Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations, 2012 (SOR/2012-285)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2021-03-18. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE 5(Section 12)Information Relating to the Manufacture or Import of a Toxic Substance or the Import of a Product Containing It

  • 1 Information respecting the manufacturer or importer:

    • (a) their name, civic and postal addresses, telephone number of their principal place of business and, if any, email address and fax number; and

    • (b) the name, title, civic and postal addresses, telephone number and, if any, email address and fax number of any person authorized to act on behalf of the manufacturer or importer.

  • 2 Information respecting each toxic substance referred to in column 1 of Part 4 of Schedule 2 that is imported or manufactured and each product containing it that is imported or manufactured during a calendar year:

    • (a) the name of the toxic substance and the name of the product, if applicable;

    • (b) the calendar year;

    • (c) the total quantity of the toxic substance manufactured, and its unit of measurement;

    • (d) the total quantity of the toxic substance sold in Canada, and its unit of measurement;

    • (e) the total quantity of the toxic substance imported, and its unit of measurement;

    • (f) the identification of each proposed use of the toxic substance and the product, if applicable;

    • (g) the annual weighted average concentration of the toxic substance in the product and its unit of measurement, if applicable;

    • (h) the analytical method used to determine the concentration of the toxic substance in the product, if applicable;

    • (i) the analytical method detection limit used to determine the concentration of the toxic substance in the product, if applicable; and

    • (j) the name, civic and postal addresses, telephone number and, if any, email address and fax number of each person in Canada to whom the manufacturer or importer sold the toxic substance or the product.

  • 3 The name, civic and postal addresses, telephone number and, if any, email address and fax number of the laboratory that determined the concentration of the toxic substance in the product, if applicable.


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