Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Special Economic Measures (Iran) Regulations (SOR/2010-165)

Regulations are current to 2024-06-19 and last amended on 2024-04-24. Previous Versions

Special Economic Measures (Iran) Regulations



Registration 2010-07-22

Special Economic Measures (Iran) Regulations

P.C. 2010-952 2010-07-22

Whereas the Governor in Council is of the opinion that the situation in Iran constitutes a grave breach of international peace and security that has resulted or is likely to result in a serious international crisis;

Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, pursuant to subsections 4(1) to (3) of the Special Economic Measures ActFootnote a, hereby makes the annexed Special Economic Measures (Iran) Regulations.


 The following definitions apply in these Regulations.

arms and related material

arms and related material[Repealed, SOR/2016-15, s. 1]

Canadian financial institution

Canadian financial institution has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Bank Act. (institution financière canadienne)


Convention means the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, done at Vienna on April 18, 1961. (Convention)

designated person

designated person[Repealed, SOR/2016-15, s. 1]


Guide has the same meaning as in section 1 of the Export Control List. (Guide)


Iran means the Islamic Republic of Iran and includes

  • (a) any of its political subdivisions;

  • (b) its government and any of its departments or a government or department of its political subdivisions; and

  • (c) any of its agencies or any agency of its political subdivisions. (Iran)

Iranian financial institution

Iranian financial institution[Repealed, SOR/2016-15, s. 1]

Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action

Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action means the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (S/2015/544) prepared jointly by China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States, with the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and Iran, on July 14, 2015 and endorsed by the Security Council of the United Nations in Resolution 2231 (2015) of July 20, 2015. (Plan d’action global commun)


Minister means the Minister of Foreign Affairs. (ministre)

mission premises

mission premises has the same meaning as “premises of the mission” in Article 1 of the Convention, and includes the mission’s archives. (locaux de la mission)


pension means a benefit paid under the Old Age Security Act, the Canada Pension Plan or an Act respecting the Quebec Pension Plan, R.S.Q. c. R-9, any superannuation, pension or benefit paid under or in respect of any retirement savings plan or under any retirement plan, any amount paid under or in respect of the Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act or the Pension Benefits Division Act, and any other payment made in respect of disability. (pension)

significant interest

significant interest[Repealed, SOR/2016-15, s. 1]


 A person whose name is listed in Schedule 1 is a person who is in Iran, or is or was a national of Iran who does not ordinarily reside in Canada, and in respect of whom the Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister, is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds to believe is

  • (a) a person engaged in activities that directly or indirectly facilitate, support, provide funding for, contribute to, or could contribute to, Iran’s proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities, or to Iran’s activities related to the development of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons of mass destruction or delivery systems for such weapons, including when the person is an entity, a senior official of the entity;

  • (a.1) a person who has participated in gross and systematic human rights violations in Iran;

  • (b) a former or current senior official in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps;

  • (c) an associate of a person referred to in any of paragraphs (a) to (b);

  • (d) a family member of a person referred to in any of paragraphs (a) to (c) and (f);

  • (e) an entity owned, held or controlled, directly or indirectly, by a person referred to in any of paragraphs (a) to (d) or acting on behalf of or at the direction of such a person; or

  • (f) a senior official of an entity referred to in paragraph (e).


 It is prohibited for any person in Canada or any Canadian outside Canada to

  • (a) deal in any property, wherever situated, that is owned, held or controlled by a listed person or by a person acting on behalf of a listed person;

  • (b) enter into or facilitate any transaction related to a dealing referred to in paragraph (a);

  • (c) provide any financial or related service in respect of a dealing referred to in paragraph (a);

  • (d) make any goods, wherever situated, available to a listed person or to a person acting on behalf of a listed person; or

  • (e) provide any financial or related service to a listed person or to a person acting for the benefit of a listed person.

  • SOR/2011-268, s. 1
  • SOR/2016-15, s. 3

 Section 3 does not apply with respect to

  • (a) pension payments to any person in Canada or any Canadian outside Canada;

  • (b) any transaction in respect of any account held by a diplomatic mission at a financial institution, if the transaction is required in order for the mission to fulfil its diplomatic functions as set out in Article 3 of the Convention or, if the diplomatic mission has been temporarily or permanently recalled, if the transaction is required in order to maintain the mission premises;

  • (c) any transaction with any international organizations with diplomatic status, with any United Nations agencies, with the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, or with any Canadian non-governmental organizations that have entered into a grant or contribution agreement with the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development;

  • (d) the transfer of any accounts, funds or investments held on behalf of a Canadian by a listed person on the day on which that person’s name was listed to any person who is not a listed person;

  • (e) any dealings with respect to loan repayments made by a listed person on loans entered into before the day on which that person’s name was listed to any person in Canada or any Canadian outside Canada who is not a listed person;

  • (f) the exercise of a right by a person who is not a listed person with respect to a listed person’s property that is subject to a lien, mortgage or security interest, to a hypothec or prior claim, to a charge or to a judicial, administrative or arbitral decision;

  • (g) financial services required in order for a listed person to obtain legal services in Canada with respect to the application of any of the prohibitions set out in these Regulations; or

  • (h) property that is necessary for the civil nuclear cooperation projects described in Annex III to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or for any activity required for the implementation of that Plan.

  • SOR/2011-268, s. 2
  • SOR/2012-283, s. 3
  • SOR/2013-108, s. 1
  • SOR/2016-15, s. 3
  • SOR/2023-220, s. 2
  •  (0.1) The following definitions apply in this section.

    arms and related material

    arms and related material means any type of weapon, ammunition, military equipment — including military vehicles — or paramilitary equipment, and their spare parts. (armes et matériel connexe)

    technical assistance

    technical assistance means any form of assistance, such as providing instruction, training, consulting services or technical advice. (aide technique)

  • (1) It is prohibited for any person in Canada or any Canadian outside Canada to export, sell, supply or ship any of the goods listed in Schedule 2, wherever situated, to Iran, to a person in Iran, or to a person for the purposes of a business carried on in or operated from Iran.

