Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Manitoba Fishery Regulations, 1987

Version of the schedule from 2006-03-22 to 2023-03-31:

SCHEDULE VI(Subsection 2(3))

Common and Scientific Names

ItemColumn IColumn II
Common NameScientific Name
1Arctic charSalvelinus alpinus
2Arctic graylingThymallus arcticus
3Black crappiePomoxis nigromaculatus
4BowfinAmia calva
5Brook troutSalvelinus fontinalis
6Brown troutSalmo trutta
7CarpCyprinus carpio
8Catfishmembers of the family Ictaluridae
9Channel catfishIctalurus punctatus
10Ciscoesmembers of the subgenus Leucichthys of the trout family Salmonidae
11Crayfishmembers of the family Astacidae
12Cutthroat troutOncorhynchus clarki
13Dartersmembers of the subfamily Etheostomatinae
13.1Freshwater musselsmembers of the family Unionidae
14Garsmembers of the family Lepisosteidae
15Gizzard shadDorosoma cepedianum
16GoldeyeHiodon alosoides
17GoldfishCarassius auratus
18Grass carpCtenopharyngodon idella
19Herringsmembers of the family Clupeidae
20KokaneeOncorhynchus nerka
21Lake sturgeonAcipenser fulvescens
22Lake troutSalvelinus namaycush
23Lake whitefishCoregonus clupeaformis
24Largemouth bassMicropterus salmoides
25Leechesmembers of the class Hirudinae
26Minnowsmembers of the family Cyprinidae
27MooneyeHiodon tergisus
28Mudminnowsmembers of the family Umbridae
29MuskellungeEsox masquinongy
30Northern pikeEsox lucius
31PaddlefishPolyodon spathula
32Pallid sturgeonScaphyrhynchus albus
33Rainbow troutOncorhynchus mykiss
34Rock bassAmbloplites rupestris
35Salamandersmembers of the order Caudata
36SaugerStizostedion canadense
37Sculpinsmembers of the family Cottidae
38Shortnose sturgeonAcipenser brevirostrum
39Shovelnose sturgeonScaphyrhynchus platorynchus
40Smallmouth bassMicropterus dolomieu
41Smeltsmembers of the family Osmeridea
42SplakeBrook trout X Lake trout (hybrid)
43Sticklebacksmembers of the family Gasterosteidae
44Suckersmembers of the family Catostomidae
45Trout-perchesmembers of the family Percopsidae
46Utah chubGila atraria
47WalleyeStizostedion vitreum
48Walking catfishClarais batrachus
48.1White bassMorone chrysops
49Yellow perchPerca flavescens
50Zebra musselDreissena polymorpha
  • SOR/90-302, s. 16
  • SOR/92-174, s. 7
  • SOR/92-450, s. 5
  • SOR/94-55, ss. 8, 9
  • SOR/99-189, s. 7(F)

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