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Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act (S.C. 2005, c. 21)

Assented to 2005-05-13

Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act

S.C. 2005, c. 21

Assented to 2005-05-13

An Act to provide services, assistance and compensation to or in respect of Canadian Forces members and veterans and to make amendments to certain Acts


Part 1 authorizes the Minister to provide job placement assistance services to assist Canadian Forces members and veterans in re-entering the civilian labour force. Those services may also, in certain circumstances, be provided to a member’s or a veteran’s spouse, common-law partner or survivor.

Part 2 authorizes the Minister to provide rehabilitation services, vocational assistance and financial benefits to veterans to assist them in re-establishing in civilian life. The services, assistance and benefits may be provided, in certain circumstances, to a veteran’s spouse or common-law partner or to a member’s or a veteran’s survivor; benefits may also be provided to orphans in some cases. The services, assistance and benefits may include medical, psycho-social and vocational rehabilitation, an earnings loss benefit, a supplementary retirement benefit, a Canadian Forces income support benefit and a permanent impairment allowance.

Part 3 authorizes the Minister to provide the following awards and benefits:

  • (a) disability awards to members and veterans who suffer from a service-related disability, or to their survivors and dependent children, and a clothing allowance to those members and veterans whose disability causes wear and tear of clothing or who require specially made apparel;

  • (b) death benefits to the survivors and orphans of members who die, as a result of service, while serving in the Canadian Forces; and

  • (c) detention benefits to members and veterans, or to their testamentary estate or testamentary succession, if the member or veteran was detained by a power while serving in the Canadian Forces.

Part 4 provides for general administrative powers, in particular for the review of decisions, and authorizes the Minister to establish health benefits for members and veterans and their survivors.

Part 5 contains transitional provisions, related and coordinating amendments and the coming-into-force provision.

Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:


Marginal note:Short title

 This Act may be cited as the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act.


Marginal note:Definitions
  •  (1) The following definitions apply in this Act.

    “aggravated by service”

    « due au service »

    “aggravated by service”, in respect of an injury or a disease, means an injury or a disease that has been aggravated, if the aggravation

    • (a) was attributable to or was incurred during special duty service; or

    • (b) arose out of or was directly connected with service in the Canadian Forces.


    « Tribunal »

    “Board” means the Veterans Review and Appeal Board established by section 4 of the Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act.

    “Canadian Forces”

    « Forces canadiennes »

    “Canadian Forces” means the armed forces referred to in section 14 of the National Defence Act, and includes any predecessor naval, army or air forces of Canada or Newfoundland.

    “common-law partner”

    « conjoint de fait »

    “common-law partner”, in relation to a member or a veteran, means a person who is cohabiting with the member or veteran in a conjugal relationship, having so cohabited for a period of at least one year.


    « indemnisa- tion »

    “compensation” means any of the following benefits under this Act: an earnings loss benefit, a supplementary retirement benefit, a Canadian Forces income support benefit, a permanent impairment allowance, a disability award, a death benefit, a clothing allowance or a detention benefit.

    “dependent child”

    « enfant à charge »

    “dependent child”, in relation to a member or a veteran, means their child, or a child of their spouse or common-law partner who is ordi­narily residing in the member’s or veteran’s household, who is

    • (a) under the age of 18 years;

    • (b) under the age of 25 years and following a course of instruction approved by the Minister; or

    • (c) over the age of 18 years and prevented by physical or mental incapacity from earning a livelihood, if the incapacity occurred

      • (i) before the child attained the age of 18 years, or

      • (ii) after the age of 18 years and before the age of 25 years while the child was following a course of instruction approved by the Minister.


    « invalidité »

    “disability” means the loss or lessening of the power to will and to do any normal mental or physical act.

    “medical rehabilitation”

    « réadaptation médicale »

    “medical rehabilitation” includes any physical or psychological treatment whose object is to stabilize and restore the basic physical and psychological functions of a person.


    « militaire »

    “member” means an officer or a non-commissioned member of the Canadian Forces, as those terms are defined in subsection 2(1) of the National Defence Act.


    « ministre »

    “Minister” means the Minister of Veterans Affairs.


    « orphelin »

    “orphan”, in relation to a deceased member or a deceased veteran, means their child, or a child of their survivor who at the time of the member’s or veteran’s death was ordinarily residing in the member’s or veteran’s household, who is

    • (a) under the age of 18 years;

    • (b) under the age of 25 years and following a course of instruction approved by the Minister; or

    • (c) over the age of 18 years and prevented by physical or mental incapacity from earning a livelihood, if the incapacity occurred

      • (i) before the child attained the age of 18 years, or

      • (ii) after the age of 18 years and before the age of 25 years while the child was following a course of instruction approved by the Minister.

    “personal information”

    « renseignements personnels »

    “personal information” has the same meaning as in section 3 of the Privacy Act.


    Version anglaise seulement

    “prescribed” means prescribed by regulation.

    “psycho-social rehabilitation”

    « réadaptation psychosociale »

    “psycho-social rehabilitation” includes any psychological or social intervention whose object is to restore a person to a state of independent functioning and to facilitate their social adjustment.

    “rehabilitation services”

    « services de réadaptation »

    “rehabilitation services” means all services related to the medical rehabilitation, psycho-social rehabilitation and vocational rehabilitation of a person.

    “service-related injury or disease”

    « liée au service »

    “service-related injury or disease” means an injury or a disease that

    • (a) was attributable to or was incurred during special duty service; or

    • (b) arose out of or was directly connected with service in the Canadian Forces.

    “special duty service”

    « service spécial »

    “special duty service” means service as a member in a special duty area designated under section 69, or as a member as part of a special duty operation designated under section 70, during the period in which the designation is in effect. It includes any of the following that occurred during that period but not earlier than September 11, 2001:

    • (a) periods of training for the express purpose of service in that area or as part of that operation, wherever that training takes place;

    • (b) travel to and from the area, the operation or the location of training referred to in paragraph (a); and

    • (c) authorized leave of absence with pay during that service, wherever that leave is taken.


    « survivant »

    “survivor”, in relation to a deceased member or a deceased veteran, means

    • (a) their spouse who was, at the time of the member’s or veteran’s death, residing with the member or veteran; or

    • (b) the person who was, at the time of the member’s or veteran’s death, the member’s or veteran’s common-law partner.


    « vétéran »

    “veteran” means a former member.

    “vocational assistance”

    « assistance professionnelle »

    “vocational assistance” includes employability assessments, career counselling, training, job-search assistance and job-finding assistance, whose object is to help a person to find appropriate employment.

    “vocational rehabilitation”

    « réadaptation professionnelle »

    “vocational rehabilitation” includes any process designed to identify and achieve an appropriate occupational goal for a person with a physical or a mental health problem, given their state of health and the extent of their education, skills and experience.

  • Marginal note:Couples who are living apart

    (2) For the purposes of this Act, a spouse is deemed to be residing with a member or a veteran, and a person does not cease to be a member’s or a veteran’s common-law partner, if it is established that they are living apart by reason only of

    • (a) one or both of them having to reside in a health care facility;

    • (b) circumstances of a temporary nature; or

    • (c) other circumstances not within the control of the member or veteran or the spouse or common-law partner.

  • Marginal note:References to spouses

    (3) A reference in this Act to a member’s or a veteran’s spouse is a reference to a member’s or a veteran’s spouse who is residing with the member or veteran.

  • Marginal note:Recent marriage

    (4) This Act does not apply to a member’s or a veteran’s surviving spouse if the member or veteran dies within one year after the date of the marriage, unless

    • (a) in the opinion of the Minister, the member or veteran was at the time of that marriage in such a condition of health as to justify their having an expectation of life of at least one year; or

    • (b) at the time of the member’s or veteran’s death, the spouse was cohabiting with the member or veteran in a conjugal relationship, having so cohabited for a period of at least one year.

  • Marginal note:Conduct of member or veteran

    (5) This Act does not apply in respect of a member’s or a veteran’s physical or mental health problem, disability or death if it is caused by a wilful self-inflicted injury or improper conduct on the member’s or veteran’s part, including wilful disobedience of an order and vicious or criminal conduct.


Marginal note:Eligibility — members and veterans
  •  (1) The Minister may, on application, provide job placement assistance services to a member or a veteran who meets the prescribed eligibility requirements if the Minister is satisfied that the member or veteran requires assistance in making the transition to the civilian labour force.

  • Marginal note:Assistance to spouses, common-law partners and survivors

    (2) The Minister may, on application, provide job placement assistance services to a member’s or a veteran’s spouse, common-law partner or survivor if the spouse, common-law partner or survivor meets the prescribed eligi­bility requirements.

Marginal note:Assessment of needs
  •  (1) The Minister shall, on approving an application made under section 3, assess the needs of the member, veteran, spouse, common-law partner or survivor with respect to career counselling, job-search training and job-finding assistance.

  • Marginal note:Job placement assistance plan

    (2) The Minister may develop and implement a job placement assistance plan to address the needs that are identified in the assessment.

  • Marginal note:Development of plan

    (3) In developing a job placement assistance plan, the Minister shall have regard to any prescribed principles.

Marginal note:Refusal to provide services

 The Minister may refuse to provide job placement assistance services to a person under this Part to the extent that the person is entitled to receive those types of services from another organization or body.



Marginal note:Non-application of this Part

 This Part does not apply in respect of a physical or a mental health problem that resulted primarily from

  • (a) service in the Canadian Forces on or before April 1, 1947; or

  • (b) service in the Korean War, as that term is defined in subsection 3(1) of the Pension Act.

Marginal note:Consequential injury or disease

 For the purposes of this Part, an injury or a disease is deemed to be a service-related injury or disease if the injury or disease is, in whole or in part, a consequence of

  • (a) a service-related injury or disease;

  • (b) a non-service related injury or disease that was aggravated by service;

  • (c) an injury or a disease that is itself the consequence of an injury or a disease described in paragraph (a) or (b); or

  • (d) an injury or a disease that is a consequence of an injury or a disease described in paragraph (c).

Rehabilitation Services and Vocational Assistance

Marginal note:Eligibility — rehabilitation need
  •  (1) The Minister may, on application, provide rehabilitation services to a veteran who has a physical or a mental health problem resulting primarily from service in the Canadian Forces that is creating a barrier to re-establishment in civilian life.

  • Marginal note:Factors that the Minister may consider

    (2) In deciding whether a veteran has a physical or a mental health problem that is creating a barrier to re-establishment in civilian life, and whether that health problem resulted primarily from service in the Canadian Forces, the Minister may consider any factors that the Minister considers relevant, including

    • (a) medical reports or records that document the veteran’s physical or mental health problem;

    • (b) documentation that indicates the nature of the veteran’s service in the Canadian Forces;

    • (c) documentation provided by the veteran as to the circumstances of their health problem; and

    • (d) research that establishes the prevalence of specific health problems in military populations.

  • Marginal note:Presumption in case of disability

    (3) A veteran’s physical or mental health problem is deemed to have resulted primarily from service in the Canadian Forces if, as a result of the health problem, the veteran suffers from a disability for which a disability award has been paid under section 45 or a pension has been granted under the Pension Act.

Marginal note:Eligibility — medical release
  •  (1) The Minister may, on application, provide rehabilitation services or vocational assistance to a veteran who has been released on medical grounds in accordance with chapter 15 of the Queen’s Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Forces.

  • Marginal note:Refusal to consider application

    (2) The Minister shall refuse to consider an application that is made more than 120 days after the day on which the veteran was released, unless the Minister is of the opinion that the reasons for the delay are reasonable in the circumstances.

  • Marginal note:Exception

    (3) Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of a veteran who was within a prescribed class at the time that the physical or mental health problem leading to the release manifested itself.

Marginal note:Assessment of needs
  •  (1) The Minister shall, on approving an application made under section 8 or 9, assess the veteran’s medical, psycho-social and vocational rehabilitation needs. In the case of a veteran who has applied under section 9, if no rehabilitation needs are identified, the Minister shall assess the veteran’s vocational assistance needs.

  • Marginal note:Rehabilitation plan

    (2) The Minister may develop and implement a rehabilitation plan to address the rehabilitation needs that are identified in the assessment.

  • Marginal note:Limitation

    (3) The only physical and mental health problems that may be addressed in the reha­bilitation plan are

    • (a) in the case of a veteran who was released on medical grounds, the physical or mental health problem for which the veteran was released; or

    • (b) in any other case, a physical or a mental health problem resulting primarily from service in the Canadian Forces that is creating a barrier to re-establishment in civilian life.

  • Marginal note:Vocational assistance plan

    (4) The Minister may develop and implement a vocational assistance plan to address the vocational assistance needs that are identified in the assessment.

  • Marginal note:Development of plan

    (5) In developing a rehabilitation plan or a vocational assistance plan, the Minister shall

    • (a) have regard to any prescribed principles and factors; and

    • (b) be guided by current research in the fields of rehabilitation and vocational assistance.

Marginal note:Eligibility — spouses and common-law partners
  •  (1) The Minister may, on application, provide rehabilitation services and vocational assistance to a veteran’s spouse or common-law partner if the Minister

    • (a) has approved an application for rehabilitation services made by or on behalf of the veteran; and

    • (b) has determined, based on an assessment of the veteran under subsection 10(1), that the veteran would not benefit from vocational rehabilitation as a result of being totally and permanently incapacitated by the physical or mental health problem in respect of which the rehabilitation services were approved.

  • Marginal note:Continuation

    (2) If a veteran dies after an application made under subsection (1) has been approved, the survivor continues to be eligible to receive rehabilitation services and vocational assistance under that subsection.

Marginal note:Eligibility — survivors

 The Minister may, on application, provide rehabilitation services or vocational as­sistance to a member’s or a veteran’s survivor, if the member or veteran dies as a result of

  • (a) a service-related injury or disease; or

  • (b) a non-service-related injury or disease that was aggravated by service.

Marginal note:Assessment of needs
  •  (1) The Minister shall, on approving an application made under subsection 11(1) or section 12, assess the vocational assistance needs of the spouse, common-law partner or survivor and, if such needs are identified, shall assess the person’s medical, psycho-social and vocational rehabilitation needs.

  • Marginal note:Vocational assistance plan

    (2) The Minister may, for the purpose of restoring the earnings capacity of the spouse, common-law partner or survivor to a level that the Minister determines to be reasonable, given the person’s education, skills and experience, develop and implement a vocational assistance plan to address the vocational assistance needs that are identified in the assessment.

  • Marginal note:Rehabilitation plan

    (3) The Minister may, to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose set out in subsection (2), develop and implement a rehabilitation plan to address the rehabilitation needs that are identified in the assessment.

  • Marginal note:Development of plan

    (4) In developing a rehabilitation plan or a vocational assistance plan, the Minister shall

    • (a) have regard to any prescribed principles and factors; and

    • (b) be guided by current research in the fields of rehabilitation and vocational assistance.

Marginal note:Duration of plan
  •  (1) The duration of a rehabilitation plan or a vocational assistance plan shall be fixed by the Minister.

  • Marginal note:Evaluation of plan

    (2) The Minister may evaluate a rehabilitation plan or a vocational assistance plan at any time, and may modify the plan or change its duration.

Marginal note:Examination or assessment
  •  (1) The Minister may, when evaluating a rehabilitation plan, require the person for whom the plan has been developed to undergo a medical examination or an assessment by a person specified by the Minister.

  • Marginal note:Assessment

    (2) The Minister may, when evaluating a vocational assistance plan, require a person for whom the plan has been developed to undergo an assessment by a person specified by the Minister.

  • Marginal note:Non-compliance

    (3) If a person who is required to undergo a medical examination or an assessment fails without reasonable excuse to do so, the Minister may cancel the rehabilitation plan or the vocational assistance plan.

Marginal note:Refusal to provide services or assistance
  •  (1) The Minister may refuse to provide rehabilitation services or vocational assistance to a person to the extent they are available to the person as an insured service under a provincial health care system, a provincial or federal workers’ compensation plan or any other plan that may be prescribed.

  • Marginal note:Refusal to provide services or assistance

    (2) The Minister may refuse to provide rehabilitation services or vocational assistance, in whole or in part, to a person if those services or that assistance has already been provided or if the Minister considers that the refusal is reasonable in the circumstances.

Marginal note:Cancellation

 The Minister may cancel a rehabilitation plan or a vocational assistance plan in the prescribed circumstances.

Earnings Loss Benefit

Marginal note:Eligibility — veterans
  •  (1) The Minister may, on application, pay an earnings loss benefit to a veteran if the Minister determines, as a result of an assessment made in accordance with subsection 10(1), that a rehabilitation plan or a vocational assistance plan should be developed for the veteran.

  • Marginal note:When benefit payable

    (2) The earnings loss benefit begins to be payable on the day on which the Minister determines that a rehabilitation plan or a vocational assistance plan should be developed.

  • Marginal note:Duration of benefit

    (3) Subject to subsection (4) and section 21, the earnings loss benefit is payable to a veteran until the earlier of

    • (a) the day on which the veteran completes the rehabilitation plan or the vocational assistance plan,

    • (b) the day on which the rehabilitation plan or the vocational assistance plan is cancelled, and

    • (c) the day on which the veteran attains the age of 65 years.

  • Marginal note:Continuation of benefit

    (4) If the Minister determines that the veteran is unable to engage in suitable gainful employment as a result of being totally and permanently incapacitated by the physical or mental health problem for which the rehabilitation plan was developed, the earnings loss benefit continues to be payable to the veteran after the plan has been completed or cancelled until the earlier of

    • (a) the day on which the Minister determines that the veteran is no longer unable to engage in suitable gainful employment as a result of being totally and permanently incapacitated by that health problem, and

    • (b) the day on which the veteran attains the age of 65 years.

Marginal note:Amount of benefit
  •  (1) Subject to the regulations, the monthly amount of the earnings loss benefit under section 18 that is payable to a veteran shall be determined in accordance with the formula

    A - B


    is 75% of the veteran’s imputed income for a month; and
    is an amount that is payable to the veteran for a month from prescribed sources.
  • Marginal note:Regulations

    (2) The Governor in Council may make regulations

    • (a) respecting, for the purposes of subsection (1), the determination of the imputed income in respect of a class of veterans;

    • (b) prescribing a minimum or a maximum amount of imputed income in respect of a class of veterans;

    • (c) providing for the periodic adjustment of the value of A and B in subsection (1); and

    • (d) respecting the determination, for the purpose of the value of B in subsection (1), of an amount payable to a veteran for a month.

