Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Regulations, 2007 (SOR/2007-303)

Regulations are current to 2024-06-19 and last amended on 2024-04-01. Previous Versions

PART 1.1Territorial Formula Financing Payments (continued)


Revenues to Be Equalized

  •  (1) For the purpose of calculating the national average rate of tax, as defined in subsection 4(1) of the Act, the definition revenue to be equalized in that subsection is, in respect of a revenue source for a province or territory for a fiscal year, more particularly defined to

    • (a) include

      • (i) revenues of the provincial and territorial government sub-sector, the local government sub-sector and the school boards sub-sector, other than revenues of provincial, territorial or municipal housing authorities and revenues of local transit authorities and the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, and

      • (ii) any grant in lieu of a tax, levy or fee referred to in subsection 18(1) that is paid to a province or territory by the Government of Canada for that fiscal year; and

    • (b) exclude

      • (i) revenues of the universities and colleges sub-sector and the health and social service institutions sub-sector,

      • (ii) any revenue that the province or territory receives from a local government or any revenue that a local government receives from the province or territory,

      • (iii) any revenue that the province or territory or a local government in the province or territory paid to itself,

      • (iv) any remittance received in respect of that year by any specified Yukon Aboriginal government under a personal income tax room sharing agreement between that government and the Government of Yukon,

      • (v) revenues, fees or tax bases referred to in any of clauses 7.30 to 7.34 of the Yukon Northern Affairs Program Devolution Transfer Agreement,

      • (vi) revenues that are Resource Revenues derived from Onshore lands, as those terms are defined in the Canada Yukon Oil and Gas Accord, and

      • (vii) Resource Revenues as defined in the Northwest Territories Lands and Resources Devolution Agreement.

  • (2) In respect of the revenues described in paragraph 18(1)(g), the sum of the amounts referred to in subparagraphs (1)(b)(ii) and (iii) shall be the amount by which the product described in paragraph (a) exceeds the amount described in paragraph (b):

    • (a) the product of the payroll tax rate imposed by the province or territory in the fiscal year and the sum of the wages and salaries paid in the province or territory in the calendar year that ends in the fiscal year by the provincial and territorial general government sector and by the local general government sector to their employees, as determined by Statistics Canada for the purpose of its System of Macroeconomic Accounts;

    • (b) the amount of any payroll tax paid by the province or territory’s government departments that the Chief Statistician of Canada has excluded from the payroll tax revenue for the fiscal year for the province or territory, as set out in the certificate.

  • (3) For the purpose of calculating the national average rate of tax, as defined in subsection 4(1) of the Act, the following constitute miscellaneous revenues for the purpose of paragraph (b) of the definition revenue to be equalized in that subsection:

    • (a) subject to subsection (4), any revenues derived by a province or territory that are not included as revenues under subsection 18(1), including

      • (i) those derived from fines and penalties imposed by the province or territory, other than those imposed on businesses, and

      • (ii) those that are included in the “Other taxes on use of goods and on permission to use goods or perform activities”, “Other taxes on goods and services n.e.c.”, “Other taxes”, “Voluntary transfers other than grants” and “Miscellaneous and unidentified revenue n.e.c.” revenue categories of the Government Finance Statistics, including those received for gaming licences or permits issued to charities or other organizations;

    • (b) subject to subsection (4), any revenues derived by a local government that are not included as revenues under subsection 18(1), including

      • (i) those derived from fines and penalties imposed by a local government, other than those imposed on businesses, and

      • (ii) those that are included in the “Other taxes on use of goods and on permission to use goods or perform activities,” “Other taxes on goods and services n.e.c.”, “Other taxes”, “Voluntary transfers other than grants” and “Miscellaneous and unidentified revenue n.e.c.” revenue categories of the Government Finance Statistics, including those received for gaming licences or permits issued to charities or other organizations; and

    • (c) territorial quarry revenues that are not included as resource revenues under the Yukon Northern Affairs Program Devolution Transfer Agreement and territorial forestry revenues that are not included as resource revenues under the Northwest Territories Lands and Resources Devolution Agreement.

  • (4) The following revenues are excluded from paragraphs (3)(a) and (b), as applicable:

    • (a) revenues included in the “Sales of goods and services” revenue category of the Government Finance Statistics;

    • (b) revenues included in the “Social contributions” revenue category of the Government Finance Statistics;

    • (c) revenues included in the “Property income” revenue category of the Government Finance Statistics;

    • (d) any transfer payments received from other governments;

    • (e) payments to a province by the Government of Canada under section 99 of the Softwood Lumber Products Export Charge Act, 2006;

    • (f) personal and commercial auto insurance premiums; and

    • (g) agricultural insurance premiums.

