Undeliverable and Redirected Mail Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1298)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2010-12-03. Previous Versions
Undeliverable International Parcels
16 Undeliverable mail that consists of parcels posted elsewhere than in Canada and that does not bear a request for abandonment shall be sent to the appropriate exchange office for return to the country of origin.
Newspapers and Periodicals
- SOR/91-183, s. 3
17 (1) Where a subscriber to a newspaper or periodical has moved from the place to which the newspaper or periodical is addressed and
(a) has not filed with the Corporation a request to redirect mail form, or
(b) has filed the request referred to in paragraph (a) with the Corporation but the redirection period specified in the request has expired,
the Corporation may treat the newspaper or periodical as undeliverable mail.
(2) Where a subscriber referred to in subsection (1) files with the Corporation a request to redirect mail form, the Corporation may notify the publisher of the newspaper or periodical that the address of the subscriber has changed.
(3) The notification referred to in subsection (2) shall be in the form set out in Schedule III.
- SOR/85-560, s. 1
- SOR/87-165, s. 4(F)
- SOR/90-16, s. 5
- SOR/91-183, s. 4
- SOR/96-212, s. 1
Detained International Undeliverable Mail
18 Mail posted elsewhere than in Canada, detained by the Minister under paragraph 47(3)(a) of the Canada Post Corporation Act and declared to be undeliverable mail under paragraph 47(3)(b) or deemed to be undeliverable mail under subsection 47(4) of that Act shall be handled as follows:
(a) mail
(i) with no obvious value,
(ii) that contravenes any provision of the Criminal Code or other law of Canada, and
(iii) that by order of the Minister may not be returned to the sender
shall be destroyed; and
(b) mail, other than that referred to in paragraph (a), shall be handled as set out in sections 15 and 16.
- SOR/81-841, s. 3
- SOR/85-560, s. 2
- SOR/98-558, s. 5
Non-mailable Matter
19 Notwithstanding anything in these Regulations, undeliverable mail that is found to be non-mailable matter pursuant to the Non-mailable Matter Regulations shall be dealt with in accordance with those Regulations.
- SOR/90-16, s. 6
Detention Period
20 The Canada Post Corporation may detain mail for a period not exceeding 30 days where, in its opinion, the detention of such mail is in the interest of the sender or of the addressee.
- SOR/81-841, s. 4
- Date modified: