Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Mobile Offshore Drilling Units Remissions Order, 2004 (SOR/2004-107)

Regulations are current to 2024-09-16 and last amended on 2009-04-30. Previous Versions

Mobile Offshore Drilling Units Remissions Order, 2004



Registration 2004-05-03

Mobile Offshore Drilling Units Remissions Order, 2004

P.C. 2004-535 2004-05-03

Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to section 115 of the Customs TariffFootnote a hereby makes the annexed Mobile Offshore Drilling Units Remission Order, 2004.


 In this Order

mobile offshore drilling units

mobile offshore drilling units means drilling platforms, classified under tariff item No. 8905.20.10 of the Customs TariffFootnote 1 , and jack-ups, drill ships and semi-submersibles, classified under tariff item No. 8905.90.10 of the Customs TariffFootnote 1. (unités mobiles de forage au large)


delineation means drilling a conduit or well subsequent to the drilling of an exploration well for the purpose of defining the size (volume) and extent of the hydrocarbon reservoir. (délimitation)


 Subject to section 3, remission is hereby granted of the customs duties paid or payable under the Customs TariffFootnote 1, as reduced by the Vessel Duties Reduction or Removal Regulations, on the temporary importation of mobile offshore drilling units.

  • 1S.C. 1997, c. 36


 The remission is granted on condition that

  • (a) the mobile offshore drilling units are used only in drilling activity for exploration, delineation or development of the offshore project;

  • (b) the mobile offshore drilling units are temporarily imported into Canada during the period beginning on May 4, 2004 and ending on May 4, 2014 for exploration, delineation or development activities;

  • (c) the importers file such evidence as may be required by the Canada Border Services Agency to determine eligibility for remission; and

  • (d) a claim for remission is made to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness before May 4, 2016.

  • SOR/2009-129, s. 1

Coming into Force

 This Order comes into force on the day on which it is registered.

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