Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations (SOR/2008-120)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2023-12-08. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE 7(Subsection 2(6))Waters in Which Towing a Person on Any Sporting or Recreational Equipment Is Prohibited Except During the Permitted Hours



Column 1Column 2Column 3
ItemName Given by the Gazetteer of Canada or DescriptionLocal NameLocation Reference (Alberta Land Titles Act Reference System)
Southern Region
1Paine LakeMami Lake2-28-W4
Central Region
1Unnamed reservoirBlood Indian Creek Reservoir17-26-9-W4
East Slopes Region
1Rock Lake52-2-W6
2Chain Lakes, as indicated by signs14,15-2-W5
Northeast Region
1Skeleton Lake, as indicated by signs65-18,19-W4


British Columbia

Column 1Column 2Column 3
ItemName Given by the Gazetteer of Canada or DescriptionGeneral LocationLocation Reference (Gazetteer of Canada Reference System)
1Whiteswan LakeWhiteswan Lake Provincial Park


2That portion of Premier Lake south of a line extending from the southeast corner of Lot 11021 to the northwest corner of Lot 11869northeast of Wasa


3The Nicomekl River, from the railway trestle at Mud Bay to the dam west of King George HighwaySurrey


4Heffley Lake, the narrows and small bays at each end of the lake as designated by the signsnortheast of Kamloops


5Hidden Lakeeast of Enderby


6Whitetail Lakeapproximately 15 km northwest of Canal Flats50°13′ 116°02′
7Parts of Green Lake as signedWhistler50°09′ 122°57′
8Big Bar Lakenear Clinton51°19′ 121°48′
9Elk and Beaver Lakes and those parts of Elk and Beaver Lakes in the interlake area except between 11:00 a.m. and one hour before sunset unless a sporting, recreational or public event or activity for which a permit has been issued under these Regulations is being heldnorthwest of Victoria48°32′N
10The waters of the Columbia River and its tributaries lying within the flood plain of the Columbia River north of a point at 50°21′13.4″ 115°52′51.9″ (approximately 1.6 km northwest of Fairmont Hot Springs) and south and east of a point at 51º28′48″ 117º09′33″, on the northernmost tip of a small island (approximately 1.8 km south of Trans-Canada Highway bridge at Donald) but excluding the waters of Windermere LakeColumbia River main channel




Column 1Column 2Column 3
ItemName Given by the Gazetteer of Canada or DescriptionSpecific LocationLocation Reference (Gazetteer of Canada Reference System)
1North Branch Muskoka River from Bracebridge Falls to the mouth of the Muskoka River


45°02′ 79°19′
2Joseph River connecting Lake Joseph to Lake Rosseau from the Ames Point entrance at 45°09′58″ N 79°41′42″ W to Joseph River Shoal at 45°08′28″ N 79°38′50″ W45°08′ 79°39′
3Shadow River45°15′ 79°39′
4South Branch Muskoka River from the intersection with the Muskoka River to Muskoka Falls45°00′ 79°18′45°02′ 79°19′
5Indian River except for the part known as Mirror Lake45°06′ 79°34′
6The narrow channel of Twelve Mile Bay between the coordinates set out in column 2, in Muskoka District45°04′52″45°05 80°00′
79°58′00″ to
7That part of the Magnetawan River fronting the Village of Magnetawan, Municipality of Magnetawan45°39′40″45°46′ 80°37′
79°38′50″ to
8That part of the Burnt River, Somerville Twp, Victoria County, from Lot 11, Concessions 6 and 7, to the entrance of Goose Lake, Lot 24, Concession 1, all lying within Somerville Twp, Victoria County44°41′ 78°42′ to44°35′ 78°46′
44°35′ 78°46′
9That part of Robillard Lake known as Long Lake within the limits of the Municipality of Charlton and Dack, as described in column 247°48′37″ N47°49′ 80°08′
79°59′54″ W to
47°48′36″ N
80°00′10″ W