Simulated Yield

  •  (1) The following definitions apply in this section.

    personal taxes

    personal taxes means

    • (a) taxes imposed by a province or territory on the income of individuals, not including trusts, net of

      • (i) tax credits that can be simulated for individuals in all provinces and territories on the basis of information available within, or imputable to, the micro-simulation model, and

      • (ii) in respect of income taxes imposed by Quebec, the refundable Quebec abatement described in paragraph 2500(3)(e) of the Income Tax Regulations; and

    • (b) levies or premiums imposed by a province or territory on individuals specifically for the purpose of financing hospital insurance, medical care insurance or drug insurance, other than contributions to the Nova Scotia Seniors’ Pharmacare Program or the Alberta supplementary health benefits plans. (impôts des particuliers)

    provincial or territorial system

    provincial or territorial system means the set of rules relating to the imposition of personal taxes in a province or territory. (régime provincial ou territorial)

  • (2) For the purpose of clause 19(1)(a)(i)(A), the simulated average revenue yield relating to provincial or territorial personal income for the province or territory for a taxation year ending in a fiscal year shall be determined by means of the micro-simulation model by

    • (a) simulating, in respect of each provincial or territorial system in turn, the total amount of personal taxes that would be derived from all individuals in the province or territory in the taxation year if that provincial or territorial system applied to those individuals;

    • (b) simulating, in respect of each provincial or territorial system in turn, the total amount of personal taxes that would be derived from all individuals in all provinces and territories in the taxation year if that provincial or territorial system applied to those individuals;

    • (c) dividing the amount simulated in respect of each provincial or territorial system under paragraph (a) by the amount simulated in respect of the same provincial or territorial system under paragraph (b);

    • (d) calculating the weight of each province or territory’s provincial or territorial system, which shall be equal to a fraction

      • (i) whose numerator is the revenues referred to in paragraph 18(1)(a) for the province or territory, as set out in the certificate for the fiscal year, and

      • (ii) whose denominator is the aggregate, over all provinces and territories, of the revenues referred to in subparagraph (i);

    • (e) multiplying each amount calculated under paragraph (c) by the respective weight calculated under paragraph (d); and

    • (f) calculating the sum of the 13 products calculated under paragraph (e).

  • SOR/2008-318, s. 14
  • SOR/2013-225, s. 22
  • SOR/2018-131, s. 16

Gross Expenditure Base

Population Adjusted Gross Expenditure Escalator
Calculation Accuracy

 Every calculation used to determine the population adjusted gross expenditure escalator shall be made to five decimal places.

Population Adjustment Factor
  •  (1) The population adjustment factor, defined in subsection 4(1) of the Act, for the fiscal year for which the territorial formula financing payment may be made is more particularly defined to be equal to the ratio

    1 + A : 1 + B


    is the three-year moving average of the rate of change of the population of the territory; and
    is the three-year moving average of the rate of change of the population of Canada.
  • (2) For the purpose of subsection (1), the three-year moving average is determined by the formula

    [(P4/P5 - 1) + (P3/P4 - 1) + (P2/P3 - 1)] /3


    is the population of the territory or Canada, as the case may be, two fiscal years prior to the fiscal year for which the territorial formula financing payment may be made;
    is the population of the territory or Canada, as the case may be, three fiscal years prior to the fiscal year for which the territorial formula financing payment may be made;
    is the population of the territory or Canada, as the case may be, four fiscal years prior to the fiscal year for which the territorial formula financing payment may be made; and
    is the population of the territory or Canada, as the case may be, five fiscal years prior to the fiscal year for which the territorial formula financing payment may be made.
Provincial Local Government Expenditure Index
  •  (1) The provincial local government expenditure index, defined in subsection 4(1) of the Act, is more particularly defined to be the amount determined by the formula

    1 + {[(P4/P5 - 1) + (P3/P4 - 1) + (P2/P3 - 1)] / 3}


    is the amount of the provincial local government expenditures two fiscal years prior to the fiscal year for which the territorial formula financing payment may be made;
    is the amount of the provincial local government expenditures three fiscal years prior to the fiscal year for which the territorial formula financing payment may be made;
    is the amount of the provincial local government expenditures four fiscal years prior to the fiscal year for which the territorial formula financing payment may be made; and
    is the amount of the provincial local government expenditures five fiscal years prior to the fiscal year for which the territorial formula financing payment may be made.
  • (2) For the purpose of subsection (1), the provincial local government expenditures for a fiscal year shall be calculated on a not seasonally adjusted basis and be based on the data from Statistics Canada’s publication entitled National Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Income and by Expenditure Accounts that is available to the Minister at the time of the calculation referred to in section 4.3 of the Act. The expenditures shall be equal to the sum of

