Food and Drug Regulations (C.R.C., c. 870)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2024-12-18. Previous Versions
PART AAdministration (continued)
A.01.050 When taking a sample of an article under paragraph 23(2)(i) of the Act, an inspector shall inform the owner of the article or the person from whom the sample is being obtained of the inspector’s intention to submit the sample or a part of it to an analyst for analysis or examination, and
(a) where, in the opinion of the inspector, division of the procured quantity would not interfere with analysis or examination
(i) divide the quantity into three parts,
(ii) identify the three parts as the owner’s portion, the sample, and the duplicate sample and where only one part bears the label, that part shall be identified as the sample,
(iii) seal each part in such a manner that it cannot be opened without breaking the seal, and
(iv) deliver the part identified as the owner’s portion to the owner or the person from whom the sample was obtained and forward the sample and the duplicate sample to an analyst for analysis or examination; or
(b) where, in the opinion of the inspector, division of the procured quantity would interfere with analysis or examination
(i) identify the entire quantity as the sample,
(ii) seal the sample in such a manner that it cannot be opened without breaking the seal, and
(iii) forward the sample to an analyst for analysis or examination.
- SOR/90-814, s. 3
- SOR/2021-46, s. 1
A.01.051 Where the owner or the person from whom the sample was obtained objects to the procedure followed by an inspector under section A.01.050 at the time the sample was obtained, the inspector shall follow both procedures set out in that section if the owner or the person from whom the sample was obtained supplies him with a sufficient quantity of the article.
Tariff of Fees
A.01.060 The cost of analysing a sample other than for the purpose of the Act, for a department of the Government of Canada for the purpose of legal action is $15.
Labelling of Food and Drugs in Pressurized Containers
A.01.060.1 In sections A.01.061 and A.01.062,
- flame projection
flame projection means the ability of the pressurized contents of an aerosol container to ignite and the length of that ignition, when tested in accordance with official method DO-30, Determination of Flame Projection, dated October 15, 1981; (projection de flamme)
- flashback
flashback means that part of the flame projection that extends from its point of ignition back to the aerosol container when tested in accordance with official method DO-30, Determination of Flame Projection, dated October 15, 1981; (retour de flamme)
- principal display panel
principal display panel[Repealed, SOR/2000-353, s. 2]
- SOR/92-15, s. 1
- SOR/2000-353, s. 2
- SOR/2001-272, s. 6
A.01.061 (1) Subject to section A.01.063, in the case of a food or a drug packaged in a disposable metal container designed to release pressurized contents by use of a manually operated valve that forms an integral part of the container, the principal display panel of the inner and outer labels of the food or drug shall display, in accordance with sections 15 to 18 of the Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, as they read on September 30, 2001, the following information:
(a) the hazard symbol set out in Column II of item 10 of Schedule II to those Regulations, accompanied by the signal word “CAUTION / ATTENTION”; and
(2) Subject to section A.01.063, one panel of the inner and outer labels of a food or drug referred to in subsection (1) shall display, in the size required by paragraph 19(1)(b) of the Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, as they read on September 30, 2001, the following additional hazard statement:
“Contents under pressure. Do not place in hot water or near radiators, stoves or other sources of heat. Do not puncture or incinerate container or store at temperatures over 50°C.
Contenu sous pression. Ne pas mettre dans l’eau chaude ni près des radiateurs, poêles ou autres sources de chaleur. Ne pas percer le contenant, ni le jeter au feu, ni le conserver à des températures dépassant 50 °C.”
(3) The requirements of subsections (1) and (2) do not apply in relation to a drug or food if the Minister determines that the design of the container, the materials used in its construction or the incorporation of a safety device eliminate its potential hazard.
- SOR/81-616, s. 1
- SOR/85-1023, s. 1
- SOR/92-15, s. 2
- SOR/2001-272, s. 7
- SOR/2018-69, s. 2
A.01.062 (1) Subject to section A.01.063, if a food or drug is packaged in a container described in subsection A.01.061(1) and has a flame projection of a length set out in column I of any of items 1 to 3 of the table to this subsection or a flashback as set out in column I of item 4 of that table, as determined by official method DO-30, Determination of Flame Projection, dated October 15, 1981, the principal display panel of the inner and outer labels of the food or drug shall display, in accordance with sections 15 to 18 of the Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, as they read on September 30, 2001, the following information:
(a) the hazard symbol set out in Column II of the same item;
(b) in both official languages, the signal word set out in Column III of the same item; and
(c) in both official languages, the primary hazard statement set out in Column IV of the same item.