Marginal note:Examination or assessment
  •  (1) The Minister may, for the purpose of determining whether a veteran may continue to receive an earnings loss benefit, require a veteran who, as a result of a determination of total and permanent incapacity, is in receipt of an earnings loss benefit under section 18 — or would, but for their level of income, be in receipt of it — to undergo a medical examination or an assessment by a person specified by the Minister.

  • Marginal note:Non-compliance

    (2) If a veteran who is required by the Minister to undergo a medical examination or an assessment fails without reasonable excuse to do so, the Minister may cancel the earnings loss benefit.

Marginal note:Cancellation

 The Minister may cancel an earnings loss benefit that is payable under section 18 in the prescribed circumstances.

Marginal note:Eligibility — survivors and orphans
  •  (1) The Minister may, on application, pay, in accordance with section 23, an earnings loss benefit to a member’s or a veteran’s survivor or orphan, if the member or veteran dies as the result of

    • (a) a service-related injury or disease; or

    • (b) a non-service-related injury or disease that was aggravated by service.

  • Marginal note:When benefit payable

    (2) The earnings loss benefit begins to be payable on the later of

    • (a) the day after the day of the member’s or veteran’s death, and

    • (b) the day that is one year prior to the day on which the application for the benefit is approved in respect of the survivor or orphan, as the case may be.

  • Marginal note:Duration of benefit

    (3) The earnings loss benefit ceases to be payable on the day on which the member or veteran, if alive, would have attained the age of 65 years.

Marginal note:Amount of benefit
  •  (1) Subject to the regulations, the monthly amount of an earnings loss benefit under section 22 that is payable in respect of a member or a veteran is 75% of the member’s or veteran’s imputed income for a month.

  • Marginal note:Division of benefit

    (2) If an earnings loss benefit is payable to a survivor or an orphan, the following rules apply:

    • (a) if there is a survivor but no orphans, the survivor is entitled to 100% of the earnings loss benefit;

    • (b) if there is a survivor and one or more orphans,

      • (i) the survivor is entitled to 60% of the earnings loss benefit, and

      • (ii) the orphans are entitled, as a class, to 40% of the earnings loss benefit, divided equally among them; and

    • (c) if there are one or more orphans but no survivor, each orphan is entitled to the lesser of

      • (i) 40% of the earnings loss benefit, and

      • (ii) the amount obtained by dividing the earnings loss benefit by the number of those orphans.

  • Marginal note:Deductions for survivor

    (3) Subject to the regulations, the monthly amount of the earnings loss benefit that is payable to a survivor shall be reduced by an amount that is payable to the survivor for a month — in respect of the member or veteran — from prescribed sources.

  • Marginal note:Regulations

    (4) The Governor in Council may make regulations

    • (a) respecting, for the purposes of subsection (1), the determination of the imputed income in respect of a class of members or veterans;

    • (b) prescribing a minimum or a maximum amount of imputed income in respect of a class of members or veterans;

    • (c) providing for the periodic adjustment of an earnings loss benefit calculated in accord­ance with subsection (1) and an amount determined for the purposes of subsection (3); and

    • (d) respecting the determination, for the purpose of subsection (3), of an amount payable to a survivor for a month.

Marginal note:Benefit to be pro rata

 If an earnings loss benefit is payable for only part of a month, the benefit shall be paid pro rata, based on a 30-day month.

Supplementary Retirement Benefit

Marginal note:Eligibility — veterans
  •  (1) The Minister may, on application, pay a supplementary retirement benefit to a veteran who has been in receipt of an earnings loss benefit in accordance with subsection 18(4) — or would, but for their level of income, have been in receipt of it — if the veteran is no longer entitled to that benefit.

  • Marginal note:Eligibility — survivors

    (2) The Minister may, on application, pay a supplementary retirement benefit to a veteran’s survivor if

    • (a) the veteran, at the time of their death, was in receipt of an earnings loss benefit in accordance with subsection 18(4) or would, but for their level of income, have been in receipt of it; and

    • (b) the survivor is not eligible to receive an earnings loss benefit under section 22.

  • Marginal note:Eligibility — survivors

    (3) The Minister may, on application, pay a supplementary retirement benefit to a member’s or a veteran’s survivor if the survivor has been in receipt of an earnings loss benefit under section 22 but is no longer entitled to that benefit.

Marginal note:Amount of benefit

 The Governor in Council may make regulations respecting the amount of the supplementary retirement benefit payable in respect of any class or classes of veterans or survivors.

Canadian Forces Income Support Benefit

Marginal note:Eligibility — veterans

 The Minister may, on application made within the prescribed time, pay a Canadian Forces income support benefit to a veteran who has been in receipt of an earnings loss benefit under section 18 — or would, but for their level of income, have been in receipt of it — if

  • (a) the veteran is no longer entitled to the earnings loss benefit;

  • (b) the veteran meets the prescribed employment-related criteria; and

  • (c) in the month in which the application is made, a calculation made under subsection 37(1) in respect of the veteran would result in an amount greater than zero.

Marginal note:Eligibility — survivors

 The Minister may, on application made within the prescribed time, pay a Canadian Forces income support benefit to a veteran’s survivor if the veteran was in receipt of that benefit at the time of their death and if

  • (a) the veteran dies as the result of an injury or a disease other than an injury or a disease described in paragraph 29(a);

  • (b) the survivor meets the prescribed employment-related criteria; and

  • (c) in the month in which the application is made, a calculation made under subsection 37(1) in respect of the survivor would result in an amount greater than zero.

Marginal note:Eligibility — survivors

 The Minister may, on application, pay a Canadian Forces income support benefit to a member’s or a veteran’s survivor if

  • (a) the member or veteran dies as a result of

    • (i) a service-related injury or disease, or

    • (ii) a non-service-related injury or disease that was aggravated by service; and

  • (b) on the day on which the application is approved, the member or veteran, if alive, would be at least 65 years of age.

Marginal note:Eligibility — orphans

 The Minister may, on application, pay a Canadian Forces income support benefit to a veteran’s orphan if

  • (a) the veteran dies as a result of an injury or a disease other than an injury or a disease described in paragraph 31(a); and

  • (b) the veteran was in receipt of that benefit at the time of their death.

Marginal note:Eligibility — orphans

 The Minister may, on application, pay a Canadian Forces income support benefit to a member’s or a veteran’s orphan if

  • (a) the member or veteran dies as a result of

    • (i) a service-related injury or disease, or

    • (ii) a non-service-related injury or disease that was aggravated by service; and

  • (b) on the day on which the application is approved, the member or veteran, if alive, would be at least 65 years of age.

Marginal note:When benefit payable

 The Canadian Forces income support benefit under section 29, 30 or 31 begins to be payable on the later of

  • (a) the first day of the month after the month in which the member or veteran died, and

  • (b) the first day of the month that is one year prior to the month in which the application for the benefit is approved in respect of the survivor or orphan, as the case may be.

Marginal note:Restrictions on residence

 A Canadian Forces income support benefit may be paid to a person only if the person resides in Canada.

Marginal note:Payment for entire month

 If, in a month, a person who is in receipt of a Canadian Forces income support benefit dies or ceases to reside in Canada, the benefit shall be paid as if the person were entitled to the benefit for that entire month.

Marginal note:Requirement to participate
  •  (1) A Canadian Forces income support benefit under section 27 or 28 is only payable for each month that the veteran or survivor participates — to the extent required to meet the objectives of the program — in a job placement program that is approved by the Minister.

  • Marginal note:Exception

    (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a veteran or a survivor who has attained the age of 65 years.

  • Marginal note:Exemption

    (3) The Minister may exempt a veteran or a survivor from the application of subsection (1), subject to any terms and conditions that the Minister considers appropriate, and the Minister may cancel the exemption.

  • Marginal note:When benefit is payable

    (4) Subject to subsection (5), the Canadian Forces income support benefit under section 27 or 28 begins to be payable on the earlier of

    • (a) the first day of the month in which the veteran or the survivor starts a job placement program referred to in subsection (1), and

    • (b) the first day of the month in which the Minister grants the veteran or survivor an exemption under subsection (3).

  • Marginal note:Exception — applicant over 65 years of age

    (5) If an application for a Canadian Forces income support benefit under section 27 or 28 is approved in respect of a veteran or a survivor who has attained the age of 65 years, the benefit begins to be payable on the first day of the month in which the application is approved.

  • Marginal note:Duration of benefit

    (6) Subject to section 36, a Canadian Forces income support benefit under section 27 or 28 ceases to be payable on the earlier of

    • (a) the last day of the month in which the veteran or survivor ceases to participate in a job placement program referred to in subsection (1), unless the veteran or survivor is exempt from the application of that subsection,

    • (b) the last day of the month in which the veteran or survivor no longer meets the prescribed employment-related criteria, and

    • (c) the last day of the month in which a calculation made under subsection 37(1) in respect of the veteran or survivor would result in an amount equal to or less than zero.

Marginal note:Suspension or cancellation

 The Minister may suspend the payment of a Canadian Forces income support benefit or cancel the benefit, in the prescribed circumstances.