  • (2) It is prohibited for any person in Canada or any Canadian outside Canada to transfer, provide or disclose to Iran or any person in Iran any technical data related to the goods listed in Schedule 2.

  • (3) It is prohibited for any person in Canada and any Canadian outside Canada to export, sell, supply or ship any of the following goods, wherever situated, or to provide any of the following technical assistance or technical data, to Iran or to any person in Iran:

    • (a) those that are listed in the following provisions of the Guide:

      • (i) group 1, items 1-1.A.1. to 1-1.A.3.,

      • (ii) group 1, item 1-1.C.,

      • (iii) group 1, items 1-7.A. to 1-7.E.,

      • (iv) group 1, items 1-9.A. to 1-9.E.,

      • (v) group 2, items 2-10.c. and 2-10.d.,

      • (vi) group 2, item 2-21.b.1., and

      • (vii) group 2, items 2-21.b.3. and 2-21.b.4.;

    • (b) any battle tanks, armoured combat vehicles, large-calibre artillery systems, combat aircraft, attack helicopters, warships, missiles or missile systems as defined for the purposes of the Register of Conventional Arms, established by Resolution 46/36 L adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 9, 1991, as amended from time to time, or related material including their spare parts;

    • (c) those that appear in document S/2015/546 of the Security Council of the United Nations, entitled Missile Technology Control Regime: Equipment, Software and Technology Annex, which is an annex to the letter dated July 16, 2015 from the Permanent Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations;

    • (d) any technical assistance or technical data in respect of any activity related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using ballistic missile technology, or related to the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems, that is inconsistent with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

  • (4) It is prohibited for any person in Canada and any Canadian outside Canada to provide any property, technical assistance or financial or related services to Iran or to any person in Iran related to

    • (a) the exportation, sale, supply or shipment of any of the goods referred to in subsection (3);

    • (b) the manufacture or use of such a good in Iran or on behalf of Iran; or

    • (c) the provision of technical assistance or technical data referred to in subsection (3).

  • (5) It is prohibited for any person in Canada and any Canadian outside Canada to import, purchase or acquire arms and related material from Iran or from any person in Iran.

  • (6) It is prohibited for any person in Canada, and any Canadian outside Canada, who is an owner or master of a ship or an operator of an aircraft to ship

    • (a) any of the goods referred to in paragraph (3)(c) from Iran; or

    • (b) arms and related material, wherever situated, to any person in Canada who acquired them from Iran or from any person in Iran.

  • SOR/2011-268, s. 3
  • SOR/2012-283, s. 4
  • SOR/2013-108, s. 2
  • SOR/2016-15, s. 4
  • SOR/2023-220, s. 3

 [Repealed, SOR/2016-15, s. 5]

 [Repealed, SOR/2016-15, s. 5]

 [Repealed, SOR/2016-15, s. 5]

 [Repealed, SOR/2016-15, s. 5]

 [Repealed, SOR/2016-15, s. 5]

 It is prohibited for any person in Canada or any Canadian outside Canada to knowingly do anything that causes, facilitates or assists in, or is intended to cause, facilitate or assist in, any activity prohibited by sections 3 and 4.

 Sections 4 and 8 do not apply to

  • (a) equipment, services and software that facilitate secure and widespread communications via information technologies, or the provision or acquisition of financial services in relation to such equipment, services and software, provided that an export permit has been issued in respect of any goods listed in the Guide;

  • (b) goods used to purify water for civilian and public health purposes, or the provision or acquisition of financial services in relation to such goods; and

  • (c) any activity, or the provision or acquisition of financial services in relation to an activity, that has as its purpose

    • (i) the safeguarding of human life,

    • (ii) disaster relief, or

    • (iii) the provision of food, medicine and medical supplies.

  • SOR/2011-268, s. 6
  • SOR/2012-283, s. 7
  • SOR/2013-108, s. 5
  • SOR/2016-15, s. 6


 The following entities must determine on a continuing basis whether they are in possession or control of property that is owned, held or controlled by or on behalf of a listed person:

  • (a) authorized foreign banks, as defined in section 2 of the Bank Act, in respect of their business in Canada, and banks regulated by that Act;

  • (b) cooperative credit societies, savings and credit unions and caisses populaires regulated by a provincial Act and associations regulated by the Cooperative Credit Associations Act;

  • (c) foreign companies, as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Insurance Companies Act, in respect of their insurance business in Canada;

  • (d) companies, provincial companies and societies, as those terms are defined in subsection 2(1) of the Insurance Companies Act;

  • (e) fraternal benefit societies regulated by a provincial Act in respect of their insurance activities and insurance companies and other entities regulated by a provincial Act that are engaged in the business of insuring risks;

  • (f) companies regulated by the Trust and Loan Companies Act;

  • (g) trust companies regulated by a provincial Act;

  • (h) loan companies regulated by a provincial Act;

  • (i) entities that engage in any business described in paragraph 5(h) of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act if the business involves the opening of an account for a client; and

  • (j) entities authorized under provincial legislation to engage in the business of dealing in securities or to provide portfolio management or investment counselling services.

  •  (1) Every person in Canada, every Canadian outside Canada and every entity set out in section 9 must disclose without delay to the Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or to the Director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service

    • (a) the existence of property in their possession or control that they have reason to believe is owned, held or controlled by or on behalf of a listed person; and

    • (b) any information about a transaction or proposed transaction in respect of property referred to in paragraph (a).

  • (2) No proceedings under the Special Economic Measures Act and no civil proceedings lie against a person for a disclosure made in good faith under subsection (1).


  • SOR/2016-15, s. 9(E)
  •  (1) A listed person may apply to the Minister in writing to have their name removed from Schedule 1.

  • (2) On receipt of an application, the Minister must decide whether there are reasonable grounds to recommend to the Governor in Council that the applicant’s name be removed from Schedule 1.

 If there has been a material change in circumstances since the last application was submitted under section 11, a person may submit another application.