Nova Scotia

Column 1Column 2Column 3
ItemName Given by the Gazetteer of Canada or DescriptionGeneral LocationLocation Reference (Gazetteer of Canada Reference System)
1Tidnish River, upstream from Irwins Point45°59′ 64°03′



Column 1Column 2Column 3
ItemName Given by the Répertoire toponymique du Québec or DescriptionPermitted HoursLocation Reference (Répertoire toponymique du Québec Reference System)
1Châteauguay River from point A at coordinates 45°22′15.23″ 73°45′13.20″ to point B at coordinates 45°22′47.44″ 73°45′07.28″Point A: 45°22′15.23″ 73°45′13.20″
Point B: 45°22′47.44″ 73°45′07.28″
2Châteauguay River from point B at coordinates 45°22′47.44″ 73°45′07.28″ to point C at coordinates 45°22′58.93″ 73°46′09.17″Point B: 45°22′47.44″ 73°45′07.28″
Point C: 45°22′58.93″ 73°46′09.17″
3Châteauguay River from point B at coordinates 45°22′47.44″ 73°45′07.28″ to point D at coordinates 45°24′01.49″ 73°45′06.44″Point B: 45°22′47.44″ 73°45′07.28″
Point D: 45°24′01.49″ 73°45′06.44″
4Within 60 m of the shore of Masson Lake46°02′33″
5 and 6[Repealed, SOR/2014-210, s. 27]
7Laviolette Lake46°00′ 74°08′
8Morelle Lake45°59′48″
9Deauville Lake45°59′ 74°06′
10Pas de Poisson Lake46°01′ 74°07′
11Lake Lenore46°00′ 74°07′
12Long Lake45°59′ 74°05′
13Tondohar Lake46°00′ 74°07′
14Quévillon Lake46°00′ 74°06′
15Lake Mimi46°00′ 74°09′
16Gascon Lake45°59′ 74°08′
17Lake Sainte-Adèle45°57′ 74°09′
18Millette Lake45°58′ 74°11′
19Bouthillier Lake45°57′19″
20Renaud Lake45°56′ 74°12′
21Matley Lake45°57′ 74°11′
22Richer Lake45°57′ 74°12′
23Des Seize Îles Lakefrom 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.45°54′ 74°28′
24Within a perimeter of 60 m from the shore of Charlebois Lake46°05′ 74°03′
25Vingt Sous Lake45°57′ 74°22′
26Cornu Lake45°58′ 74°23′
27De la Montagne Lake45°59′ 74°19′
28Major Bay of Des Sables Lake46°02′ 74°17′
29Centre-Ville Bay of Des Sables Lake46°02′ 74°17′
30Within 100 m of the shore of Archambault Lake46°19′ 74°15′
31Within 100 m of the shore of Baribeau Lake46°21′ 74°10′
32Within 100 m of the shore of Beauchamp Lake46°18′ 74°12′
33Within 100 m of the shore of Bouillon Lake46°16′ 74°11′
34Within 100 m of the shore of La Clef Lake46°23′ 74°13′
35Within 100 m of the shore of Des Aulnes Lake (Isidore and Garon)46°22′ 74°11′
36Within 100 m of the shore of Lake Léon46°22′ 74°16′
37Within 100 m of the shore of Major Lake46°21′ 74°12′
38Within 100 m of the shore of De la Montagne Noire Lake46°12′ 74°16′
39Within 100 m of the shore of Ouareau Lake46°17′ 74°09′
40Within 100 m of the shore of Perreault Lake46°20′ 74°07′
41Within 100 m of the shore of Raquette Lake46°15′ 74°20′
42Within 100 m of the shore of Rochemaure Lake46°22′ 74°10′
43Within 100 m of the shore of Lake Saint-Onge46°22′ 74°08′
44Within 100 m of the shore of Sombre Lake46°20′ 74°05′
45Within 100 m of the shore of Sylvère Lake46°21′ 74°04′
46Within 100 m of the shore of the Saint-Michel River (Michel)46°18′ 74°16′
47Within 100 m of the shore of the Noir River46°23′ 74°16′
48[Repealed, SOR/2014-210, s. 28]
49Within 100 m of the shore of the Du Pimbina River46°21′ 74°14′
50Within 50 m of the shore of Blanc Lake46°20′ 74°13′
51Manitou Lakefrom 10:00 a.m. to noon and from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.46°03′36″
52Fraser Lake45°23′ 72°11′
53Berry Lake


