Indian Oil and Gas Regulations
Registration 2019-06-10
Indian Oil and Gas Regulations
P.C. 2019-755 2019-06-09
Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, pursuant to section 4.1Footnote a and subsection 21(1)Footnote b of the Indian Oil and Gas ActFootnote c, makes the annexed Indian Oil and Gas Regulations.
Return to footnote aS.C. 2009, c. 7, s. 1
Return to footnote bS.C. 2009, c. 7, s. 3
Return to footnote cR.S., c. I-7
Marginal note:Definitions
1 (1) The following definitions apply in these Regulations.
- Act
Act means the Indian Oil and Gas Act. (Loi)
- actual selling price
actual selling price means
(a) in respect of oil, the price at which the oil is sold; and
(b) in respect of gas, the price or consideration payable that is specified in the gas sales contract, free of any fees or deductions other than transmission charges beyond the facility outlet. (prix de vente réel)
- adjoining
adjoining, in relation to two spacing units, means touching at a common point, without regard to any road allowances between the spacing units. (adjacentes)
- bitumen
bitumen means oil that does not flow to a well unless it is heated or diluted. (bitume)
- exploration work
exploration work includes mapping, surveying, examining geological, geophysical or geochemical data, test drilling and any other activities that are carried out by air, land or water and are related to the exploration for oil or gas. (travaux d’exploration)
- external spacing unit
external spacing unit, in relation to a First Nation, means any spacing unit that is not a First Nation spacing unit of that First Nation. (unité d’espacement externe)
- First Nation spacing unit
First Nation spacing unit means a spacing unit in which 50% or more of the lands are First Nation lands of the same First Nation. (unité d’espacement d’une première nation)
- horizontal section
horizontal section means the portion of a wellbore that has
(a) an angle of at least 80°, measured between the line extending from the initial point of penetration into the target zone to the end point of the wellbore in that zone and the line extending vertically downward from the initial point of penetration into that zone; and
(b) a minimum length of 100 m, measured from the initial point of penetration into the target zone to the end point of the wellbore in that zone. (tronçon horizontal)
- horizontal well
horizontal well means a well that has been approved as a horizontal well by the provincial authority or a well with a horizontal section that has been approved by the provincial authority. (puits horizontal)
- offset period
offset period means the period established in accordance with subsection 93(4). (délai de compensation)
- offset well
offset well means a well that is located in a First Nation spacing unit adjoining an external spacing unit in which a triggering well is located and that is producing from the same zone as the triggering well. (puits de limite)
- offset zone
offset zone means the zone from which a triggering well is producing. (couche de compensation)
- pool
pool means a natural underground reservoir that contains or appears to contain an accumulation of oil or gas that is separate or appears to be separate from any other such accumulation. (bassin)
- prescribed
prescribed means prescribed by the Minister under subsection 5(1) of the Act. (Version anglaise seulement)
- productive
productive means producing or capable of producing oil or gas in a quantity that would warrant incurring
(a) the costs of completion, in the case of a well that has been drilled but not completed; or
(b) the costs of production, in the case of a well that has been completed. (productif)
- provincial authority
provincial authority means the office, department or body that is authorized by law to make decisions, grant approvals, receive information or keep records respecting the exploration for, or the exploitation or conservation of, oil and gas in the province in which the relevant First Nation lands are located. (autorité provinciale)
- service well
service well means a well that is operated for observation or for the injection, storage or disposal of fluids. (puits de service)
- spacing unit
spacing unit means an area in a zone that is designated as a spacing unit, a spacing area, a drainage unit or other similar unit by the provincial authority. (unité d’espacement)
- subsurface contract
subsurface contract means a permit or subsurface lease granted under the Act. (contrat relatif au sous-sol)
- surface contract
surface contract means a surface lease or right-of-way granted under the Act. (contrat relatif au sol)
- surface rates
surface rates means the amounts, referred to in subsections 73(2) and (3), that are to be paid by a surface contract holder. (droits de surface)
- triggering well
triggering well means a well that is producing from one or more external spacing units adjoining a First Nation spacing unit. (puits déclencheur)
- unit agreement
unit agreement means an agreement that combines the rights or interests of all the holders of oil and gas rights or interests in all or part of a pool and that provides for the joint exploitation of the oil and gas and the payment of royalties based on an attribution of production rather than actual production, but does not include an agreement that attributes production from a well referred to in subsection 107(1). (accord de mise en commun)
- well
well means a well that is used for the exploitation of oil or gas and includes a vertical well, a deviated well and a horizontal well. (puits)
- zone
zone means a stratum of lands identified as a zone in accordance with the log data set out in Schedule 3 or 4, as the case may be. (couche)
Marginal note:Incorporation by reference
(2) A reference to a document that is incorporated by reference into these Regulations is a reference to the document as amended from time to time or, if the document no longer exists, to any successor to it that provides the same information.
General Rules
Marginal note:Notice, document or information
2 (1) Any notice, document or information that is sent or submitted under these Regulations must be in paper or electronic form or published on the website of Petrinex or any successor to Petrinex.
Marginal note:Address for service
(2) A contract holder must, in the prescribed form, provide the Minister with their address for service and send him or her a notice of any change to that address.
Marginal note:Deemed receipt — paper form
(3) Any notice, document or information that the Minister sends to a holder in paper form at their address for service is deemed to have been received by the holder four days after the day on which it is sent.
Marginal note:Deemed receipt — electronic form
(4) Any notice, document or information that the Minister sends to a holder in electronic form at their latest address for service or publishes on the website of Petrinex or any successor to Petrinex is deemed to have been received by the holder on the day on which it is sent or published.
Marginal note:Record search
(5) A person may apply to the Minister for a record search of non-confidential, contractual documentation that is in the Minister’s possession and stored in electronic form if the application is in the prescribed form and accompanied by the record search fee set out in Schedule 1.
Marginal note:Information
3 Despite any provision of these Regulations, a person is not obliged to submit information to the Minister that the Minister has stated is in his or her possession or is available to him or her from another source such as Petrinex.
Marginal note:Form not prescribed
4 When an application or other information is required by these Regulations to be submitted in a prescribed form but no form has been prescribed, the application or information may be submitted in any form.
Marginal note:Alternative format
5 When a notice, a document or information is required by these Regulations to be submitted in a specified format, the person required to submit it may use an alternative format if the Minister states that he or she has the capacity to read and use the information in that alternative format.
Marginal note:Eligibility
6 A person is eligible to be granted a contract if
(a) they are a corporation that is authorized by the laws of the relevant province to carry on business in that province or an individual who has reached the age of majority in that province;
(b) they are not in default under subsection 111(5); and
(c) in the case of a corporation, neither it nor any of its directors, officers or agents or mandataries has been convicted of an offence under subsection 18(2) of the Act within two years before the date of the bid, in the case of a grant by public tender, or the date of the application, in the case of a negotiated contract.
Marginal note:Holder’s responsibility
7 A contract holder must ensure that any requirement that is related to their contract and is imposed by these Regulations on a person other than the holder is satisfied.
Marginal note:Liability — holders and persons with working interest
8 (1) Every contract holder and person with a working interest in a contract is absolutely liable for any damage to the environment that is caused by operations carried out under the contract.
Marginal note:Liability — operators and licensees
(2) Every operator, well licensee, pipeline licensee and facility licensee is absolutely liable for any damage to the environment that is caused by operations they carry out under the contract.
Marginal note:Insurance required
9 (1) A contract holder must obtain, and maintain during the term of the contract, an insurance policy that is adequate to cover all risks resulting from the operations to be carried out under the contract.
Marginal note:Minimum coverage
(2) The insurance policy must provide the following minimum coverage:
(a) comprehensive general liability insurance that covers the risks of damage caused by operations carried out under the contract with an inclusive bodily injury, death and property damage limit of at least $5,000,000 per occurrence, including occupier’s liability or liability for damage caused by immovables, employer’s liability, employer’s contingent liability, contractual liability, contractor’s protective liability, products liability, completed operations liability and contractor’s liability insurance;
(b) automobile liability insurance that covers all vehicles used in operations carried out under the contract with an inclusive bodily injury, death and property damage limit of at least $5,000,000 per occurrence; and
(c) if aircraft are to be used in operations carried out under the contract, aircraft liability insurance with an inclusive bodily injury, death and property damage limit of at least $10,000,000 per occurrence.
Marginal note:Subrogation
(3) Every insurance policy obtained by the holder must provide that the insurer’s right of subrogation is waived in favour of the Minister.
Marginal note:Notice of cancellation
(4) The holder must send the Minister notice without delay if any coverage under their insurance policy is terminated and at least 30 days before the last day of coverage if the holder intends to cancel any of their coverage.
Marginal note:Maximum deductible
(5) The deductible of every insurance policy must not exceed 5% of the amount of insurance.
Marginal note:Self-insurance
10 A holder may satisfy the requirement imposed by subsection 9(1) by providing the Minister with a letter of self-insurance in the prescribed form in which the holder
(a) acknowledges liability for any damage caused by operations carried out under the contract; and
(b) declares that their financial resources are adequate to cover that liability.
Marginal note:Contractor’s insurance
11 A contract holder must ensure that any person that carries out operations under the contract, other than an employee, obtains and maintains an insurance policy that is adequate to cover all risks resulting from those operations.
Marginal note:Contract area boundaries
12 (1) The boundaries of a contract area must correspond to the boundaries of the legal land divisions of the relevant province if the lands in the contract area have been surveyed, or to the anticipated boundaries of those divisions if the lands have not been surveyed.
Marginal note:Unsurveyed lands
(2) If the lands in a contract area are surveyed during the term of the contract, the Minister must, after consulting with the holder and the council, amend the contract so that the description of the contract area complies with subsection (1).
Marginal note:Exception
(3) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply if the lands in the contract area are First Nation lands whose configuration prevents compliance with those subsections.
Marginal note:Survey plan
13 (1) Every survey plan that is required under these Regulations must be
(a) plotted in accordance with the Canada Lands Surveys Act;
(b) approved by the Surveyor General of Canada; and
(c) recorded in the Canada Lands Survey Records.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to
(a) an exploration work survey plan; or
(b) a survey of lands under a treaty land entitlement agreement or a specific claim settlement agreement.
