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Territorial Land Use Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1524)

Regulations are current to 2024-09-16 and last amended on 2016-06-13. Previous Versions

Territorial Land Use Regulations

C.R.C., c. 1524


Territorial Land Use Regulations

 [Repealed, SOR/2003-126, s. 4]


 In these Regulations,


Act means the Territorial Lands Act; (Loi)

Class A Permit

Class A Permit means a permit issued pursuant to section 25; (permis de catégorie A)

Class B Permit

Class B Permit means a permit issued pursuant to section 27; (permis de catégorie B)


crossing means any bridge, causeway or structure or any embankment, cutting, excavation, land clearing or other works used or intended to be used to enable persons, vehicles or machinery to cross any stream, highway or road; (passage)

district oil and gas conservation engineer

district oil and gas conservation engineer means a conservation engineer appointed pursuant to the Oil and Gas Production and Conservation Act; (ingénieur de district pour la conservation du pétrole et du gaz)

Dominion Geodesist

Dominion Geodesist means the Dominion Geodesist and Director of the Geodetic Survey, in the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources; (géodésien fédéral)


engineer means, with respect to particular lands, the engineer designated by the Minister pursuant to section 4 to serve the area in which the lands are located; (ingénieur)

geophysical survey

geophysical survey means any investigation carried out on the surface of the ground to determine the nature and structure of the subsurface; (levé géophysique)


inspector means an inspector designated by the Minister pursuant to section 5; (inspecteur)

land use operation

land use operation means any work or undertaking on territorial lands that requires a permit; (exploitation des terres)

letter of clearance

letter of clearance means a letter issued by the engineer pursuant to section 37; (lettre d’acquittement)


line means a route used to give surface access to any land for the purpose of carrying out a geophysical, geological or engineering survey; (ligne de levé)


man-day, with respect to the use of a campsite, means the use of that campsite by one person for 24 hours; (jour-homme)


Minister means the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development; (ministre)


monument means any post, stake, peg, mound, pit, trench or any other object, thing or device used to officially mark the boundary of any surveyed lands, or placed or established for any topographic, geodetic or cadastral purpose; (borne-signal)


permit means a Class A Permit or a Class B Permit; (permis)


permittee means the holder of a permit and includes a person engaged in a land use operation or anyone employed by a permittee to conduct a land use operation; (détenteur de permis)

rig release date

rig release date means the date on which, in the opinion of a district oil and gas conservation engineer, a well drilled for the purpose of discovering or producing oil and gas has been properly terminated; (date de renvoi de l’équipe)

rock trenching

rock trenching means any excavation carried out on a mineral claim for the purpose of obtaining geological information; (forage dans le roc)


spud-in means the initial penetration of the ground for the purpose of drilling an oil or gas well; (percée)


stream means any lake, river, pond, swamp, marsh, channel, gully, coulee or draw that continuously or intermittently contains water; (cours d’eau)

Surveyor General

Surveyor General means the Surveyor General as defined in the Canada Lands Surveys Act; (arpenteur général)

territorial lands

territorial lands[Repealed, SOR/2016-132, s. 1]

  • SOR/88-169, s. 1
  • 1998, c. 14, s. 101(F)
  • SOR/2003-126, s. 5
  • SOR/2016-132, s. 1

Establishment of Land Management Zones

  • SOR/2016-132, s. 2(F)

 The following lands are set apart and appropriated as land management zones, and these Regulations apply in those zones:

  • (a) the areas of the Northwest Territories that are under the control, management and administration of the Minister and that are not part of the Mackenzie Valley unless otherwise provided for in the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act; and

  • (b) the areas of Nunavut that are under the control, management and administration of the Minister.

  • SOR/2003-126, s. 6
  • SOR/2016-132, s. 3

Designation of Engineers

  • SOR/82-217, s. 1

 The Minister may designate any officer of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development as an engineer for the purposes of these Regulations.

  • SOR/82-217, s. 1
  • SOR/88-169, s. 2

Designation of Inspectors

 The Minister may designate any person as an inspector for the purposes of these Regulations.