TABLE IS NOT DISPLAYED, SEE SOR/81-616, S. 2; SOR/92-15, S. 3
(2) In addition to the requirements of subsection (1), one panel of the inner label and outer labels of a food or drug referred to in that subsection shall display, in the size required by paragraph 19(1)(b) of the Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, as they read on September 30, 2001, the following additional hazard statement:
“Do not use in presence of open flame or spark.
Ne pas utiliser en présence d’une flamme nue ou d’étincelles.”
- SOR/81-616, s. 2
- SOR/82-429, s. 1
- SOR/85-1023, s. 2
- SOR/92-15, s. 3
- SOR/2001-272, s. 8
A.01.063 (1) Where the labelled net contents of a container of a food or drug described in subsection A.01.061(1) or A.01.062(1) does not exceed 60 millilitres or 60 grams, the inner label may show only the information described in paragraph A.01.061(1)(a) or paragraphs A.01.062(1)(a) and (b), as the case may be.
(2) Where the labelled net contents of a container of a food or drug described in subsection A.01.061(1) or A.01.062(1) exceeds 60 millilitres or 60 grams but does not exceed 120 millilitres or 120 grams, the inner label may show only the information described in subsection A.01.061(1) or subsection A.01.062(1), as the case may be.
(3) Where the labelled net quantity, in a container, of a food or drug referred to in subsection A.01.061(1) or A.01.062(1) is less than 30 mL or 30 g, the hazard symbol shall be of such size as to be capable of being circumscribed by a circle with a diameter of at least 6 mm.
(4) Where a container of a food or drug, described in subsection (1) or (2) is sold in a package, the outer label may show only the information described in subsection A.01.061(2) and, where applicable, subsection A.01.062(2).
- SOR/81-616, s. 2
- SOR/92-15, s. 4
A.01.064 [Repealed, SOR/93-243, s. 2]
Security Packaging
A.01.065 (1) In this section, drug for human use means a drug that is intended for human use, whether the drug is
(a) a mouthwash;
(b) to be inhaled, ingested or inserted into the body; or
(c) for ophthalmic use.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), no person shall sell or import a drug for human use that is packaged and available to the general public in a self-service display, unless the drug is contained in a security package.
(3) Subsection (2) does not apply to lozenges.
(4) Subject to subsection (5), a statement or illustration that draws attention to the security feature of the security package referred to in subsection (2) shall be carried
(a) on the inner label of the package; and
(b) if the security feature is a part of the outer package, on the outer label.
(5) Subsection (4) does not apply if the security feature of a security package is self-evident and is an integral part of the immediate product container.
- SOR/85-141, s. 2
- SOR/88-323, s. 1
- SOR/92-664, s. 1
A.01.066 Sections A.01.067 and A.01.068 do not apply to
(a) a drug included in Schedule I, II, III, IV or V to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act; or
(b) a prescription drug.
- SOR/2007-288, s. 1
- SOR/2013-122, s. 2
A.01.067 A drug is exempt from subsection 3(1) of the Act with respect to its advertisement to the general public as a preventative, but not as a treatment or cure, for any of the diseases, disorders or abnormal physical states referred to in Schedule A.1 to the Act.
- SOR/2007-288, s. 1
- SOR/2021-46, s. 10
A.01.068 A drug is exempt from subsection 3(2) of the Act with respect to its sale by a person where the drug is represented by label or is advertised by that person to the general public as a preventative, but not as a treatment or cure, for any of the diseases, disorders or abnormal physical states referred to in Schedule A.1 to the Act.
