Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Airport Traffic Regulations (C.R.C., c. 886)

Regulations are current to 2024-07-23 and last amended on 2009-06-04. Previous Versions

PART IIIRegistration of Mobile Equipment


 In this Part,


equipment means

  • (a) any motor vehicle or mobile device used in the direct fuelling or defuelling of aircraft, or

  • (b) any other motor vehicle or mobile device of a specialized nature for use in the maintenance, repair and servicing of an aircraft on the ground, including testing equipment and cargo and passenger handling equipment; (matérial)

gross weight

gross weight, with respect to any equipment, means the total weight of the equipment as specified by its manufacturer; (poids brut)

registration year

registration year means the period commencing on January 1st in any year and ending on December 31st in that year. (année d’immatriculation)


 Subject to this Part, the owner of equipment used at airports shall register that equipment each year in accordance with this Part.

 No person shall operate any equipment at an airport unless that equipment has been registered in accordance with this Part.

 Sections 53 and 54 do not apply to equipment operated exclusively on airport areas leased from the Department by the owner of the equipment.

  •  (1) Applications for the registration of equipment shall be made in the form prescribed by the Minister and delivered together with the fees prescribed by this Part to the airport manager at the airport at which the equipment is to be used.

  • (2) On receipt of the application and fees described in subsection (1), the airport manager may, if he is of the opinion that the equipment for which registration is applied for can be safely operated at the airport, issue a registration certificate for that equipment.


  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), the annual registration fee payable in respect of any motor vehicle or mobile device used in the direct fuelling or defuelling of aircraft shall be $15 or the amount obtained by multiplying the gross weight of the equipment, calculated in kilograms, by $0.033, whichever is the greater amount.

  • (2) Where any equipment is registered after June 30th in any registration year, the fee shall be one-half of the fee prescribed by subsection (1).

  •  (1) Where equipment registered at any airport is replaced by other equipment of a similar kind, there shall be paid to the airport manager of that airport

    • (a) if the other equipment is of an equivalent or lower gross weight than the equipment replaced, a registration fee of $5; or

    • (b) if the other equipment is of a greater gross weight than the equipment being replaced, a registration fee equal to the amount obtained by multiplying the difference between the gross weight of the equipment being replaced and the other equipment, calculated in kilograms, by $0.033.

  • (2) The registration certificate for any equipment that is being replaced at an airport shall be surrendered to the airport manager of that airport.

 Where equipment registered under this Part is sold or transferred, the new owner of the equipment shall, before operating the equipment at an airport, notify the airport manager of that airport, and the airport manager may,

  • (a) on payment of a fee of $5 by the new owner,

  • (b) on surrender of the registration certificate previously issued for that equipment to the previous owner, and

  • (c) upon being satisfied that the equipment may be safely operated at the airport,

issue a new registration certificate for the equipment.

 Where a certificate of registration for any equipment is lost, a duplicate certificate may be issued by the airport manager on payment of a fee of $5.

 The Minister or airport manager may exempt any equipment or class of equipment from the provisions of this Part.

 Certificates of registration for any equipment shall be carried on the equipment at all times and shall be produced for examination on request by a constable or by an authorized representative of the airport manager.

  • SOR/92-120, s. 7

 Any person who contravenes any provision of this Part is guilty of an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $100.

PART IVControl of Aircraft on Aprons


 In this Part,

apron traffic control clearance

apron traffic control clearance means authorization by an apron traffic control unit for an aircraft to proceed on a controlled apron; (autorisation du contrôle de la circulation sur l’aire de trafic)

apron traffic control instruction

apron traffic control instruction means a directive issued by an apron traffic control unit for airport apron traffic and gate control purposes; (instruction du contrôle de la circulation sur l’aire de trafic)

apron traffic control unit

apron traffic control unit means staff at an airport that provides apron traffic control service at the airport and includes the staff of a mobile control vehicle; (organe du contrôle de la circulation sur l’aire de trafic)

controlled apron

controlled apron means an apron at an airport where apron traffic control service is provided; (aire de trafic contrôlée)


operator, in respect of an aircraft, means the person in possession of the aircraft, whether as owner, lessee, hirer or otherwise, and in section 68 includes the person in whose name the aircraft is registered; (exploitant)


owner has the same meaning as in the Air Regulations; (propriétaire)


park means the standing of an aircraft, whether occupied or not; (laisser en stationnement)


pilot-in-command means the pilot responsible for the operation and safety of an aircraft. (pilote commandant de bord)


 The operator or pilot-in-command of an aircraft shall

  • (a) maintain

    • (i) a continuous watch on the radio frequencies designated for apron communications, or

    • (ii) where a continuous radio watch is not possible, a watch for such instructions as may be issued by visual means from an apron traffic control unit;

  • (b) observe other apron traffic for the purpose of avoiding collision; and

  • (c) where an apron traffic control unit is in operation, obtain, either by radio or by visual signal, authorization for his movements from that unit.

 No person shall operate or park an aircraft on an apron negligently, recklessly or in any other manner that endangers or is likely to endanger life or property.

  •  (1) No person shall move or park an aircraft on a controlled apron except in compliance with an apron traffic control clearance or an apron traffic control instruction.

  • (2) The operator or pilot-in-command of an aircraft shall immediately, upon receipt of an apron traffic control clearance or an apron traffic control instruction, acknowledge that he has received that clearance or instruction.

 No person shall park an aircraft on a controlled apron beyond the time limit set in the last apron traffic control instruction that was received by the operator or pilot-in-command before the aircraft was parked, or that is later issued by the apron traffic control unit and delivered to the owner or operator of the aircraft or the person in whose name the aircraft is registered.

  •  (1) An airport manager may order that an aircraft parked at an airport be moved.

  • (2) The operator or pilot-in-command of an aircraft shall comply with any instructions or orders given to him by the airport manager pursuant to subsection (1).

  • (3) Where an aircraft is parked at an airport

    • (a) beyond the time limit set by an apron traffic control unit,

    • (b) in an unauthorized place, or

    • (c) in a manner that obstructs traffic

    the airport manager may, at the expense of the operator of the aircraft, cause the aircraft to be moved and if he deems it necessary for the protection of the aircraft, store it in a suitable place.

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), any person who contravenes any provision of this Part is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $400.

  • (2) Where a contravention of this Part relates to the parking of an aircraft, the fine shall not exceed $50.


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