Marginal note:Amount of benefit
  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), the amount of the Canadian Forces income support benefit payable under sections 27 to 31 for each month in a current payment period shall be determined by the formula

    A - B - C


    • (a) in the case of a veteran, the sum of the applicable amounts set out in column 2 of items 1 to 3 of Schedule 1,

    • (b) in the case of a survivor, the amount set out in column 2 of item 4 of Schedule 1, and

    • (c) in the case of an orphan, the amount set out in column 2 of item 5 of Schedule 1;

    • (a) in the case of a veteran, 1/12 of the income of the veteran and the veteran’s spouse or common-law partner, if any, for the base calendar year,

    • (b) in the case of a survivor, 1/12 of the survivor’s income for the base calendar year, and

    • (c) in the case of an orphan, 1/12 of the orphan’s income for the base calendar year; and

    • (a) in the case of a veteran, the total of the current monthly benefits payable to the veteran and the veteran’s spouse or common-law partner, if any, from prescribed sources,

    • (b) in the case of a survivor, the total of the current monthly benefits payable to the survivor from prescribed sources, and

    • (c) in the case of an orphan, the total of the current monthly benefits payable to the orphan from prescribed sources.

  • Marginal note:Veteran couples

    (2) If the spouses or common-law partners are both veterans to whom a Canadian Forces income support benefit is payable, the following rules apply in respect of each veteran:

    • (a) the value of A in subsection (1) is the sum of

      • (i) the amount set out in column 2 of item 1 of Schedule 1, and

      • (ii) in respect of each dependent child of the veteran, and each dependent child of the veteran’s spouse or common-law partner who is not a dependent child of the veteran, 1/2 of the amount set out in column 2 of item 3 of Schedule 1;

    • (b) the value of B in subsection (1) is 1/24 of the income of the veteran and the veteran’s spouse or common-law partner for the base calendar year; and

    • (c) the value of C in subsection (1) is 1/2 of the total of the current monthly benefits payable to the veteran and the veteran’s spouse or common-law partner from prescribed sources.

Permanent Impairment Allowance

Marginal note:Eligibility — veterans
  •  (1) The Minister may, on application, pay a permanent impairment allowance to a veteran who has one or more physical or mental health problems that are creating a permanent and severe impairment if the veteran has, in respect of each of those health problems,

    • (a) had an application for rehabilitation services approved under this Part; and

    • (b) received a disability award under Part 3.

  • Marginal note:Amount of allowance

    (2) The Minister shall determine the amount of the permanent impairment allowance that may be paid to the veteran in a year. The minimum permanent impairment allowance shall be the amount set out in column 2 of item 1 of Schedule 2, and the maximum permanent impairment allowance shall be the amount set out in column 2 of item 2 of that Schedule.

Marginal note:When allowance payable

 The permanent impairment allowance under section 38 begins to be payable on the later of

  • (a) the day on which the application for the allowance was made, and

  • (b) the day that is one year prior to the day on which the application for the allowance is approved.

Marginal note:Examination or assessment
  •  (1) The Minister may, for the purpose of determining whether a veteran may continue to receive a permanent impairment allowance, require the veteran to undergo a medical examination or an assessment by a person specified by the Minister.

  • Marginal note:Non-compliance

    (2) If a veteran who is required by the Minister to undergo a medical examination or an assessment fails without reasonable excuse to do so, the Minister may cancel the permanent impairment allowance.


Marginal note:Governor in Council

 The Governor in Council may make regulations

  • (a) providing for the notification of the Minister, by persons who are in receipt of an earnings loss benefit or a Canadian Forces income support benefit, of any changes in income or benefits, or in an amount payable for a month from a prescribed source for the purposes of subsection 19(1) or 23(3), requiring the provision of statements of estimated income, benefits or amounts payable and providing for the effect of those changes on the calculation of the amount of the compensation payable;

  • (b) respecting the determination of what constitutes suitable gainful employment, a barrier to re-establishment in civilian life and total and permanent incapacity;

  • (c) defining “base calendar year”, “income” and “payment period” for the purposes of section 37;

  • (d) providing for the increase of any amount set out in column 2 of Schedule 1 in case of any increase in the amount of a pension or a supplement, as those terms are defined in section 2 of the Old Age Security Act, as a result of amendments to that Act;

  • (e) respecting the payment of expenses arising out of a person’s participation in a rehabilitation plan or a vocational assistance plan;

  • (f) defining residence and defining intervals of absence from Canada that shall be deemed not to have interrupted residence in Canada for the purposes of sections 33 and 34; and

  • (g) respecting, for the purposes of section 38, what constitutes a permanent and severe impairment, the manner of determining whether a veteran has a permanent and severe impairment and the extent of the permanent and severe impairment.



Marginal note:Non-application of this Part

 This Part does not apply in respect of an injury or a disease, or the aggravation of an injury or a disease, if the injury or disease, or the aggravation, is one for which a pension may be granted under the Pension Act.

Marginal note:Benefit of doubt

 In making a decision under this Part or under section 84, the Minister and any person designated under section 67 shall

  • (a) draw from the circumstances of the case, and any evidence presented to the Minister or person, every reasonable inference in favour of an applicant under this Part or under section 84;

  • (b) accept any uncontradicted evidence presented to the Minister or the person, by the applicant, that the Minister or person considers to be credible in the circumstances; and

  • (c) resolve in favour of the applicant any doubt, in the weighing of the evidence, as to whether the applicant has established a case.

Marginal note:Representation of applicant

 In all proceedings under this Part, an applicant may be represented by a service bureau of a veterans’ organization or, at the applicant’s own expense, by any other representative of the applicant’s choice.

Disability Awards

Marginal note:Eligibility
  •  (1) The Minister may, on application, pay a disability award to a member or a veteran who establishes that they are suffering from a disability resulting from

    • (a) a service-related injury or disease; or

    • (b) a non-service-related injury or disease that was aggravated by service.

  • Marginal note:Compensable fraction

    (2) A disability award may be paid under paragraph (1)(b) only in respect of that fraction of a disability, measured in fifths, that represents the extent to which the injury or disease was aggravated by service.

Marginal note:Consequential injury or disease
  •  (1) An injury or a disease is deemed to be a service-related injury or disease if the injury or disease is, in whole or in part, a consequence of

    • (a) a service-related injury or disease;

    • (b) a non-service-related injury or disease that was aggravated by service;

    • (c) an injury or a disease that is itself a consequence of an injury or a disease described in paragraph (a) or (b); or

    • (d) an injury or a disease that is a consequence of an injury or a disease described in paragraph (c).

  • Marginal note:Compensable fraction

    (2) If a disability results from an injury or a disease that is deemed to be a service-related injury or disease, a disability award may be paid under subsection 45(1) only in respect of that fraction of the disability, measured in fifths, that represents the extent to which that injury or disease is a consequence of another injury or disease that is, or is deemed to be, a service-related injury or disease.

Marginal note:Award for loss of paired organ or limb
  •  (1) The Minister may, on application, pay a disability award to a member or a veteran who has received a disability award under section 45 on account of the loss of, or the permanent loss of the use of, one of their paired organs or limbs if the member or veteran suffers, either before or after that loss or loss of use, the loss of, the permanent loss of the use of or the impairment of the other paired organ or limb from any cause whatever.

  • Marginal note:Extent of disability

    (2) The member’s or veteran’s extent of disability in respect of that other paired organ or limb shall be considered to be 50% of the extent of disability at which the member or veteran would have been assessed at if the loss of, the permanent loss of the use of or the impairment of that paired organ or limb had occurred in circumstances in which a disability award would have been payable under section 45.

Marginal note:Increase in extent of disability
  •  (1) If a member or a veteran to whom a disability award has been paid under section 45 or 47 establishes that their extent of disability has subsequently increased, the Minister may, on application, pay a disability award to the member or veteran that corresponds to the extent of that increase.

  • Marginal note:Compensable fraction

    (2) In the case of a non-service related injury or disease that was aggravated by service, a disability award may be paid under subsection (1) only in respect of that fraction of the disability that has been determined in accord­ance with subsection 45(2).

  • Marginal note:Compensable fraction

    (3) In the case of an injury or a disease that is a consequence of another injury or disease, the disability award may be paid under subsection (1) only in respect of that fraction of the disability that has been determined in accord­ance with subsection 46(2).

Marginal note:Death of member or veteran

 If a member or a veteran dies as a result of an injury or a disease for which a disability award has been paid or would be payable under section 45 and their death occurs more than 30 days after the day on which the injury occurred or the disease was contracted or the injury or disease was aggravated, the member or veteran is deemed to have been assessed, at the time of their death, as having an extent of disability at that time of 100%.

Marginal note:Death of member or veteran — no application made
  •  (1) If a member or a veteran who would have been entitled to a disability award under section 45, 47 or 48 dies before they have applied for the award, the Minister may, on application, pay, in accordance with section 55, to a survivor or a person who was, at the time of the member’s or veteran’s death, a dependent child, the disability award to which the member or veteran, had they lived, would have been entitled under section 45, 47 or 48, as the case may be.

  • Marginal note:Death of member or veteran — application pending

    (2) If a member or a veteran who has made an application for a disability award under section 45, 47 or 48 dies before the Minister has made a decision in respect of the application, the Minister may pay, in accordance with section 55, to a survivor or a person who was, at the time of the member’s or veteran’s death, a dependent child, the disability award to which the member or veteran, had they lived, would have been entitled under section 45, 47 or 48, as the case may be.

  • Marginal note:Rights of survivors and children

    (3) The survivor or child has, in respect of the application referred to in subsection (2), all of the rights that the member or veteran would have had had they lived.