- SOR/2007-288, s. 1
- SOR/2021-46, s. 10
B.01.001 (1) In this Part,
- agricultural chemical
agricultural chemical means any substance that is used, or represented for use, in or on a food during its production, storage or transport, and whose use results, or may reasonably be expected to result, in a residue, component or derivative of that substance in or on a food and includes any pest control product as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Pest Control Products Act, plant growth regulator, fertilizer or any adjuvant or carrier used with that substance. This definition does not include any
(a) food additive that is set out in, and used in accordance with, the Lists of Permitted Food Additives,
(b) nutritive substance that is used, recognized or commonly sold as food or as an ingredient of food,
(c) vitamin, mineral nutrient or amino acid,
(c.1) supplemental ingredient,
(d) essential oil, flavouring preparation, natural extractive, oleoresin, seasoning or spice,
(e) food packaging material or any substance of which that material is composed, or
(f) drug recommended for administration to animals that may be consumed as food; (produit chimique agricole)
- available display surface
available display surface, in respect of a prepackaged product, means
(a) the bottom of an ornamental container or the total surface area of both sides of a tag attached to the ornamental container, whichever is greater,
(b) the total surface area of both sides of a tag attached to a package to which a label cannot be physically applied or on which information cannot be legibly set out and easily viewed by the purchaser or consumer under the customary conditions of purchase, and
(c) the total surface area of any other package, excluding the bottom if the contents of the package leak out or are damaged when the package is turned over,
but does not include
(d) any area of a package on which a label cannot be physically applied or on which information cannot be legibly set out and easily viewed by the purchaser or consumer under the customary conditions of purchase,
(e) any part of a package that is intended to be destroyed when it is opened, other than a package of a food that is intended to be consumed by one person at a single eating occasion, or
(f) the area occupied by the universal product code; (surface exposée disponible)
- close proximity
close proximity, in respect of information that is shown on a label or a sign, means immediately adjacent to the information and without any intervening printed, written or graphic material; (à proximité)
- common name
common name, in respect of a food, means
(a) the name of the food printed in boldface type, but not in italics, in a section of the Food Compositional Standards Document;
(b) the name of the food printed in boldface type, but not in italics, in a section of the Standards of Identity Document, as defined in section 1 of the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations; or
(c) in any other case, the name by which it is generally known or a name that is not generic and that describes the food; (nom usuel)
- Common Names for Ingredients and Components Document
Common Names for Ingredients and Components Document means the document entitled Common Names for Ingredients and Components, prepared by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and published on its website, as amended from time to time; (document sur les noms usuels d’ingrédients et de constituants)
- component
component means an individual unit of food that is combined as an individual unit of food with one or more other individual units of food to form an ingredient; (constituant)
- daily value
daily value means, in respect of a nutrient, the quantity applicable to the nutrient according to subsection B.01.001.1(2); (valeur quotidienne)
- Directory of NFT Formats
Directory of NFT Formats means the document entitled Nutrition Labelling – Directory of Nutrition Facts Table Formats published by the Government of Canada on its website, as amended from time to time; (Répertoire des modèles de TVN)
- Directory of Nutrition Symbol Specifications
Directory of Nutrition Symbol Specifications means the document entitled Nutrition Labelling — Directory of Nutrition Symbol Specifications, published by the Government of Canada on its website, as amended from time to time; (Répertoire des spécifications des symboles nutritionnels)
- durable life
durable life means the period, commencing on the day on which a prepackaged product is packaged for retail sale, during which the product, when it is stored under conditions appropriate to that product, will retain, without any appreciable deterioration, its normal wholesomeness, palatability, nutritional value and any other qualities claimed for it by the manufacturer; (durée de conservation)
- durable life date
durable life date means the date on which the durable life of a prepackaged product ends; (date limite de conservation)
- energy value