54À Fillion Lake


55À Magny Lake


56Brompton Lake, northwest of a line connecting point D at coordinates 45°28′23″ 72°08′53″ to point E at coordinates 45°28′26″ 72°08′48″ (Larochelle Bay)45°26′ 72°09′
57Brompton Lake, north of a line connecting point F at coordinates 45°28′13″ 72°08′04″ and point G at coordinates 45°28′10″ 72°08′06″ (Du Barrage Bay)45°26′ 72°09′
58Leamy Lake, the north passage linking the lake to the Gatineau River and the northern half of the south passage linking the lake to De la Carrière Lake45°27′ 75°43′

Les Trois Lacs Lake:

45°48′ 71°54′
  • (a) in the beach and swimming areas delineated by a line running perpendicular to the shore to a point at coordinates 45°47′45″ 71°53′25″, thence to a point at coordinates 45°47′35″ 71°53′30″, and thence returning perpendicularly to the shore; and

  • (b) on the remaining part of the lake

from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Southwest Nicolet River:

46°13′ 72°36′
  • (a) from Les Trois Lacs Lake exit at a point at coordinates 45°48′10″ 71°54′40″ to the existing dam at a point at coordinates 45°47′50″ 71°55′00″; and

from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • (b) from the entrance to Les Trois Lacs Lake at a point at coordinates 45°47′32″ 71°52′15″ to a point at coordinates 45°47′37″ 71°51′47″

from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
61Saint-Louis Lake, in that part of the lake located between a line drawn from the wharf of Saint-Louis Park to the western limit of René Lévesque Park and a line drawn in the direction of and extending from 6th Avenue in Lachine45°26′ 73°42′
62Blanche River between Blanc Lake at coordinates 46°19′42″ 74°12′38.1″ and 46°19′42.8″ 74°12′32.9″ and Ouareau Lake at coordinates 46°18′11.9″ 74°10′12.6″ and 46°18′06.6″ 74°10′05.6″46°18′09″
63Croche Lake within 50 m of the shore, except where the vessel follows a trajectory perpendicular to the shore46°21′ 74°06′
64Du Pimbina Lake within 50 m of the shore, except where the vessel follows a trajectory perpendicular to the shore46°23′ 74°14′
65Provost Lake within 50 m of the shore, except where the vessel follows a trajectory perpendicular to the shore46°24′ 74°16′
66Those portions of Saint-François-Xavier Lake not included in item 256 of Part 3 of Schedule 6From 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.45°52′53″ N
74°21′32″ W
67Duhamel Lake


68That part of the Richelieu River described in items 345, 346, 347 and 348 of Part 3 of Schedule 6


69That part of the Richelieu River described in item 349 of Part 3 of Schedule 6all hours except from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays


70That part of the Richelieu River from the Groupe Thomas Marine at coordinates 45°39′36.6″ 73°11′49.2″ to the Handfield Inn at coordinates 45°40′20″ 73°11′31.1″




Column 1Column 2Column 3
ItemName Given by the Gazetteer of Canada or DescriptionLocal NameLocation Reference (Gazetteer of Canada Reference System)
1Assiniboine RiverAssiniboine River49°52′17″
97°26′50″ to
2Pinawa Channel between the points at coordinates 50°12′56″ 95°55′30.9″ and 50°16′12″ 95°52′46″ (see Note 1)Pinawa Channel

95°55′30.9″ to

3Lee River within 100 m of the shore between the points at coordinates 50°18′41″ 95°51′29″ and 50°23′07.4″ 95°49′38.3″Lee River

95°51′29″ to

Note 1: This prohibition applies from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm on Saturdays and Sundays.


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