Proclamation giving notice of the entry into force on October 1, 2017 of the Agreement on Social Security between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Italian Republic (SI/2017-49)
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Regulations are current to 2024-06-19 and last amended on 2017-09-14. Previous Versions
Proclamation giving notice of the entry into force on October 1, 2017 of the Agreement on Social Security between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Italian Republic
Registration 2017-09-20
Proclamation giving notice of the entry into force on October 1, 2017 of the Agreement on Social Security between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Italian Republic
David Johnston
ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories QUEEN, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.
TO ALL TO WHOM these presents shall come or whom the same may in any way concern,
A Proclamation
Whereas by Order in Council P.C. 1995-1727 of October 17, 1995, the Governor General in Council declared that, in accordance with Article 33 of the Agreement on Social Security between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Italian Republic signed at Rome on May 22, 1995, the Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the fourth month following the month in which each Party shall have received from the other Party written notification that it has complied with all statutory requirements for the entry into force of the Agreement;
Whereas the Order in Council was laid before the House of Commons and the Senate on October 25, 1995, as required under the provisions of the Old Age Security Act;
Whereas, before the twentieth sitting day after the Order had been laid before both Houses of Parliament, no motion for the consideration of either House to the effect that the Order be revoked was filed with the Speaker of the appropriate House;
Whereas, pursuant to subsection 42(2) of the Old Age Security Act, the Order came into force on the thirtieth sitting day after it had been laid before Parliament, being December 14, 1995;
Whereas the exchange of the written notifications was completed in June, 2017;
Whereas the Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the fourth month following the month in which each Party shall have received written notification, by way of an instrument of ratification, from the other Party that it has complied with all statutory requirements for the entry into force of the Agreement, being October 1, 2017;
And whereas, by Order in Council P.C. 2017-1064 of August 14, 2017, the Governor in Council, pursuant to subsection 41(2) of the Old Age Security Act, directed that a proclamation be issued giving notice that the Agreement on Social Security between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Italian Republic is in force as of October 1, 2017;
Now know you that We, by and with the advice of Our Privy Council for Canada, do by this Our proclamation give notice that the Agreement on Social Security between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Italian Republic, a copy of which is annexed to this proclamation, is in force as of October 1, 2017.
Of all which Our Loving Subjects and all others whom these presents may concern are required to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, We have caused this Our Proclamation to be published and the Great Seal of Canada to be affixed to it.
Our Right Trusty and Well-beloved David Johnston, Chancellor and Principal Companion of Our Order of Canada, Chancellor and Commander of Our Order of Military Merit, Chancellor and Commander of Our Order of Merit of the Police Forces, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada.
AT OUR GOVERNMENT HOUSE, in Our City of Ottawa, this fourteenth day of September in the year of Our Lord two thousand and seventeen and in the sixty-sixth year of Our Reign.
By command,
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