Exemption from Regulations

 These Regulations do not apply to

  • (a) anything done by a resident of the Northwest Territories or Nunavut in the normal course of hunting, fishing or trapping;

  • (b) anything done in the course of prospecting, staking or locating a mineral claim unless it requires a use of equipment or material that normally requires a permit;

  • (c) lands whose surface rights have all been disposed of by the Minister; and

  • (d) and (e) [Repealed, SOR/2003-126, s. 7]

  • (f) land-use operations in the Mackenzie Valley, as that area is defined in section 2 of the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act, other than

    • (i) a land-use operation authorized by a permit issued under these Regulations prior to the coming into force of Part 3 of that Act,

    • (ii) a land-use operation for which an application for a permit under these Regulations was pending on the coming into force of Part 3 of that Act, and

    • (iii) a land-use operation in respect of which an application is made under section 156 of that Act.

  • SOR/88-169, s. 3
  • SOR/98-430, s. 1
  • SOR/2003-126, s. 7
  • SOR/2016-132, s. 4

 A person shall not engage in a land use operation except in accordance with these Regulations, the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act, the Nunavut Waters and Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal Act and any regulations made under those Acts.

  • SOR/2016-132, s. 5


 No person shall, without a Class A Permit, carry on any work or undertaking on territorial lands that involves

  • (a) the use, in any 30-day period, of more than 150 kg of explosives;

  • (b) the use, except on a public road or trail maintained wholly or in part by federal funds, of any vehicle that exceeds 10 t net vehicle weight;

  • (c) the use of any power driven machinery for earth drilling purposes whose operating weight, excluding the weight of drill rods or stems, bits, pumps and other ancillary equipment, exceeds 2.5 t;

  • (d) the establishment of any campsite that is to be used for more than 400 man-days;

  • (e) the establishment of any petroleum fuel storage facility exceeding 80 000 l capacity or the use of a single container for the storage of petroleum fuel that has a capacity exceeding 4 000 l;

  • (f) the use of any self-propelled power driven machine for moving earth or clearing land of vegetation;

  • (g) the use of any stationary power driven machine for hydraulic prospecting, moving earth or clearing land, other than a power saw; or

  • (h) the levelling, grading, clearing, cutting or snowploughing of any line, trail or right-of-way exceeding 1.5 m in width and exceeding 4 ha in area.

 No person shall, without a Class B Permit, carry on any work or undertaking on territorial lands that involves

  • (a) the use, in any 30-day period, of more than 50 kg but less than 150 kg of explosives;

  • (b) the use, except on a public road or trail maintained wholly or in part by federal funds, of any vehicle that is more than 5 t but less than 10 t net vehicle weight, or the use of any vehicle of any weight that exerts pressure on the ground in excess of 35 k pa;

  • (c) the use of any power driven machinery for earth drilling purposes whose operating weight, excluding the weight of drill rods or stems and bits, pumps and other ancillary equipment, is more than 500 kg but less than 2.5 t;

  • (d) the establishment of any campsite that is to be used by more than two people for more than 100 but less than 400 man-days;

  • (e) the establishment of any petroleum fuel storage facility that has a capacity of more than 4 000 l but less than 80 000 l or the use of a single container for the storage of petroleum fuel that has a capacity of more than 2 000 l but less than 4 000 l; or

  • (f) the levelling, grading, clearing, cutting or snowploughing of any line, trail or right-of-way exceeding 1.5 m in width but not exceeding 4 ha in area.

 No permittee shall, unless expressly authorized in his permit or expressly authorized in writing by an inspector,

  • (a) conduct a land use operation within 30 m of a known monument or a known or suspected historic or archaeological site or burial site;

  • (b) when excavating territorial land within 100 m of any stream, excavate at a point that is below the normal high water mark of that stream;

  • (c) deposit on the bed of any stream any excavated material; or

  • (d) when placing a fuel or supply cache within 100 m of any stream, place the fuel or supply cache below the normal high water mark of that stream.