Marginal note:How extent of disability assessed
  •  (1) The assessment of the extent of a disability shall be based on the instructions and a table of disabilities to be made by the Minister for the guidance of persons making those assessments.

  • Marginal note:Statutory Instruments Act does not apply

    (2) The instructions and table of disabilities are exempt from the application of sections 3, 5 and 11 of the Statutory Instruments Act.

Marginal note:Amount of award
  •  (1) Subject to section 54, the amount of a disability award payable in respect of a member or a veteran shall be determined by the formula

    A - B


    is the amount set out in column 3 of Schedule 3 that corresponds to the member’s or veteran’s extent of disability, as set out in column 2 of that Schedule, in respect of the aggregate of all of the member’s or veteran’s disability assessments and deemed disability assessments under this Act; and
    is the amount set out in column 3 of Schedule 3 in respect of the extent of disability set out in column 2 of that Schedule that corresponds to the difference, if any, between
    • (a) the member’s or veteran’s extent of disability, in respect of the aggregate of all of the member’s or veteran’s disability assessments or deemed disability assessments under this Act,


    • (b) the member’s or veteran’s extent of disability for which the disability award is to be paid.

  • Marginal note:Fraction

    (2) For the purpose of determining the extent of disability in subsection (1), if a disability award may be paid only in respect of a fraction of a disability in accordance with subsection 45(2), 46(2) or 48(2) or (3), then only that fraction of the disability shall be taken into account.

  • Marginal note:Reduction of award

    (3) If an amount is paid or payable to a person from a prescribed source in respect of a death or disability for which a disability award is payable, the Minister may reduce the disability award payable to the person by a prescribed amount.

Marginal note:When award payable

 A disability award under section 45, 47 or 48 becomes payable whenever, in the opinion of the Minister, the disability has stabilized.

Marginal note:Maximum disability assessment
  •  (1) For the purposes of section 45, 47 or 48, if a member’s or a veteran’s extent of disability, in respect of the aggregate of all of the member’s or veteran’s disability assessments and deemed disability assessments, exceeds 100%, no disability award shall be granted in respect of any percentage points exceeding 100%.

  • Marginal note:Assessments under Pension Act

    (2) Any disability assessments under the Pension Act shall be taken into account for the purpose of determining whether the extent of disability exceeds 100%.

  • Marginal note:Compensable fraction

    (3) For the purpose of determining the extent of disability, if a disability award may be paid only in respect of a fraction of a disability in accordance with subsection 45(2), 46(2) or 48(2) or (3), or if only a fraction of a disability is pensionable under the Pension Act, then only that fraction of the disability shall be taken into account.

Marginal note:Division of award

 If a disability award is payable to a survivor or a person who was, at the time of a member’s or veteran’s death, a dependent child, the following rules apply:

  • (a) if there is a survivor but no person who was a dependent child, the survivor is entitled to 100% of the disability award;

  • (b) if there is a survivor and one or more persons who were dependent children,

    • (i) the survivor is entitled to 50% of the disability award, and

    • (ii) the persons who were dependent children are entitled, as a class, to 50% of the disability award, divided equally among them; and

  • (c) if there are one or more persons who were dependent children but no survivor, each of those children is entitled to the amount obtained by dividing the disability award by the number of those dependent children.

Marginal note:No award — decision under Pension Act
  •  (1) No disability award shall be granted in respect of an injury or a disease, or the aggravation of an injury or a disease, if the injury or disease, or the aggravation, has been the subject of an application for a pension under the Pension Act and the Minister has rendered a decision in respect of the application.

  • Marginal note:No award — inseparable for purpose of assessment

    (2) No disability award shall be granted in respect of an injury or a disease, or the aggravation of an injury or a disease, if the Minister determines that the injury or disease, or the aggravation, is inseparable — for the purpose of assessing the extent of disability — from an injury or a disease, or the aggravation of an injury or a disease, for which a pension has been granted under the Pension Act.

Death Benefit

Marginal note:Eligibility — service-related injury or disease
  •  (1) The Minister may, on application, pay, in accordance with section 59, a death benefit to a member’s survivor or a person who was, at the time of the member’s death, a dependent child if

    • (a) the member dies as a result of a service-related injury or disease; and

    • (b) the member’s death occurs within 30 days after the day on which the injury occurred or the disease was contracted.

  • Marginal note:Eligibility — injury or disease aggravated by service

    (2) The Minister may, on application, pay, in accordance with section 59, a death benefit to a member’s survivor or a person who was, at the time of the member’s death, a dependent child if

    • (a) the member dies as a result of a non-service-related injury or disease that was aggravated by service; and

    • (b) the member’s death occurs within 30 days after the day on which the injury or disease was aggravated.

Marginal note:Amount of benefit
  •  (1) The amount of the death benefit payable in respect of a member shall be the amount set out in column 2 of item 3 of Schedule 2.

  • Marginal note:Reduction of benefit

    (2) If an amount is paid or payable to a person from a prescribed source in respect of a death for which a death benefit is payable, the Minister may reduce the death benefit payable to the person by a prescribed amount.

Marginal note:Division of benefit

 If a death benefit is payable to a survivor or a person who was, at the time of a member’s death, a dependent child, the following rules apply:

  • (a) if there is a survivor but no person who was a dependent child, the survivor is entitled to 100% of the death benefit;

  • (b) if there is a survivor and one or more persons who were dependent children,

    • (i) the survivor is entitled to 50% of the death benefit, and

    • (ii) the persons who were dependent children are entitled, as a class, to 50% of the death benefit, divided equally among them; and

  • (c) if there are one or more persons who were dependent children but no survivor, each of those children is entitled to the amount obtained by dividing the death benefit by the number of those dependent children.

Clothing Allowance

Marginal note:Allowance — amputation
  •  (1) The Minister may, on application, pay to a member or a veteran who has received a disability award on account of an amputation of their leg at or above a Symes’ amputation a clothing allowance in respect of each such amputation that causes wear and tear of clothing.

  • Marginal note:Allowance — amputation

    (2) The Minister may, on application, pay to a member or a veteran who has received a disability award on account of an amputation of the arm at or above the wrist a clothing allowance in respect of each such amputation that causes wear and tear of clothing.

  • Marginal note:Allowance — two amputations

    (3) If a member or a veteran has received a disability award on account of two amputations of a kind described in subsection (1) or (2), the Minister may, on application, in addition to the allowances that may be payable under that subsection, pay a clothing allowance in respect of the second amputation equal to 50% of the allowance payable in respect of that amputation.

  • Marginal note:Allowance — other disabilities

    (4) If a member or a veteran has received a disability award for a disability other than a disability described in subsection (1) or (2) that causes wear and tear of clothing, the Minister may, on application, pay a clothing allowance.

  • Marginal note:Specially made wearing apparel

    (5) If a member or a veteran has received a disability award for a disability that requires the wearing of specially made apparel, the Minister may, on application, in addition to any other allowance that may be payable under this section, pay a clothing allowance on account of the purchase of the apparel.

Marginal note:Amount of allowance

 Subject to subsection 60(3), the Minister shall determine the amount of each clothing allowance that may be paid to a member or a veteran in a year, which shall not be greater than the amount set out in column 2 of item 4 of Schedule 2.

Marginal note:When allowance payable

 The clothing allowance under subsections 60(1) to (5) begins to be payable on the later of

  • (a) the day on which the application for the allowance was made, and

  • (b) the day that is one year prior to the day on which the payment of the allowance is approved.


Marginal note:Governor in Council

 The Governor in Council may make regulations respecting the rules of evidence and evidentiary presumptions relating to applications for a disability award or a death benefit under this Part.

Detention Benefit

Marginal note:Eligibility
  •  (1) Subject to subsection (5), the Minister may, on application, pay a detention benefit to a member or a veteran, who, while serving with the Canadian Forces, was detained by a power, for the period spent in detention.

  • Definition of “power”

    (2) In this section, “power” means

    • (a) an enemy or an opposing force of Canada;

    • (b) a person or a group that has as one of its purposes or activities the facilitating or carrying out of a terrorist activity; and

    • (c) any prescribed entity.

  • Marginal note:Period evading capture or escaping

    (3) For the purposes of subsection (1), the period spent in detention includes the period during which the member or veteran was engaged in evading capture by, or in escaping from, any power.

  • Marginal note:Amount of benefit

    (4) The Governor in Council may make regulations prescribing the amount of the detention benefit.

  • Marginal note:Restriction

    (5) No detention benefit is payable under this section in respect of a period spent in detention if the period began before the coming into force of this section.

Marginal note:Death of member or veteran — no application made
  •  (1) If a member or a veteran who would have been entitled to a detention benefit under section 64 dies before they have applied for the benefit, the Minister may, on application, pay to their testamentary estate or testamentary succession the detention benefit to which the member or veteran, had they lived, would have been entitled under that section.

  • Marginal note:Death of member or veteran — application pending

    (2) If a member or a veteran who has made an application for a detention benefit under section 64 dies before the Minister has made a decision in respect of the application, the Minister may pay to their testamentary estate or testamentary succession the detention benefit to which the member or veteran, had they lived, would have been entitled under that section.

  • Marginal note:Rights of estate or succession

    (3) The testamentary estate or testamentary succession has, in respect of the application referred to in subsection (2), all of the rights that the member or veteran would have had had they lived.