Marginal note:Dispute
14 If a dispute arises regarding the location of a well, facility or boundary referred to in a contract, the Minister may order the contract holder to have a survey carried out as soon as the circumstances permit.
Marginal note:Annual meeting request
15 (1) A council whose First Nation lands are subject to a contract may, no more than once a year, submit a request to the Minister in the prescribed form for a meeting with the contract holder for the purpose of discussing the operations that have been carried out, or are planned to be carried out, in the contract area.
Marginal note:Minister’s notice
(2) The Minister must send the holder notice of a meeting request.
Marginal note:Arrangement of meeting
(3) The holder must organize the meeting and ensure that it takes place within 90 days after the day on which the Minister’s notice is received. In the case of multiple holders, they may designate one of their number to attend as their representative.
Marginal note:Multiple contracts
(4) If the holder has more than one contract in the First Nation lands, operations carried out under all the contracts may be discussed at the same meeting.
Marginal note:Expenses
(5) Any expense relating to the request for, preparation for or attendance at a meeting must be borne by the party that incurs the expense.
Marginal note:Unforeseen incident
16 An operator must, in the most expeditious manner possible, notify the Minister and the council of any unforeseen incident that occurs during operations carried out under a contract and that results, or could result, in bodily injury or death or in damage to First Nation lands or property. The operator must report the details of the incident, in the prescribed form, as soon as the circumstances permit.
Marginal note:Person accompanying inspector
17 For the purpose of monitoring compliance with the Act and these Regulations, a person may accompany an inspector who is inspecting a contract holder’s facilities and operations on First Nation lands if the person is authorized to do so by a written resolution of the council and the person has the certifications, and complies with the occupational health and safety requirements, required or imposed by the holder or by law.
Marginal note:Payment of rent
18 (1) The annual rent that is payable under a contract must be paid on or before the anniversary of the effective date of the contract.
Marginal note:Refund
(2) The rent that is payable for the year in which a contract ends must be paid and is not refundable. However, any rent that has been paid for a subsequent year must be refunded.
Marginal note:Exception
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to a contract that provides otherwise and was granted before the day on which these Regulations came into force.
Marginal note:Payment to Receiver General
19 (1) All money that is owed to Her Majesty under these Regulations or a contract must be paid to the Receiver General for Canada.
Marginal note:Purpose of payment
(2) The money must be accompanied by a statement, in the prescribed form, indicating the purpose for which it is paid.
Marginal note:Amendments
20 (1) Any amendment to a contract or a bitumen recovery project requires the prior approval of the council and the Minister.
Marginal note:Limits
(2) The Minister must not approve an amendment unless
(a) an additional bonus is paid, if necessary, to reflect the fair value, determined in accordance with section 38, of the rights or interests granted by the amendment; and
(b) additional surface rates are paid, if necessary, in accordance with subsections 73(2) and (3).
Marginal note:Exception
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to an amendment referred to in subsection 12(2) or to one that reduces the area of lands that are subject to a subsurface contract or a bitumen recovery project.
Marginal note:Well data
21 An operator that carries out operations in connection with a well must submit the following documents and information to the Minister and the council within the following time limits:
(a) before the day on which the well is spudded,
(i) a copy of the provincial licence authorizing the drilling of the well and a copy of the licence application,
(ii) the drilling and coring plan proposed for the well,
(iii) the geological prognosis,
(iv) any proposed horizontal drilling plan, and
(v) a copy of the surface lease survey plan;
(b) within 30 days after the day on which the well is rig-released,
(i) all daily drilling reports for the period beginning on the day on which the rig move begins and ending on the day of rig-release,
(ii) a copy of each wireline log prepared,
(iii) the results of any drill-stem test conducted,
(iv) a copy of the final downhole well drilling survey, if one is required by the provincial authority,
(v) any description, test or analysis resulting from an identification of any well sections that were cored, and
(vi) a copy of the geological report, if one is required by the provincial authority;
(c) within 30 days after the day on which the well is completed,
(i) all daily completion reports and the final downhole well schematic,
(ii) a copy of each wireline log prepared,
(iii) any core and fluid analyses prepared,
(iv) any swab reports prepared,
(v) the results of any pressure or flow tests conducted, including the results of any surface casing vent flow test,
(vi) a hydraulic fracturing fluid component information disclosure report, and
(vii) a detailed report of any downhole well intervention or stimulation;
(d) within 30 days after the day on which any recompletion or workover of the well is completed,
(i) all daily recompletion or workover reports,
(ii) a copy of each wireline log prepared,
(iii) any core and fluid analyses prepared,
(iv) any swab reports prepared,
(v) the results of any pressure or flow tests conducted, including the results of any surface casing vent flow test,
(vi) a hydraulic fracturing fluid component information disclosure report,
(vii) a detailed report of any downhole well intervention or stimulation, and
(viii) the final downhole well schematic;
(e) within 30 days after the day on which the well is downhole-abandoned, all daily operation reports relating to the downhole abandonment; and
(f) within 30 days after the day on which the well is surface-abandoned, all daily operations reports of the cut and cap operation and a copy of the final abandonment report submitted to the provincial authority.
Marginal note:Additional information
22 The operator must submit to the Minister and the council any additional technical information about the well that is necessary to determine its productivity.
Marginal note:Confidential information
23 (1) Any information that is submitted to the Minister or a council under the Act must be kept confidential until the end of the period in which such information must be kept confidential under the laws of the relevant province, unless the person that submitted it consents in writing to its disclosure.
Marginal note:Seismic data
(2) Despite subsection (1), seismic data submitted by an exploration licence holder under paragraph 33(3)(a) may be disclosed by the Minister or the council on the earlier of
(a) if the holder also holds a subsurface lease or permit in lands in the licence area, the day on which the lease expires or is continued, the initial term of the permit expires or, in the case of a permit issued under the Indian Oil and Gas Regulations, 1995, the permit is converted to one or more leases, and
(b) the fifth anniversary of the day on which the exploration work is completed.
Marginal note:Interpretation
(3) Any interpretation of seismic data, including maps, that is submitted to the Minister or a council under the Act may be disclosed only if the person that submitted it consents in writing to its disclosure.
Marginal note:Disclosure to council
(4) Despite subsections (1) to (3), the Minister may at any time disclose
(a) confidential information to a council if required to do so by the Act, any regulations made under the Act or a contract; and
(b) the results of an environmental review referred to in subsection 29(3), 57(2) or 75(2) to a council or the public.
Marginal note:Incorrect information
24 A person that submits information to the Minister and becomes aware that it is incorrect must submit the correct information to the Minister as soon as the circumstances permit.
Marginal note:Approval of assignment
25 (1) Any assignment of any of the rights or interests conferred by a contract must be approved by the Minister.
Marginal note:Meeting
(2) Before the application for approval is submitted to the Minister, the assignee must meet with the council unless the council waives the meeting. The meeting must be face to face, unless the parties agree to another mode of meeting.
Marginal note:Expenses
(3) Any expense relating to the request for, preparation for or attendance at a meeting must be borne by the party that incurs the expense.
Marginal note:Application for approval
(4) The application for approval must be in the prescribed form and include a statement by the assignee that a meeting with the council took place or that the council waived the meeting. The application must be accompanied by the assignment approval application fee set out in Schedule 1.
Marginal note:Copy to council
(5) The applicant must send the council a copy of the application for approval on or before the day on which the application is submitted to the Minister.
Marginal note:Refusal to approve
(6) The Minister must not approve the assignment if
(a) it is conditional;
(b) it would result in more than five persons having a right or interest in the contract;
(c) it assigns an undivided right or interest in the contract that is less than 1%;
(d) it divides the oil and gas rights or interests conferred by the contract;
(e) the assignee is not eligible under section 6;
(f) the assignment was not signed by the assignor and assignee; or
(g) the assignee fails to establish that they have the financial ability to fulfill the assignor’s obligations under the Act with respect to remediation and reclamation.
Marginal note:Minister’s decision
(7) If the Minister approves the assignment and signs it, he or she must send a copy to the assignor and assignee and a notice of the approval to the council.
Marginal note:Effective date
(8) The assignment takes effect on the day on which the Minister approves it unless it provides for a different effective day.
Marginal note:Liability
26 (1) If the assignment is approved, the assignor and assignee are jointly and severally, or solidarily, liable for any obligation owing and any liability arising under the contract before the day on which the assignment is approved, even if the contract is subsequently assigned.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to an assignment that is approved before the coming into force of these Regulations.
Terms and Conditions To Be Included in Every Contract
Marginal note:Compliance with laws
27 (1) Every contract granted by the Minister under these Regulations includes the holder’s undertaking to comply with
(a) the Indian Act, and any orders made under that Act, as amended from time to time;
(b) the Act, and any regulations or orders made under the Act, as amended from time to time; and
(c) the laws of the relevant province, as amended from time to time, that relate to the environment or to the exploration for, or the exploitation, treatment, processing or conservation of, oil and gas, including equitable production, if those laws are not in conflict with the Act or any regulations or orders made under the Act.
Marginal note:Inconsistency — Acts, regulations and orders
(2) The provisions of any Act, regulation or order referred to in subsection (1) prevail over any terms and conditions of the contract, except for any terms and conditions respecting royalties that are the subject of a special agreement under subsection 4(2) of the Act, to the extent of any inconsistency. The provisions of any Act of Parliament, or any regulation or order made under an Act of Parliament, referred to in subsection (1) prevail over the laws of the province referred to in subsection (1), to the extent of any inconsistency.
Marginal note:Inconsistency — interpretation
(3) For the purposes of this section, provisions — whether legislative or contractual — are not inconsistent unless it is impossible for the holder to comply with both.
Marginal note:Authorization to explore
28 A person may carry out exploration work on First Nation lands if they
(a) hold an exploration licence;
(b) have obtained from the provincial authority any approval that is required to carry out exploration work in the province; and
(c) are in compliance with the terms and conditions of the licence and the approval.