  • SOR/2016-132, s. 6

Small Fuel Caches

 Every person who establishes a fuel cache of more than 400 l and less than 4 000 l on territorial land for which a permit is not required shall, within 30 days of the establishment thereof, notify the engineer in writing, giving details of the cache including the amount and type of fuel, size of containers and method of storage and proposed date of removal of the cache.

  • SOR/88-169, s. 6(E)


 Subject to the terms and conditions of his permit or the express written authority of an inspector, every permittee shall replace all materials removed by him in the course of excavating, other than rock trenching, and shall level and compact the area of the excavation.

Water Crossings

  •  (1) Subject to the terms and conditions of his permit or the express written authority of an inspector, every permittee shall

    • (a) remove any material or debris deposited in any stream in the course of a land use operation, whether for the purpose of constructing a crossing or otherwise, and

    • (b) restore the channel and bed of the stream to their original alignment and cross-section,

    prior to the completion of the land use operation or prior to the commencement of spring break-up, whichever occurs first.

  • (2) Subsection (1) does not permit any person to deposit any material or debris in a stream contrary to the Fisheries Act, the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act, the Nunavut Waters and Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal Act or any regulations made under those Acts.

  • SOR/2016-132, s. 7

Clearing of Lines, Trails or Rights-of-way

  •  (1) Unless expressly authorized in a permit, no permittee shall

    • (a) clear a new line, trail or right-of-way where there is an existing line, trail or right-of-way that he can use;

    • (b) clear a line, trail or right-of-way wider than 10 m; or

    • (c) while clearing a line, trail or right-of-way, leave leaners or debris in standing timber.

  • (2) Where, in the opinion of an inspector, serious erosion may result from a land use operation, the permittee shall adopt such measures to control erosion as may be required by the inspector.


  •  (1) Where a boundary monument is damaged, destroyed, moved or altered in the course of a land use operation, the permittee shall

    • (a) report the fact immediately to the Surveyor General and pay to the Surveyor General the costs of

      • (i) investigating such damage, destruction, movement or alteration, and

      • (ii) restoring or re-establishing the monument to its original condition or its original place; or

    • (b) with the prior written consent of the Surveyor General, cause the monument to be restored or re-established at his own expense.

  • (2) Where a topographic or geodetic monument is damaged, destroyed or altered in the course of a land use operation, the permittee shall

    • (a) report the fact immediately to the Dominion Geodesist, and pay to the Dominion Geodesist the costs described in subparagraphs (1)(a)(i) and (ii); or

    • (b) with the prior written consent of the Dominion Geodesist, cause the monument to be restored or re-established at his own expense.

  • (3) The restoration or re-establishment of a monument pursuant to subsection (1) or (2) shall be carried out in accordance with instructions from the Surveyor General or Dominion Geodesist, as the case may be.

  • 1998, c. 14, s. 101(F)

Historic or Archaeological Sites and Burial Sites

 If, in the course of a land use operation, a suspected historic or archaeological site or burial site is unearthed or otherwise discovered, the permittee shall immediately

  • (a) suspend the land use operation on the site; and

  • (b) notify the engineer or an inspector of the location of the site and the nature of any unearthed materials, structures or artifacts.

  • SOR/88-169, s. 6(E)
  • SOR/2016-132, s. 8


  •  (1) Subject to the terms and conditions of his permit, every permittee shall dispose of all garbage, waste and debris from any campsite used in connection with a land use operation by removal, burning or burial or by such other method as may be directed by an inspector.

  • (2) Sanitary sewage produced in connection with land use operations shall be disposed of in accordance with the Public Health Act, R.S.N.W.T. 1988, c. P-12, and any regulations and orders made under that Act.

  • SOR/2003-126, s. 8

Restoration of Permit Area

 Subject to the terms and conditions of his permit, every permittee shall, after completion of a land use operation, restore the permit area as nearly as possible to the same condition as it was prior to the commencement of the land use operation.

Removal of Buildings and Equipment

  •  (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), every permittee shall, on completion of a land use operation, remove all buildings, machinery, equipment, materials and fuel drums or other storage containers used in connection with the land use operation.

