Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canadian Aviation Regulations

Version of section 604.58 from 2019-05-15 to 2025-02-04:

 No person shall file a flight plan indicating that an aircraft operated by a private operator can be operated in accordance with required navigation performance 4 (RNP 4) requirements unless

  • (a) the private operator is authorized under a special authorization to operate the aircraft in accordance with RNP 4 requirements;

  • (b) every flight crew member has received the training referred to in paragraph 604.60(b), and the validity period for that training has not expired;

  • (c) the aircraft meets one of the following eligibility requirements:

    • (i) the aircraft flight manual or the pilot operating handbook, or any equivalent document provided by the manufacturer of the avionics equipment or by the aircraft manufacturer, specifies that the aircraft can be operated in accordance with RNP 4 requirements,

    • (ii) the aircraft can be operated in accordance with another navigation standard with performance criteria that are equivalent to RNP 4 requirements, or

    • (iii) the private operator has demonstrated to the Minister that the aircraft meets the navigational accuracy requirements for RNP 4;

  • (d) the aircraft is equipped with the navigation equipment referred to in sections and of Chapter 1 of Part C of Volume II of the PBN Manual;

  • (e) the equipment referred to in paragraph (d) meets the standards, criteria and functional requirements set out in sections to of Chapter 1 of Part C of Volume II of the PBN Manual; and

  • (f) the private operator applies the processes, practices and procedures relating to the duties and practices set out in sections to and 1.3.6 of Chapter 1 of Part C of Volume II of the PBN Manual.

  • SOR/2014-131, s. 18
  • SOR/2019-122, s. 10(F)

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