energy value means, in respect of a food, the amount of energy made available to a person’s body when the chemical constituents of the food, including protein, fat, carbohydrate and alcohol, are metabolized following ingestion of the food by the person; (valeur énergétique)
- extended meat product
extended meat product means a meat product to which a meat product extender has been added; (produit de viande avec allongeur)
- extended poultry product
extended poultry product means a poultry product to which a poultry product extender has been added; (produit de volaille avec allongeur)
- fish product
fish product means fish or prepared fish; (produit de poisson)
- flavouring preparation
flavouring preparation includes any food for which a standard is set out in Volume 9 of the Food Compositional Standards Document; (préparation aromatisante)
- food additive
food additive means any substance the use of which results, or may reasonably be expected to result, in it or its by-products becoming a part of or affecting the characteristics of a food, but does not include
(a) any nutritive material that is used, recognized or commonly sold as an article or ingredient of food;
(b) vitamins, mineral nutrients and amino acids, other than those substances set out in the Lists of Permitted Food Additives;
(b.1) supplemental ingredients;
(c) spices, seasonings and flavouring preparations;
(d) agricultural chemicals, other than those substances set out in the Lists of Permitted Food Additives;
(e) food packaging materials and components thereof; and
(f) drugs recommended for administration to animals that may be consumed as food; (additif alimentaire)
- food colour
food colour means any food additive used to add or restore colour to a food; (colorant alimentaire)
- Food Compositional Standards Document
Food Compositional Standards Document means the document entitled Canadian Food Compositional Standards, prepared by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and published on its website, as amended from time to time; (Document sur les normes de composition des aliments)
- fully hydrogenated
fully hydrogenated, in respect of a fat or oil, means a fat or oil that is hydrogenated and has an iodine value of 4 or less; (entièrement hydrogénée)
- functional substitute for a sweetening agent
functional substitute for a sweetening agent means, in respect of a prepackaged product, a food — other than any sweetener or sweetening agent, including any sugars — that replaces a sweetening agent and that has one or more of the functions of the sweetening agent including, sweetening, thickening, texturing or caramelizing; (substitut fonctionnel d’un agent édulcorant)
- gelling agent
gelling agent[Repealed, SOR/2024-244, s. 2]
- hermetically sealed container
hermetically sealed container means a container designed and intended to be secure against the entry of microorganisms, including spores; (récipient hermétiquement scellé)
- infant
infant means an individual who is under the age of one year; (bébé)
- infant food
infant food means a food that is labelled or advertised for consumption by infants; (aliment pour bébés)
- ingredient
ingredient means an individual unit of food that is combined as an individual unit of food with one or more other individual units of food to form an integral unit of food that is sold as a prepackaged product; (ingrédient)
- list of cautionary statements
list of cautionary statements means the list shown on the label of a supplemented food in accordance with subsection B.29.020(1); (liste des mises en garde)
- List of Contaminants and Other Adulterating Substances in Foods
List of Contaminants and Other Adulterating Substances in Foods means the List of Contaminants and Other Adulterating Substances in Foods, published by the Government of Canada on its website, as amended from time to time; (Liste des contaminants et autres substances adultérantes dans les aliments)
- List of Permitted Supplemental Ingredients
List of Permitted Supplemental Ingredients means the document entitled List of Permitted Supplemental Ingredients, published by the Government of Canada on its website, as amended from time to time; (Liste des ingrédients supplémentaires autorisés)
- List of Permitted Supplemented Food Categories
List of Permitted Supplemented Food Categories means the document entitled List of Permitted Supplemented Food Categories, published by the Government of Canada on its website, as amended from time to time; (Liste des catégories autorisées d’aliments supplémentés)
- Lists of Permitted Food Additives
Lists of Permitted Food Additives means one or more of the following lists that are published by the Government of Canada on its website, as they are amended from time to time:
(a) the List of Permitted Acidity Regulators and Acid-Reacting Materials;
(b) the List of Permitted Anticaking Agents;
(c) the List of Permitted Food Colours;
(d) the List of Permitted Emulsifying, Gelling, Stabilizing or Thickening Agents;