  • (2) A permittee may, with the prior written approval of the engineer, leave on territorial lands such buildings, equipment machinery and materials as the permittee deems may be required for future land use operations or other operations in the area, but any equipment, machinery or materials so left shall be stored in a manner, at a location and for a duration approved by the engineer.

  • (3) Subject to any applicable mining legislation, a permittee may, without the prior approval of the engineer, leave diamond drill cores at a drill site on territorial lands.

  • SOR/88-169, s. 6(E)


 Any person may, in an emergency that threatens life, property or natural environment, carry out such operation as he deems necessary to cope with the emergency, whether or not the operation is carried out in accordance with these Regulations or any permit that he may have and such person shall immediately thereafter send a written report to the engineer describing the duration, nature and extent of the operation.

  • SOR/88-169, s. 6(E)

Eligibility for a Permit

 In order to be eligible for a permit, a person shall

  • (a) where a right to search for, win or exploit minerals or natural resources is to be exercised by the carrying out of the land use operation authorized by the permit, be

    • (i) the holder of that right,

    • (ii) the manager of operations, where there is more than one holder of that right and such holders have entered into an exploration or operating agreement designating one of them as manager of operations, or

    • (iii) the person who contracts to have the land use operations carried out, where there is more than one holder of that right and they have not entered into an exploration or operating agreement designating one of them as manager of operations;

  • (b) where no right to search for, win or exploit minerals or natural resources is to be exercised by the carrying out of the land use operation authorized by the permit, be the person who contracts to have the land use operation carried out; or

  • (c) in any case not provided for in paragraph (a) or (b), be the person who is to carry out the land use operation.

Application for a Permit

  •  (1) Any person who, in accordance with section 21, is eligible for a permit may submit to the engineer, in duplicate, an application for a permit in a form approved by the Minister.

  • (2) Every permit application submitted pursuant to subsection (1) shall be accompanied by the application fee set out in Schedule I, the land use fee set out in Schedule II and a preliminary plan showing

    • (a) the lands proposed to be used and an estimate of their area; and

    • (b) the approximate location of all

      • (i) existing lines, trails, rights-of-way and cleared areas proposed to be used in the land use operation,

      • (ii) new lines, trails, rights-of-way and cleared areas proposed to be used in the land use operation,

      • (iii) buildings, campsites, air landing strips, air navigation aids, fuel and supply storage sites, waste disposal sites, excavations and other works and places proposed to be constructed or used during the land use operation, and

      • (iv) bridges, dams, ditches, railroads, highways and roads, transmission lines, pipelines, survey lines and monuments, air landing strips, streams and all other features, structures or works that, in the opinion of the applicant, may be affected by the land use operation.

  • (3) For the purpose of calculating the land use fee payable where territorial lands are proposed to be used for a line, trail or right-of-way, the width of the line, trail or right-of-way shall, unless otherwise specified by the engineer in the permit, be deemed to be 10 m.

  • SOR/88-169, s. 6(E)
  • SOR/96-113, s. 1
  •  (1) The engineer may, before issuing a permit,

    • (a) order an inspection of the lands proposed to be used thereunder; and

    • (b) require an applicant for a permit to provide him with such information and data concerning the proposed use of the lands and the physical and biological characteristics thereof as will enable the engineer to evaluate any quantitative and qualitative effects of the proposed land use operation.

  • (2) Where an inspector makes an inspection pursuant to an order of the engineer under paragraph (1)(a), he shall investigate and report to the engineer particulars of

    • (a) the existing biological and physical characteristics of the lands proposed to be used and the surrounding lands;

    • (b) any disturbance that the proposed land use operation may cause on the lands proposed to be used and the surrounding lands and the biological characteristics thereof; and

    • (c) the manner in which the disturbance referred to in paragraph (b) may be minimized and controlled.

  • (3) The engineer may, where he deems it necessary or when requested to do so by an applicant, inform the applicant of the nature of an inspector’s report referred to in subsection (2).

