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Version of document from 2019-03-04 to 2020-03-24:

Great Lakes Pilotage Tariff Regulations



Registration 1984-03-22

Great Lakes Pilotage Tariff Regulations

P.C. 1984-1022 1984-03-22

Whereas the Great Lakes Pilotage Authority, Ltd., proposed to make Regulations Prescribing Tariffs of Pilotage Charges to be paid to the Great Lakes Pilotage Authority Ltd., pursuant to section 22 of the Pilotage Act, and did publish that proposed tariff in the Canada Gazette Part I on January 19, 1984;

And Whereas more than thirty days have expired from the date of publication and no notices of objection to the proposed amendment were filed with the Canadian Transport Commission pursuant to subsection 23(2) of the Pilotage Act.

Therefore, His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Transport, pursuant to subsection 22(1) of the Pilotage Act, is pleased hereby to approve the revocation of the Great Lakes Pilotage Tariff Regulations, C.R.C., c. 1267, and approve, in substitution therefor, the annexed Regulations Prescribing Tariffs of Pilotage Charges to be paid to the Great Lakes Pilotage Authority, Ltd. for Pilotage, made by the Great Lakes Pilotage Authority, Ltd., on February 22, 1984.

 [Repealed, SOR/2017-105, s. 2]


  •  (1) In these Regulations,


    Authority means the Great Lakes Pilotage Authority; (Administration)


    breadth has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Great Lakes Pilotage Regulations; (largeur)

    Cornwall District

    Cornwall District has the same meaning as in paragraph 3(a) of the Great Lakes Pilotage Regulations; (circonscription de Cornwall)


    depth has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Great Lakes Pilotage Regulations; (creux)

    designated waters

    designated waters means the waters in International Districts Nos. 1, 2 and 3; (eaux désignées)

    International District No. 1

    International District No. 1 has the meaning assigned in paragraph 3(b) of the Great Lakes Pilotage Regulations; (circonscription internationale no 1)

    International District No. 2

    International District No. 2 has the meaning assigned in paragraph 3(c) of the Great Lakes Pilotage Regulations; (circonscription internationale no 2)

    International District No. 3

    International District No. 3 has the meaning assigned in paragraph 3(d) of the Great Lakes Pilotage Regulations; (circonscription internationale no 3)


    length has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Great Lakes Pilotage Regulations; (longueur)


    movage has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Great Lakes Pilotage Regulations; (déplacement)

    undesignated waters

    undesignated waters means the Canadian waters of Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, Lake Huron and Lake Superior that are not designated waters. (eaux non désignées)

  • (2) For the purposes of these Regulations,

    • (a) cancelled order when a request for pilotage services is cancelled by the owner, master or agent of the ship after the request was accepted; and

    • (b) there is a cancelled sail when, after a pilot reports for duty at a designated boarding point, the ship is overdue to sail by at least three hours.

  • (3) For the purposes of these Regulations, every reference to “the Port of Churchill” is a reference to “all the navigable waters, including any foreshore, commencing at the northern extremity of Eskimo Point and running on a course due north to a point distant five nautical miles from the northernmost extremity of Eskimo Point; thence, on the circumference of a circle with the said northernmost extremity as a centre, easterly and southerly to the shore of Hudson Bay at the high-water mark; thence, following the said high-water mark westerly to Cape Merry; thence, following the high-water mark on the eastern shore of the Churchill River upstream as far as the tide ebbs and flows; thence, across the Churchill River to its western shore; thence, northerly and following the high-water mark downstream to the point at Old Fort Prince of Wales and across to Eskimo Point and to the place of beginning”.

  • SOR/96-409, s. 2(E)
  • SOR/2002-110, s. 2
  • SOR/2003-56, s. 1
  • SOR/2017-105, s. 3
  • SOR/2019-56, s. 1

Pilotage Charges

  •  (1) The charge for a pilotage service in

    • (a) the Welland Canal is

      • (i) where a basic charge is specified in Schedule 1 in respect of that service, the basic charge multiplied by the weighting factor of the ship, and

      • (ii) where a charge is specified in Schedule 1 in respect of that service, the charge specified;

    • (b) the Cornwall District is,

      • (i) where a basic charge is specified in Schedule 2 in respect of that service, the basic charge multiplied by the weighting factor of the ship, and

      • (ii) where a charge is specified in Schedule 2 in respect of that service, the charge specified; and

    • (b.1) the Port of Churchill is, where a basic charge is specified in Schedule 3 in respect of that service, the basic charge multiplied by the weighting factor of the ship;

    • (c) a compulsory pilotage area, other than the Welland Canal, the Cornwall District or the Port of Churchill, Manitoba, is

      • (i) where a basic charge is specified in Schedule 1 in respect of that service, the basic charge multiplied by the weighting factor of the ship, and

      • (ii) where a charge is specified in Schedule 1 in respect of that service, the charge specified; and

    • (d) contiguous waters referred to in paragraph 20(2)(b) of the Pilotage Act, where a licensed pilot provides a service, is calculated as set out in subparagraphs (c)(i) and (ii).

  • (1.1) [Repealed, SOR/94-167, s. 1]

  • (2) For the purpose of subsection (1), the weighting factor of a ship whose location is set out in column 1 and whose pilotage unit is set out in column 2 of the following table is set out in column 3:


    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemLocationPilotage UnitWeighting Factor
    1AnywhereNot more than 491.00
    2AnywhereMore than 49 but not more than 1591.15
    3AnywhereMore than 159 but not more than 1891.30
    4AnywhereMore than 189 but not more than 2191.45
    5Anywhere other than the Port of ChurchillMore than 2191.45
    6The Port of ChurchillMore than 219 but not more than 2491.60
    7The Port of ChurchillMore than 249 but not more than 2791.75
    8The Port of ChurchillMore than 279 but not more than 3091.90
    9The Port of ChurchillMore than 309 but not more than 3392.05
    10The Port of ChurchillMore than 339 but not more than 3692.20
    11The Port of ChurchillMore than 369 but not more than 3992.35
    12The Port of ChurchillMore than 399 but not more than 4292.50
    13The Port of ChurchillMore than 429 but not more than 4592.65
    14The Port of ChurchillMore than 4592.80
  • (3) For the purposes of subsection (2), the pilotage unit of a ship is the number obtained by multiplying the length of the ship by the breadth of the ship by the depth of the ship and dividing the product obtained by 283.17.

  • (4) [Repealed, SOR/89-108, s. 1]

  • (5) [Repealed, SOR/2005-281, s. 1]

  • SOR/86-449, s. 1
  • SOR/88-420, s. 1
  • SOR/89-108, s. 1
  • SOR/90-204, s. 1(E)
  • SOR/91-143, s. 2(F)
  • SOR/92-163, ss. 2, 4(F)
  • SOR/94-167, s. 1
  • SOR/94-509, s. 1
  • SOR/96-409, s. 5(E)
  • SOR/99-156, s. 1
  • SOR/2002-110, s. 3
  • SOR/2003-56, s. 2
  • SOR/2003-322, s. 1
  • SOR/2004-196, s. 1(F)
  • SOR/2005-281, s. 1
  • SOR/2006-192, ss. 1, 13
  • SOR/2008-179, s. 1
  • SOR/2010-251, s. 1
  • SOR/2011-137, s. 1
  • SOR/2017-105, s. 4

Apprentice Pilot Training Surcharge

 A surcharge of 5% for apprentice pilot training is payable on each pilotage charge payable under section 3 in accordance with Schedule 1 or 2 for a pilotage service provided on or before December 31, 2020.

