Yarmouth Airport Zoning Regulations (C.R.C., c. 125)
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Regulations are current to 2024-06-20
Yarmouth Airport Zoning Regulations
C.R.C., c. 125
Regulations Respecting Zoning at Yarmouth Airport
Short Title
1 These Regulations may be cited as the Yarmouth Airport Zoning Regulations.
2 In these Regulations,
- airport
airport means Yarmouth Airport, in the County of Yarmouth, in the Province of Nova Scotia; (aéroport)
- airport reference point
airport reference point means the point described in Part I of the schedule; (point de repère de l’aéroport)
- approach surface
approach surface means an imaginary inclined plane extending outward and upward from the ends of a strip at a ratio of 50 feet measured horizontally to one foot measured vertically for runway 06-24 and 40 feet measured horizontally to one foot measured vertically for runway 15-33, the lower end of which plane is a horizontal line at right angles to the centre line of the strip at the strip ends, which approach surfaces are shown on Plan No. MT-0150 (A,B,C), dated November 6, 1967, on record in the Department of Transport at Ottawa; (surface d’approche)
- horizontal surface
horizontal surface means an imaginary horizontal plane located 150 feet above the assigned elevation of the airport reference point; (surface horizontale)
- Minister
Minister[Revoked, SOR/93-401, s. 2]
- strip
strip means a rectangular portion of the landing area of the airport including the runway especially prepared for the take-off and landing of aircraft in a particular direction, the dimensions of which strip are set out in Part II of the schedule; (bande)
- transitional surface
transitional surface means the imaginary inclined plane extending upward and outward at a ratio of seven feet measured horizontally to one foot measured vertically from the outer lateral limits of a strip and its approach surfaces to an intersection with the horizontal surface or other transitional surfaces, which transitional surface is shown on Plan No. MT-0150 (A,B,C), dated November 6, 1967, on record in the Department of Transport at Ottawa. (surfaces de transition)
- SOR/93-401, s. 2
3 For the purposes of these Regulations, the airport reference point is deemed to be 106 feet above sea level.
4 (1) Subject to subsection (2), these Regulations apply to all lands, including public road allowances, adjacent to or in the vicinity of the airport, the outer limits of which are more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point at the intersection of the Southwesterly boundary of Wyman Road with the Westerly boundary of a road leading to Pinkney Point; THENCE, from the POINT OF BEGINNING so determined following the lot line between lots 15 and 16 in a general Northwesterly direction to its intersection with the lot line between lots 11 and 15; THENCE, following the last mentioned lot line in a general Southwesterly direction to its intersection with the lot line between lots 11 and 38; THENCE, following the last mentioned lot line and the lot line between lots 48 and 62 in a general Westerly direction to the Northwesterly corner of lot 48; THENCE, following the Southeasterly boundary of lots 62 and 49 in a general Southwesterly direction to its intersection with the Easterly boundary of a road leading from Yarmouth to Central Chebogue; THENCE, following the last mentioned boundary in a general Northerly direction to its intersection with the lot line between lots 52 and 53; THENCE, following the last mentioned lot line in a general Westerly direction to its intersection with the shore line of Yarmouth Sound at high water mark; THENCE, following the last mentioned shore line and the shore line of the Yarmouth Harbor (including all wharves) in a general Northerly direction to its intersection with the Northwesterly production of the Southwesterly boundary of Starrs Road; THENCE, in a general Northwesterly direction to a point at the intersection of the Southeasterly boundary of Grove Road and the Southwesterly boundary of Vancouver Street; THENCE, in a general Northeasterly direction to its intersection with the shore line of Milo Lake (Milton Lake as per Grant Map); THENCE, following the various sinuosities of the said shore line in a general Easterly direction to its intersection with the Westerly production of the Southerly boundary of lot 74; THENCE, following the production of the said boundary in a general Easterly direction to its intersection with the shore line of Milo Lake; THENCE, following the last mentioned shore line in a general Northerly direction to its intersection with the lot line between lots 75 and 76; THENCE, following the last mentioned lot line in a general Easterly direction to its intersection with the lot line between lots 75 and 10 said line being also the division line between first and second division; THENCE, following the last mentioned division line in a general Northerly direction to its intersection between lots 10 and 76, second division; THENCE, following the last mentioned lot line and its Easterly production in a general Easterly direction to its intersection with the Southeasterly boundary of Brooklyn Road; THENCE, following the last mentioned boundary in a general Northeasterly direction to its intersection with the lot line between lots 128 and 127; THENCE, following the last mentioned lot line and also the lot line between lots 126 and 129 in a general Southeasterly direction to its intersection with the lot line between lots 129 and 136; THENCE, following the last mentioned lot line and also the lot line between lots 132 and 137 in a general Southwesterly direction to