  • SOR/88-169, s. 6(E)

 Where the engineer receives an application for a Class A Permit that is not made in accordance with these Regulations, he shall, within 10 days thereafter, notify the applicant in writing that his application cannot be accepted and give the reasons therefor.

  • SOR/88-169, s. 6(E)
  •  (1) The engineer shall, within 10 days after receipt of an application for a Class A Permit made in accordance with these Regulations,

    • (a) issue a Class A Permit subject to any terms and conditions he may include therein pursuant to subsection 31(1);

    • (b) notify the applicant that further time is required to issue a permit and give the reasons therefor;

    • (c) notify the applicant in writing that he has ordered further studies or investigations to be made respecting the lands proposed to be used and state the reasons therefor; or

    • (d) refuse to issue a permit and notify the applicant in writing of his refusal and the reasons therefor.

  • (2) Where the engineer has notified an applicant that further time is required to issue a permit pursuant to paragraph (1)(b), he shall, within 42 days after the date of receipt of the application, comply with paragraph (1)(a), (c) or (d).

  • (3) Where the engineer has notified an applicant that he has ordered further studies or investigations to be made pursuant to paragraph (1)(c), he shall, within 12 months after the date of receipt of the application, comply with paragraph (1)(a) or (d).

  • SOR/88-169, s. 6(E)

 Where the engineer receives an application for a Class B Permit that is not made in accordance with these Regulations, he shall, within three days thereafter, notify the applicant in writing that his application cannot be accepted and give the reasons therefor.

  • SOR/88-169, s. 6(E)

 The engineer shall, within 30 days after receipt of an application for a Class B Permit made in accordance with these Regulations,

  • (a) issue a Class B Permit subject to any terms and conditions he may include therein pursuant to subsection 31(1); or

  • (b) refuse to issue a permit and notify the applicant in writing of his refusal and the reasons therefor.

  • SOR/88-169, s. 6(E)
  • SOR/2016-132, s. 9

 The engineer may, where he deems it necessary, notify an applicant in writing that his application for a Class B Permit will be considered as an application for a Class A Permit.

  • SOR/88-169, s. 6(E)

 The engineer shall assign a number to each permit that he issues.

  • SOR/88-169, s. 4

Display of Permit

 Every permittee engaged in a work or an undertaking authorized by a permit shall display

  • (a) an exact copy of the permit, including the conditions thereof, in such manner and at such places as the engineer may require; and

  • (b) the number assigned to the permit on such articles and equipment, in such manner and at such places as the engineer may require.

  • SOR/88-169, s. 6(E)

Terms and Conditions of Permits

  •  (1) The engineer may include in any permit terms and conditions respecting

    • (a) the location and the area of territorial lands that may be used;

    • (b) the times at which any work or undertaking may be carried on;

    • (c) the type and size of equipment that may be used in the land use operation;

    • (d) the methods and techniques to be employed by the permittee in carrying out the land use operation;

    • (e) the type, location, capacity and operation of all facilities to be used by the permittee in the land use operation;

    • (f) the methods of controlling or preventing ponding of water, flooding, erosion, slides and subsidences of land;

    • (g) the use, storage, handling and ultimate disposal of any chemical or toxic material to be used in the land use operation;

    • (h) the protection of wildlife and fisheries habitat;

    • (i) the protection of objects and places of recreational, scenic and ecological value;

    • (j) the deposit of security in accordance with section 36;

    • (k) the establishment of petroleum fuel storage facilities;

    • (l) the methods and techniques for debris and brush disposal;

    • (l.1) the protection of historic or archaeological sites or burial sites; and

    • (m) such other matters not inconsistent with these Regulations as the engineer thinks necessary for the protection of the biological or physical characteristics of the land management zone.

  • (2) The engineer may modify any of the terms or conditions included in a permit on receipt of a written request from the permittee that sets out

    • (a) the terms or conditions in the permit that the permittee wishes modified; and

    • (b) the nature of the modification proposed and the reasons therefor.

  • (3) Where the engineer receives a written request from a permittee pursuant to subsection (2), he shall notify the permittee of his decision and the reasons therefor within 10 days of receipt of the request.