  •  (1) A person whose name is the same as or similar to the name of a listed person and who claims not to be that person may apply to the Minister in writing for a certificate stating that they are not that listed person.

  • (2) Within 30 days after receiving the application, the Minister must,

    • (a) if it is established that the applicant is not the listed person, issue the certificate; or

    • (b) if it is not so established, provide notice to the applicant of his or her determination.

 [Repealed, SOR/2011-268, s. 7]

Application Before Publication

 For the purpose of paragraph 11(2)(a) of the Statutory Instruments Act, these Regulations apply before they are published in the Canada Gazette.

Coming into Force

 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered.

SCHEDULE 1(Section 2 and subsection 11(1))Persons


Entities — Grave Breach of International Peace and Security

  • 1 
    Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO)
  • 2 
    Aerospace Research Institute
  • 3 
    Alp Company (PJS)
  • 4 
    Ana Trading Company
  • 5 
    Armed Forces Geographical Organization
  • 6 
    Bank Saderat
  • 7 
    Boweir Sanaat
  • 8 
    Defence Industries Organization Training and Research Institute
  • 9 
    DEMCO, Designing Engineering & Manufacturing Co.
  • 10 
    Designing, Engineering & Manufacturing Development of Iran Khodro Co. (DEMICO) Heavy Metal Industries (HMI)
  • 11 
    Ecxir Trading Company (ETC)
  • 12 
    Esfahan Chemical Industries
  • 13 
    Esfahan Steel Co.
  • 14 
    Ettehad Aluminat Industrial Production Co.
  • 15 
    Everend Asia Co. Machines & Indus. Services
  • 16 
    Fan Pardazan
  • 17 
  • 18 
    Farj Marine Industries
  • 19 
    Ghavifekr Technical and Industrial Group
  • 20 
    Hara Institute
  • 21 
    Helal Company
  • 22 
    Iman Hossein University
  • 23 
    Institute of Applied Physics
  • 24 
    Iran Aircraft Industries (IACI)
  • 25 
    Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industries (also known as IAMI, IAMCO, HESA, HASA, Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Company, Iran Aircraft Mfg. In. Co., Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industries Corporation, Havapeyma Sazhran, Hava Payma Sazi-E Iran, Havapeyma Sazi Iran, HESA Trade Center and Karkhanejate Sanaye Havapaymaie Iran)
  • 26 
    Iran Communications Industries (ICI)
  • 27 
    Iran Electronics Industries (IEI)
  • 28 
    Iran Tractor Manufacturing Company
  • 29 
    Iran Transfo Company
  • 30 
    Iran Uranium Enrichment Company
  • 31 
    Iranian Army
  • 32 
    Iranian Committee for the Reconstruction of Lebanon
  • 33 
    Iranian Navy
  • 34 
    Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST)
  • 35 
    Iranian Space Agency
  • 36 
    IRGC Air Force (and IRGC Air Force Missile Command)
  • 37 
    IRGC Logistics and Procurement
  • 38 
    IRGC Missile Command
  • 39 
    IRGC Navy
  • 40 
    Isfahan Optics Industry (EOI) (IOI)
  • 41 
    Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force
  • 42 
    Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting
  • 43 
    Jahad Engineering Services Co.
  • 44 
    Javedan Mehr Toos
  • 45 
    Kanavaran Mining And Industrial Co
  • 46 
    Khatem-ol Anbiya Construction Organisation
  • 47 
    Mapna Co.
  • 48 
    Marine Industries Organization (MIO)
  • 49 
    Mavadkaran Jahed Noavar Co. (also known as Mavad Karan and Mavad Karan Jahad-e-No’avar)
  • 50 
    Mechanic Industries Group
  • 51 
    Mehr Engineering and Industrial Group
  • 52 
    Meisami Research and Development Complex
  • 53 
    Ministry of Defence Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL)
  • 54 
    Missile Industries Group
  • 55 
    N.A.B. Export Co.
  • 56 
    Naserin Vahid
  • 57 
    Noavin Ltd.
  • 58 
    Nouavar Shad Co. Ltd
  • 59 
    Oil Turbocompressor Engineering Co. (OTEC)
  • 60 
    Palayesh Niroo
  • 61 
    Parashnoor Photonics Co. (also known as Parashnoor Laser & Electro-Optic Co.)
  • 62 
    Pars Switch Co.
  • 63 
    Pars Tablo
  • 64 
    Passive Defence Organization
  • 65 
    Pasteur Institute of Iran
  • 66 
    Physics Research Center (PHRC)
  • 67 
    Pouya Aflak Sepher
  • 68 
  • 69 
    Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute in the Ministry of Jahad
  • 70 
    SABA Battery Mfg. Co.
  • 71 
    SABA Machinery Supplying Co.
  • 72 
    Saba Niroo
  • 73 
    SANAM Electronics Co. (Shahid Shahabady Industrial Complex)
  • 74 
    Shahid Beheshti University, Department of Engineering
  • 75 
    Shahid Sattari Air Force University
  • 76 
    Shian Co.
  • 77 
    Shiller Novin
  • 78 
    Shiroudi Industries
  • 79 
    South Industrial Power
  • 80 
    State Purchasing Organization
  • 81 
    Three Star Services Co. (T.S.S. Co.)
  • 82 
    TSS Co.
  • 83 
    Turbine Blade Engineering and Manufacturing Co. (PARTO)
  • 84 
    Turbine Engine Manufacturing Industries (TEM)
  • 85 
    Valfajr 8th Shipping Line Co. SSK
  • 86 
    Zolal Iran Co.
  • 87 
    Advanced Fibres Development Company
  • 88 
    Ansar Bank
  • 89 
    Aras Farayande
  • 90 
    Arfa Paint Company (also known as Arfeh Company)
  • 91 
    Ashtian Tablo (also known as Bals Alman)
  • 92 
    Azarab Industries
  • 93 
    Bonyad Taavon Sepah
  • 94 
    Electronic Components Industries (ECI)
  • 95 
    ESNICO (Equipment Supplier for Nuclear Industries Corporation)
  • 96 
    Etemad Amin Invest Company Mobin
  • 97 
    Fajr Aviation Composite Industries
  • 98 
    Farasepehr Engineering Company
  • 99 
    Fulmen (also known as Fulmen Company)
  • 100 
    Hirbod Co.
  • 101 
    Hosseini Nejad Trading Company
  • 102 
    Industrial Development & Renovation Organization (IDRO)
  • 103 
    Iran Centrifuge Technology Company
  • 104 
    Iran Marine Industrial Company (SADRA)
  • 105 
    Iran Saffron Company
  • 106 
    Iranian Aviation Industries Organization (IAIO)
  • 107 
    Marou Sanat