(e) the List of Permitted Firming Agents;
(f) the List of Permitted Flour Treatment Agents;
(g) the List of Permitted Food Additives with Other Purposes of Use;
(h) the List of Permitted Food Enzymes;
(i) the List of Permitted Glazing Agents;
(j) the List of Permitted Preservatives;
(k) the List of Permitted Sequestering Agents;
(l) the List of Permitted Solvents;
(m) the List of Permitted Starch-Modifying Agents;
(n) the List of Permitted Sweeteners;
(o) the List of Permitted Yeast Foods; (Listes des additifs alimentaires autorisés)
- main dish
main dish means a combination dish, as set out in the Table of Reference Amounts, that does not require the addition of ingredients, other than water, for its preparation and that contains food from at least two of the following categories:
(a) dairy products and their alternatives, except butter, cream, sour cream, ice cream, ice milk, sherbet and alternatives for those foods;
(b) meat products, poultry products, marine and fresh water animal products, and their alternatives such as eggs, tofu, legumes, nuts, seeds, nut or seed butters and spreads made from legumes;
(c) fruits and vegetables except pickles, relishes, olives and garnishes; and
(d) breads, breakfast cereals, rice and other grains, and alimentary pastes; (plat principal)
- marketing authorization
marketing authorization[Repealed, SOR/2024-244, s. 2]
- meal replacement
meal replacement means a formulated food that, by itself, can replace one or more daily meals; (substitut de repas)
- meat product
meat product means meat, meat by-product, prepared meat or prepared meat by-product; (produit de viande)
- meat product extender
meat product extender means a food that is a source of protein and that is represented as being for the purpose of extending meat products; (allongeur de produit de viande)
- mechanically tenderized beef
mechanically tenderized beef means uncooked solid cut beef that is prepared in either of the following ways:
(a) the integrity of the surface of the beef is compromised by being pierced by blades, needles or other similar instruments; or
(b) the beef is injected with a marinade or other tenderizing solution; (boeuf attendri mécaniquement)
- monounsaturated fatty acids
monounsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fat, monounsaturates or monounsaturated means cis-monounsaturated fatty acids; (acides gras monoinsaturés, graisses monoinsaturées, gras monoinsaturés, lipides monoinsaturés ou monoinsaturés)
- mutiple-serving prepackaged product
mutiple-serving prepackaged product means a prepackaged product other than a single-serving prepackaged product; (produit préemballé à portions multiples)
- nutritional supplement
nutritional supplement means a food sold or represented as a supplement to a diet that may be inadequate in energy and essential nutrients. It does not include a human milk fortifier; (supplément nutritif)
- nutrition facts table
nutrition facts table means the nutrition facts table that is required by subsection B.01.401(1) to be carried on the label of a prepackaged product; (tableau de la valeur nutritive)
- nutrition symbol
nutrition symbol means a symbol that is carried on the principal display panel of a prepackaged product under subsection B.01.350(1); (symbole nutritionnel)
- omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids
omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 polyunsaturated fat, omega-3 polyunsaturates, omega-3 polyunsaturated or omega-3 means
(a) 9-cis, 12-cis, 15-cis octadecatrienoic acid or α-linolenic acid,
(b) 8-cis, 11-cis, 14-cis, 17-cis eicosatetraenoic acid,
(c) 5-cis, 8-cis, 11-cis, 14-cis, 17-cis eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA,
(d) 7-cis, 10-cis, 13-cis, 16-cis, 19-cis docosapentaenoic acid, or
(e) 4-cis, 7-cis, 10-cis, 13-cis, 16-cis, 19-cis docosahexaenoic acid or DHA; (acides gras polyinsaturés oméga-3, graisses polyinsaturées oméga-3, gras polyinsaturés oméga-3, lipides polyinsaturés oméga-3, polyinsaturés oméga-3 ou oméga-3)
- omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids
omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-6 polyunsaturated fat, omega-6 polyunsaturates, omega-6 polyunsaturated or omega-6 means
(a) 9-cis, 12-cis octadecadienoic acid or linoleic acid,
(b) 6-cis, 9-cis, 12-cis octadecatrienoic acid,
(c) 8-cis, 11-cis, 14-cis eicosatrienoic acid or di-homo-γ-linolenic acid,
(d) 5-cis, 8-cis, 11-cis, 14-cis eicosatetraenoic acid or arachidonic acid,
(e) 7-cis, 10-cis, 13-cis, 16-cis docosatetraenoic acid, or
(f) 4-cis, 7-cis, 10-cis, 13-cis, 16-cis docosapentaenoic acid; (acides gras polyinsaturés oméga-6, graisses polyinsaturées oméga-6, gras polyinsaturés oméga-6, lipides polyinsaturés oméga-6, polyinsaturés oméga-6 ou oméga-6)
- ornamental container