  • (4) A permit expires at the end of the period of validity set out in the permit, which shall be based on the estimated dates of commencement and completion set out in the permit application and shall not exceed five years.

  • (5) On receipt of a written request from a permittee to extend the duration of a permit, the engineer may grant the extension, subject to any terms and conditions referred to in subsection (1), for a period not exceeding two years, as is necessary to enable the permittee to complete the land use operation authorized by the permit.

  • (6) A permit’s duration may be extended under subsection (5) only once.

  • SOR/88-169, s. 6(E)
  • SOR/2016-132, s. 10


 Every permittee shall submit to the inspector or engineer, in a form and on a date satisfactory to the inspector or engineer, such reports as are requested by the inspector or engineer, in order to ascertain the progress of the land use operation.

  • SOR/88-169, s. 6(E)

Final Plan

  •  (1) Every permittee shall, within 60 days after the completion of a land use operation or the expiry of his permit, whichever occurs first, submit a final plan in duplicate to the engineer showing

    • (a) the lands actually subjected to the land use operation;

    • (b) the location of

      • (i) lines, trails, rights-of-way and cleared areas that were used by the permittee during the land use operation, specifying those that were cleared by the permittee and those that existed before the land use operation began,

      • (ii) buildings, campsites, air landing strips, air navigation aids, fuel and supply storage sites, waste disposal sites, excavations and other works and places that were constructed or used by the permittee during the land use operation, and

      • (iii) bridges, dams, ditches, railroads, highways and roads, transmission lines, pipelines, survey lines and monuments, air landing strips, streams and all other features, structures or works that were affected by the land use operation; and

    • (c) the calculations of the area of territorial lands used in the operation.

  • (2) The final plan must meet one of the following two requirements:

    • (a) it is certified by or on behalf of the permittee as to the accuracy of

      • (i) locations, distances and areas, and

      • (ii) the representation of the land use operation;

    • (b) it is drawn from and accompanied by a detailed site survey, an aerial photograph or an image created using satellite or other imaging technology, showing the lands subjected to the land use operation.

  • (3) On receipt of a written request from a permittee for an extension of the time for filing a final plan, the engineer may extend the time for filing the final plan by not more than 60 days.

  • (4) The engineer shall reject the final plan if it does not comply with this section and section 35 and the permittee shall, within three weeks after receipt of written notice from the engineer of rejection of the plan, submit to the engineer another final plan that complies with this section and section 35.

  • (5) Notwithstanding the expiry of a permit or the submission of a final plan, every permittee remains responsible for his obligations arising under the terms and conditions of the permit or under these Regulations until such time as the engineer issues a letter of clearance for the land use operation.

  • SOR/88-169, s. 6(E)
  • SOR/2016-132, s. 11

Determination of Land Use Fee

  •  (1) Within 30 days after the engineer has issued a letter of clearance, the permittee shall calculate the land use fee payable based on the actual area of land used in the operation and the engineer shall,

    • (a) where the land use fee submitted with the application is greater than the fee so calculated, refund the excess to the permittee; or

    • (b) where the land use fee submitted with the application is less than the fee so calculated, demand, by notice in writing to the permittee, payment of the deficiency.

  • (2) Where an application for a permit is refused, the land use fee submitted with the application shall be refunded to the applicant.

  • (3) No application fee shall be refunded.

  • SOR/88-169, s. 6(E)

Land Division and Plans

 Every preliminary plan or final plan submitted under these Regulations shall

  • (a) be drawn to a scale that clearly shows the lands that the applicant for a permit proposes to use or the permittee has used;

  • (b) show the scale to which the plan is drawn; and

  • (c) show locations

    • (i) in accordance with sections 5 to 9 of the Canada Oil and Gas Land Regulations, or

    • (ii) by giving their geographic coordinates and specifying the reference system used to obtain those coordinates.

  • SOR/2016-132, s. 12

Security Deposit

  •  (1) In order to ensure that a permittee complies with the terms and conditions of his permit and with these Regulations, the engineer may include in the permit a condition that the permittee deposit with the Minister a security deposit not exceeding $100,000.