  • SOR/2009-124, s. 1
  • SOR/2009-272, s. 1
  • SOR/2011-137, s. 2
  • SOR/2012-120, s. 1
  • SOR/2013-105, s. 1
  • SOR/2015-71, s. 1
  • SOR/2016-90, ss. 1, 6
  • SOR/2017-105, s. 5
  • SOR/2018-51, s. 1
  • SOR/2019-56, s. 2

SCHEDULE 1(Subparagraphs 3(1)(a)(i) and (ii) and (c)(i) and (ii) and section 4)Pilotage Charges for Areas Other than the Cornwall District or the Port of Churchill, Manitoba

Designated Waters and Contiguous Waters

    • 1 (1) Subject to subsection (2), the basic charge for a passage, other than a movage, through International District No. 1 or any part of it, and its contiguous waters, is $22.50 for each kilometre ($36.21 for each statute mile), plus $483 for each lock transited.

    • (2) The minimum and maximum basic charges for a through trip through International District No. 1 and its contiguous waters are $1,057 and $4,643, respectively.

    • (3) The basic charge for a movage in International District No. 1 and its contiguous waters is $1,595.

    • (4) If a ship, during its passage through the Welland Canal, docks or undocks for any reason other than instructions given by the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation, the basic charge is $70.72 for each kilometre ($113.81 for each statute mile), plus $423 for each lock transited, with a minimum charge of $1,415.

    • (5) The basic charge, other than that specified in subsection (4), for a pilotage service in International District No. 2 and its contiguous waters set out in column 1 of the following table is set out in column 2:


      Column 1Column 2
      ItemPilotage ServiceBasic Charge ($)
      1Through the Welland Canal, if the pilot is changed at Lock 7,
      (a) for that portion of the passage between the northern limit of the Canal and Lock 72,610
      (b) for that portion of the passage between Lock 7 and the southern limit of the Canal2,610
      2Between Southeast Shoal and Toledo or any point on Lake Erie west of Southeast Shoal2,790
      3Between points on Lake Erie west of Southeast Shoal1,648
      4Between Southeast Shoal and the Port Huron Change Point or any point on the St. Clair River, if the pilot is not changed at the Detroit pilot boat4,853
      5Between Southeast Shoal and Detroit, Windsor or any point on the Detroit River2,790
      6Between Southeast Shoal and the Detroit pilot boat2,019
      7Between Toledo or any point on Lake Erie west of Southeast Shoal and the Port Huron Change Point, if the pilot is not changed at the Detroit pilot boat5,626
      8Between Toledo or any point on Lake Erie west of Southeast Shoal and Detroit, Windsor or any point on the Detroit River3,623
      9Between Toledo or any point on Lake Erie west of Southeast Shoal and the Detroit pilot boat2,790
      10Between Detroit, Windsor or any point on the Detroit River and any point on the Detroit River1,648
      11Between Detroit, Windsor or any point on the Detroit River and the Port Huron Change Point or any point on the St. Clair River3,652
      12Between the Detroit pilot boat and any point on the St. Clair River3,652
      13Between the Detroit pilot boat and the Port Huron Change Point2,835
      14Between points on the St. Clair River1,648
      15Between the Port Huron Change Point and any point on the St. Clair River2,019
    • (6) The basic charge for a pilotage service in International District No. 3 and its contiguous waters set out in column 1 of the following table is set out in column 2:


      Column 1Column 2
      ItemPilotage ServiceBasic Charge ($)
      1Trip, other than a movage, between the southern limit of the District and the northern limit of the District or the Algoma Steel Corporation Wharf at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario3,852
      2Trip, other than a movage, between the southern limit of the District and Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, or any point in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, other than the Algoma Steel Corporation Wharf at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario3,226
      3Trip, other than a movage, between the northern limit of the District and Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, including the Algoma Steel Corporation Wharf at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, or Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan1,450
    • (7) An additional charge of $325 is payable for each embarkation or disembarkation of a licensed pilot at the Detroit pilot boat.