  • 108 
    Mehr Bank
  • 109 
    Neda Industrial Group
  • 110 
    Neka Novin
  • 111 
    Noavaran Pooyamoj
  • 112 
    Parto Sanat Company
  • 113 
    Paya Partov (also known as Paya Parto)
  • 114 
    Pouya Control
  • 115 
    Sepanir Oil and Gas Energy Engineering Company
  • 116 
    Shahid Ahmad Kazemi Industrial Group
  • 117 
    Shahid Beheshti University (SBU)
  • 118 
    Shakhese Behbud Sanat
  • 119 
    Shetab Gaman
  • 120 
    Shetab Trading
  • 121 
    South Way Shipping Agency Company Limited
  • 122 
    Taghtiran (also known as Taghtiran Kashan Company)
  • 123 
    Tajhiz Sanat Shayan (TSS)
  • 124 
    Technology Cooperation Office (TCO) of the Iranian President’s Office
  • 125 
    Tidewater Middle East Co.
  • 126 
    Y.A.S. Company Limited
  • 127 
    Yasa Part
  • 128 
    Turbine Engineering and Manufacturing (TEM) (also known as TEM Co.)
  • 129 
  • 130 
    Behnam Sahriyari Trading Company
  • 131 
  • 132 
    Basij-e Mostazafan (also known as Sazman-e Basij-e Mostazafan and the Basij)
  • 133 
    DIFACO (also known as Dibagaran Farayand)
  • 134 
  • 135 
    Iran Pooya (also known as Iran Pouya)
  • 136 
    Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (also known as IRGC, Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution, Iranian Revolutionary Guards, IRG and Sepah-e Pasdaran-e Enghelab-e Eslami)
  • 137 
    Jahan Tech Rooyan Pars
  • 138 
    Mandegar Baspar Asia (also known as Mandegar Baspar Fajr Asia)
  • 139 
    Negan Parto Khevar
  • 140 
    Niksa Nirou
  • 141 
    Sazeh Morakab
  • 142 
    Sharif University of Technology, Department of Engineering
  • 143 
    Tarh O Palayesh
  • 144 
    The Iranian Institute for Composite Materials
  • 145 
    Atomic Fuel Development Engineering Company (MATSA)
  • 146 
    Baghyatollah Medical Sciences University (BMSU) (also known as Bagiatollah Medical Sciences University, Baghiatollah Medical Sciences University, Baqyatollah Medical Sciences University, Baqiyatallah Medical Sciences University, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences and Baqiatollah Medical Sciences University)
  • 147 
    Bank Hekmat Iranian
  • 148 
    Explosion and Impact Technology Research Centre
  • 149 
    Mahan Air
  • 150 
    Mobarakeh Esfahan Steel Company
  • 151 
    Mowj Nasr Gostar Communications and Electronics Company
  • 152 
    Ofogh Toseeh Saberin Engineering Company
  • 153 
    Oil Pension Fund Investment Company
  • 154 
    Pardis Sabz Mellal Company
  • 155 
    Pars Amayesh Sanaat Kish (also known as PASK, Vacuumkaran, Vacuum Karan and Vacuum Karan Co.)
  • 156 
    Pishro Systems Research Company (also known as Pishro Company, Advanced Systems Research Company, ASRC, Center for Advanced Systems Research and CRAS)
  • 157 
    Samen AlAiemeh Credit Cooperative (also known as Samen Credit Cooperative)
  • 158 
    Tehran Gostaresh Company (also known as Tehran Gostaresh Co. PJS)
  • 159 
    Toseeh Etemad Investment Company
  • 160 
    Navid Composite Material Company
  • 161 
    Bank Sepah
  • 162 
  • 163 
    Tasnim News Agency
  • 164 
    Nour News Agency
  • 165 
    Fars News Agency
  • 166 
    Al-Mustafa International University
  • 167 
    Shahed Aviation Industries
  • 168 
    Qods Aviation Industries
  • 169 
    Safiran Airport Services
  • 170 
    Paravar Pars Aerospace Engineering Services and Research Company (also known as Paravar Pars Company)
  • 171 
    Design and Manufacturing of Aircraft Engines Company (DAMA)
  • 172 
    Baharestan Kish Company
  • 173 
    Javan News Agency (also known as Javan)
  • 174 
    The 15 Khordad Foundation
  • 175 
    Iran Newspaper
  • 176 
    Ghorb-e Karbala
  • 177 
    Abzar Boresh Kaveh
  • 178 
    Kaveh Cutting Tools Company
  • 179 
    Bazargani Tejarat Tavanmand Saccal Companies
  • 180 
    Defence Industries Organization
  • 181 
    Ghorb-e Nooh
  • 182 
    Ministry of Defence Logistics and Export (MODLEX)
  • 183 
    The Naval Defence Missile Industry Group
  • 184 
    Defence Technology and Science Research Centre (DTSRC)
  • 185 
    Doostan International Company (DICO)
  • 186 
    Farayand Technique
  • 187 
    Gharargahe Sazandegi Ghaem
  • 188 
    Pars Aviation Services Company
  • 189 
    Yas Air
  • 190 
    Malek Ashtar University
  • 191 
    Rahab Engineering Institute
  • 192 
    Shahid Sayyad-e Shirazi Industries (SSSI)
  • 193 
    Shahid Bagheri Industrial Group
  • 194 
    Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group
  • 195 
    Shahid Karrazi Industries
  • 196 
    Sho’a’ Aviation
  • 197 
    Special Industries Group
  • 198 
    Tiz Pars
  • 199 
    Sabalan Company
  • 200 
    Ya Mahdi Industries Group
  • 201 
    Yazd Metallurgy Industries
  • 202 
    M. Babaei Industries
  • 203 
    Ettehad Technical Group
  • 204 
    Ammunition and Metallurgy Industries Group
  • 205 
    Behineh Trading Co.
  • 206 
    Farasakht Industries
  • 207 
    Fater Institute
  • 208 
    Khorasan Metallurgy Industries
  • 209 
    Mizan Machine Manufacturing
  • 210 
    Oriental Oil Kish
  • 211 
    Parchin Chemical Industries
  • 212 
    Sad Import Export Company
  • 213 
    Safety Equipment Procurement
  • 214 
    Joza Industrial Co.
  • 215 
    Pejman Industrial Services (PIS)
  • 216 
    Niru Battery Manufacturing Company
  • 217 
    MAKIN Company
  • 218 
    Kala Electric
  • 219 
    Imensazan Consultant Engineers Institute
  • 220 
    7th of Tir
  • 221 
    Fajr Industrial Group
  • 222 
    Industrial Factories of Precision Machinery (IPM)
  • 223 
    Sanam Industries
  • 224 
    Shahid Sattari Industries
  • 225 
    Armament Industries Group
  • 226 
    Omran Sahel
  • 227 
    Rah Sahel
  • 228 
    Sahand Aluminum Parts
  • 229 
    Sahel Consultant Engineers
  • 230 
    Sepasad Engineering
  • 231 
    Amin Industrial Complex
  • 232 
    Khatam al-Anbia Central Headquarters
  • 233 
    Armed Forces General Staff

