2)(a)(i)”.

Coming into Force

Marginal note:Registration

 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered.

SCHEDULE 1(Section 1)Project Lands

Those lands consisting of

  • (a) all surface lands within Muskowekwan Reserve No. 85, Province of Saskatchewan, depicted as Surface Zones 1 to 10 (inclusive) on Administrative Area Plan 104619 filed in the Canada Lands Surveys Records;

  • (b) all mines and minerals within Muskowekwan Reserve No. 85, Province of Saskatchewan, in Mines and Mineral Zones A1, A2, B, C, D1 and D2 on Administrative Area Plan 105459 filed in the Canada Lands Surveys Records; and

  • (c) surface parcels and mineral parcels of entitlement lands that are reserve lands within Muskowekwan Reserve No. 85, Province of Saskatchewan, described below.


No / NoSurface Parcel No / No de parcelle de surfaceMineral Parcel No / No de parcelle minièreQuarter / QuartSection / SectionTownship / CantonRange / RangMeridian / MéridienIR No / No de RIOIC or MO Number / No de décret ou d’arrêté
1110911687145231736SE / SE192614285-592012-77
2110855897145231736SE / SE192614285-592012-77
3110911700145231871SW / SO192614285-592012-77
4110855909145231871SW / SO192614285-592012-77
5110911698145231871SW / SO192614285-592012-77
6110856225120580297NW / NO292614285-392003-141
7110911755149554738SW / SO292614285-392003-141
8110856214149554828SW / SO292614285-392003-141
9110856258120580332NW / NO302614285-372000-1150
10110843771164455904SE / SE302614285-372000-1150
11110911766164455915SE / SE302614285-372000-1150
12110911777164455892SE / SE302614285-372000-1150
13110856247120580354SW / SO302614285-372000-1150
14110856292114193357NE / NE312614285-191998-638
15110856281114193368NW / NO312614285-191998-638
16110843782120580309SE / SE312614285-372000-1150
17110856270SW / SO312614285-472003-698
18131758342120580163NE / NE322614285-121997-501
19131758353120580163NE / NE322614285-121997-501
20110856315152755353NW / NO322614285-392002-425
21110856304120580174SE / SE322614285-121997-501
22110843793120580321SW / SO322614285-392002-425
23110856359164396548NE / NE332614285-121997-501
24151127647SE / SE52714285-462009-263
25114247931114247942SE / SE62714285-211998-638
26112972541114229830SW / SO62714285-211998-638
27112994095152715179NE / NE72714285-261998-637
28113002535152715618NE / NE172714285-101997-112
29112994398152715180SE / SE182714285-261998-637
30112994512152716080NE / NE212714285-151997-1923
31112994499145609241SW / SO212714285-512008-1628
32152310204152372662SE / SE232714285-11997-112
33152310204152372662SE / SE232714285-11996-98
34152310215152372673SW / SO232714285-11997-112
35164091539164805756NE / NE252714285-67MO 2011-006 / Arrêté 2011-006
36164091551164805600NE / NE252714285-67MO 2011-006 / Arrêté 2011-006
37112993296114229829NW / NO272714285-201998-638
38112993285SW / SO272714285-622009-1241
39152310248152372886NE / NE282714285-151997-1923
40152310226152372886NE / NE282714285-151997-1923
41152310260152372886NE / NE282714285-151997-1923
42152310237152372886NE / NE282714285-151997-1923
43152310259152372886NE / NE282714285-151997-1923
44152310271152372886NE / NE282714285-151997-1923
45152310293152372886NE / NE282714285-151997-1923
46152310282152372886NE / NE282714285-151997-1923
47112993331152372853NW / NO282714285-2A1997-112
48112993319152372897SE / SE282714285-151997-1923
49112993320152372909SW / SO282714285-81996-1696
50112993386152372921NE / NE292714285-151997-1923
51112993375152372932NW / NO292714285-151997-1923
52112993353152372943SE / SE292714285-151997-1923
53112993364152372998SW / SO292714285-101997-112
54112993421149554918NE / NE302714285-482003-698
55112993410152381583NW / NO302714285-101997-112
56112993397152381594SE / SE302714285-101997-112
57152310305152381606SW / SO302714285-101997-112
58112993465152373078NE / NE312714285-101997-112
59112993454152373089NW / NO312714285-101997-112