  • (2) Where a permit includes a condition requiring a security deposit, the permittee shall not begin the land use operation until a security deposit has been deposited with the Minister.

  • (3) A security deposit shall be in the form of

    • (a) a promissory note guaranteed by a chartered bank and payable to the Receiver General;

    • (b) a certified cheque drawn on a chartered bank in Canada and payable to the Receiver General;

    • (c) bearer bonds issued or guaranteed by the Government of Canada; or

    • (d) a combination of the securities described in paragraphs (a) to (c).

  • (4) A security deposit shall be returned by the Minister when the engineer has issued a letter of clearance in respect of the land use operation.

  • (5) Where a permittee has not complied with all the terms and conditions of his permit or with these Regulations and the land use operation of the permittee results in damage to the lands, the Minister may retain the whole of the security deposit or such portion of the security deposit as is required to restore the lands to their former condition.

  • (6) Where the Minister retains a portion of a security deposit pursuant to subsection (5), the Minister shall return the remainder of the security deposit to the permittee.

  • (7) Where the whole of a security deposit retained by the Minister pursuant to subsection (5) is insufficient to cover the cost of restoring the lands to their former condition, the deficiency shall be collectable as a debt due to the Crown.

  • SOR/88-169, ss. 5, 6(E)

Letter of Clearance

 When the engineer is satisfied that a permittee has complied with all the terms and conditions of his permit and with the provisions of these Regulations, he shall issue a letter of clearance to the permittee.

  • SOR/88-169, s. 6(E)

Duties and Powers of Inspectors

  •  (1) It shall be a condition of every permit that the permittee shall permit an inspector, at any reasonable time, to enter any place or premises on territorial lands under the permittee’s ownership or occupation, other than a private dwelling, and make such inspections as he thinks necessary to determine whether the terms and conditions of the permit or the provisions of these Regulations are being complied with.

  • (2) An inspector shall be furnished with a certificate of his appointment as an inspector and on entering any place or premises under subsection (1) shall, if so requested, produce the certificate.

  • (3) Every person in any place or premises entered by an inspector under subsection (1) shall give the inspector such assistance and furnish him with such information as the inspector may, for the purpose of carrying out his duties under these Regulations, reasonably require.

 No person shall wilfully obstruct or hinder an inspector in carrying out his duties under these Regulations.

 No person shall knowingly make a false or misleading statement either orally or in writing to an inspector engaged in carrying out his duties under these Regulations.

Suspension of a Land Use Operation

  •  (1) Where an inspector is of the opinion that a permittee has failed to comply with any term or condition of his permit or any provision of these Regulations, he shall so inform the permittee and, if the default continues, the inspector may give notice to the permittee that if the default is not corrected within the time specified in the notice the inspector may order the suspension of the land use operation or any part thereof.

  • (2) If a permittee does not correct a default within the time specified in a notice given by an inspector under subsection (1), the inspector may order the permittee to suspend the land use operation or any part thereof and the permittee shall thereupon suspend the land use operation or part thereof until the inspector authorizes the permittee to resume the land use operation.

  • (3) An inspector shall authorize a permittee to resume a land use operation or part thereof suspended under subsection (2) when the inspector or the engineer is satisfied that the default has been corrected, unless the permit has in the meantime been cancelled pursuant to section 42.

  • (4) Where a permittee has been informed of a default pursuant to subsection (1) or an order has been made in respect thereof pursuant to subsection (2), the engineer may, if the permittee fails to correct the default, take such action as he deems necessary to correct the default.

  • (5) The costs of any action taken by the engineer pursuant to subsection (4) may be recovered from the permittee as a debt due to the Crown.

  • (6) Nothing in this section relieves a permittee from prosecution for any violation of these Regulations.

  • (7) No order pursuant to subsection (2) shall be made in respect of an oil or gas drilling site between the time of spud-in and the rig release date without the concurrence of the district oil and gas conservation engineer.