    • (8) An additional charge of $131 is payable for each change of pilot at Lock 7 of the Welland Canal.

Undesignated Waters and Contiguous Waters

    • 2 (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), the basic charge for a pilotage service set out in column 1 of the following table is set out in column 2:


      Column 1Column 2
      ItemPilotage ServiceBasic Charge ($)
      1Being present on board, for a six-hour period or part of a six-hour period, in the undesignated waters and contiguous waters of
      (a) Lake Ontario1,227
      (b) Lake Erie1,074
      (c) Lake Huron, Lake Michigan or Lake Superior774
      2Docking or undocking each time in the undesignated waters and contiguous waters of
      (a) Lake Ontario1,168
      (b) Lake Erie826
      (c) Lake Huron, Lake Michigan or Lake Superior741
    • (2) If a ship with a pilot on board makes a direct transit of the undesignated waters and contiguous waters of Lake Erie between Southeast Shoal and Port Colborne, the basic charges set out in subsection (1) are not chargeable unless

      • (a) the ship is required by law to have a pilot on board in those waters; or

      • (b) the pilot provides pilotage services in those waters at the request of the master of the ship.

    • (3) The basic charge for pilotage services consisting of a lockage and a movage between Buffalo and any point on the Niagara River below the Black Rock Lock is $2,111.


    • 3 (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), if a pilot is detained for the convenience of a ship at the end of the pilot’s assignment or during an interruption of the passage of the ship through designated waters or contiguous waters, an additional basic charge of $99 is payable for each hour or part of an hour, including the first hour, that the pilot is detained.

    • (2) The maximum basic charge payable under subsection (1) for any 24-hour period is $2,376.

    • (3) No basic charge for the detention of a pilot is payable under this section during an interruption of the passage of a ship

      • (a) that is caused by ice, weather or traffic, unless the interruption is during the period beginning on December 1 in a year and ending on April 8 in the next year; or

      • (b) that ends during a period in respect of which a basic charge is set out in item 1 of the table to subsection 2(1).


    • 4 (1) Subject to subsection (2), if the departure or movage of a ship to which a pilot has been assigned is delayed for the convenience of the ship for more than one hour after the pilot reports for duty at the designated boarding point, a basic charge of $99 is payable for each hour or part of an hour of that delay, including the first hour.

    • (2) The maximum basic charge payable under subsection (1) for any 24-hour period is $2,376.


    • 5 (1) The following charges are payable each time there is a cancelled order:

      • (a) a basic charge of $2,051;

      • (b) a basic charge of $99 for each hour or part of an hour, including the first hour, between the time that the pilot reports for duty at the designated boarding point and the time of the cancellation; and

      • (c) if the cancelled order occurs after a pilot reports for duty at a designated boarding point, a basic charge in an amount equal to the sum of the travel and other reasonable expenses incurred by the pilot in travelling from their home base to the designated boarding point and from the designated boarding point back to their home base.

    • (2) The following charges are payable each time there is a cancelled sail:

      • (a) a basic charge of $2,051; and

      • (b) if the owner, master or agent of the ship did not communicate to the Authority before the cancelled sail that they wanted to retain the pilot, a basic charge in an amount equal to the sum of the travel and other reasonable expenses incurred by the pilot in travelling from their home base to the designated boarding point and from the designated boarding point back to their home base.

    • (3) If the owner, master or agent of the ship communicates to the Authority before the cancelled sail that they want to retain the pilot, a new request for the same pilotage services is deemed to be made and accepted at the time of the cancelled sail and additional basic charges are payable in respect of the new request as determined in accordance with

      • (a) subsection (1), if the new request results in a cancelled order; and

      • (b) subsection (2), if the new request results in a cancelled sail.

    • (4) For the purposes of calculating additional basic charges under paragraph (3)(a), the reference to “between the time that the pilot reports for duty at the designated boarding point and the time of the cancellation” in paragraph (1)(b) is to be read as “between the time that the new request referred to in subsection (3) is made and accepted and the time of the cancelled order”.