    • (a) the expenses of the provincial and territorial general government sector, as determined by the formula

      A - B - C - D + E


      is the gross outlay,
      is the total of net capital transfers,
      is the total of transfers to local governments,
      is the total of capital consumption allowances, and
      is the total investment in fixed capital, and
    • (b) the expenses of the local general government sector, as determined by the formula

      F - G - H - I + J


      is the gross outlay,
      is the total of net capital transfers,
      is the total of transfers to provincial and territorial governments,
      is the total of capital consumption allowances, and
      is the total investment in fixed capital.
  •  (1) If, following the conclusion of a personal income tax room sharing agreement between the Government of Yukon and a specified Yukon aboriginal government, the Minister determines, under subparagraph 4.2(a)(iii) of the Act, that the gross expenditure base of Yukon is to be adjusted by the amount determined by the following formula, the adjustment shall be applied on a non-cumulative basis for each of the second, third and fourth fiscal years following that in which the agreement was concluded:

    A - (70% × B)


    is equal to the amount of tax, determined in accordance with the agreement, that is foregone by the Government of Yukon for the taxation year that is two years prior to the fiscal year for which the territorial formula financing payment for Yukon is being calculated, and
    is the average difference — for the taxation years that are two, three and four years prior to the fiscal year for which the territorial formula financing payment for Yukon is being calculated — between the yield for Yukon revenues derived from personal income, net of federal and Yukon territorial personal income tax assessed in respect of Yukon residents, when it is calculated
    • (a) without taking into account the specified Yukon aboriginal government’s federal tax abatement and territorial tax credit, and

    • (b) taking into account that abatement and that credit.

  • (2) Only the adjustment made in the fourth fiscal year is subject to escalation under the population adjusted gross expenditure escalator.

  • SOR/2009-327, s. 7

 For the purpose of recalculating the gross expenditure base under subsection 4(2) of the Act, the prescribed information is the population information set out in the certificate in accordance with paragraph 28(3)(b), but it does not include the information for a fiscal year prior to fiscal year 2003–2004.


 For the purposes of this Part, the manner in which the Chief Statistician of Canada shall determine the population of a province or territory for a fiscal year is by basing that determination on Statistics Canada’s official estimate of that population on

  • (a) June 1 of that fiscal year, for any fiscal year ending before April 1, 2024; or

  • (b) July 1 of that fiscal year, for any fiscal year beginning after March 31, 2024.


  •  (1) The Chief Statistician of Canada shall, in each fiscal year, prepare and submit a certificate to the Minister on or before December 1 of the fiscal year.

  • (2) The information set out in the certificate shall

    • (a) be based on the most recent publication of Statistics Canada — or the most recent information of Statistics Canada if the publication is not available, its contents have been superseded by more recent information or these Regulations require information that is not published — that is available on or before November 22 of the fiscal year in which the certificate is submitted; and

    • (b) be provided

      • (i) if the information is required on a fiscal year basis, for the three fiscal years immediately preceding the fiscal year in which the certificate is submitted, or

      • (ii) if the information is required on a calendar year basis, for the calendar year that ends in the fiscal year immediately preceding the fiscal year in which the certificate is submitted and the two prior calendar years.

  • (3) The certificate shall set out the following information:

    • (a) [Repealed, SOR/2023-230, s. 16]

    • (b) the population of all provinces and territories, including that for the seven prior fiscal years if the fiscal year is one in which Statistics Canada releases Census population results, as determined by the Chief Statistician of Canada in accordance with section 27;

    • (c) the information produced by Statistics Canada that is referred to in section 19 and used to calculate each revenue base described in that section, other than

      • (i) the individualized profits and losses of business enterprises referred to in clause 19(1)(b)(ii)(B),

      • (ii) the assessed market value of residential property referred to in the description of R in paragraph 19(1)(h), and

      • (iii) the assessed market value of commercial-industrial property referred to in the description of N in paragraph 19(1)(h);

    • (d) for each province and territory, information from the Government Finance Statistics regarding the revenues described in section 18 and subsections 20(3) and (4), other than those described in paragraph 20(3)(c); and

    • (e) the information respecting the provincial local government expenditures referred to in subsection 24(1).

  • (4) The Chief Statistician of Canada shall, in the certificate,

    • (a) if an aggregate of two or more revenue sources is provided in the certificate, inform the Minister of that aggregate; and

    • (b) if any information required to be set out in the certificate is not available, inform the Minister that the information is missing.


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