ornamental container means a container that, except on the bottom, does not have any promotional or advertising material thereon, other than a trademark or common name and that, because of any design appearing on its surface or because of its shape or texture, appears to be a decorative ornament and is sold as a decorative ornament in addition to being sold as the container of a product; (emballage décoratif)
- overage
overage means the amount of a vitamin or mineral nutrient that is, within the limits of good manufacturing practice, added to a food in excess of the amount declared on the label, in order to ensure that the amount of the vitamin or mineral nutrient declared on the label is maintained throughout the durable life of the food; (surtitrage)
- parts per million
parts per million[Repealed, SOR/2010-94, s. 1]
- parts per million
parts per million or p.p.m.[Repealed, SOR/2024-244, s. 2]
- parts per million
parts per million, p.p.m. or ppm means parts per million by weight unless otherwise stated; (parties par million, p.p.m. ou ppm)
- per cent
per cent or % means per cent by weight, unless otherwise stated; (pour cent ou %)
- point
point means the unit of measurement for type size that is known as a PostScript point and is equal to 0.3527777778 mm; (point)
- polyunsaturated fatty acids
polyunsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fat, polyunsaturates or polyunsaturated means cis-methylene interrupted polyunsaturated fatty acids; (acides gras polyinsaturés, graisses polyinsaturées, gras polyinsaturés, lipides polyinsaturés ou polyinsaturés)
- poultry product
poultry product means poultry meat, prepared poultry meat, poultry meat by-product or prepared poultry meat by-product; (produit de volaille)
- poultry product extender
poultry product extender means a food that is a source of protein and that is represented as being for the purpose of extending poultry products; (allongeur de produit de volaille)
- prepackaged meal
prepackaged meal means a prepackaged selection of foods for one individual that requires no preparation other than heating and that contains at least one serving, as described in Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating, published in 1992 by the Department of Supply and Services by authority of the Minister of National Health and Welfare, of
(a) meat, fish, poultry, legumes, nuts, seeds, eggs or milk or milk products other than butter, cream, sour cream, ice-cream, ice milk and sherbet; and
(b) vegetables, fruit or grain products; (repas préemballé)
- prepackaged product
prepackaged product means any food that is contained in a package in the manner in which it is ordinarily sold to or used or purchased by a person; (produit préemballé)
- principal display panel
principal display panel means, despite the meaning assigned to that term in section A.01.010,
(a) in the case of a label that is applied to a consumer prepackaged food within the meaning of section 1 of the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations, the principal display panel as described in paragraphs (a) to (c) of the definition of that term in that section,
(b) in the case of a label that is applied to a prepackaged product other than a consumer prepackaged food subject to the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations, the part of the label that is applied to all or part of any side or surface of the container that is displayed or visible under normal or customary conditions of sale or use and, if the container does not have such a side or surface, the part of the label that is applied to any part of the container except on the bottom, or
(c) in the case of a label that is applied to a food that is not a prepackaged product, the part of the label that is applied to all or part of the side or surface of the food that is displayed or visible under normal or customary conditions of sale or use; (espace principal)
- principal display surface
principal display surface, in respect of a prepackaged product, means
(a) if the package has a surface that is displayed or visible under customary conditions of sale or use, the total area of that surface, excluding any surface that is the top of the package,
(b) if the package has a lid that is the part of the package that is displayed or visible under customary conditions of sale or use, the total area of the top surface of the lid,
(c) if the package does not have a particular surface that is displayed or visible under customary conditions of sale or use, 40% of the total surface area of the package, excluding any surface area that is its top and bottom, if it is possible for that proportion of the total surface area to be displayed or visible under customary conditions of sale or use,
(d) if the package is a bag with surfaces of equal dimensions, the total area of one of the surfaces,
(e) if the package is a bag with surfaces of different dimensions, the total area of one of the largest surfaces,
(f) despite paragraphs (a) to (e), if the package does not have a surface that is displayed or visible under customary conditions of sale or use to which a label can be applied, the total area of one side of a tag that is attached to the package,