60112993498152373157NW / NO322714285-101997-112
61112993487152373168SW / SO322714285-101997-112
62164091540164805666SE / SE362714285-67MO 2011-006 / Arrêté 2011-006
63164091528164805767SE / SE362714285-67MO 2011-006 / Arrêté 2011-006
64164091595164805633SE / SE362714285-67MO 2011-006 / Arrêté 2011-006
65112981710152376677NW / NO227A14285-171997-1923
66112981754152376688NE / NE327A14285-171997-1923
67112970325152376699NW / NO327A14285-171997-1923
68112970336152454203NW / NO427A14285-271998-1535
69112981776152454214SW / SO427A14285-121997-501
70112981811152454236NE / NE527A14285-221998-637
71112981798152454270SE / SE527A14285-241998-637
72112981800152454281SW / SO527A14285-362000-1150
73112970358152454292NE / NE627A14285-281999-346
74112981844114304609NW / NO627A14285-402003-698
75112981822152454304SE / SE627A14285-281999-346
76112981833149965127SW / SO627A14285-402003-698
77112970369152454326NE / NE727A14285-572009-831
78112981877114229841NW / NO727A14285-211998-638
79112981855152454337SE / SE727A14285-281999-346
80112981866114229852SW / SO727A14285-211998-638
81112973654152598886NE / NE827A14285-281999-346
82113109814152598875NE / NE827A14285-281999-346
83112981901152598897NW / NO827A14285-281999-346
84112981888152454371SE / SE827A14285-281999-346
85152376723152376813SW / SO927A14285-271998-1535
86152376655152376701SE / SE1027A14285-171997-1923
87152376666152376712SE / SE1027A14285-171997-1923
88112971382152143231NW / NO112814285-311999-346
89113002007152143365NW / NO142814285-311999-346
90112990136152143376SW / SO142814285-311999-346
91113002018152143387NE / NE152814285-311999-346
92110292027114145129SW / SO102615285-211998-638
93110292072114145152NW / NO112615285-211998-638
94109980120114193335NE / NE152615285-211998-638
95114193324NE / NE152615285-211998-638
96110292229114193346NW / NO152615285-211998-638
97109933072111421628SE / SE152615285-582009-622
98108648872114145141SW / SO152615285-211998-638
99110292218114145141SW / SO152615285-211998-638
100110241267120851298SE / SE242615285-592012-77
101110241357120933514NE / NE262615285-291999-346
102110241380NE / NE272615285-522005-414
103108648962NW / NO272615285-522005-414
104110241379NW / NO272615285-522005-414
105110241414120850905NE / NE282615285-31996-925
106110241560145369132NE / NE332615285-31996-925
107145369176NE / NE332615285-31996-925
108110241548145369187SE / SE332615285-31996-925
109110241593120851119NE / NE342615285-51996-1696
110108649020165300386NW / NO342615285-251998-1535
111110341033165300397NW / NO342615285-251998-1535
112110241627120851377NE / NE352615285-291999-0346
113108649031145369222NW / NO352615285-602010-490
114110341044145369233NW / NO352615285-602010-490
115145369244NW / NO352615285-602010-490
116110241650120851388NE / NE362615285-331999-1134
117110341055152755364NW / NO362615285-392002-425
118110241638120851366SE / SE362615285-271998-1535
119112986265152397579NE / NE202715285-301998-1535
120112986232152397580SE / SE202715285-301998-1535
121152414670152397636NW / NO212715285-342000-1150
122112986287152397647SW / SO212715285-342000-1150
123112973362152397658NE / NE222715285-41996-925
124113109791164805969SE / SE222715285-41996-925
Except those school lands including mines and minerals shown as Lot 1 Plan 102664 C.L.S.R. 102208621 S.L.S.D. within SE-22-27-15-2 / Sauf les terres de l’école — incluant les mines et minéraux — représentées comme le lot 1 dans le plan 102664 C.L.S.R. 102208621 S.L.S.D. dans SE-22-27-15-2
125112971461164805970SE / SE222715285-41996-925
126112986344152397681NE / NE232715285-111997-112
127112986333152397692SE / SE232715285-111997-112
128112973597152397704SW / SO232715285-41996-925
Except Mines and Minerals under Parcel A shown on Plan 62H04156 S.L.S.D. and Plan 64942 C.L.S.R. within SW-23-27-15-2 / Sauf les mines et minéraux dans la parcelle A représentée sur le plan 62H04156 S.L.S.D. et le plan 64942 C.L.S.R. dans SO-23-27-15-2
