Alberta Egg Marketing Levies Order (C.R.C., c. 129)
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Regulations are current to 2024-06-20
Alberta Egg Marketing Levies Order
C.R.C., c. 129
Order Providing for the Fixing, Imposing and Collecting of Levies From Certain Egg Producers in Alberta
Short Title
1 This Order may be cited as the Alberta Egg Marketing Levies Order.
2 In this Order,
- Act
Act means The Marketing of Agricultural Products Act of Alberta; (Loi)
- Commodity Board
Commodity Board means the Alberta Egg and Fowl Marketing Board established pursuant to the Act; (Office de commercialisation)
- egg
egg means the egg of a hen produced in Alberta and includes the egg product of a hen produced and prepared in Alberta; (oeuf)
- hen
hen means the hen of any class of the domestic chicken belonging to the species Gallus Domesticus; (poule)
- Plan
Plan means any plan for the marketing of eggs established and amended from time to time pursuant to the Act; (Plan)
- processor
processor means any person who grades, packs, transforms and who markets, stores and transports eggs; (transformateur)
- producer
producer means any person engaged in the production of eggs in Alberta; (producteur)
- producer grader
producer grader means any producer who grades, packs and markets his own eggs. (producteur-classeur)
3 Every producer or producer grader shall pay to the Commodity Board, in addition to the service charges set out under the Plan, levies at the rate of $0.005 per dozen eggs sold by him.
4 (1) Every processor who buys eggs from a producer shall deduct from the moneys payable to the producer for the eggs, the levies payable under section 3, and shall pay and account to the Commodity Board for the said levies not later than Wednesday of the week following the week within which the eggs were bought.
(2) Where a producer or a producer grader sells eggs to any person other than a processor, he shall pay to the Commodity Board the levies payable under section 3 not later than Wednesday of the week following the week in which the eggs were sold.
5 (1) The accounting by the processor to the Commodity Board required by subsection 4(1) shall be in a form determined by the Commodity Board from time to time.
(2) The levies, from the time of their deduction to the time of accounting and payment to the Commodity Board, shall be segregated as funds held in trust for the Commodity Board.
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