(g) despite paragraphs (a) to (e), if the package contains wine that is exposed for sale, any part of the surface of the package, excluding its top and bottom, that can be seen without having to turn the package, and
(h) if the package is a wrapper or confining band that is so narrow in relation to the size of the food that it cannot reasonably be considered to have any surface that is displayed or visible under customary conditions of sale or use, the total area of one side of a tag that is attached to the package; (principale surface exposée)
- reasonable daily intake
reasonable daily intake, in respect of a food set out in Column I of an item of Schedule K, means the amount of that food set out in Column II of that item; (ration quotidienne raisonnable)
- recommended daily intake
recommended daily intake[Repealed, SOR/2016-305, s. 1]
- reference amount
reference amount means, in respect of a food set out in column 1 of the Table of Reference Amounts, the amount of that food set out in column 2; (quantité de référence)
- reference standard
reference standard[Repealed, SOR/2016-305, s. 1]
- saturated fatty acids
saturated fatty acids, saturated fat, saturates or saturated means all fatty acids that contain no double bonds; (acides gras saturés, graisses saturées, gras saturés, lipides saturés ou saturés)
- simulated meat product
simulated meat product means any food that does not contain any meat product, poultry product or fish product but that has the appearance of a meat product; (simili-produit de viande)
- simulated poultry product
simulated poultry product means any food that does not contain any poultry product, meat product or fish product but that has the appearance of a poultry product; (simili-produit de volaille)
- single-serving prepackaged product
single-serving prepackaged product means a prepackaged product in respect of which the net quantity of food in the package is the serving of stated size for the food as set out in paragraph B.01.002A(1)(b); (produit préemballé à portion individuelle)
- solid cut meat
solid cut meat means
(a) a whole cut of meat; or
(b) a product consisting of pieces of meat of which at least 80 per cent of the pieces weigh at least 25 g each; (viande coupée solide)
- solid cut poultry meat
solid cut poultry meat means
(a) a whole cut of poultry meat; or
(b) a product consisting of pieces of poultry meat of which at least 80 per cent of the pieces weigh at least 25 g each; (viande de volaille coupée solide)
- sugars
sugars means all monosaccharides and disaccharides; (sucres)
- sugars-based ingredient
sugars-based ingredient means, in respect of a prepackaged product,
(a) an ingredient that is a monosaccharide or disaccharide or a combination of these;
(b) an ingredient that is a sweetening agent other than one referred to in paragraph (a); and
(c) any other ingredient that contains one or more sugars and that is added to the product as a functional substitute for a sweetening agent; (ingrédient à base de sucres)
- supplemental ingredient
supplemental ingredient means a nutrient — including a vitamin, mineral nutrient or amino acid — or any other substance listed in column 1 of the List of Permitted Supplemental Ingredients and added as an ingredient to a food in accordance with the applicable conditions of use set out in columns 2 to 5; (ingrédient supplémentaire)
- supplemented food
supplemented food means a prepackaged product that belongs to a food category set out in column 1 of the List of Permitted Supplemented Food Categories and to which a supplemental ingredient has been added, but does not include
(a) a food for special dietary use as defined in section B.24.001 and referred to in any of paragraphs B.24.003(1)(f) to (f.2) and (h) to (j), even if the food for special dietary use is also a gluten-free food referred to in paragraph B.24.003(1)(g);
(a.1) infant food;
(b) a food that is labelled or advertised for consumption by
(i) [Repealed, SOR/2024-244, s. 2]
(ii) children one year of age or older but less than four years of age, or
(iii) women who are pregnant or breastfeeding;
(c) any of the following foods set out in column I of the Table to section D.03.002:
(i) a food referred to in any of items 1, 2.1, 2.2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9.1, 10 to 13, 15, 17 to 19, 21 to 25 and 27, and
(ii) prepackaged ice;
(d) a food that has not been processed or that has been minimally processed; or
(e) a beverage with an alcohol content of more than 0.5%; (aliment supplémenté)
- supplemented food caution identifier
supplemented food caution identifier means the identifier carried on the principal display panel of a supplemented food under subsection B.29.021(1); (identifiant des aliments supplémentés avec mise en garde)
- supplemented food facts table
supplemented food facts table means the supplemented food facts table required by subsection B.29.002(1) to be carried on the label of a supplemented food; (tableau des renseignements sur les aliments supplémentés)
- sweetener
sweetener means any food additive used to impart a sweet taste to a food; (édulcorant)
- sweetening agent
sweetening agent includes any food for which a standard is set out in Volume 15 of the Food Compositional Standards Document, but does not include a sweetener; (agent édulcorant)
- Table of Chemical, Physical and Nutritional Characteristics of Food
Table of Chemical, Physical and Nutritional Characteristics of Food means the Table of Chemical, Physical and Nutritional Characteristics of Food, published by the Government of Canada on its website, as amended from time to time; (Tableau des caractéristiques chimiques, physiques et nutritionnelles des aliments)
- Table of Daily Values
Table of Daily Values means the document entitled Nutrition Labelling – Table of Daily Values published by the Government of Canada on its website, as amended from time to time; (Tableau des valeurs quotidiennes)
- Table of Permitted Nutrient Content Statements and Claims
Table of Permitted Nutrient Content Statements and Claims means the document entitled Nutrition Labelling — Table of Permitted Nutrient Content Statements and Claims, published by the Government of Canada on its website, as amended from time to time; (Tableau des mentions et des allégations autorisées concernant la teneur nutritive)
- Table of Reference Amounts
Table of Reference Amounts means the document entitled Nutrition Labelling – Table of Reference Amounts for Food published by the Government of Canada on its website, as amended from time to time; (Tableau des quantités de référence)
- trans fatty acids
trans fatty acids, trans fat or trans means unsaturated fatty acids that contain one or more isolated or non-conjugated double bonds in a trans-configuration; (acides gras trans, graisses trans, gras trans, lipides trans ou trans)
- unstandardized
unstandardized, in relation to a food, means that a standard is not set out in the Food Compositional Standards Document for that food; (non normalisé)
- unstandardized food
unstandardized food[Repealed, SOR/2024-244, s. 2]
- weighted recommended nutrient intake
weighted recommended nutrient intake, in respect of a vitamin or mineral nutrient set out in column I of Table II to Division 1 of Part D or in column I of Table II to Division 2 of Part D, means the amount set out in column III; (apport nutritionnel recommandé pondéré)
- yolk-replaced egg
yolk-replaced egg means a food that
(a) does not contain egg yolk but contains fluid, dried or frozen egg albumen or mixtures thereof,
(b) is intended as a substitute for whole egg, and
(c) meets the requirements of section B.22.032; (oeuf à jaune substitué)
(1.1) A reference in these Regulations to any of the lists referred to in the definition Lists of Permitted Food Additives is a reference to the list as published by the Government of Canada on its website, as amended from time to time.
(2) The definitions in this subsection apply for the purposes of the Act.
- agricultural chemical
agricultural chemical has the same meaning as in subsection (1). (produit chimique agricole)
- food additive
food additive has the same meaning as in subsection (1). (additif alimentaire)
(3) The following definitions apply in this Division.
- human milk fortifier
human milk fortifier has the same meaning as in section B.25.001. (fortifiant pour lait humain)
- human milk substitute
human milk substitute has the same meaning as in section B.25.001. (succédané de lait humain)
(4) For the purposes of the definitions supplemental ingredient and supplemented food in subsection (1), if a supplemented food is used as an ingredient in the manufacture of a second supplemented food, a supplemental ingredient in the first supplemented food is deemed to also have been added as a supplemental ingredient to — and not to be a component of an ingredient of — the second supplemented food if it is contained in the second supplemented food in accordance with the applicable conditions of use set out in columns 2 to 5 of the List of Permitted Supplemental Ingredients.
(5) For the purposes of the definition solid cut meat in subsection (1), meat has the same meaning as in section B.14.001.
(6) For the purposes of the definition solid cut poultry meat in subsection (1), poultry meat has the same meaning as in section B.22.001.
- SOR/78-403, s. 1(F)
- SOR/79-23, s. 1
- SOR/81-83, s. 1
- SOR/81-617, s. 1
- SOR/88-336, s. 1
- SOR/88-559, s. 1
- SOR/89-175, s. 1
- SOR/91-124, s. 1
- SOR/91-527, s. 1
- SOR/93-276, s. 1
- SOR/95-474, s. 1
- SOR/98-580, s. 1(F)
- SOR/2000-353, s. 3
- SOR/2003-11, s. 1
- err.(E), Vol. 137, No. 5
- SOR/2005-98, s. 1
- SOR/2008-181, s. 1
- SOR/2008-182, s. 1
- SOR/2010-94, s. 1
- SOR/2011-278, s. 1
- 2014, c. 20, s. 366(E)
- SOR/2014-99, s. 1
- SOR/2016-74, s. 1
- SOR/2016-305, s. 1
- SOR/2018-108, s. 393
- SOR/2021-57, s. 1
- SOR/2022-143, s. 2
- SOR/2022-168, s. 1
- SOR/2022-169, s. 1
- SOR/2024-244, s. 2
- Date modified: