Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Licensed Dealers for Controlled Drugs and Narcotics (Veterinary Use) Fees Regulations

Version of section 1 from 2019-12-09 to 2025-01-22:

Marginal note:Definitions

 The definitions in this section apply in these Regulations.

controlled drug

controlled drug has the same meaning as in section G.01.001 of the Food and Drug Regulations. (drogue contrôlée)

dealer’s licence

dealer’s licence means

dealer’s licence for controlled drugs

dealer’s licence for controlled drugs[Repealed, SOR/2011-83, s. 2]

dealer’s licence for narcotics

dealer’s licence for narcotics[Repealed, SOR/2011-83, s. 2]


narcotic has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Narcotic Control Regulations. (stupéfiant )


package/label means to put a controlled drug or narcotic in its immediate container or to affix the inner or outer label to the controlled drug or narcotic. (emballer-étiqueter)


sell includes offer for sale, expose for sale, have in possession for sale and distribute, whether or not the distribution is made for consideration. (vente)


site means

  • (a) a building specified in a dealer’s licence and located more than one kilometre from any other building specified in the licence; or

  • (b) more than one building specified in a dealer’s licence, all of which are located within one kilometre of each other. (site)

  • SOR/2011-83, s. 2
  • SOR/2018-69, s. 82
  • SOR/2019-172, s. 1

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