PART 1.1

Entities — Gross Human Rights Violations

  • 1 
    The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ (IRGC) Cyber Defense Command
  • 2 
    The Basij Cooperative Foundation
  • 3 
    Basij Resistance Force
  • 4 
    Evin Prison
  • 5 
    Press TV
  • 6 
    Office of the Enjoining Right and Forbidding Evil
  • 7 
    Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS)
  • 8 
    The Morality Police
  • 9 
    Qassem Soleimani Foundation
  • 10 
    Guardian Council
  • 11 
    Assembly of Experts
  • 12 
    Expediency Discernment Council
  • 13 
    The Law Enforcement Forces (LEF)
  • 14 
    Press Supervisory Board
  • 15 
    The Ravin Academy
  • 16 
    Imen Sanat Zaman Fara
  • 17 
    Rajaei Shahr Prison


Individuals — Grave Breach of International Peace and Security

  • 1 
    Abdolreza Abedzadeh
  • 2 
    Ali Akbarpour Jamshidian
  • 3 
    Ali Fazli
  • 4 
    Farhoud Masoumian
  • 5 
    Gholam Reza Jalali Farahani
  • 6 
    Gholamhossein Ramezani
  • 7 
    Heydar Moslehi
  • 8 
    Hossein Hamadani
  • 9 
    Hossein Nejat
  • 10 
    Hossein Taeb
  • 11 
    Javad Darvish-Vand
  • 12 
    Kamran Daneshju
  • 13 
    Mohammad Ali Jafari
  • 14 
    Mohammad Pakpour
  • 15 
    Mohammad Shafi’i Rudsari
  • 16 
    Mostafa Mohammad Najjar
  • 17 
    Rostam Qasemi
  • 18 
    Sekhavatmand Davudi
  • 19 
    Seyyed Mahdi Farahi
  • 20 
    Yadollah Javani
  • 21 
    Abdul Reza Shahlai
  • 22 
    Ali Gholam Shakuri
  • 23 
    Hamed Abdollahi
  • 24 
    Manssor Arbabsiar
  • 25 
    Ali Ashraf Nouri
  • 26 
    Hojatoleslam Ali Saidi (also known as Hojjat-al-Eslam Ali Saidi and Hojjat-al-Eslam Ali Saeedi)
  • 27 
    Amir Ali Haji Zadeh (also known as Amir Ali Hajizadeh)
  • 28 
    Ali Bakhshayesh
  • 29 
    Ali Fadavi
  • 30 
    Ali Hosynitash
  • 31 
    Ayatollah Ibrahimi
  • 32 
    Ebrahim Mahmoudzadeh
  • 33 
    Mojtaba Haeri
  • 34 
    Parviz Fatah
  • 35 
    Parviz Khaki
  • 36 
    Hossein Pournaghshand
  • 37 
    Rahim Reza Farghadani
  • 38 
    Seyed Mirahmad Nooshin
  • 39 
    Seyed Mohammad Hashemi
  • 40 
    Sayyed Javad Musavi
  • 41 
    Mehrdada Akhlaghi Ketabachi
  • 42 
    Mohammed Hossein Bagheri (born in 1960)
  • 43 
    Hossein Salami (born in 1960)
  • 44 
    Ali Shamkhani (born in 1955)
  • 45 
    Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf (born in 1961)
  • 46 
    Ahmad Vahidi (born in 1958)
  • 47 
    Esmail Qaani (born in 1957)
  • 48 
    Alireza Tangsiri (born in 1962)
  • 49 
    Gholamreza Soleimani (born in 1964)
  • 50 
    Mohsen Razaei (born in 1954)
  • 51 
    Safer Ali Mousavi
  • 52 
    Zeinab Soleimani (born in 1991)
  • 53 
    Saeed Jalili (born in 1965)
  • 54 
    Ali Akbar Velayati (born in 1945)
  • 55 
    Ahmad Jannati (born in 1927)
  • 56 
    Sayyed Abdolrahim Mousavi (born in 1960)
  • 57 
    Hossein SHARIATMADARI (born in 1948)
  • 58 
    Abolfaz SHEKARCHI
  • 59 
    Amir HATAMI (born in 1966)
  • 60 
    Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh (born in 1971)
  • 61 
    Sayed Hojatollah Qureishi
  • 62 
    Saeed Aghajani (also known as Hamid Aghajani)
  • 63 
    Seyyed Yahya Safavi (born in 1952) (also known as Rahim Safavi)
  • 64 
    Ghassem Damavandian
  • 65 
    Hamidreza Sharifi-Tehrani
  • 66 
    Nader Khoon Siavash
  • 67 
    Abualfazl Nazeri (born in 1969)
  • 68 
    Mohsen Asadi (born in 1971)
  • 69 
    Mohammad Sadegh Heidari Mousa (born in 1977)
  • 70 
    Mohammad Reza Mohammadi (born in 1971)
  • 71 
    Abdolkarim Bani Tarafi
  • 72 
    Reza Khaki
  • 73 
    Majid Reza Niyazi-Angili
  • 74 
    Vali Arlanizadeh
  • 75 
    Ali Akbar Ahmadian (born in 1961)
  • 76 
    Fereidoun Abbasi-Davani (born in 1958)
  • 77 
    Azim Aghajani (born in 1967)
  • 78 
    Bahmanyar Morteza Bahmanyar (born in 1952)
  • 79 
    Ahmad Vahid Dastjerdi (born in 1954)
  • 80 
    Ahmad Derakhshandeh (born in 1956)
  • 81 
    Ali Akbar Tabatabaei (born in 1967)
  • 82 
    Mohammad Mehdi Nejad Nouri
  • 83 
    Morteza Rezaei (born in 1956)
  • 84 
    Mohsen Hojati (born in 1955)
  • 85 
    Mohammad Eslami (born in 1956)
  • 86 
    Mohammad Hejazi (born in 1956)
  • 87 
    Mohammad Reza Naqdi (born in 1953)
  • 88 
    Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi (born in 1958)
  • 89 
    Qasem Soleimani (born in 1957)
  • 90 
    Morteza Safari (born in 1956)
  • 91 
    Naser Maleki (born in 1960)
  • 92 
    Reza-Gholi Esmaeili (born in 1961)
  • 93 
    Mohammad Reza Zahedi (born in 1944)
  • 94 
    Gholam Ali Rashid (born in 1953)
  • 95 
    Mohammad Reza Ashtiani (born in 1960)