129112986467152397715NE / NE262715285-91996-1696
130112986456152397726NW / NO262715285-91996-1696
131153155651152397737SE / SE262715285-91996-1696
132112980405152247911NE / NE127A15285-382000-1150
133112980393152247922NW / NO127A15285-382000-1150
134112970189152247933SE / SE127A15285-291996-0346
135112980382152247955SW / SO127A15285-412001-2328
136135887439135811537NE / NE227A15285-51996-1696
137135887383135887394NE / NE227A15285-612009-1761
138112980427152248002NW / NO227A15285-251998-1535
139112980461152248024NE / NE327A15285-251998-1535
140112980450114304654NW / NO327A15285-422003-698
141112980449152248035SE / SE327A15285-251998-1535
142112970202149965206SW / SO327A15285-402003-698
143112980483152248057NW / NO427A15285-71996-1696
144112979256152248327NE / NE827A15285-321998-1716
145112979245165210487NW / NO827A15285-321998-1716
146113109577165210498NW / NO827A15285-321998-1716
147152248259152755342SE / SE827A15285-442002-425
148112979290149965026NE / NE927A15285-422003-698
149113109601165210588NW / NO927A15285-351999-1675
150112979289165210599NW / NO927A15285-351999-1675
151112979278152248068SW / SO927A15285-71996-1696
152152248394152248406NE / NE1027A15285-51996-1696
153112979324152248439NW / NO1027A15285-161997-1923
154164196344152248417SE / SE1027A15285-51996-1696
155164196355152248417SE / SE1027A15285-51996-1696
156152248451152248417SE / SE1027A15285-51996-1696
157152248428152248440SW / SO1027A15285-161997-1923
158164196388152248440SW / SO1027A15285-161997-1923
159152307682165210612NE / NE1127A15285-382000-1150
160152307671165210623NE / NE1127A15285-382000-1150
161152248495152248507NW / NO1127A15285-51996-1696
162112979335149965059SE / SE1127A15285-402003-698
163112979346152248518SW / SO1127A15285-51996-1696
164152248529152248530NE / NE1227A15285-231999-785
165112979380154327136NW / NO1227A15285-542007-568
166113109409154327125NW / NO1227A15285-542007-568
167112983981152250803NE / NE32815285-662010-280
168112984207152251062NE / NE92815285-662010-280
169112984184152251084SE / SE92815285-662010-280
170112984195152251095SW / SO92815285-662010-280
171112984230152251107NE / NE102815285-662010-280
172112970594152251118NW / NO102815285-662010-280
173112984229152251130SW / SO102815285-662010-280
174147730002147730013NW / NO12716285-532006-262
175153059395153088511NW / NO12716285-532006-262
176153059407153088522NW / NO12716285-532006-262
177147730024147730035NW / NO12716285-532006-262
178153059429153088544NW / NO12716285-532006-262
179153059418153088533NW / NO12716285-532006-262
180147730046147730057NW / NO12716285-532006-262
181112998527153086665SW / SO12716285-61996-1696
182113108745153086676SW / SO12716285-61996-1696
183113003031152224770SE / SE22716285-61996-1696
184112998561152224781SW / SO22716285-61996-1696
185113003053152224860NW / NO72716285-131997-112
186112996154152225074NE / NE172716285-131997-112
187112996143152225085NW / NO172716285-131997-112
188112996121152225096SE / SE172716285-131997-112
189112996132152225108SW / SO172716285-131997-112
190112996165165150143SE / SE182716285-131997-112
191113108790165150154SE / SE182716285-131997-112
192152334862165150200NW / NO222716285-141997-1923
193152334873165150211NW / NO222716285-141997-1923
194164199527165150211NW / NO222716285-141997-1923
195112996323152225265SE / SE222716285-141997-1923
196112996334152225287SW / SO222716285-141997-1923
197120472286114247953NE / NE232716285-181998-638
198112996367120472231SE / SE232716285-181998-638
199112996378152225276SW / SO232716285-141997-1923
200112979953165085678NE / NE1027A16285-61996-1696
201112979942165085689SE / SE1027A16285-61996-1696
202112979997152267340NE / NE1127A16285-61996-1696
203112979986152267351NW / NO1127A16285-61996-1696
204112979964165085724SE / SE1127A16285-61996-1696
205113109465165085746SE / SE1127A16285-61996-1696
206113109454165085735SE / SE1127A16285-61996-1696
207112979975152267373SW / SO1127A16285-61996-1696

SCHEDULE 2(Section 1)Entitlement Lands


No / NOQuarter / QuartSection / SectionTownship / CantonRange / RangMeridian / Méridien
1NE / NE1827132
2NW / NO1827132
3NW / NO1927132
4SE / SE1927132
5SW / SO1927132
6SW / SO3027132
7NW / NO227142
8NE / NE327142
9NW / NO327142
10NE / NE427142
11NW / NO427142
12SE / SE427142
13NE / NE527142
14NW / NO527142
15NW / NO727142
16SE / SE727142
17SW / SO727142
18NE / NE827142
19NW / NO827142
20SE / SE827142
21SW / SO827142
22NE / NE927142
23NW / NO927142
24SE / SE927142
25SE / SE1027142
26NW / NO1427142
27SE / SE1527142
28NE / NE1627142
29NW / NO1627142
30NW / NO1727142
31SE / SE1727142
32SW / SO1727142
33NE / NE1827142
34NW / NO1827142
35SW / SO1827142
36NE / NE1927142
37NW / NO1927142
38SE / SE1927142
39SW / SO1927142
40NE / NE2027142
41NW / NO2027142
42SE / SE2027142
43SW / SO2027142
44NW / NO2127142
45SE / SE2127142
46SE / SE2227142
47SW / SO2227142
48NE / NE2427142
49NW / NO2427142
50SW / SO2527142
51NW / NO2627142
52SE / SE2627142
53SW / SO2627142
54SE / SE3127142
55SW / SO3127142
56SE / SE3227142
57NE / NE3427142
58SE / SE3427142
59SW / SO3427142
60SW / SO2027152
61NE / NE2127152
62SE / SE2127152
63NW / NO2227152
64SW / SO2227152
65NW / NO2327152
66NE / NE2527152
67NW / NO2527152
68SE / SE2527152
69SW / SO2527152
70SW / SO2627152
71NE / NE2727152
72NW / NO2727152
73SE / SE2727152
74SW / SO2727152
75NE / NE3427152
76NW / NO3427152
77SE / SE3427152
78SW / SO3427152
79SE / SE128152
80SW / SO128152
81SE / SE228152
82SW / SO228152

SCHEDULE 3(Section 1, subsection 6(1) and paragraph 13(1)(e))Incorporated Laws

  • The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Act, 1999, S.S. 1999, c. B-5.1
  • The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Regulations, R.R.S. c. B-5.1 Reg. 1
  • The Electrical Code Regulations, R.R.S. c. E-6.3 Reg. 16
  • The Electrical Inspection Act, 1993, S.S. 1993, c. E-6.3
  • The Environmental Assessment Act, S.S. 1979-80, c. E-10.1
  • The Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2010, S.S. 2010, c. E-10.22, other than subsections 13(3) and (4) and Division 1 of Part VI
  • The Environmental Management and Protection (General) Regulations, R.R.S. c. E-10.22 Reg. 1, other than Part V
  • The Environmental Management and Protection (Saskatchewan Environmental Code Adoption) Regulations, R.R.S. c. E-10.22 Reg. 2
  • The Fire Safety Act, S.S. 2015, c. F-15.11, other than section 34
  • The Gas Inspection Act, 1993, S.S. 1993, c. G-3.2
  • The Ground Water Regulations, Sask. Reg. 172/66
  • The Hazardous Substances and Waste Dangerous Goods Regulations, R.R.S. c. E-10.2 Reg. 3
  • The Mineral Industry Environmental Protection Regulations, 1996, R.R.S. c. E-10.2 Reg. 7
  • The Mineral Resources Act, 1985, S.S. 1984-85-86, c. M-16.1, other than the definition Crown mineral lands in paragraph 2(1)(c)
  • The Mines Regulations, 2003, R.R.S. c. O-1.1 Reg. 2
  • The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 1996, R.R.S. c. O-1.1 Reg. 1
  • The Oil and Gas Conservation Act, R.S.S. 1978, c. O-2, other than subsection 17.041(7)
  • The Oil and Gas Conservation Regulations, 2012, R.R.S. 1978, c. O-2, Reg. 6
  • The Passenger and Freight Elevator Act, R.S.S. 1978, c. P-4
  • The Pipelines Act, 1998, S.S. 1998, c. P-12.1, other than subsections 13(1) and (2), sections 15 and 16
  • The Pipelines Regulations, 2000, R.R.S. c. P-12.1 Reg. 1, other than section 24
  • The Railway Act, S.S. 1989-90, c.R-1.2, other than paragraph 30(2)(a), section 41, subsections 42(1), (2), (4) and (5) and subsection 44(2)
  • The Saskatchewan Employment Act, S.S. 2013, c. S-15.1, other than Parts II and V to VIII
  • The Seismic Exploration Regulations, 1999, R.R.S. c. M-16.1 Reg. 2
  • The Subsurface Mineral Conservation Regulations, R.R.S. c. M-16.1 Reg. 5
  • The Uniform Building and Accessibility Standards Act, S.S. 1983-84, c. U-1.2
  • The Uniform Building and Accessibility Standards Regulations, R.R.S. c. U-1.2 Reg. 5
  • The Water Security Agency Act, S.S. 2005, c. W-8.1, other than sections 23 and 24, subsection 38(1), sections 39 to 42 and 64 to 66 and subsections 82(3) and (6) and 83(6), (8) and (9)
  • The Water Security Agency Regulations, R.R.S. c. W-8.1 Reg. 1
  • The Waterworks and Sewage Works Regulations, R.R.S. c. E-10.22 Reg. 3
  • The Workers’ Compensation Act, 2013, S.S. 2013, c. W-17.11, other than section 157 and subsection 159(1)

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