Application for Exploration Licence
Marginal note:Preliminary negotiation
29 (1) Before applying for an exploration licence, an applicant and the council must agree on the location of the proposed seismic lines and on the seismic rates, if those rates have not already been fixed in a related subsurface contract.
Marginal note:Application for exploration licence
(2) The application must be submitted to the Minister in the prescribed form and include
(a) the terms and conditions negotiated with the council;
(b) if the approval of the provincial authority is required to carry out exploration work, a statement that the approval has been received;
(c) a description of the proposed exploration program, including the licence area, the exploration work to be carried out, the equipment to be used, the name of the geophysical contractor to be engaged and the anticipated duration of the work;
(d) the results of an environmental review of the proposed exploration program that has been conducted by a qualified environmental professional who deals with the applicant at arm’s length; and
(e) the exploration licence application fee set out in Schedule 1.
Marginal note:Environmental review
(3) The results of the environmental review must be submitted in the prescribed form and include
(a) a site evaluation that is based on the site’s topography, soils, vegetation, wildlife, sources of water, existing structures, archeological and cultural resources, traditional ecological knowledge, current land uses and any other feature of the site that could be affected by the proposed exploration program;
(b) a description of the operations to be carried out during the proposed exploration program, the duration of each and its location on the site;
(c) a description of the short-term and long-term effects that each operation could have on the environment of the site and on any surrounding areas;
(d) a description of the proposed mitigation measures, the potential residual effects after mitigation and the significance of those effects; and
(e) a description of the consultations undertaken with the council and the First Nation members.
Marginal note:Environmental protection measures
(4) If the exploration program can be carried out without causing irremediable damage to the First Nation lands, the Minister must send the application to the applicant and the council, along with a letter that sets out the environmental protection measures that must be implemented to permit the licence holder to carry out their exploration program.
Marginal note:Submission of documents
(5) To obtain the exploration licence, the applicant must, within 90 days after the day on which the reviewed application is received, submit to the Minister three copies of the environmental protection measures letter and three original copies of the application signed by the applicant, along with a written resolution of the council approving the licence.
Marginal note:Exploration licence
(6) If the requirements set out in this section are met, the Minister must grant the exploration licence for a period of one year. The terms and conditions of the licence are those set out in the application and the environmental protection measures letter. The licence takes effect on the day on which it is signed by the Minister.
Operations Under Exploration Licence
Marginal note:Exercise of rights conferred by licence
30 An exploration licence holder may exercise the rights conferred by the licence in a subsurface contract area, but in doing so must not interfere with any operations carried out under the subsurface contract.
Marginal note:Priority
31 Every exploration licence is subject to
(a) any surface rights or interests granted under an Act of Parliament; and
(b) any rights or interests related to the exploration or exploitation of minerals other than oil or gas in the licence area.
Marginal note:Maximum drilling depth
32 (1) An exploration licence holder must not drill to a depth of more than 50 m, unless authorized to do so by their licence.
Marginal note:Holder’s obligations
(2) The holder must
(a) ensure that all environmental protection measures included in the licence are implemented and complied with;
(b) identify and mark the location of every test hole and shot hole that is drilled under the licence;
(c) repair and recondition any roads or road allowances that are damaged as a result of the exploration work as soon as the circumstances permit after the damage occurs;
(d) as soon as the circumstances permit, plug any hole that is drilled under the licence and that, during or after completion of the exploration work, collapses or emits gas, water or another substance;
(e) within 90 days after the day on which the exploration work is completed, pay compensation for the exploration work that was carried out, based on the rates specified in the licence or a related subsurface contract; and
(f) within 90 days after the day on which the exploration work is completed, submit to the Minister and the council
(i) a mylar sepia copy and a legible paper copy of a map, on a scale of not less than 1:50 000, that shows the location and ground elevation of every vibrating equipment station, test hole and shot hole,
(ii) summaries of any geologist’s and driller’s logs, indicating the depth and thickness of formations bearing water, sand, gravel, coal and other minerals of possible economic value, and
(iii) all technical information obtained from the drilling of each test hole.
Marginal note:Exploration report
33 (1) An exploration licence holder must submit an exploration report to the Minister within 90 days after the day on which the exploration work is completed.
Marginal note:Content of exploration report
(2) The report must comply with any exploration reporting requirements of the relevant province and must include, in addition to the documents and information referred to in paragraph 32(2)(f),
(a) a copy of every aerial photograph taken during the period of exploration;
(b) two copies of a geological report on the explored area, including stratigraphic data and structural and isopach maps on a scale of not less than 1:50 000; and
(c) a geophysical report on the explored area.
Marginal note:Content of geophysical report
(3) The geophysical report must include
(a) if seismic work has been carried out,
(i) a mylar sepia copy and two legible paper copies of a map, on a scale of not less than 1:50 000, that shows contour lines drawn on the corrected time value at each source point for all significant reflecting horizons explored, with a contour line interval of not more than 10 m,
(ii) a mylar sepia copy and two prefolded paper copies of each stacked seismic cross-section, including migrated displays if that process has been carried out, with all significant reflecting horizons clearly labelled at both ends on one of the copies, and
(iii) two microfilm copies of all basic recorded data, including survey notes, chaining notes and observer reports;
(b) if a gravity survey has been carried out, two legible copies of a map, on a scale of not less than 1:50 000, that shows the location and ground elevation of each station, the final corrected gravity value at each station and gravity contour lines drawn on that value, with a contour line interval of not more than 2.5 µm/s2; and
(c) if a magnetic survey has been carried out, two legible copies of a map of the explored area, on a scale of not less than 1:50 000, that shows the location of the flight lines or grid stations and magnetic contour lines, with a contour line interval of not more than 5 nT.
Marginal note:Exception
(4) The holder may include maps at contour line intervals or scales other than those specified in subsections (2) and (3) if the alternative intervals or scales would enhance the interpretability of the maps.
Marginal note:Information available to council
(5) The Minister must make the information submitted under subsections (2) to (4) available to the council.
Marginal note:Information to be kept
(6) In addition to the information submitted under this section, the holder must keep any information that was obtained as a result of the exploration work carried out in the contract area, including any printout, or magnetic digital display, of raw seismic data or interpreted seismic data, and must make it available for review by the Minister at the holder’s office during business hours after the later of
(a) if the holder also holds a subsurface lease or permit in lands in the licence area, 90 days after the day on which the lease expires or is continued, the initial term of the permit expires or, in the case of a permit issued under the Indian Oil and Gas Regulations, 1995, the permit is converted to one or more leases, and
(b) one year after the day on which the exploration work is completed.
Marginal note:Remediation and reclamation
34 When exploration work under an exploration licence is no longer being carried out, whether or not the licence has ended, the licence holder must ensure that all the lands on which the work was carried out are remediated and reclaimed.
Subsurface Rights or Interests
Grants of Subsurface Rights or Interests
General Rules
Marginal note:Subsurface contracts
35 (1) Oil and gas rights or interests in First Nation lands may be granted by the Minister under one of the following subsurface contracts:
(a) an oil and gas permit;
(b) an oil and gas lease.
Marginal note:Process
(2) A subsurface contract must be granted in accordance with the public tender process set out in sections 39 to 42 or the negotiation process set out in sections 44 to 46, as chosen by the council. The negotiation process may be preceded by a call for proposals in accordance with section 43.
Marginal note:No splitting of rights
(3) When granting a subsurface contract, the Minister must grant all the rights to the oil and gas in each zone included in the contract area.
Marginal note:Priority
36 A subsurface contract holder’s rights or interests are subject to the right of an exploration licence holder to carry out exploration work in, and the right of any other subsurface contract holder to work through, the subsurface contract area.
Marginal note:Multiple holders
37 (1) A subsurface contract may be granted to no more than five persons, each having an undivided right or interest in the contract of at least 1%. The right or interest must be expressed in decimal form to no more than seven decimal places.
Marginal note:Liability
(2) If two or more persons have an undivided right or interest in a subsurface contract, they are jointly and severally, or solidarily, liable for all obligations under the contract, the Act and these Regulations.
Marginal note:Fair value
38 In determining the fair value of the rights or interests to be granted under a subsurface contract, the Minister must, in consultation with the council, consider the bonuses paid for grants of oil and gas rights or interests in other lands, which may be adjusted to take into account the following factors:
(a) the size of the other lands and their proximity to the First Nation lands;
(b) the time when the rights or interests in the other lands were granted;
(c) current oil and gas prices and the prices when the rights or interests were granted;
(d) the results of recent drilling operations in the vicinity of the other lands;
(e) similarities and differences in the geological features of the other lands and the First Nation lands; and
(f) any other factors that could affect the fair value of the rights or interests.
Public Tender Process
Marginal note:Public tender
39 The Minister may grant the oil and gas rights or interests in First Nation lands by way of public tender only if the council requests or consents to that process.
Marginal note:Minister’s duties
40 (1) When oil and gas rights or interests are to be granted by way of public tender, the Minister must, after consulting with the council, prepare a notice of tender.
Marginal note:Notice of tender
(2) The notice of tender must include the following information:
(a) the type of subsurface contract to be granted;
(b) the terms and conditions of the contract, other than those set out in these Regulations, or the address of a website where the terms and conditions are set out, including
(i) a description of the lands to be included in the contract area and the oil and gas rights or interests to be granted,
(ii) the surface rates and seismic rates,
(iii) the initial and intermediate terms of the permit or the term of the lease, as the case may be,
(iv) in the case of a permit, the earning provisions for the initial term, including the drilling commitment and deadline for completion, the target zone or depth to which each earning well must be drilled and a description of the lands to be earned by each, and
(v) the royalty to be paid, if it differs from the royalty provided for in these Regulations;
(c) the instructions for submitting a bid, including any information to be provided by bidders, the place where a bid may be submitted and the deadline for submission; and
(d) a statement indicating that the bidder acknowledges that they have reviewed and understood the terms and conditions of the contract to be granted and will be bound by those terms and conditions if theirs is the winning bid.
Marginal note:Publication of notice of tender
(3) The Minister must submit a copy of the proposed notice of tender to the council before publishing it and, if it is approved, must publish it
(a) in a publication known to the industry, such as the Daily Oil Bulletin published by JuneWarren-Nickle’s Energy Group; or
(b) on a website on which the Minister publishes information about oil and gas in First Nation lands.