PART 2.1

Individuals — Gross Human Rights Violations

  • 1 
    Esmail Khatib (born in 1961)
  • 2 
    Hassan Rouhani (born in 1948)
  • 3 
    Mahmoud Alavi (born in 1954)
  • 4 
    Hossein Ashtari (born in 1959)
  • 5 
    Issa Zarepour (born in 1980)
  • 6 
    Seyyed Mohammed Saleh Hashemi Golpayegani (born in 1967)
  • 7 
    Sadeq Ardeshir Larijani (born in 1961)
  • 8 
    Mohammad Rostami Cheshmeh Gachi (born in 1976)
  • 9 
    Haj Ahmad Mirzaei (born in 1957)
  • 10 
    Gholam-Hossein Mohsei-Eje’i (born in 1956)
  • 11 
    Saeed MORTAZAVI (born in 1967)
  • 12 
    Abdolreza Rahmani FAZLI (born in 1960)
  • 13 
    Salar ABNOUSH
  • 14 
    Qasem REZAEI
  • 15 
    Manouchehr AMANOLLAHI (born in 1965)
  • 16 
    Kiyumars HEIDARI (born in 1964)
  • 17 
    Gholamreza ZIAEI
  • 18 
    Ali REZVANI (born in 1984)
  • 19 
    Seyyed Ahmad KHATAMI (born in 1960)
  • 20 
    Leila VASEGHI (born in 1972)
  • 21 
    Peyman JEBELLI (born in 1966)
  • 22 
    Ali LARIJANI (born in 1957)
  • 23 
    Mohammad JAVAD ZARIF (born in 1960)
  • 24 
    Mohammad Bagher ZOLGHADR (born in 1954)
  • 25 
    Mohammad Karami (born in 1960)
  • 26 
    Soghra Khodadadi Taghanaki (born in 1971)
  • 27 
    Ezzatollah Zarghami (born in 1959)
  • 28 
    Seyyed Majid Mirahmadi
  • 29 
    Abbas-Ali Kadkhodaei (born in 1961)
  • 30 
    Seyed Morteza Mousavi
  • 31 
    Asadollah Jafari
  • 32 
    Ahmad Fazelian
  • 33 
    Hossein Rahimi (born in 1964)
  • 34 
    Ali Azadi
  • 35 
    Abbas Abdi
  • 36 
    Seyyed Ali Safari
  • 37 
    Ali Ghanaatkar Mavardiani
  • 38 
    Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi (born in 1981)
  • 39 
    Morteza Talaei (born in 1957)
  • 40 
    Hassan Karami (born in 1960)
  • 41 
    Habibollah Jan Nesari
  • 42 
    Abdolkarim Geravand
  • 43 
    Mohammad Mahmoudabadi (born in 1968)
  • 44 
    Ghorbanali Dorri-Najafabadi (born in 1945)
  • 45 
    Ahmad Alam Al-Hoda (born in 1944)
  • 46 
    Iman Afshari
  • 47 
    Abolghasem Salavati (born in 1967)
  • 48 
    Mohammad Reza Amoozad
  • 49 
    Mohammad Jafar Montazeri (born in 1948)
  • 50 
    Hassan Askari
  • 51 
    Mohammad-Taghi Osanloo
  • 52 
    Alireza Moradi
  • 53 
    Ali Akbar Javidan
  • 54 
    Ebrahim Kouchakzaei
  • 55 
    Seyyed Heshmatollah Hayat al-Ghaib (born in 1965)
  • 56 
    Allah Karam Azizi
  • 57 
    Seyed Vahid Haghanian (born in 1963)
  • 58 
    Seyed Ali Asghar Mir Hejazi (born in 1946)
  • 59 
    Ameneh Sadat Zabihpour Ahmadi (born in 1984)
  • 60 
    Mohsen Bormahani
  • 61 
    Ahmad Noroozi (born in 1988)
  • 62 
    Yousef Pouranvari
  • 63 
    Vahid Yaminpour (born in 1980)
  • 64 
    Mohsen Ghomi (born in 1960)
  • 65 
    Esmaeil Zarei Kousha (born in 1980)
  • 66 
    Morteza Mir Aghaei
  • 67 
    Hossein Rajabpour
  • 68 
    Seyed Sadegh Hosseini
  • 69 
    Mohammad Towhidi
  • 70 
    Habib Shahsavari (born in 1963 or 1964)
  • 71 
    Rahim Jahanbakhsh
  • 72 
    Mohammad Nazar Azimi
  • 73 
    Bahman Reyhani
  • 74 
    Hedayatollah Farzadi
  • 75 
    Murad Fathi
  • 76 
    Seyed Saied Reza Ameli Renani (born in 1961)
  • 77 
    Hassan Hassanzadeh (born in 1957)
  • 78 
    Gholamhossein Mohammadi Asl
  • 79 
    Abbas-Ali Mohammadian
  • 80 
    Abbas Nilforushan
  • 81 
    Hossein Modarres Khiababni (born in 1968)
  • 82 
    Enayatollah Rafiei (born in 1970)
  • 83 
    Fatemeh Ghorban-Hosseini (born in 1995)
  • 84 
    Parastou Safari (born in 1986)
  • 85 
    Ali Khoshnamvand (born in 1995)
  • 86 
    Parviz Absalan
  • 87 
    Morteza Barati (born in 1962)
  • 88 
    Hadi Mansouri
  • 89 
    Musa Asif Al Hosseini
  • 90 
    Seyed Mahmoud Sadati (born in 1958)
  • 91 
    Mehrdad Tahamtan
  • 92 
    Mohammad Moghiseh (born in 1956)
  • 93 
    Heidar Asiyabi
  • 94 
    Fatemeh Haghshenas
  • 95 
    Masoumeh Teymouri
  • 96 
    Abdol Hosein Khosrow Panah (born in 1967)
  • 97 
    Hasan Rahimpour Azghadi (born in 1965)
  • 98 
    Ensieh Khazali (born in 1963)
  • 99 
    Mohammad Mehdi Esmaili (born in 1975)
  • 100 
    Mohammad Masroor
  • 101 
    Mojtaba Zonnouri (born on August 12, 1963)
  • 102 
    Masoud Dorosti (also known as Masood Darshti and Masood Dorosti)
  • 103 
    Zohreh Elahian (born in 1968)