Health Benefits

Marginal note:Group insurance program
  •  (1) The Minister may

    • (a) establish or enter into a contract to acquire a group insurance program compa­rable to the Public Service Health Care Plan established by the Treasury Board;

    • (b) subject to the approval of the Treasury Board, set any terms and conditions in respect of the program, including those respecting the premiums or the contributions payable, the benefits and the management and control of the program;

    • (c) make the contributions and pay the premiums or the benefits, as required; and

    • (d) undertake and do all things that the Minister considers appropriate for the purpose of implementing and maintaining the program.

  • Marginal note:Eligibility

    (2) A member, a veteran or a member’s or a veteran’s survivor may elect to participate in a group insurance program referred to in subsection (1) if they meet the prescribed eligibility requirements.


Marginal note:Designation by Minister
  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), the Minister may designate any person to exercise any power or perform any duty or function that may be exercised or performed by the Minister under this Act.

  • Marginal note:Limitation

    (2) If the Minister designates a person to make a decision under this Act, the Minister may not designate the same person to review the decision.

Definition of “conditions of elevated risk”

 In paragraphs 69(1)(c) and 70(1)(c), “conditions of elevated risk” means a level of risk higher than that normally associated with service in peacetime.

Marginal note:Special duty areas
  •  (1) The Minister of National Defence, after consulting the Minister, may by order designate an area as a special duty area if

    • (a) the area is outside Canada;

    • (b) members have been deployed, or will be deployed, to that area as part of an operation of a type referred to in section 71; and

    • (c) the Minister of National Defence is of the opinion that that deployment has exposed, or may expose, those members to conditions of elevated risk.

  • Marginal note:Period of designation

    (2) The designation takes effect on the day on which the order is made, or on any earlier day — but not earlier than January 1, 1949 — or on any later day that may be fixed by the order. The order may fix a day on which the designation ceases to be in effect.

Marginal note:Special duty operations
  •  (1) The Minister of National Defence, after consulting the Minister, may by order designate as a special duty operation any operation, or any component of it, if

    • (a) the operation is of a type referred to in section 71;

    • (b) members have been deployed, or will be deployed, as part of that operation; and

    • (c) the Minister of National Defence is of the opinion that that deployment has exposed, or may expose, those members to conditions of elevated risk.

  • Marginal note:Period of designation

    (2) The designation takes effect on the day on which the order is made, or on any earlier day — but not earlier than September 11, 2001 — or on any later day that may be fixed by the order. The order may fix a day on which the designation ceases to be in effect.

Marginal note:Types of operations

 For the purposes of paragraphs 69(1)(b) and 70(1)(a), the types of operations are as follows:

  • (a) an armed conflict;

  • (b) an operation authorized under the Charter of the United Nations, the North Atlantic Treaty, the North American Aerospace Defence Command Agreement or any other similar treaty instrument;

  • (c) an international or a multinational military operation;

  • (d) an operation authorized to deal with a national emergency, as that term is defined in section 3 of the Emergencies Act, in respect of which a declaration of emergency is made under that Act;

  • (e) an operation authorized under section 273.6 or Part VI of the National Defence Act, or other similar operation authorized by the Governor in Council;

  • (f) an operation that, in the opinion of the Minister of National Defence, is a search and rescue operation;

  • (g) an operation that, in the opinion of the Minister of National Defence, is a disaster relief operation;

  • (h) an operation that, in the opinion of the Minister of National Defence, is a counter-terrorism operation; and

  • (i) an operation involving a level of risk that, in the opinion of the Minister of National Defence, is comparable to that normally associated with an operation referred to in paragraphs (a) to (e).

Marginal note:Statutory Instruments Act does not apply

 Sections 3, 5 and 11 of the Statutory Instruments Act do not apply in respect of an order made under section 69 or 70.

Powers of Minister

Marginal note:Examination or assessment

 The Minister may require a person who applies for rehabilitation services or compensation under this Act to undergo a medical examination or an assessment by a person specified by the Minister.

Marginal note:Expenses
  •  (1) The Minister may pay to a person who undergoes the medical examination or the assessment a reasonable amount for their travel and living expenses incurred by reason of the medical examination or the assessment.

  • Marginal note:Regulations

    (2) The Governor in Council may make regulations respecting the payment of those expenses.

Marginal note:Fees

 A person who, at the request of the Minister, conducts a medical examination or performs an assessment for the purposes of this Act is entitled to be paid the fee that may be fixed by the Minister.


Marginal note:Application made to Minister
  •  (1) An application for job placement assistance services, rehabilitation services, vocational assistance or compensation under this Act shall be made to the Minister in the form directed by the Minister and shall include any information that is required by the regulations to accompany the application.

  • Marginal note:Consideration of application

    (2) Subject to subsection (3), the Minister shall consider an application without delay after its receipt and, in considering the application, may

    • (a) investigate the facts stated in the application and any other matter related to the application; and

    • (b) collect any material and information relevant to the application.

  • Marginal note:Refusal to consider

    (3) If a time is prescribed for making an application, the Minister shall refuse to consider an application made after that time unless the Minister is of the opinion that the reasons for the delay are reasonable in the circumstances.

Marginal note:Decisions shall be made expeditiously

 Any decisions of the Minister or a person designated under section 67 shall be made as informally and expeditiously as the circumstances and considerations of fairness permit.

Marginal note:Powers under Inquiries Act
  •  (1) The Minister has all the powers of a commissioner appointed under Part I of the Inquiries Act for the purpose of carrying out the functions of the Minister under this Act.

  • Marginal note:Administering oaths, etc.

    (2) Any officer or employee of the Department of Veterans Affairs authorized by the Minister may, in the course of their employment or service, administer oaths and take and receive affidavits, declarations and solemn affirmations for the purpose of or incidental to the administration of this Act, and every person so authorized has, with respect to any such oath, affidavit, declaration or affirmation, all the powers of a commissioner for administering oaths or taking affidavits.

  • Marginal note:Acceptance of oaths, etc.

    (3) The Minister may accept, for the purpose of the administration of this Act, any oath administered or any affidavit, declaration or solemn affirmation taken or received by any person who has the powers of a commissioner for taking affidavits and who is an officer or an employee of

    • (a) a department in, or other portion of, the federal public administration specified in Schedules I, IV or V to the Financial Administration Act; or

    • (b) a department of the government of a province.


Marginal note:Right to inspect records, etc.
  •  (1) Any person described in subsection (2) or (3) may, for the purpose of preparing an application under this Act or deciding whether or not to prepare an application, inspect

    • (a) the service and medical records of a member or a veteran;

    • (b) the Department of Veterans Affairs’ records relating to an application made under this Act; and

    • (c) all material relating to an application referred to in paragraph (b).

  • Marginal note:Persons who have right to inspect records, etc.

    (2) The right to inspect under subsection (1) applies to any person who is

    • (a) an applicant or a representative of the applicant;

    • (b) a qualified health professional who is consulted by the applicant or by a represent­ative of the applicant; and

    • (c) an officer or employee of the federal public administration whose duties require the inspection of those records or that material.

  • Marginal note:Veterans’ organizations

    (3) A representative of a veterans’ organization incorporated by or under an Act of Parliament who is consulted by an applicant or by a representative of the applicant has the right to inspect for the purpose of preparing an application or deciding whether or not to prepare an application under Part 3.

Sharing of Information

Marginal note:Information that shall be made available to Minister

 Personal information held by a government institution, as defined in section 3 of the Privacy Act shall, if requested by the Minister, be made available to the Minister for the purposes of this Act.

Marginal note:Information that Minister may disclose

 Personal information that has been collected or obtained by the Minister in the administration of this Act may be disclosed by the Minister

  • (a) to any person or body, to the extent that the disclosure is necessary in order for the Minister to obtain from that person or body information that the Minister requires for the administration of this Act or any other enactment administered by the Minister;

  • (b) to any officer or employee of the Department of Veterans Affairs, to the extent that the disclosure is required for the administration of this Act or any other enactment administered by the Minister;

  • (c) to any person or body, to the extent that the disclosure is required for the purpose of obtaining a payment that is due to Canada by

    • (i) the United Nations, or

    • (ii) another international organization or another country, pursuant to an international agreement;

  • (d) to the Department of Human Resources Development, to the extent that the disclosure is required for the administration of the Old Age Security Act or the Canada Pension Plan; and

  • (e) to the Correctional Service of Canada, to the extent that the disclosure is required for the administration of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act.

Marginal note:Social Insurance Number

 The Minister may, for the purpose of determining whether a person has a right to receive an earnings loss benefit or a Canadian Forces income support benefit under this Act,

  • (a) collect the person’s Social Insurance Number; and

  • (b) disclose that person’s Social Insurance Number to any department or agency of the Government of Canada.


Marginal note:Review of decisions under Part 2

 Subject to the regulations, the Minister may, on application or on the Minister’s own motion, review a decision under Part 2 or under this section.

Marginal note:Review of decisions under Part 3

 The Minister may, on the Minister’s own motion, review a decision under Part 3 and may either confirm the decision or amend or rescind it if the Minister determines that there was an error with respect to any finding of fact or the interpretation of any law, or may do so, on application, if new evidence is presented to the Minister.

Marginal note:Review by Board

 An applicant who is dissatisfied with a decision made by the Minister under Part 3 or under section 84 may apply to the Board for a review of the decision.