Marginal note:Submission of bids
41 (1) All bids must be submitted in accordance with the instructions set out in the notice of tender, be sealed and include
(a) the subsurface contract application fee set out in Schedule 1;
(b) the rent for the first year of the contract;
(c) the bonus; and
(d) the name and address for service of each proposed contract holder and the percentage share of each.
Marginal note:Certified funds
(2) The fee, rent and bonus must be paid in certified funds unless the notice of tender specifies a different form of payment.
Marginal note:Opening of bids
42 (1) After the tender closes, the Minister must without delay open the bids, exclude any bids that do not meet the requirements of section 41, identify the bid with the highest bonus and send the council notice of that bid.
Marginal note:Presence at opening
(2) The council or a person designated by the council may be present when the Minister opens the bids.
Marginal note:Tied bid
(3) If the highest bonus is included in more than one bid, the Minister must republish the notice of tender.
Marginal note:Council’s decision
(4) The council may, within 15 days after the day on which the tender closes, notify the Minister by written resolution that it rejects the bid with the highest bonus. If such a notice is received, all bids must be rejected.
Marginal note:Irrevocable decision
(5) If a council notifies the Minister that it approves the bid with the highest bonus, that bid cannot later be rejected under subsection (4).
Marginal note:Acceptance of highest bid
(6) If a notice rejecting the bid is not received, the Minister must accept it and send the winning bidder a notice of acceptance. The contract takes effect on the day on which the tender closes.
Marginal note:Publication of tender results
(7) The Minister must publish the name of the winner and the winning bonus amount or, if no bid was accepted, a notice to that effect, in the publication or on the website where the notice of tender was published.
Marginal note:Confidentiality
(8) Except for the name of the winning bidder and bonus amount, the information in bids must be kept confidential.
Marginal note:Contract granted
(9) The Minister must prepare the subsurface contract and send a copy to the council and the winning bidder.
Marginal note:Unsuccessful bids
(10) The Minister must return the fee, rent and bonus included in each unsuccessful bid to the person that submitted it.
Call for Proposals Process
Marginal note:Call for proposals
43 For the purpose of soliciting interest in rights or interests in First Nation lands, either the council, or the Minister jointly with the council, may make a call for proposals. The call may be made by public notice or by other means and must include the following information:
(a) the type of subsurface contract to be granted;
(b) a description of the lands to be included in the contract area and the oil and gas rights or interests to be granted;
(c) the terms and conditions of the contract, other than those set out in these Regulations;
(d) the elements that will be considered in evaluating the proposals;
(e) a statement that the proposals that are received will form the basis for negotiations with the council and the Minister; and
(f) a statement that, in addition to the terms and conditions negotiated, the contract will include the terms and conditions set out in these Regulations.
Negotiation Process
Marginal note:Application for subsurface contract
44 (1) A person may apply to the Minister for a subsurface contract that confers oil and gas rights or interests in one or more zones in First Nation lands.
Marginal note:Preliminary negotiation
(2) Before applying for a subsurface contract, an applicant and the council must agree on the following terms and conditions:
(a) the type of subsurface contract to be applied for;
(b) a description of the lands to be included in the contract area and the oil and gas rights or interests to be granted;
(c) the amount of the bonus to be paid;
(d) the initial and intermediate terms of the permit or the term of the lease, as the case may be;
(e) in the case of a permit, the earning provisions for the initial term, including the drilling commitment and deadline for completion, the target zone or depth to which each earning well must be drilled and a description of the lands to be earned by each; and
(f) the royalty to be paid, if it differs from the royalty provided for in these Regulations.
Marginal note:Content of application
(3) The application to the Minister must be in the prescribed form, set out the terms and conditions negotiated by the applicant and the council and be accompanied by the subsurface contract application fee set out in Schedule 1.
Marginal note:Confidentiality
(4) Any information that is disclosed during the negotiations referred to in subsection (2) or in an application referred to in subsection (3) must be kept confidential.
Marginal note:Conditions of approval
45 (1) The Minister must not approve the application unless
(a) the lands and oil and gas rights or interests described in the application have been surrendered or designated under section 38 of the Indian Act; and
(b) the proposed bonus reflects the fair value of the rights or interests to be granted, determined in accordance with section 38 of these Regulations.
Marginal note:Approval of application
(2) If the application is approved, the Minister must prepare the subsurface contract and send a copy to the applicant and the council. The Minister must fix and include in the contract the surface rates to be paid under any related surface contract and the seismic rates to be paid under any related exploration licence.
Marginal note:Criteria — rates
(3) The surface rates must be fixed in accordance with subsections 73(2) and (3). The seismic rates must be comparable to seismic rates for exploration on lands, excluding provincial Crown lands, that are similar in size, character and use.
Marginal note:Refusal of application
(4) If the application is not approved, the Minister must send the applicant and the council a notice of refusal that sets out the reasons for the refusal.
Marginal note:Granting of contract
46 (1) The Minister must grant the contract if he or she receives the following within 90 days after the day on which a copy of the contract has been received by both the applicant and the council:
(a) a written resolution of the council approving the terms and conditions of the contract and stating that the council has chosen to have the rights or interests described in the contract granted by way of negotiation rather than public tender;
(b) the bonus and first year’s rent; and
(c) two original copies of the contract — as well as an original copy for each future contract holder — all of which are signed by each of them.
Marginal note:Effective date
(2) The contract takes effect on the day on which it is granted, unless it provides otherwise.
Terms and Conditions of Subsurface Contracts
Marginal note:Rights conferred by contract
47 A subsurface contract holder has the exclusive right to exploit the oil and gas in the lands in the contract area, to treat that oil, to process that gas and to dispose of that oil and gas.
Marginal note:Initial term of permit
48 (1) If the lands in a permit area are located in a province set out in column 1 of the table to Schedule 2 and in a region set out in column 2, the initial term of the permit is the term set out in column 3. Otherwise, the initial term is five years.
Marginal note:More than one region
(2) If the lands in a permit area are located in more than one region set out in column 2 of the table to Schedule 2, the initial term is the term for the region in which the greatest portion of the lands is located. If the portion of lands in each region is the same, the initial term is the longer of the terms set out in column 3.
Marginal note:Intermediate term of permit
(3) The intermediate term of a permit is three years.
Marginal note:Term of lease
49 The term of an oil and gas lease is three years.
Marginal note:Term — exception
50 (1) Despite subsections 48(1) and (2) and section 49, with the consent of the applicant and the council, the Minister may fix the initial term of a permit or the term of a lease at a number of years that is greater than the number established by those provisions, to a maximum of five years.
Marginal note:Amended term
(2) With the consent of the holder, the term of a subsurface contract may be amended, in accordance with subsection 20(1), to a maximum of five years.
Marginal note:Annual rent
51 The annual rent for a subsurface contract is $5 per hectare or $100, whichever is greater.
Selection of Lands for Intermediate Term of Permit
Marginal note:Lands earned
52 (1) A permit holder earns lands, and may select from those lands for the intermediate term of the permit, if, during the initial term, they have, in accordance with the earning provisions of their permit,
(a) drilled a new well in the permit area; or
(b) re-entered an existing well in the permit area and drilled at least 150 m of new wellbore.
Marginal note:Failure to comply with earning provisions
(2) If a holder fails to meet a deadline set out in an earning provision of their permit, the permit terminates on the day of the deadline with respect to all lands that have not been earned on or before that day.
Marginal note:Selection of lands
(3) A holder that has earned lands may select from those lands down to the base of the deepest zone into which they have drilled, as identified in accordance with Schedule 3.
Marginal note:Constraints on selection
(4) The lands selected under subsection (3) must
(a) be contiguous, if their configuration permits; and
(b) include the entire spacing unit in which the earning well is located.
Marginal note:Area less than 75%
53 (1) A permit holder that has drilled a well in a spacing unit whose area is composed of less than 75% First Nation lands may select only lands in the section in which the well is located, down to the base of the deepest zone into which they have drilled.
Marginal note:Reduced earnings — new well
(2) A holder that has drilled a new well, but has not drilled to the extent required by the earning provisions of their permit, may select only lands in the section in which the well is located, down to the base of the deepest zone into which they have drilled.
Marginal note:Reduced earnings — re-entered well
(3) A holder that has re-entered and completed a well, but has not drilled to the extent referred to in paragraph 52(1)(b) and the earning provisions of their permit, may select only lands in the spacing unit in which the well is completed.
Marginal note:Application for approval
54 (1) A holder that wants a grant of oil and gas rights or interests for the intermediate term of their permit must apply to the Minister for approval of their selection of lands before the day on which the initial term of the permit expires or
(a) if the permit has terminated under subsection 52(2), within 15 days after the day referred to in that subsection; or
(b) if the deadline for applying has been extended under subsection 62(2), before the extension expires.
Marginal note:Late application
(2) A holder that fails to apply within the relevant deadline referred to in subsection (1) may apply for approval if the application is submitted within 15 days after the deadline and is accompanied by a late application fee of $5,000.
Marginal note:Content of application
(3) The application must be in the prescribed form and include
(a) an identification and description of each well that has been drilled and each well that has been re-entered and completed;
(b) a description of the lands, including the zones, selected for the intermediate term of the permit; and
(c) the rent for the first year of the intermediate term.
Marginal note:Additional information
(4) Information about a well that is drilled, or re-entered and completed, within 30 days before the relevant deadline may be submitted up to 15 days after that deadline, unless the holder has received an extension under subsection 62(2).
Marginal note:Approval
(5) On receiving an application, the Minister must
(a) approve the selection of lands if the requirements of section 52 are met; and
(b) grant the holder the oil and gas rights or interests in the selected lands for the intermediate term of the permit if the holder has complied with the requirements of the Act, these Regulations and their permit.
Marginal note:Notice to holder and council
(6) If the selection is approved and the oil and gas rights or interests are granted, the Minister must send the holder and the council a notice of the approval and a description of the lands, including the zones, selected for the intermediate term of the permit. If the selection is not approved, the Minister must send the holder a notice of refusal that sets out the reasons for the refusal.
Marginal note:Transitional provision
55 Sections 47 to 54 do not apply to a contract that was granted under the Indian Oil and Gas Regulations, 1995.
Bitumen Recovery Project Approval
Marginal note:Application for approval
56 (1) A subsurface contract holder may apply to the Minister for approval of a bitumen recovery project if they have achieved the minimum level of evaluation and have applied to the provincial authority for approval of the project.
Marginal note:Minimum level of evaluation
(2) The minimum level of evaluation is achieved when
(a) one well is drilled on each section of the lands that are subject to the contract — if the section is in the proposed bitumen recovery project area — and at least 25% of those wells are cored; or
(b) one well is drilled on at least 60% of the sections of the lands that are subject to the contract — if the sections are in the proposed bitumen recovery project area — at least 25% of those wells are cored and seismic data are obtained over at least 3.2 km in each undrilled section.
Marginal note:Content of application
57 (1) An application for approval of a bitumen recovery project must be in the prescribed form and include
(a) a description of the lands to be included in the project;
(b) evidence that the minimum level of evaluation has been achieved;
(c) a statement that the subsurface contract holder has applied for or received the provincial authority’s approval of the project;
(d) the results of an environmental review of the project that has been conducted by a qualified environmental professional who deals with the holder at arm’s length;
(e) the terms and conditions respecting the royalty to be paid for the oil and gas recovered from lands in the project area;
(f) the reporting requirements for the project;
(g) a detailed description of the project, including its location, size and scope, the operations to be carried out, the schedule of pre-construction, construction and start-up operations and the reasons for selecting that schedule;
(h) a map indicating all the rights and interests in the lands in the project area and in any area that is likely to be affected by project operations;
(i) an aerial photographic mosaic of the project area at a scale that is adequate to show the location of the project components, including wells, facilities, tanks, access roads, railways, pipelines, public utility corridors, tailings ponds and waste storage sites;
(j) a detailed description of storage and transportation facilities for the oil and gas, including the size of any pipeline that may be used and the name of the entity that owns it;
(k) the anticipated rate of production of the oil and gas for the period for which approval is sought;
(l) the year and month in which the annual minimum level of production of bitumen will be achieved;
(m) a description of the energy sources to be used and their anticipated quantity and cost, along with a comparison to alternative sources; and
(n) the term of the approval sought, along with the anticipated starting and completion dates of the project.
Marginal note:Environmental review
(2) The results of the environmental review of the bitumen recovery project must be submitted in the prescribed form and include
(a) a site evaluation that is based on the site’s topography, soils, vegetation, wildlife, sources of water, existing structures, archeological and cultural resources, traditional ecological knowledge, current land uses and any other feature of the site that could be affected by the project;
(b) a description of the operations to be carried out during the project, the duration of each and its location on the site;
(c) a description of the short-term and long-term effects that each operation could have on the environment of the site and on any surrounding areas;
(d) a description of the proposed mitigation measures, the potential residual effects after mitigation and the significance of those effects; and
(e) a description of the consultations undertaken with the council and the First Nation members.
Marginal note:Environmental protection measures letter
(3) After reviewing the application, the Minister must send the applicant and the council a letter that sets out the environmental protection measures that must be implemented to permit the subsurface contract holder to carry out operations under the project.
Marginal note:Approval
58 (1) The Minister must approve the bitumen recovery project if
(a) the applicant has achieved the minimum level of evaluation of the lands in the project area;
(b) a written resolution of the council approving the project has been submitted;
(c) the application meets the requirements of subsections 57(1) and (2);
(d) the project has been approved by the provincial authority; and
(e) the project can be carried out without causing irremediable damage to the First Nation lands.
Marginal note:Terms and conditions of approval
(2) The approval may include any terms and conditions that are necessary to permit the Minister to verify the progress of operations carried out under the project, payment of the approved royalty and implementation and compliance with the environmental protection measures.
Marginal note:Surface contract required
59 (1) The operations under a bitumen recovery project must not begin until the subsurface contract holder has obtained the surface contracts required by these Regulations.
Marginal note:Compliance with measures
(2) The holder must ensure that all environmental protection measures included in the approval are implemented and complied with.
Marginal note:Minimum level of production
60 (1) The annual minimum level of production of bitumen from the lands that are subject to a bitumen recovery project is equal to an average of 2 400 m3 per section in the project area.
Marginal note:Compensation — bitumen
(2) If the annual minimum level of production of bitumen from the lands that are subject to the bitumen recovery project is not achieved in any year following the month in which that level was to be achieved, the subsurface contract holder must pay compensation equal to 25% of the difference between the value of the minimum level of production and the value of the actual level of production.
Marginal note:Deemed price
(3) For the purpose of calculating the compensation, the price of bitumen is deemed to be the monthly Bitumen Floor Price published by the Alberta provincial authority for the relevant time period.
Marginal note:Exception
(4) This section does not apply if the lands that are subject to the bitumen recovery project are the subject of an authorization under section 42 of the Indian Oil and Gas Regulations, 1995.
Marginal note:Additional lands, wells or facilities
61 Once a bitumen recovery project has been approved, the subsurface contract holder must obtain the approval of the Minister and the council before adding lands, wells or facilities to the project.
Drilling Over Expiry
Marginal note:Application for extension
62 (1) A subsurface contract holder may apply to the Minister, in the prescribed form, for an extension of the deadline for applying for approval of a selection of lands under subsection 54(1) or for continuation under section 64 if
(a) the holder has spudded or re-entered a well for the purpose of deepening it or completing a new zone, but cannot finish the operation before the relevant term expires;
(b) the application is submitted before the relevant term expires;
(c) the application identifies the well and indicates when it was spudded or re-entered; and
(d) the application includes the rent for the following year.
Marginal note:Approval of extension
(2) If an application is submitted in accordance with subsection (1), the Minister must extend the deadline for applying for approval of a selection of lands or for continuation to the 30th day after the day on which the spudded or re-entered well is rig-released. The Minister must send the council a notice of the extension.
Marginal note:Rights during extension
(3) During an extension, the holder may continue to produce from any wells in the contract area that are already producing, but must not spud or re-enter any other wells in that area.
Marginal note:Transitional provision
(4) This section applies to a permit or lease granted under the Indian Oil and Gas Regulations, 1995.
Continuation of Subsurface Contracts
Marginal note:Qualifying lands
63 (1) A subsurface contract may be continued with respect to the zones, identified in accordance with Schedule 4, that are in a spacing unit
(a) that contains a productive well;
(b) that is subject, in whole or in part, to a unit agreement that includes lands in which a productive well is located, or to an oil or gas storage agreement that has been approved by the provincial authority;
(c) that is subject to a bitumen recovery project that has been approved by the Minister;
(d) that is subject to a project, other than a bitumen recovery project, that has been approved by the provincial authority and includes lands in which a productive well is located;
(e) in respect of which an offset notice has been received in the six months before the day on which the application for continuation is submitted or in respect of which a compensatory royalty is being paid;
(f) that is not producing but is shown by mapping to be capable of producing from the same pool from which a well on an adjoining spacing unit is productive; or
(g) that is potentially productive.
Marginal note:Horizontal and deviated wells
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), each spacing unit from which a horizontal well or deviated well is productive is deemed to contain a productive well.
Marginal note:Potentially productive
(3) For the purpose of paragraph (1)(g), a spacing unit is potentially productive if
(a) it contains a well that is in a mapped pool, is neither productive nor abandoned and
(i) was previously producing, or
(ii) contains evidence of the presence of hydrocarbons whose potential productivity has not been conclusively determined;
(b) it contains an abandoned well and any zone penetrated by the well has remaining oil or gas reserves; or
(c) it has not been drilled, there is evidence that it may be part of a productive pool and it is within a quarter-section in the case of oil — or a section in the case of gas — that adjoins any spacing unit referred to in paragraphs (1)(a) to (e).
Marginal note:Application for continuation
64 (1) An application for the continuation of a subsurface contract may be made to the Minister before the day on which the lease or the intermediate term of the permit expires.
Marginal note:Content of application
(2) The application must be in the prescribed form and include
(a) a description of the lands, including the zones, with respect to which continuation is sought;
(b) an indication of the basis for continuation under subsection 63(1) along with evidence of that basis; and
(c) the rent for the first year of the continuation.
Marginal note:Determination
65 (1) On receiving an application for continuation, the Minister must determine which lands described in the application are in a spacing unit referred to in any of paragraphs 63(1)(a) to (e) and must continue the contract with respect to those lands.
Marginal note:Offer to continue
(2) If the Minister determines that lands described in the application are in a spacing unit referred to in paragraph 63(1)(f) or (g), he or she must send the holder an offer to continue the contract with respect to those lands.
Marginal note:Continuation
(3) The Minister must continue the contract with respect to lands in a spacing unit referred to in paragraph 63(1)(f) or (g) if, within 30 days after the day on which the offer of continuation is received, the holder pays the Minister a bonus equal to the greater of
(a) $2,000, and
(b) $400 for each full or partial legal subdivision or, if the lands have not been divided into legal subdivisions, $400 for each unit of land equivalent to 16 hectares, rounded up to the nearest whole number of units.
Marginal note:Notice to holder and council
(4) The Minister must send the holder and the council a notice of his or her determination and — if the contract is continued — a description of the lands, including the zones, with respect to which it is continued as well as the basis for continuation.
Marginal note:Rights before determination
(5) Before notice of the Minister’s determination is received, the holder may continue to produce from any wells in the contract area that are already producing, but must not spud or re-enter any other wells in that area.
Marginal note:Refund
(6) If the contract is not continued, the Minister must refund the rent submitted with the application. If the contract is continued only in part, the Minister must refund the rent for the lands with respect to which the contract is not continued.
Marginal note:Continuation requested by council
66 (1) The Minister may continue, for a maximum period of five years, a contract in respect of lands for which continuation was not granted under subsection 65(1) or lands for which continuation was granted under subsection 65(3) if
(a) the council requests the Minister to do so in a written resolution sent to the Minister that describes the lands, including the zones, to which the request relates and the requested period of continuation;
(b) a request for continuation under this subsection has not previously been made in respect of those lands;
(c) the written consent of the holder is sent to the Minister;
(d) the resolution and consent are sent
(i) in the case of a contract in respect of lands for which continuation was not granted under subsection 65(1), within 30 days after the day on which the notice referred to in subsection 65(4) is received, and
(ii) in the case of a contract in respect of lands for which continuation was granted under subsection 65(3), within 30 days after the day on which the continuation expires; and
(e) the holder has paid the rent for the first year of the continuation.
Marginal note:Additional bonus
(2) If the Minister determines that an additional bonus must be paid to reflect the fair value, determined in accordance with section 38, of the rights or interests to be continued, the Minister must not continue the contract unless that additional bonus is paid.
Marginal note:Failure to apply for continuation
67 (1) If a holder has not applied for continuation before the deadline referred to in subsection 64(1), the Minister must determine, as soon as the circumstances permit and on the basis of the information in his or her possession, whether their contract is eligible for continuation under any of paragraphs 63(1)(a) to (e).
Marginal note:Notice of eligibility
(2) If the contract is eligible for continuation, the Minister must send the holder a notice that includes the following information:
(a) a description of the lands, including the zones, with respect to which the contract is eligible for continuation;
(b) the basis for continuation; and
(c) the requirements for an application for continuation, as well as the deadline for submission.
Marginal note:Application for continuation
(3) A holder that has received a notice of eligibility may, within 30 days after the day on which the notice is received, apply to the Minister, in the prescribed form, for continuation of the contract with respect to any of the lands described in the notice.
Marginal note:Content of application
(4) The application must include a description of the lands, including the zones, with respect to which continuation is sought, the rent for the first year of the continuation and a late application fee of $5,000.
Marginal note:Continuation to be granted
(5) If the holder pays the required rent and fee, the Minister must continue the contract with respect to the lands described in the application and send the holder and the council a notice of the continuation that describes the lands, including the zones, with respect to which it is continued as well as the basis for continuation.
Marginal note:Indefinite continuation
68 (1) A contract that is continued on the basis of any of paragraphs 63(1)(a) to (e) continues so long as the lands that are subject to the contract continue to be eligible on that basis or until the contract is surrendered or cancelled.
Marginal note:Continuation for one year
(2) A contract that is continued under subsection 65(3) continues for a period of one year after the day on which the contract would have expired had it not been continued.
Marginal note:Non-productivity — oil and gas
69 (1) If a contract that is continued in respect of lands on the basis of paragraph 63(1)(a), (b), (d) or (e) ceases to be eligible for continuation on that basis, the Minister must send the holder a notice of non-productivity that describes those lands and indicates the basis on which the contract has ceased to be eligible.
Marginal note:Non-productivity — expiry
(2) A contract referred to in subsection (1) expires with respect to the lands described in the notice of non-productivity one year after the day on which the notice is received.
Marginal note:Non-productivity — continuation
(3) Before the expiry of a contract with respect to lands described in a non-productivity notice, the holder may apply under section 64 to have the contract continued with respect to those lands on the basis of any of paragraphs 63(1)(a) to (e) other than the basis mentioned in the notice.
Marginal note:Application for continuation
(4) Before the expiry of a contract continued under subsection 65(3) or section 66, the holder may apply under section 64 to have the contract continued on the basis of any of paragraphs 63(1)(a) to (e).
Marginal note:Inadequate productivity — bitumen
70 (1) In the case of a contract continued under paragraph 63(1)(c), if the annual minimum level of production of bitumen from the lands that are subject to the bitumen recovery project is not achieved in any three years, whether or not the years are consecutive, the Minister must send the holder a notice of inadequate productivity with respect to those lands.
Marginal note:Termination and expiry
(2) If the annual minimum level of production of bitumen from the lands that are subject to the bitumen recovery project is not achieved in any year following the day on which the notice of inadequate productivity is received,
(a) the project terminates on the final day of that year; and
(b) the contract expires on the final day of that year, unless it is continued under subsection (3).
Marginal note:Minister’s determination
(3) When the Minister becomes aware that the annual minimum level of production of bitumen from the lands that are subject to a bitumen recovery project will not be achieved in a year and the contract may expire under paragraph (2)(b), he or she must determine, as soon as the circumstances permit and on the basis of the information in his or her possession, whether the contract is eligible for continuation under any of paragraphs 63(1)(a), (b), (d) or (e) and, if so, must continue the contract on that basis.
Marginal note:Transitional provision — continuation
71 (1) Sections 63 to 68 apply to the continuation of any subsurface lease that was granted under the Indian Act or the Act before these Regulations came into force.
Marginal note:Transitional provision — non-productivity
(2) Section 69 applies to a subsurface lease that was continued under the Indian Act or the Act before these Regulations came into force if the lands in the lease area cease to be eligible for continuation on the basis on which the lease was continued.
Marginal note:Transitional provision — inadequate productivity
(3) Section 70 does not apply if the lands that are subject to the bitumen recovery project are the subject of an authorization under section 42 of the Indian Oil and Gas Regulations, 1995.
Surface Rights or Interests
Marginal note:Authorization
72 (1) A person may carry out surface operations on First Nation lands for the purpose of exploiting oil and gas if
(a) in the case of operations that require crossing over or going through First Nation lands, they hold a right-of-way in those lands; and
(b) in the case of operations that require the exclusive occupation and use of the surface of First Nation lands, they hold a surface lease in respect of those lands.
Marginal note:Right of entry
(2) A person that intends to apply for a surface contract in respect of First Nation lands to carry out operations referred to in subsection (1) may, with the authorization of the council and any First Nation member in lawful possession of those lands, enter on the lands to determine the location of proposed facilities, conduct surveys and carry out any operation necessary to submit an application under section 75.
Marginal note:Preliminary negotiation
73 (1) Before applying for a surface contract, the applicant must provide the council, and any First Nation member in lawful possession of lands in the proposed contract area, with a survey sketch of that area and must reach an agreement with them on the following:
(a) the lands to be included in the contract area;
(b) the operations that will be carried out on those lands;
(c) the surface rates, if they have not already been fixed by the Minister in a related subsurface contract; and
(d) if a service well is to be drilled or an existing well is to be used as a service well, the permitted uses of the well and the amount of compensation to be paid in respect of the well.
Marginal note:Surface rates — right-of-way
(2) In the case of a right-of-way, the surface rates consist of
(a) a right-of-entry charge of $1,250 per hectare, subject to a minimum charge of $500 and a maximum charge of $5,000; and
(b) initial compensation based on the fair value of lands that are similar in size, character and use.
Marginal note:Surface rates — surface lease
(3) In the case of a surface lease, the surface rates consist of
(a) the right-of-entry charge referred to in paragraph (2)(a);
(b) initial compensation based on the fair value of lands that are similar in size, character and use, the loss of use of the lands, adverse effects and general disturbance; and
(c) the annual rent for subsequent years, based on the loss of use of the lands and adverse effects.
Marginal note:Negotiation breakdown
74 If an agreement cannot be reached on the amount of the initial compensation or annual rent to be paid, the Minister must, at the request of the applicant, the council or a First Nation member in lawful possession of lands in the contract area, determine the amount in accordance with subsection 73(2) or (3).
Marginal note:Application for surface contract
75 (1) The application for a surface contract must be submitted to the Minister in the prescribed form and include
(a) the terms and conditions negotiated with the council and any First Nation member in lawful possession of lands in the contract area;
(b) a survey plan of the lands to be included in the contract area;
(c) the results of an environmental review of the operations to be carried out in the contract area that has been conducted by a qualified environmental professional who deals with the applicant at arm’s length; and
(d) the surface lease or right-of-way application fee set out in Schedule 1.
Marginal note:Environmental review
(2) The results of the environmental review must be submitted in the prescribed form and include
(a) a site evaluation that is based on the site’s topography, soils, vegetation, wildlife, sources of water, existing structures, archeological and cultural resources, traditional ecological knowledge, current land uses and any other feature of the site that could be affected by the proposed uses of the lands in the contract area;
(b) a description of the operations to be carried out on the lands, the duration of each and its location on the site;
(c) a description of the short-term and long-term effects that each operation could have on the environment of the site and on any surrounding areas;
(d) a description of the proposed mitigation measures, the potential residual effects after mitigation and the significance of those effects; and
(e) a description of the consultations undertaken with the council and the First Nation members.
Marginal note:Environmental protection measures
(3) If the application meets the requirements of subsection (1) and the proposed operations can be carried out without causing irremediable damage to the First Nation lands, the Minister must send the applicant and the First Nation a copy of the contract that includes
(a) the terms and conditions negotiated with the council and any First Nation member in lawful possession of lands in the contract area; and
(b) the environmental protection measures that must be implemented to permit the holder to carry out operations under the contract.
Marginal note:Granting of contract
(4) The Minister must grant the contract if he or she receives the following:
(a) four original copies of the contract, signed by the applicant;
(b) a written resolution of the council approving the contract and the written consent of any First Nation member in lawful possession of lands in the contract area; and
(c) the right-of-entry charge and initial compensation owed under the contract.
Marginal note:Compliance with measures
(5) The holder must ensure that all environmental protection measures included in the contract are implemented and complied with.
Marginal note:Term
76 A surface contract ends on the day on which its surrender has been approved by the Minister, unless the contract provides otherwise.
Marginal note:Renegotiation of rent
77 (1) Unless a surface lease provides otherwise, the holder must renegotiate the amount of the rent with the Minister, the council and any First Nation member in lawful possession of lands in the lease area at the end of the shorter of
(a) every five-year period, and
(b) any period fixed by the laws of the relevant province for the renegotiation of surface leases in lands that are not First Nation lands.
Marginal note:Amendment of lease
(2) The Minister must amend the lease to reflect the rent renegotiated under subsection (1) if
(a) a written resolution of the council approving the renegotiated rent is submitted along with the written consent of any First Nation member in lawful possession of lands in the lease area; and
(b) the Minister determines that the renegotiated rent is fair on the basis of the criteria referred to in paragraph 73(3)(c).
Marginal note:Renegotiation breakdown
(3) If an agreement cannot be reached in renegotiating the rent, the Minister must, at the request of the holder, the council or any First Nation member in lawful possession of lands in the lease area, determine the rent on the basis of the criteria referred to in paragraph 73(3)(c) and amend the lease accordingly.
Marginal note:Abandonment, remediation and reclamation
78 If the lands in a surface contract area are no longer used for the uses for which the contract was granted, the holder must abandon any well and facilities in the area and remediate and reclaim those lands.
Marginal note:Payment of royalty
79 (1) Except as otherwise provided in a special agreement entered into under subsection 4(2) of the Act, a subsurface contract holder must pay a royalty, in an amount calculated in accordance with Schedule 5, on the oil and gas recovered from, or attributed to, lands in the subsurface contract area.
Marginal note:Index price or actual selling price
(2) If a special agreement entered into under subsection 4(2) of the Act provides that the royalty on oil or gas is to be calculated using a monthly index price or corporate pool price rather than the actual selling price, the holder must, in the prescribed form, provide the Minister with the index price or corporate pool price for each month in which the oil or gas is produced.
Marginal note:Deadline for payment
80 The royalty must be paid on or before the 25th day of the third month after the month in which the oil or gas is produced.
Marginal note:Royalty — every sale
81 (1) Subject to subsection (2), every sale of oil or gas that is recovered from, or attributed to, lands in a subsurface contract area must include the sale, on behalf of Her Majesty in right of Canada, of any oil or gas that constitutes the royalty payable under the Act.
Marginal note:Payment in kind
(2) After giving the contract holder notice, and having regard to any obligations that the holder may have in respect of the sale of oil or gas, the Minister may, with the prior approval of the council, direct the holder to pay all or part of the royalty in kind for a specified period or until the Minister directs otherwise.
Marginal note:Keeping of information
82 (1) Any person that produces, sells, acquires or stores oil or gas that has been recovered from First Nation lands, or acquires a right to such oil or gas, must keep, for a period of 10 years, all information that may be used to calculate the royalty owing in respect of that oil and gas, including any information required by this section.
Marginal note:Information — royalties
(2) Any person referred to in subsection (1) must submit the following information to the Minister in the prescribed form as soon as it becomes available:
(a) the volume and quality of the oil or gas produced, sold, acquired or stored, or to which a right was acquired, by that person during the month in which the oil or gas was produced;
(b) the value for which the oil or gas, or a right to the oil or gas, was sold or acquired;
(c) any costs and allowances to be taken into account in determining the royalty payable on the oil or gas; and
(d) any other information that is required to calculate or verify the royalty payable.
Marginal note:Information — related parties
(3) The Minister may require a person referred to in subsection (1) to submit information for the purpose of determining whether the parties to a transaction are related parties.
Marginal note:Related parties
(4) For the purpose of subsection (3), persons are related parties if they are related persons, affiliated persons or associated corporations within the meaning of subsection 251(2), section 251.1 and subsection 256(1), respectively, of the Income Tax Act.
Marginal note:Order to submit plan or diagram
83 (1) For the purpose of verifying the royalty payable under a contract, the Minister may order an operator to submit a plan or diagram, drawn to a specified scale, of any facility that is used by the operator in exploiting oil or gas.
Marginal note:Deadline
(2) An operator that receives an order must submit the requested plan or diagram within 30 days after the day on which the order is received.
Marginal note:Notice to submit documents
84 (1) For the purpose of verifying the royalty payable under a contract, the Minister may send a notice requiring any person that has sold, purchased or swapped oil or gas recovered from First Nation lands to provide any of the following documents:
(a) a signed copy of any written sales contract or, if the contract was unwritten, a document that sets out its terms and conditions;
(b) a transaction statement, invoice or other document that sets out the details of the transaction;
(c) any agreement between persons respecting the costs and allowances to be taken into account in determining the royalty payable on the oil or gas.
Marginal note:Deadline
(2) A person that receives a notice sent under subsection (1) must submit the requested documents within 14 days after the day on which the notice is received.
First Nation Audits and Examinations
General Rules
Marginal note:Agreement required
85 (1) A First Nation may conduct an audit or examination for the purpose of verifying the royalties payable on oil or gas recovered from its lands if
(a) its council has entered into an audit or examination agreement with the Minister; and
(b) the audit or examination is conducted in accordance with the agreement and these Regulations.
Marginal note:Procedure to obtain agreement
(2) A council that has obtained preliminary approval of an audit or examination under section 89 may request that the Minister enter into an audit or examination agreement under section 90.
Marginal note:Qualifications
86 (1) A person who conducts an audit or examination under the Act must have the credentials and experience required to carry out their role in the audit or examination in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
Marginal note:Requirements
(2) A person who conducts an audit or examination under the Act, or accompanies an auditor or examiner,
(a) must not be employed by, be affiliated with or represent the oil or gas company that is the subject of the audit or examination;
(b) must have the certifications and comply with the occupational health and safety requirements required or imposed by the contract holder or by law; and
(c) must keep confidential any documents or information they obtain in connection with the audit or examination and must comply with the security requirements imposed by the contract holder or by law.
Marginal note:Confidentiality — First Nation
87 (1) A First Nation that conducts an audit or examination must keep confidential any documents or information it obtains in connection with the audit or examination and must comply with the security requirements imposed by the contract holder or by law.
Marginal note:Exception
(2) Despite subsection (1), the council must provide the Minister with a copy of all audit or examination reports and working papers within 30 days after the day on which the audit or examination is completed.
Preliminary Approval
Marginal note:Application for preliminary approval
88 To obtain preliminary approval of an audit or examination, a council must apply to the Minister in the prescribed form. The application must include
(a) the name of the person whose documents and information are to be audited or examined;
(b) the name and location of each facility in which the audit or examination will be conducted and the name of the facility’s operator;
(c) the type of audit or examination to be conducted;
(d) the period to be covered by the audit or examination;
(e) the anticipated dates for starting and completing the audit or examination;
(f) the reasons that the council believes that the audit or examination is necessary; and
(g) a statement indicating whether the council is prepared to cover the costs of the audit or examination.
Marginal note:Decision
89 (1) The Minister must give preliminary approval if the requirements of section 88 are met, except in the following circumstances:
(a) the reasons provided by the council for conducting the audit or examination do not establish the existence of a risk that warrants an audit or examination;
(b) within the three years before the date of the application, the requested type of audit or examination has been conducted under the Act in respect of the same contract for the same period and the holder was found to be in compliance with the contract, these Regulations and the Act;
(c) the audit or examination is not on the Minister’s list of priority audits or examinations and the council is not prepared to cover its costs; or
(d) the Minister and the council do not agree on the type of audit or examination to be conducted, the period to be covered or the dates for starting and completion.
Marginal note:Notice of decision
(2) The Minister must send the council notice of his or her decision and, if preliminary approval is refused, the reasons for the refusal.
Request for Agreement
Marginal note:Request for agreement
90 A council’s request for an audit or examination agreement must be made to the Minister in the prescribed form within 180 days after the day on which the notice of preliminary approval is received and must include
(a) the name of the proposed auditor or examiner;
(b) a detailed audit or examination plan;
(c) the dates for starting and completing the audit or examination;
(d) the name of any person who will accompany the proposed auditor or examiner and a description of their role in the audit or examination; and
(e) evidence that the proposed auditor or examiner has the credentials and experience referred to in subsection 86(1).
Marginal note:Refusal
91 The Minister may refuse the request only if
(a) the information required by section 90 has not been provided;
(b) a requirement referred to in section 86 has not been complied with; or
(c) one or more circumstances that justified the preliminary approval of the audit or examination have changed.
Marginal note:Agreement
92 If the request is approved, the Minister must enter into an agreement with the council that includes the information referred to in paragraphs 88(a) to (d) and 90(a) to (d).
Equitable Production of Oil and Gas
Holder’s Obligations
Marginal note:Compensatory royalty
93 (1) A subsurface contract holder is obliged to pay Her Majesty in right of Canada, in trust for the relevant First Nation, a compensatory royalty in respect of each triggering well located in an external spacing unit that adjoins a First Nation spacing unit that is in their contract area.
Marginal note:Royalty for each spacing unit
(2) A compensatory royalty must be paid in respect of each First Nation spacing unit in the contract area that adjoins the spacing unit in which the triggering well is located.
Marginal note:Beginning of obligation
(3) The obligation to pay the compensatory royalty begins on the first day of the month that follows the day on which the offset period ends.
Marginal note:Offset period
(4) The offset period begins on the day on which an offset notice is received and ends on the 180th day after that day or
(a) if the offset notice is not sent until after confidential information about the well is made public, the 90th day after that day; or
(b) if the offset period has been extended under paragraph 5(1)(d) of the Act, the day on which the extension expires.
Offset Notice
Marginal note:Offset notice
94 (1) If the Minister becomes aware of the existence of a triggering well, the Minister must send an offset notice to every subsurface contract holder that is obliged to pay a compensatory royalty under section 93.
Marginal note:Absence of contract
(2) If any lands in a First Nation spacing unit that adjoins a spacing unit in which a triggering well is located are not subject to a subsurface contract, the Minister must
(a) send the council a notice of the existence of the triggering well;
(b) send an offset notice to any person that becomes a subsurface lease holder in respect of those lands; and
(c) send an offset notice to any person that becomes a permit holder in respect of those lands one year after the effective date of the permit.
Marginal note:Confidential information
(3) If, on the day on which an offset notice is required to be sent, any information about a triggering well is confidential under the laws of the relevant province, the Minister
(a) must send, to every contract holder to which the offset notice will be sent, a notice of the existence of the triggering well and the information set out in paragraphs 95(1)(a) and (c) in respect of that well; and
(b) must not send the offset notice until the Minister becomes aware that the confidential information has been made public.