SCHEDULE 2(Section 4)


ItemColumn 1Column 2
1Aerodynamic particle size measuring equipmentAny equipment designed to measure in real time the aerodynamic particle size of aerosols in the range of 0.1 to 50 micrometers.
2Aerosol generatorsAny equipment capable of producing aerosols of radioactive, chemical or biological materials with aerodynamic particle sizes in the range of 0.1 to 50 micrometres.
3Aluminum and aluminum alloy productsPiping, tubing, fittings, flanges, forging, castings, valves, any unfinished products in any form and any waste or scrap that are made of aluminum and its alloys that are not specified in the Export Control List.
4Argon ion lasersArgon ion lasers that are not specified in the Export Control List and have an average output power equal to or greater than 5 W.
5Autoclaves (double-ended)Double-ended or pass-through autoclaves with internal volume greater than 1 m3, bioseal, interlocking doors, warning lights or audible alarms.
6Automated take-off or landing systemsSystems that are usable in the systems specified in entry 6-1.A.2 of the Guide and are capable of operating vehicles with a stall speed in excess of 30 knots.
7Batch centrifugesBatch centrifuges with a rotor capacity of 25 L or greater, usable with biological material.
8Bellows-sealed scroll compressors and vacuum pumps
  • (1) The following vacuum pumps:

    • (a) turbomolecular pumps having a flow-rate equal to or greater than 400 l/s;

    • (b) Roots-type roughing pumps having a volumetric aspiration flow-rate greater than 200 m³/hr;

    • (c) bellows-sealed, scroll, dry pumps; and

    • (d) bellows-sealed, scroll, dry compressor pumps.

  • (2) Vacuum pumps that are not specified in the Export Control List and that

    • (a) are suitable for corrosive fluids;

    • (b) have a maximum flow-rate greater than 5 m³/hr, measured under standard temperature and pressure conditions of 273 K (0°C) and 101.3 kPa, respectively; and

    • (c) are pumps in which all surfaces that may come into direct contact with fluids consist of stainless steel, aluminium alloy or a combination of the two.

9Decanning and decladding equipmentMechanical equipment designed or usable for decanning or decladding spent nuclear reactor fuel as part of a fuel processing process.
10Drum drying equipmentAny drum drying equipment capable of producing dry particles of radioactive, chemical or biological materials with aerodynamic particle sizes in the range of 0.1 to 50 micrometres.
11Electrical power supply units and transformers

High voltage direct current power supply units that are not specified in the Export Control List and

  • (a) are capable of continuously producing 10 kV or more over a period of 8 hours, with output power of 5 kW or more with or without sweeping; and

  • (b) have current or voltage stability better than 0.1% over a period of 4 hours.

12Electrolytic cells for fluorine products

Electrolytic cells that are not specified in the Export Control List that

  • (a) are used for fluorine production; and

  • (b) have an output capacity greater than 100 g of fluorine per hour.