    • (5) For the purposes of subsections (2) and (3), in the case of a cancelled sail following a new request referred to in subsection (3), the reference to “after a pilot reports for duty at a designated boarding point” in paragraph 2(2)(b) of these Regulations is to be read as “after the new request referred to in subsection 5(3) of Schedule 1 is made and accepted”.

Assignment of More than One Pilot

  • 6 If more than one pilot is assigned to a ship, the basic charges set out in this Schedule must be multiplied by the number of pilots assigned.

Slow-Moving Ships

    • 7 (1) If a ship exchanges pilots in accordance with subsection 8.1(1) of the Great Lakes Pilotage Regulations, the basic charges set out in this Schedule must be multiplied in accordance with section 6.

    • (2) If a ship that is required to exchange pilots under subsection 8.1(1) of the Great Lakes Pilotage Regulations does not do so because no licensed pilot is available for an exchange, the basic charges set out in this Schedule must be doubled.

    • (3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply in respect of a ship that is required to exchange pilots under subsection 8.1(1) of the Great Lakes Pilotage Regulations because the ship was slowed down by ice, weather or traffic.


    • 8 (1) If a pilot is unable to board a ship at the designated boarding point and must, in order to board it, travel beyond the area for which the pilot’s services are requested, a basic charge of $589 is payable for each 24-hour period or part of a 24-hour period during which the pilot is away from the designated boarding point.

    • (2) If a pilot is carried on a ship beyond the area for which the pilot’s services are requested, a basic charge of $589 is payable for each 24-hour period or part of a 24-hour period before the pilot’s return to the designated disembarkation point.

    • (3) In addition to the basic charges set out in subsections (1) and (2), a charge is payable in an amount equal to reasonable travel and other expenses incurred by a pilot that are directly associated with the requirement to travel to or from a place other than the pilot’s designated boarding or disembarkation point.

Request for Pilotage Services — Short Notice

  • 9 If a request for pilotage services is made with less than 12 hours’ notice and those services are provided, an additional charge of $3,710 is payable.

  • SOR/85-986, s. 1
  • SOR/86-450, s. 1
  • SOR/89-322, ss. 1 to 6
  • SOR/90-204, s. 2
  • SOR/91-143, ss. 1, 2(F)
  • SOR/92-163, s. 3
  • SOR/94-167, s. 2
  • SOR/94-509, s. 2
  • SOR/96-409, s. 5(E)
  • SOR/99-156, ss. 2 to 7
  • SOR/2000-75, ss. 1 to 5
  • SOR/2002-110, ss. 4 to 9
  • SOR/2003-56, s. 3
  • SOR/2003-278, ss. 1 to 6
  • SOR/2004-87, ss. 1 to 6
  • SOR/2004-196, ss. 2(F), 3 to 8
  • SOR/2005-97, ss. 1 to 6
  • SOR/2005-281, ss. 2, 3
  • SOR/2006-192, ss. 2 to 7, 14 to 19
  • SOR/2007-96, s. 2
  • SOR/2008-179, ss. 3 to 8, 15 to 20
  • SOR/2010-251, ss. 2 to 7
  • SOR/2011-137, s. 3
  • SOR/2012-120, ss. 2 to 7
  • SOR/2013-105, ss. 2 to 7
  • SOR/2015-71, ss. 2 to 7
  • SOR/2016-90, ss. 2, 3
  • SOR/2017-105, ss. 6 to 11
  • SOR/2018-51, ss. 2 to 7
  • SOR/2019-56, s. 3
  • SOR/2019-56, s. 4
  • SOR/2019-56, s. 5
  • SOR/2019-56, s. 6
  • SOR/2019-56, s. 7
  • SOR/2019-56, s. 8
  • SOR/2019-56, s. 9

SCHEDULE 2(Subparagraphs 3(1)(b)(i) and (ii) and section 4)Pilotage Charges for the Cornwall District


    • 1 (1) The basic charge for a pilotage service set out in column 1 of the following table is set out in column 2 but is subject to the minimum basic charge set out in column 3, if applicable:


      Column 1Column 2Column 3
      ItemPilotage ServiceBasic Charge ($)Minimum Basic Charge ($)
      1Trip between the eastern limit of the Cornwall District and Cornwall or the pilot boarding station near Saint-Régis, Quebec5,694N/A
      2Trip other than a trip referred to in item 127.04 for each kilometre (43.51 for each statute mile), plus 728 for each lock transited1,465
      3Docking or undocking for the purpose of loading or unloading cargo, stores or bunker fuel or of effecting repairs1,020N/A
    • (2) An additional charge of $135 is payable for each change of pilot at the St. Lambert or Beauharnois Lock.


    • 2 (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), if a pilot is detained for the convenience of a ship at the end of the pilot’s assignment or during an interruption of the passage of the ship through the Cornwall District, an additional basic charge of $190 is payable for each hour or part of an hour, including the first hour, that the pilot is detained.

    • (2) The maximum basic charge payable under subsection (1) for any 24-hour period is $4,560.

    • (3) No basic charge for detention of a pilot is payable under this section during an interruption of the passage of a ship that is caused by ice, weather or traffic, unless the interruption is during the period beginning on December 1 in a year and ending on April 8 in the next year.


    • 3 (1) Subject to subsection (2), if the departure or movage of a ship to which a pilot has been assigned is delayed for the convenience of the ship for more than one hour after the pilot reports for duty at the designated boarding point, a basic charge of $190 is payable for each hour or part of an hour of that delay, including the first hour.

    • (2) The maximum basic charge payable under subsection (1) for any 24-hour period is $4,560.


    • 4 (1) The following charges are payable each time there is a cancelled order:

      • (a) a basic charge of $2,170;

      • (b) a basic charge of $190 for each hour or part of an hour, including the first hour, between the time that the pilot reports for duty at the designated boarding point and the time of the cancellation; and

      • (c) if the cancelled order occurs after a pilot reports for duty at a designated boarding point, a basic charge in an amount equal to the sum of the travel and other reasonable expenses incurred by the pilot in travelling from their home base to the designated boarding point and from the designated boarding point back to their home base.

    • (2) The following charges are payable each time there is a cancelled sail:

      • (a) a basic charge of $2,170; and

      • (b) if the owner, master or agent of the ship did not communicate to the Authority before the cancelled sail that they wanted to retain the pilot, a basic charge in an amount equal to the sum of the travel and other reasonable expenses incurred by the pilot in travelling from their home base to the designated boarding point and from the designated boarding point back to their home base.

    • (3) If the owner, master or agent of the ship communicates to the Authority before the cancelled sail that they want to retain the pilot, a new request for the same pilotage services is deemed to be made and accepted at the time of the cancelled sail, and additional basic charges are payable in respect of the new request as determined in accordance with

      • (a) subsection (1), if the new request results in a cancelled order; and

      • (b) subsection (2), if the new request results in a cancelled sail.

    • (4) For the purposes of calculating additional charges under paragraph (3)(a), the reference to “between the time that the pilot reports for duty at the designated boarding point and the time of cancellation” in paragraph (1)(b) shall be read as “between the time that the new request referred to in subsection (3) is made and accepted and the time of the cancelled order”.

    • (5) For the purposes of subsections (2) and (3), in the case of a cancelled sail following a new request referred to in subsection (3), the reference to “after a pilot reports for duty at a designated boarding point” in paragraph 2(2)(b) of these Regulations is to be read as “after the new request referred to in subsection 4(3) of Schedule 2 is made and accepted”.

Assignment of More than One Pilot

  • 5 If more than one pilot is assigned to a ship, the basic charges set out in this Schedule must be multiplied by the number of pilots assigned.

Request for Pilotage Services — Short Notice

  • 6 If a request for pilotage services is made with less than 12 hours’ notice and those services are provided, an additional charge of $3,710 is payable.

  • SOR/85-986, s. 1
  • SOR/86-450, s. 1
  • SOR/89-322, ss. 7 to 10
  • SOR/90-204, s. 2
  • SOR/91-143, ss. 1, 2(F)
  • SOR/92-163, s. 3
  • SOR/94-509, s. 2
  • SOR/96-409, s. 5(E)
  • SOR/99-156, ss. 8 to 11
  • SOR/2000-75, ss. 6 to 11
  • SOR/2002-110, ss. 10 to 13
  • SOR/2003-56, ss. 4 to 7
  • SOR/2003-278, ss. 7 to 10
  • SOR/2004-87, ss. 7 to 10
  • SOR/2004-196, ss. 9(F), 10 to 13
  • SOR/2005-97, ss. 7 to 10
  • SOR/2006-192, ss. 8 to 11, 20 to 23
  • SOR/2008-179, ss. 9 to 12, 21 to 24
  • SOR/2010-251, ss. 8 to 11
  • SOR/2011-137, s. 3
  • SOR/2012-120, ss. 8 to 11
  • SOR/2013-105, ss. 8 to 11
  • SOR/2015-71, ss. 8 to 11
  • SOR/2016-90, ss. 4, 5
  • SOR/2017-105, ss. 12 to 15
  • SOR/2018-51, ss. 8 to 11
  • SOR/2019-56, s. 10
  • SOR/2019-56, s. 11
  • SOR/2019-56, s. 12
  • SOR/2019-56, s. 13
  • SOR/2019-56, s. 14

SCHEDULE 3(Paragraph 3(1)(b.1))Pilotage Charges for the Port of Churchill, Manitoba


  • 1 The basic charges for any pilotage service provided in a year are the following:

    • (a) the salary and benefits of the pilot, as contracted, beginning on the day on which the pilot departs from their home base in order to provide the pilotage services set out in the initial request and ending on the day on which the pilot returns to that home base;

    • (b) the travel expenses of the pilot, starting from and ending at the pilot’s home base, including transportation, meals and lodging;

    • (c) the cost of the pilot’s use of a pilot boat, helicopter or other means of transportation; and

    • (d) a surcharge of 15% on the total of the amounts referred to in paragraphs (a) to (c) to cover administrative and assignment costs.


    • 2 (1) A basic charge of $1,272 is payable each time there is a cancelled order or cancelled sail.

    • (2) If there is a cancelled order, the basic charges set out in paragraphs 1(a) and (b), and a surcharge of 15% on the total of the amounts referred to in those paragraphs to cover administrative and assignment costs, are payable.

  • SOR/85-986, s. 1
  • SOR/86-886, s. 1
  • SOR/89-108, s. 2
  • SOR/90-204, s. 2
  • SOR/91-143, ss. 1, 2(F)
  • SOR/92-163, s. 3
  • SOR/94-167, s. 3
  • SOR/94-509, s. 2
  • SOR/96-409, ss. 3, 4
  • SOR/99-156, ss. 12, 13
  • SOR/2002-82, s. 1(E)
  • SOR/2003-56, s. 8
  • SOR/2003-278, s. 11
  • SOR/2004-87, s. 11
  • SOR/2004-196, ss. 14(F), 15, 16(F)
  • SOR/2005-97, s. 11
  • SOR/2006-192, ss. 12, 24
  • SOR/2008-179, ss. 13, 25
  • SOR/2010-251, s. 12
  • SOR/2011-137, s. 3
  • SOR/2012-120, s. 12
  • SOR/2013-105, s. 12
  • SOR/2015-71, s. 12
  • SOR/2017-105, s. 16
  • SOR/2018-51, s. 12

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