Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Air Transportation Regulations

Version of section 28 from 2019-07-01 to 2024-06-19:

 The following licensees that propose to operate an international charter with aircraft having an MCTOW greater than 15 900 kg do not have to obtain a charter permit in accordance with this Part if the proposed operation of the international charter would not be contrary to the Act, these Regulations or any international agreement, convention or arrangement respecting civil aviation to which Canada is a party, the licensee would not contravene subsection 74(2) of the Act with respect to the operation of that international charter and if they provide the Agency with a written notice before the date of the proposed charter flight or the first flight of a series of proposed charter flights that contains the information set out in paragraphs 27(1)(a) to (d):

  • (a) a licensee that proposes to operate a passenger non-resaleable charter that is destined to a country other than the United States;

  • (b) a licensee that proposes to operate a goods charter that originates in, or is destined to, a country other than the United States; and

  • (c) a licensee that proposes to operate a passenger foreign origin charter other than a passenger foreign origin charter that originates in the United States.

  • SOR/96-335, s. 18
  • SOR/2019-176, s. 13

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