13Fibrous or filamentary materials

The following fibrous or filamentary materials or prepregs that are not specified in the Export Control List:

  • (a) carbon or aramid fibrous or filamentary materials having either

    • (i) a specific modulus exceeding 10 x 10^6 m, or

    • (ii) a specific tensile strength exceeding 17 x 10^4 m;

  • (b) glass fibrous or filamentary materials having either

    • (i) a specific modulus exceeding 3.18 x 10^6 m, or

    • (ii) a specific tensile strength exceeding 76.2 x 10^3 m; and

  • (c) thermoset resin-impregnated continuous yarns, rovings, tows and tapes with a width of 15 mm or less (prepregs), made for carbon or glass fibrous or filamentary materials.

14Flow-forming machines

Flow-forming machines and spin-forming machines capable of flow-forming functions and mandrels, as follows:

  • (a) machines that have three or more rollers and that can be equipped with numerical control units or a computer control; and

  • (b) rotor-forming mandrels designed to form cylindrical rotors with an inside diameter between 75 and 400 mm.

15Frequency changers (inverters) and specially designed software for them
  • (1) Frequency changers that

    • (a) have multiphase frequency output;

    • (b) are capable of providing power of 40 W or greater;

    • (c) are capable of operating anywhere between 600 and 2000 Hz; and

    • (d) have frequency control less than 0.2%.

  • (2) Specially designed software for these frequency changers.

16Glove boxesAny glove boxes or similar devices with remote manipulators that can provide the operator with protection from radiation or radioactive materials.
17Heat treatment and sintering furnacesControlled-atmosphere heat treatment furnaces capable of operation at temperatures above 400°C.
18HEPA filtersHEPA filters of a frame area of 0.0625 m2 or larger with a DOP rating of 99.997% (at 0.3 micron) or higher.
19High speed camerasElectronic framing cameras having a speed exceeding 1000 frames per second.
20Lead in sheets or blocks/bricksMust be suitable for use in shielding.
21Magnetic alloys in thin strip formMagnetic alloy materials in sheet or thin strip form with a thickness of 0.1 mm or less, made of iron-chromium-cobalt, iron-cobalt-vanadium, iron-chromium-cobalt-vanadium or iron-chromium.
22Mass spectrometers

The following mass spectrometers that are not specified in the Export Control List that are capable of measuring ions of 200 atomic mass units or more and have a resolution of better than 2 parts in 200:

  • (a) inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers (ICP/MS);

  • (b) glow discharge mass spectrometers (GDMS);

  • (c) thermal ionization mass spectrometers (TIMS);

  • (d) electron bombardment mass spectrometers with a source chamber constructed from, lined with or plated with, materials resistant to corrosion by UF6;

  • (e) molecular beam mass spectrometers with either

    • (i) a source chamber constructed from, lined with or plated with, stainless steel or molybdenum and equipped with a cold trap capable of cooling to 193 K (-80°C) or less, or

    • (ii) a source chamber constructed from, lined with or plated with, materials resistant to corrosion by UF6; and

  • (f) mass spectrometers equipped with a microfluorination ion source usable with actinides or actinide fluorides.

23Nucleic acid synthesisersAny device designed to produce oligonucleotides from nucleic acids or derivatives.
24Oxidation furnacesFurnaces capable of operation at temperatures over 400°C.
25Riot gearRiot helmets and associated equipment, balaclavas, flashbangs, sting-ball grenades, impact munitions, chemical munitions, clothing specifically used for physical protection in riot control situations, batons and paintball guns.
26Sintered metal filters employing monel or other high nickel content alloys

Sintered metal filters made of

  • (a) nickel; or

  • (b) nickel alloy with a nickel content of 40% or more by weight.

27Sintering pressesSintering systems, including parts, software and technology for them, capable of generating a temperature in excess of 999°C or atmospheric pressure of less than 2 atmospheres.
28Tributyl phosphate (TBP)Chemical Abstract Service registry number 126-73-8.
29Absolute pressure transducersAbsolute pressure transducers capable of measuring absolute pressures below 100 kPa, and specially designed parts and software for them.
30Gamma-ray spectrometersGamma-ray spectrometers of all types and specifications, and specially designed parts and software for them.
31Numerically controlled machine toolsNumerically controlled machine tools of all types, and specially designed parts and software for them.
32Electroslag remeltersElectroslag remelters of all types and specifications, and specially designed parts for them.
33Gold, silver, platinum, palladium, ruthenium, rhodium, osmium and iridiumIn addition to specific items made of those metals referred to in these Regulations, all raw, semi-finished or finished forms of those metals or their alloys.
34Helium or hydrogen leak detectorsHelium or hydrogen leak detectors capable of detecting leak rates of less than 1 x 10-5 standard cubic centimetres of air per second (atm cc/s for air).
35Smelting machinery and productsAny smelting machines and specially designed parts for them, as well as any reducing agents or fluxes used in the smelting process.
36Stainless steel valves, piping, tubing and fittingsAny valves, piping, tubing and fittings that are made of stainless steel type 304, 316 or 317 and that are not specified in the Export Control List.
37Maraging steelsMaraging steels in the Export Control List 6-6.C.8 having an ultimate tensile strength equal to or greater than 2.05 GPa, measured at 20°C, in the form of sheet, plate or tubing with a wall or plate thickness equal to or less than 5.0 mm and usable in systems specified in 6-1.A or 6-19.A.1 of the Guide.
38Explosive release devicesExplosive bolts

Propellants and constituent chemicals for propellants, either as a pure substance or as a mixture containing at least 50% of one of the following chemicals:

  • (a) toluene diisocyanate (TDI);

  • (b) methyl diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI);

  • (c) isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI);

  • (d) sodium perchlorate;

  • (e) xylidine;

  • (f) hydroxy terminated polyether (HTPE); or

  • (g) hydroxy terminated caprolactone ether (HTCE).

40Production equipmentComputer controlled or numerically controlled laser welding and laser cutting machines, and their specially designed components.
41Production equipmentComputer controlled or numerically controlled electron beam welding machines, and their specially designed components.
  • SOR/2011-268, ss. 12, 13
  • SOR/2012-283, s. 10
  • SOR/2016-15, s. 12


[Repealed, SOR/2016-15, s. 12]


Date modified: