Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Pari-Mutuel Betting Supervision Regulations

Version of section 90 from 2017-02-02 to 2025-01-22:

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), an association that proposes to conduct inter-track betting or separate pool betting at its race-course, whether as a pool host or a satellite track, shall

    • (a) be in possession of an approval issued by the appropriate Commission to conduct 10 or more days of racing for the year;

    • (b) apply each year in writing to the Executive Director for authorization to conduct the inter-track or separate pool betting and include in the application the following information regarding the conduct of the betting by the associations referred to in paragraph (c):

      • (i) the types of bets that are proposed to be offered,

      • (ii) the legal percentages that are to be deducted from each pool that is proposed to be offered by each association, and

      • (iii) the method of calculation that is proposed to be used by the associations for each combined pool; and

    • (c) provide the Executive Director with evidence of a signed agreement between the association and another association for the conduct of inter-track betting or separate pool betting, as the case may be.

    • (d) [Repealed, SOR/2011-169, s. 49]

  • (2) An association that proposes to conduct inter-track betting or separate pool betting at its race-course as a pool host or a satellite track by combining the money bet on pools in a foreign country with the money bet on the corresponding pools at its race-course shall

    • (a) be in possession of an approval issued by the appropriate Commission to conduct 10 or more days of racing for the year;

    • (b) apply each year in writing to the Executive Director for authorization to conduct the inter-track betting and include in the application

      • (i) the name and address of the organization conducting the foreign betting and of the governing body that regulates that betting,

      • (ii) the types of bets that are proposed to be offered,

      • (iii) the legal percentages that are to be deducted from each pool that is proposed to be offered by the association,

      • (iv) the percentage that is to be deducted from each pool that is proposed to be offered by the organization, and

      • (v) the method of calculation that is proposed to be used by the association and the organization for each combined pool; and

    • (c) provide the Executive Director with evidence of a signed agreement between the association and the organization conducting the foreign betting.

  • (3) If the association already has an authorization for the previous year to conduct the inter-track betting or separate pool betting as a pool host or a satellite track, in accordance with subsection (1) or (2), the association may provide the Executive Director with a statement, in writing, confirming that the information submitted in its previous year’s application in respect of that authorization remains unchanged.

  • (4) The Executive Director shall, in writing, authorize an association to conduct inter-track or separate pool betting if

    • (a) the association has been issued a permit;

    • (b) an officer has reviewed the facilities and equipment for conducting inter-track or separate pool betting and authorized them as being suitable for the purpose intended; and

    • (c) the association has complied with paragraphs (1)(b) and (c) or (2)(b) and (c), as the case may be.

  • SOR/92-628, s. 3
  • SOR/93-255, s. 4(E)
  • SOR/95-262, s. 5
  • SOR/2003-218, ss. 26, 38
  • SOR/2011-169, s. 49
  • SOR/2017-8, s. 14

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