its intersection with the shore line of Telfry Lake; THENCE, following the last mentioned shore line in a general Westerly and Southerly direction to its intersection with the lot line between lots 132 and 137; THENCE, following the last mentioned lot line in a general Southwesterly direction to its intersection between lots 138 and 137; THENCE, following the last mentioned lot line and its Southeasterly production in a general Southeasterly direction to its intersection with the Southeasterly boundary of Highway No. 3; THENCE, following the last mentioned boundary and the Southeasterly boundary of a highway linking Highway No. 3 and Highway No. 34 in a general Southwesterly direction to its intersection with the lot line between lots 30 and 139; THENCE, following the last mentioned lot line in a general Easterly direction to the Northeasterly corner of lot 30; THENCE, following the Easterly boundary of lot 30 and its Southerly production in a general Southerly direction to its intersection with the Westerly boundary of Highway No. 34; THENCE, following the last mentioned boundary in a general Southerly direction to its intersection with the lot line between lots 32 and 33; THENCE, following the last mentioned lot line in its Westerly production in a general Westerly direction to its intersection with the shore line on the Westerly side of an arm of Chebogue River linking Chebogue River and Hearsey’s Salt Pond (Chebogue Lake); THENCE, following the last mentioned shore line and the Westerly boundary of Hearsey’s Salt Pond in a general Southwesterly direction to its intersection with the lot line between lots 112 and 113; THENCE following the last mentioned lot line in a general Westerly direction to its intersection with the shore line of Chebogue River; THENCE, in a general Southwesterly direction to a point at the intersection of the lot line between lots 16 and 17 and the shore line of Chebogue River; THENCE, following the last mentioned lot line in a general Westerly direction to its intersection with the Southeasterly boundary of a public road leading to Pinkney Point; THENCE, following the last mentioned boundary in a general Southwesterly direction to its intersection with the Southeasterly production of the Southwesterly boundary of Wyman Road; THENCE, following the last mentioned production in a general Northwesterly direction to the POINT OF BEGINNING; and also land known and designated as Bunker Island; which lands are shown on Plan No. MT-0150 (A,B,C), dated November 6, 1967, on record in the Department of Transport at Ottawa.
(2) These Regulations do not apply with respect to such of those lands referred to in subsection (1) that form part of the airport from time to time.
- SOR/95-561, s. 2(F)
5 Subject to section 6, no person shall erect or construct, on any land to which these Regulations apply, any building, structure or object or any addition to any existing building, structure or object, the highest point of which will exceed in elevation at the location of the highest point any of the surfaces hereinafter set out that project immediately over and above the surface of the land at that location, namely,
(a) the horizontal surface;
(b) the approach surfaces abutting each end of the strip designated as 06-24 and extending outward therefrom, the dimensions of which approach surfaces are six hundred (600) feet on each side of the centre line of the strip at the strip ends and two thousand (2,000) feet on each side of the projected centre line of the strip at the outer ends, the said outer ends being two hundred (200) feet above the elevations at the strip ends, and measured horizontally ten thousand (10,000) feet from the strip ends;
(c) the approach surfaces abutting each end of the strip designated as 15-33 and extending outward therefrom, the dimensions of which approach surfaces are five hundred (500) feet on each side of the centre line of the strip at the strip ends and one thousand one hundred (1,100) feet on each side of the projected centre line of the strip at the outer ends, the said outer ends being two hundred (200) feet above the elevations at the strip ends, and measured horizontally eight thousand (8,000) feet from the strip ends; or
(d) the transitional surfaces.
- SOR/95-561, s. 2(F)
6 A person may erect or construct any building, structure or object or any addition to any existing building, structure or object, the highest point of which will not exceed in elevation the elevation at that point of any approach surface or transitional surface referred to in section 5 that projects immediately over and above the surface of the land at that point but will exceed in elevation the elevation at that point of the horizontal surface, if the highest point of such building, structure or object or addition to such existing building, structure or object, will not extend more than 30 feet above the surface of the land at that point.
- SOR/95-561, s. 2(F)
Aeronautical Facilities
7 No owner or lessee of any land to which these Regulations apply shall permit any part of that land to be used or developed in a manner that causes interference with any signals or communications to and from
(a) any aircraft; or
(b) any facilities used to provide services relating to aeronautics.
- SOR/95-561, s. 1
Natural Growth
8 Where an object of natural growth that is on any land to which these Regulations apply grows to a height that exceeds in elevation at the location of the object any of the surfaces referred to in section 5, the Minister may require that the owner or lessee of the land remove the excess growth.
- SOR/95-561, s. 1
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