Marginal note:Permission of Board required

 The Minister may not consider an application made under Part 3 or under section 84 that has already been the subject of a determination by the Board unless

  • (a) the applicant has obtained the permission of the Board; or

  • (b) the Board has referred the application to the Minister for reconsideration.

Marginal note:Representation of applicant

 In all proceedings under section 84 or 85, an applicant may be represented by a service bureau of a veterans’ organization or, at the applicant’s own expense, by any other representative of the applicant’s choice.


Definition of “overpayment”

  •  (1) In this section, “overpayment” means any compensation, or a part of it, that was paid to a person or their estate or succession and to which the person or the estate or succession had no entitlement.

  • Marginal note:Recovery of overpayment

    (2) If, through any cause, an overpayment is paid to a person or their estate or succession, the overpayment is a debt due to Her Majesty by the person or by their estate or succession, and may be recovered

    • (a) by deduction from any future payments made under this Act to the person or their estate or succession;

    • (b) in accordance with section 155 of the Financial Administration Act; or

    • (c) by proceedings in any court of competent jurisdiction.

  • Marginal note:Remission of overpayment

    (3) If a person or their estate or succession has received or obtained an overpayment, the Minister may, unless that person or the executor of the estate or the liquidator of the succession has been convicted of an offence under the Criminal Code in connection with the receiving or obtaining of the overpayment, remit all or any portion of the overpayment if the Minister is satisfied that

    • (a) the overpayment cannot be recovered within the reasonably foreseeable future;

    • (b) the administrative costs of recovering the overpayment are likely to equal or exceed the amount to be recovered;

    • (c) the repayment of the overpayment would cause undue hardship to the person or a beneficiary; or

    • (d) the overpayment is the result of an administrative error, a delay or an oversight on the part of an officer or employee of the federal public administration.

  • Marginal note:Erroneous payments of benefits or allowances

    (4) Despite anything in this Act, the Minister may continue the payment of an earnings loss benefit, a Canadian Forces income support benefit, a permanent impairment allowance or a clothing allowance, in whole or in part, to a person who is not entitled to it, or not entitled to a portion of it, if

    • (a) the amount paid to the person to which the person was not entitled is the result of an administrative error, a delay or an oversight on the part of an officer or employee of the federal public administration and has been remitted under paragraph (3)(d);

    • (b) no part of the amount paid to the person to which the person was not entitled was the result of a misrepresentation or of concealment of a material fact on the part of the person, in the opinion of the Minister;

    • (c) the cancellation or reduction of the benefit or allowance would, in the opinion of the Minister, cause undue hardship to the person; and

    • (d) the benefit or allowance has been paid to the person for five years or more.

  • Marginal note:Recovery of overpayments

    (5) If a person retains any amount of a member’s or a veteran’s compensation paid after the member’s or veteran’s death and to which the member or veteran was not entitled, that amount may be deducted from any compensation paid to that person.


Marginal note:Not to be assigned or charged
  •  (1) No compensation payable under this Act shall be assigned, charged, attached, anticipated, commuted or given as security.

  • Marginal note:Exemption from seizure and execution

    (2) Compensation payable under this Act is exempt from seizure and execution, either at law or in equity.

Marginal note:No interest payable

 No interest shall be paid in respect of any compensation that is payable under this Act.

Marginal note:Immunity

 No action or other proceeding lies against any person by reason of anything done or said in good faith in any proceedings before the Minister or in any report of any medical examination or any assessment made for the purposes of this Act by any officer or employee of the Department of Veterans Affairs or by any other person at the request of the Minister.

Definition of “action”

  •  (1) In this section, “action” means any action or other proceeding brought by or on behalf of a member, a veteran, a member’s or a veteran’s survivor, a member’s or a veteran’s orphan or a person who was, at the time of the member’s or veteran’s death, a dependent child, against Her Majesty in which damages are claimed in respect of any injury, death, damage or loss for which compensation may be claimed under this Act.

  • Marginal note:Stay of action against Crown until compensation refused

    (2) An action that is not barred by virtue of section 9 of the Crown Liability and Proceedings Act shall, on application, be stayed until an application for compensation has been made under this Act, in respect of the same injury, death, damage or loss in respect of which the claim has been made, and pursued in good faith by or on behalf of the person by whom, or on whose behalf, the action was brought, and,

    • (a) in the case of an application that may be made under Part 2, a final decision to the effect that no compensation may be paid has been made under section 83 in respect of the application; and

    • (b) in the case of an application that may be made under Part 3, a decision to the effect that no compensation may be paid to or in respect of that person in respect of the same injury, death, damage or loss has been affirmed by an appeal panel of the Board in accordance with the Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act.

Marginal note:Certificates as evidence
  •  (1) In any trial, prosecution or other proceeding, a certificate purporting to be signed by the Minister and setting out the amount of any compensation obtained and the portion of the compensation that remains unrepaid or unrecovered as of any day is evidence of the amount of the compensation obtained and the portion of the compensation that remains unrepaid or unrecovered as of that day without proof of the signature or official character of any person appearing to have signed the certificate and without further proof of the certificate.

  • Marginal note:Documents as evidence

    (2) In any trial, prosecution or other proceeding, a document purporting to be an adjudication of the Minister or the Board is evidence of the facts stated in the document without proof of the signature or official character of any person appearing to have signed the document and without further proof of the document.


Marginal note:Governor in Council

 The Governor in Council may make regulations

  • (a) respecting the time and manner of making an application for job placement assistance services, rehabilitation services, vocational assistance or compensation under this Act, and respecting the information that is required to accompany the application;

  • (b) respecting the time and manner of payment of compensation under this Act;

  • (c) providing for the periodic adjustment of the amounts set out in Schedules 1 to 3;

  • (d) providing for the payment or the reimbursement of fees for financial advice;

  • (e) respecting the provision of information or documents to the Minister by persons who are in receipt of job placement assistance services, rehabilitation services, vocational assistance, an earnings loss benefit, a Canadian Forces income support benefit, a permanent impairment allowance or a clothing allowance under this Act, and authorizing the Minister to suspend delivery of the services or assistance or payment of the benefit or allowance until the information or documents are provided;

  • (f) respecting the procedure to be followed by the Minister in suspending or cancelling rehabilitation services, vocational assistance or payment of compensation;

  • (g) providing for a review of any decisions made under Part 2 and under section 83, including the grounds for review, the powers on review and the number of reviews;

  • (h) respecting the time and manner of making an application for a review under sections 83 and 84;

  • (i) respecting the processes and procedures to be followed by the Minister in making decisions under this Act;

  • (j) prescribing any matter required or authorized by this Act to be prescribed; and

  • (k) generally, for carrying out the purposes and provisions of this Act.


Transitional Provisions

Marginal note:Limitation

 Sections 12, 22, 29 to 31 and 57 do not apply in respect of a member’s or veteran’s survivor or orphan, or a person who was, at the time of the member’s death, a dependent child, if the member’s or veteran’s death occurred before the coming into force of this section.

Marginal note:Effect of Special Duty Area Pension Order

 The Special Duty Area Pension Order continued by subsection 5(1) of An Act to amend the Pension Act and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act, chapter 12 of the Statutes of Canada, 2003, has effect as if it were made under section 69.

Marginal note:Effect of designations under Pension Act

 The designations made under section 91.2 or 91.3 of the Pension Act, as those sections read immediately before the coming into force of sections 69 and 70 of this Act, have effect as if they were made under section 69 or 70 of this Act, respectively.

Marginal note:Adjustment of Schedule 1
  •  (1) On the coming into force of this section, the amounts set out in column 2 of Schedule 1 to this Act shall be adjusted in accordance with sections 19 to 22 of the War Veterans Allowance Act, for the period beginning on April 1, 2005 and ending on the day on which this section comes into force, as if they were amounts set out in column II of the schedule to that Act.

  • Marginal note:Adjustment of Schedule 2

    (2) On the coming into force of this section, the amount set out in column 2 of item 4 of Schedule 2 to this Act shall be adjusted in accordance with sections 74 to 77 of the Pension Act, for the period beginning on April 1, 2005 and ending on the day on which this section comes into force, as if it were an amount set out in Schedule III to that Act.

  • Marginal note:Adjustment of classes 21 to 24 of Schedule 3

    (3) On the coming into force of this section, the amounts set out in column 3 of Schedule 3 to this Act in respect of classes 21 to 24 shall be adjusted in accordance with sections 74 to 77 of the Pension Act, for the period beginning on April 1, 2005 and ending on the day on which this section comes into force, as if they were amounts set out in Schedule I to that Act.

Related Amendments

R.S., c. C-28; 1990, c. 43, s. 43Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act

  •  (1) The definition ministre in section 2 of the French version of the Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act is replaced by the following:

    « ministre »


    ministre Le ministre des Anciens Combattants.

  • (2) The definition “student” in section 2 of the Act is amended by striking out the word “or” at the end of paragraph (c) and by adding the following after paragraph (d):

    • (e) a child of a member or a veteran, as those terms are defined in subsection 2(1) of the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act, if the member or veteran dies

      • (i) of an injury or a disease that was attributable to or was incurred during special duty service or arose out of or was directly connected with service in the Canadian Forces, within the meaning of that Act, or

      • (ii) of an injury or a disease that was aggravated, if the aggravation was attribut­able to or was incurred during special duty service or arose out of or was directly connected to service in the Canadian Forces, within the meaning of that Act, or

    • (f) a child of a member or a veteran, as those terms are defined in subsection 2(1) of the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act, if

      • (i) the member or veteran is deceased,

      • (ii) a disability award has been granted under that Act in respect of the member or veteran, and

      • (iii) the member’s or veteran’s extent of disability, in respect of the aggregate of all of the member’s or veteran’s disability assessments under that Act and, if appli­cable, the Pension Act, is equal to or greater than the lowest extent of disability set out in column 2 of Schedule 3 to the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act in respect of class 11.

R.S., c. V-1; 2000, c. 34, par. 95(a)(F)Department of Veterans Affairs Act

 Paragraph 5(g.1) of the Department of Veterans Affairs Act is amended by adding the following after subparagraph (i):

R.S., c. 1 (5th Supp.)Income Tax Act

 Subsection 6(1) of the Income Tax Act is amended by adding the following after paragraph (f):

  • Marginal note:Canadian Forces members and veterans income replacement benefits

    (f.1) the total of all amounts received by the taxpayer in the year on account of an earnings loss benefit, a supplementary retirement benefit or a permanent impairment allowance payable to the taxpayer under Part 2 of the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act;

 Subsection 81(1) of the Act is amended by adding the following after paragraph (d):

  • Marginal note:Canadian Forces members and veterans amounts

    (d.1) the total of all amounts received by the taxpayer in the year on account of a Canadian Forces income support benefit payable to the taxpayer under Part 2 of the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act or on account of a disability award, death benefit, clothing allowance or detention benefit payable to the taxpayer under Part 3 of that Act;

 Subparagraph 241(4)(d)(viii) of the Act is replaced by the following:

2003, c. 14Injured Military Members Compensation Act

 Paragraph 13(a) of the Injured Military Members Compensation Act is replaced by the following:

R.S., c. P-6Pension Act

Marginal note:2003, c. 12, s. 1(2)(F) and (3)(E), c. 27, s. 7(F)

 The definition “special duty service” in subsection 3(1) of the Pension Act is replaced by the following:

“special duty service”

« service spécial »

“special duty service” has the same meaning as in subsection 2(1) of the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act.

 The Act is amended by adding the following after section 3:


Marginal note:No award payable
  • 3.1 (1) Despite any other provision of this Act, no award is payable under this Act in respect of any application made by or in respect of a member of the forces after the coming into force of section 42 of the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act unless

    • (a) the application is in respect of a disability for which a pension has been granted or is an application under section 36 in respect of such a disability;

    • (b) the application is in respect of the death of a member of the forces, if the death occurred before the coming into force of section 42 of the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act or is the result of an injury or a disease, or the aggravation of an injury or a disease, for which a pension has been granted;

    • (c) the application is in respect of an injury or a disease that was attributable to or was incurred during, or arose out of or was directly connected to, service in the Canadian Forces on or before April 1, 1947, or was attributable to or was incurred during service in the Korean War or is an application under subsection 21(5) in respect of such an injury or a disease;

    • (d) the application is in respect of an aggravation of an injury or disease, if the aggravation was attributable to or was incurred during, or arose out of or was directly connected to, service in the Canadian Forces on or before April 1, 1947 or was attributable to or was incurred during service in the Korean War or is an application under subsection 21(5) in respect of such an aggravation;

    • (e) the Minister has determined under the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act that the injury or disease, or the aggravation of the injury or disease, for which the application is made is inseparable — for the purpose of assessing the extent of disability — from an injury or a disease, or the aggravation of an injury or a disease, for which a pension has been granted; or

    • (f) the application is made under section 38 by a pensioner.

  • Marginal note:Exception

    (2) Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of an application for compensation made under Part III.1 if the application relates to a period spent as a prisoner of war that began before the coming into force of section 64 of the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act.

 Section 35 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (1):

  • Marginal note:Maximum disability assessment

    (1.1) Despite anything in this Act, if the extent of disability of a member of the forces, in respect of the aggregate of all of the member’s disability assessments, exceeds 100%, no pension shall be paid in respect of any percentage points exceeding 100%.

  • Marginal note:Assessments under Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensa-tion Act

    (1.2) Any disability assessments under the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act shall be taken into account for the purpose of determining whether the extent of disability exceeds 100%.

Marginal note:2003, c. 12, s. 3

 Sections 91.1 to 91.5 of the Act are repealed.

R.S., c. R-11Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act

Marginal note:2003, c. 12, s. 4
  •  (1) Subsection 32.1(1) of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act is replaced by the following:

    Marginal note:Service in special duty area
    • 32.1 (1) An award in accordance with the Pension Act shall be granted to or in respect of a member of the Force who is disabled or dies as a result of an injury or disease or an aggravation thereof that was attributable to or was incurred during special duty service as defined in subsection (2), as though that member of the Force were a member of the Canadian Forces in special duty service within the meaning of the Pension Act and section 3.1 of that Act were not in force.

  • Marginal note:2003, c.12, s. 4

    (2) The portion of subsection 32.1(2) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

    • Definition of “special duty service”

      (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), “special duty service” means service as a member of the Force in a special duty area designated under section 32.12 of this Act or under section 69 of the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act during the period in which that designation is in effect, or service as a member of the Force as part of a special duty operation designated under section 32.13 of this Act or under section 70 of that Act during the period in which that designation is in effect, and includes

1995, c. 18Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act

 Section 18 of the Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act is replaced by the following:

Marginal note:Exclusive jurisdiction

18. The Board has full and exclusive juris­diction to hear, determine and deal with all applications for review that may be made to the Board under the Pension Act or the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act, and all matters related to those applications.

Marginal note:1999, c. 10, s. 38; 2000, c. 34, s. 66(F)

 Subsection 19(2) of the Act is replaced by the following:

  • Marginal note:Refusal to establish review panel

    (2) The Chairperson, or any member to whom the Chairperson has delegated the authority, may refuse to establish a review panel to hear an application for review of a decision concerning the amount of an award under the Pension Act, or the amount of a disability award, a death benefit, a clothing allowance or a detention benefit under Part 3 of the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act, if the Chairperson or member, as the case may be, considers the application to be such that no reasonable review panel could dispose of it in a manner favourable to the applicant.

 Section 30 of the Act is replaced by the following:

Marginal note:Questions of interpretation

30. Where the appellant raises a question of interpretation relating to this Act, to the Pension Act, to Part 3 of the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act, to any other Act of Parliament pursuant to which an appeal may be taken to the Board or to any regulations made under any such Act and the appeal panel is of the opinion that the question is not trivial, frivolous or vexatious, it shall notify the prescribed persons or organizations and give them an opportunity to present argument on the question before it makes its decision.

 Subsection 37(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Marginal note:Questions of interpretation
  • 37. (1) The Minister, the Chief Pensions Advocate, any veterans’ organization incorporated by or under an Act of Parliament or any interested person may refer to the Board for a hearing and decision on any question of interpretation relating to this Act, to the Pension Act, to Part 3 of the Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act, to any other Act of Parliament pursuant to which an appeal may be taken to the Board or to any regulations made under any such Act.

Public Service Employment Act

Marginal note:2003, c. 22

 The Public Service Employment Act, as enacted by section 12 of the Public Service Modernization Act, chapter 22 of the Statutes of Canada, 2003, is amended by adding the following after section 35:

Marginal note:Mobility — members of the Canadian Forces
  • 35.1 (1) A member of the Canadian Forces

    • (a) may participate in an advertised internal appointment process for which the organizational criterion established under section 34 entitles members of the Canadian Forces to be considered, as long as the member meets the other criteria, if any, established under that section; and

    • (b) has the right to make a complaint under section 77.

  • Marginal note:Deemed employment in public service

    (2) A member who participates in a process referred to in subsection (1) is, for the purpose of the process, deemed to be a person employed in the public service.

  • Definition of “member”

    (3) In this section, “member” means a person who is enrolled in the Canadian Forces.

Coordinating Amendment

Marginal note:Bill C-22

 If Bill C-22, introduced in the 1st Session of the 38th Parliament and entitled the Department of Social Development Act (the “other Act”), receives royal assent, then, on the later of the coming into force of section 81 of this Act and section 3 of the other Act, paragraph 81(d) of this Act is replaced by the following:

Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

 This Act, other than section 116, comes into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

SCHEDULE 1(Section 37, paragraphs 41(d) and 94(c) and subsection 98(1))CANADIAN FORCES INCOME SUPPORT BENEFIT

Column 1Column 2
ItemDescription ($)
2.Veteran having a spouse or a common-law partner, an additional586.85
3.Veteran having one or more dependent children, in respect of each dependent child, an additional283.07

SCHEDULE 2(Subsections 38(2) and 58(1), section 61, paragraph 94(c) and subsection 98(2))ALLOWANCES AND BENEFITS

Column 1Column 2
ItemAllowance or BenefitAmount ($)
1.Minimum permanent impairment allowance    6,000.00 (yearly)
2.Maximum permanent impairment allowance 18,000.00 (yearly)
3.Death benefit250,000.00 (lump sum)
4.Clothing allowance 1,823.88 (yearly)

SCHEDULE 3(Subsection 52(1), paragraph 94(c) and subsection 98(3))DISABILITY AWARD

Column 1Column 2Column 3
Extent of DisabilityLump Sum Amount
Class(%) ($)
19 8-1225,000.00
20 5-712,500.00
21 42,617.96
22 31,963.48
23 21,308.97
24 1654.49

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