Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Sault Ste. Marie Airport Zoning Regulations (C.R.C., c. 109)

Regulations are current to 2025-01-22

SCHEDULE(Sections 2 and 4)

PART IAirport Reference Point

Being the point of intersection of a line drawn parallel to the centre line of runway 04-22, distant five hundred (500) feet measured southeasterly therefrom and at right angles thereto with a line drawn parallel to the centre line of runway 11-29 distant five hundred (500) feet measured northeasterly therefrom and at right angles thereto.

PART IIDimensions of Each Strip

The strips associated with runway 04-22 and runway 11-29 are one thousand (1,000) feet in width, five hundred (500) feet being on each side of the centre line of the runway, and eighty-six hundred (8,600) feet in length as shown on Plan No. T2557, dated February 28, 1969, on record in the Department of Transport at Ottawa.


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