  • SOR/88-169, s. 6(E)

Cancellation of Permit

  •  (1) Where a land use operation has been suspended pursuant to section 41 and the permittee fails or refuses to correct his default in complying with any terms and conditions of a permit or of any provision of these Regulations, the engineer may cancel the permit.

  • (2) The cancellation of a permit under subsection (1) shall not relieve the permittee from any obligation arising under the terms and conditions of the permit or under these Regulations, or from complying with any notice, direction or order given by an inspector or by the engineer.

  • SOR/88-169, s. 6(E)

Discontinuance of a Land Use Operation

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), where a permittee wishes to discontinue a land use operation at any time prior to the date of completion set out in the permit, he shall give notice of discontinuance in writing to the engineer indicating the date upon which he proposes to discontinue the land use operation.

  • (2) A notice of discontinuance given pursuant to subsection (1) shall be given to the engineer at least 10 days prior to the proposed date of the discontinuance.

  • (3) On receipt of a notice of discontinuance, the engineer shall amend a copy of the permit accordingly and shall forward the amended copy of the permit to the permittee.

  • (4) The discontinuance of a land use operation pursuant to this section does not relieve the permittee from any obligations arising under the terms and conditions of the permit or under these Regulations up to the time of discontinuance or from complying with any notice, direction or order given by an inspector or by the engineer.

  • SOR/88-169, s. 6(E)


  •  (1) On receipt of an application in writing for approval of an assignment of a permit and of the fee set out in Schedule I, the engineer may approve the assignment in whole or in part.

  • (2) An application for approval of an assignment shall be forwarded to the engineer at least 10 days prior to the proposed effective date of the assignment and shall include the permit number of the assignor, the name and address of the proposed assignee and particulars of the interests or rights of the assignee to be benefited by the assignment of the permit.

  • SOR/88-169, s. 6(E)
  • SOR/96-113, s. 2


  •  (1) An applicant for a permit or a permittee may, within 30 days after any decision, direction or order made by the engineer or an inspector, appeal therefrom to the Minister.

  • (2) An appeal referred to in subsection (1) shall be by notice in writing setting forth

    • (a) the decision, direction or order appealed from;

    • (b) the relevant circumstances surrounding the giving of the decision, direction or order; and

    • (c) the grounds of the appeal.

  • (3) A person appealing to the Minister pursuant to subsection (1) shall provide the Minister with such further particulars with respect to the appeal as the Minister may require.

  • (4) The Minister may, after receipt of an appeal pursuant to subsection (1), set aside, confirm or vary the decision, direction or order appealed from or may remit it to the engineer for reconsideration with such instructions as the Minister deems proper.

  • (5) A decision, direction or order appealed from remains in full force and effect pending the decision of the Minister or an officer appointed by him pursuant to subsection (6).

  • (6) The Minister may authorize a senior officer of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, other than the engineer, to exercise the Minister’s powers in respect of any appeal pursuant to this section.

  • SOR/88-169, s. 6(E)


  •  (1) Any direction, notice or order given to a permittee under these Regulations shall be sufficiently given if sent by registered mail to, or left at, the permittee’s address as stated in his application for the permit and shall be deemed to have been given to the permittee on the date it was so mailed or left.

  • (2) Where a direction, notice or order is given to a permittee other than in writing, it shall forthwith be confirmed in writing.


 The fee set out in column II of an item of Schedule I is payable for the service set out in column I of that item.

  • SOR/96-113, s. 3

SCHEDULE I(Sections 22, 44 and 47)

Service Fees

Column IColumn II
1Permit application$150
2Assignment of permit50
3Copies of documents1.00 per page
  • SOR/96-113, s. 4

SCHEDULE II(Section 22)

Land Use Fees

Column IColumn II
1Where area of lands proposed to be used as shown on the preliminary plan is less than or equal to 2 ha$50
2Where area of lands proposed to be used as shown on the preliminary plan is greater than 2 ha$50 plus $50/ha for each hectare or portion of a hectare in excess of 2 ha
  • SOR/96-113, s. 4

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