Marginal note:Information included in notice
95 (1) The offset notice must include the following information:
(a) the name of the subsurface contract holder, the contract number and the holder’s percentage share in the contract;
(b) a description of the lands in the contract area that are subject to the notice;
(c) the unique well identifier of the triggering well;
(d) the area of the First Nation lands in the spacing unit in which the triggering well is located, expressed as a percentage of the area of that spacing unit;
(e) a description of the external spacing unit in which the triggering well is located and the offset zone;
(f) in the case of a horizontal or multilateral triggering well, the total length of the well, the total length of the horizontal section of the well and the length of the section of the well that is producing from the external spacing unit;
(g) in the case of a deviated well that is producing from more than one spacing unit, the total length of the well and the length of the section of the well that is producing from the external spacing unit;
(h) the offset period; and
(i) statements indicating that
(i) the spacing unit in which the triggering well is located adjoins the First Nation spacing unit in the contract area described in paragraph (b),
(ii) the obligation to pay a compensatory royalty begins on the first day of the month that follows the day on which the offset period ends,
(iii) the compensatory royalty must be paid on or before the 25th day of the third month after the month in which the obligation to pay it begins and, subsequently, on or before the 25th day of each subsequent month, and
(iv) the obligation to pay the compensatory royalty ends in any of the circumstances set out in subsection 100(1).
Marginal note:Notice to council
(2) The Minister must send the council a copy of the offset notice and, when the offset period ends, a notice indicating that the holder’s obligation to pay a compensatory royalty has begun.
Marginal note:No obligation
96 (1) The obligation to pay a compensatory royalty does not begin if, during the offset period, the subsurface contract holder submits to the Minister information that establishes any of the following circumstances:
(a) the triggering well is not draining from the offset zone referred to in the offset notice;
(b) the offset zone of the triggering well has been abandoned, as shown in the records of the provincial authority;
(c) an offset well is producing from the offset zone;
(d) the spacing unit in which the triggering well is located no longer adjoins the First Nation spacing unit referred to in the offset notice;
(e) the offset zone in the First Nation spacing unit is subject to a unit agreement under which oil or gas is being or is deemed to be produced;
(f) the triggering well is subject to a storage agreement that has been approved by the provincial authority.
Marginal note:Notice to holder
(2) After determining whether a circumstance set out in subsection (1) has been established, the Minister must send the holder a notice of his or her determination.
Marginal note:Surrender
(3) A holder is not obliged to pay a compensatory royalty if, during the offset period, they surrender their rights or interests down to the base of the offset zone in the spacing unit to which the offset notice applies, except for any rights or interests in a zone from which a well is productive or that is subject to a unit agreement or to a storage agreement that has been approved by the provincial authority.
Marginal note:Notice to council
(4) If the holder has established a circumstance set out in subsection (1) or has surrendered their rights or interests under subsection (3), the Minister must send the council a notice indicating that the holder’s obligation to pay a compensatory royalty is relieved and the reasons that it is relieved.
Calculation and Payment of Compensatory Royalty
Marginal note:Compensatory royalty
97 (1) The monthly compensatory royalty that is payable by a subsurface contract holder is
(a) in the case of a vertical triggering well or deviated triggering well that is producing from a single spacing unit, an amount equal to the amount that would have been payable by the holder as a royalty for that month if the triggering well were producing from the adjoining First Nation spacing unit that is in their contract area; and
(b) in the case of a horizontal triggering well, multilateral triggering well or deviated triggering well that is producing from more than one spacing unit, an amount equal to the percentage, calculated in accordance with the following formula, of the amount referred to in paragraph (a):
(L/T) × 100
- L
- is the length of the section of the triggering well that is located in the adjoining external spacing unit and is capable of producing oil or gas from the offset zone, and
- T
- is the total length of the section of the well that is capable of producing oil or gas.
Marginal note:Prorated amount
(2) If the triggering well is located in an external spacing unit that contains First Nation lands, the monthly compensatory royalty that is payable is an amount calculated in accordance with the formula
C × (100 – I)/100
- C
- is the amount of the compensatory royalty that is payable under subsection (1); and
- I
- is the area of the First Nation lands in the spacing unit, expressed as a percentage of the area of that spacing unit.
Marginal note:Calculation of compensatory royalty
(3) For the purpose of calculating the monthly compensatory royalty,
(a) the volume of oil, gas or condensate to be used in the royalty formula is the volume of oil, raw gas or condensate that was produced in the month by the triggering well, as shown by the records of the provincial authority; and
(b) the price to be used, in respect of that month, is
(i) in the case of oil, in Saskatchewan, the price indicated in the Monthly Crude Oil Royalty/Tax Factor History, published by the Ministry of Energy and Resources, and, in the other provinces, the monthly par price for light, medium, heavy or ultra heavy oil, as the case may be, published by Alberta’s Department of Energy,
(ii) in the case of gas, in Saskatchewan, the price indicated in the Monthly Natural Gas Royalty/Tax Factor History, published by the Ministry of Energy and Resources, and, in the other provinces, the Gas Reference Price in the monthly information letter Natural Gas Royalty Prices and Allowances, published by Alberta’s Department of Energy, and
(iii) in the case of condensate, the Pentanes Plus Reference Price in the monthly information letter Natural Gas Royalty Prices and Allowances, published by Alberta’s Department of Energy.
Marginal note:Compensatory royalty — confidential well
(4) In the case of an offset notice sent under paragraph 94(3)(b), the month referred to in paragraph (3)(a) for the first monthly compensatory royalty is the month whose first day follows the period that begins on the day on which the information sent under paragraph 94(3)(a) is received and ends on the 180th day after that day. For each subsequent monthly compensatory royalty, the month is each subsequent month.
Marginal note:Heating value
(5) If the royalty calculation requires the conversion of a price in dollars per gigajoule (GJ) into a price in dollars per 1000 m3, the heating value is 37.7 GJ/1000 m3.
Marginal note:No deduction
(6) No deduction for costs or allowances is to be made in the calculation of the compensatory royalty.
Marginal note:Transitional provision
(7) This section does not apply to a compensatory royalty owing under the Indian Oil and Gas Regulations, 1995.
Marginal note:Calculation and payment of compensatory royalty
98 On or before the 25th day of the third month after the month in which the obligation to pay the compensatory royalty begins, and on or before the 25th day of each subsequent month, the subsurface contract holder must pay the Minister the monthly compensatory royalty and, in the prescribed form, provide the information that is required to verify its calculation.
Marginal note:Amended spacing unit
99 The obligation to pay a compensatory royalty continues despite any change in the size of the First Nation spacing unit or the external spacing unit in which the triggering well is located if the two spacing units remain adjoined.
Marginal note:End of obligation to pay
100 (1) The obligation to pay a compensatory royalty ends if the subsurface contract holder
(a) establishes any of the circumstances set out in subsection 96(1); or
(b) surrenders their rights or interests down to the base of the offset zone in the spacing unit to which the offset notice applies, except for any rights or interests in a zone from which a well is productive or that is subject to a unit agreement or to a storage agreement that has been approved by the provincial authority.
Marginal note:Notice to holder
(2) After determining whether a circumstance set out in subsection 96(1) has been established, the Minister must send the holder a notice informing them of his or her determination and, if the obligation ends, the day on which it ends.
Marginal note:Final day of obligation
(3) The obligation to pay a compensatory royalty ends
(a) if the holder sends the Minister a notice establishing a circumstance set out in subsection 96(1), on the first day of the month in which the Minister receives the notice; or
(b) if the holder has surrendered their rights or interests, on the first day of the month that follows the month in which the Minister receives a notice of the surrender.
Marginal note:Notice to council
(4) If the obligation to pay a compensatory royalty ends, the Minister must send the council a notice indicating that it has ended and the reasons that it has ended.
Marginal note:Exception
101 Subject to subsection 97(7), sections 93 to 100 and 111 apply to any subsurface contract that was granted under the Indian Act or the Act.
Offset Wells
Marginal note:Failure to produce
102 (1) If an offset well fails to produce any oil or gas for three consecutive months after the offset period has ended, the subsurface contract holder must pay a compensatory royalty in respect of the triggering well whose production was to be offset.
Marginal note:Beginning of compensatory royalty obligation
(2) The obligation to pay the compensatory royalty begins on the first day of the month that follows the three-month period.
Marginal note:Notice to council
(3) The Minister must send the council a notice indicating that the holder’s obligation to pay a compensatory royalty has begun.
Service Wells
Marginal note:Prior approval
103 (1) A well must not be used as a service well without the prior approval of the Minister.
Marginal note:Application for approval
(2) The application for approval must be in the prescribed form, be accompanied by a copy of the provincial authority’s approval of the service well and include the following information:
(a) a description of the well;
(b) a detailed description of the proposed uses of the well and the proposed uses of any related facilities; and
(c) the bonus and the annual compensation to be paid for any disposal rights.
Marginal note:Approval
(3) The Minister must approve the proposed uses of the service well if
(a) the application is made in accordance with subsection (2);
(b) the approval of the council has been obtained; and
(c) the approval will benefit the relevant First Nation.
Marginal note:Notice to Minister
(4) The contract holder must send the Minister notice of any changes in the provincial authority’s approval referred to in subsection (2).
Marginal note:Exception
104 Section 103 does not apply to a service well that is part of a project that has been approved by the provincial authority or a bitumen recovery project that has been approved by the Minister.
Marginal note:Exception
105 Section 103 does not apply to a disposal rights agreement that was entered into before these Regulations came into force.
Pooling, Production Allocation and Unit Agreements
Marginal note:Single spacing unit production
106 (1) If a well is producing from First Nation lands, the Minister must determine the percentage of production from the well to be allocated to each contract in the spacing unit from which the well is producing, based on the area of the First Nation lands that are subject to each contract, in proportion to the area of the spacing unit.
Marginal note:Notice to holder and council
(2) The Minister must send each holder and the council a notice indicating the percentage of the production that is allocated to each contract.
Marginal note:Multiple spacing unit production
107 (1) If a well is producing from more than one spacing unit and the lands from which it is producing are not entirely First Nation lands or are not subject to a single contract, the Minister must determine the percentage of production from the well to be allocated to the First Nation lands and to each contract, based on the criteria used by the provincial authority in making such allocations.
Marginal note:Notice to holder and council
(2) The Minister must send each holder and the council a notice indicating the percentage of the production that is allocated to the First Nation lands and to each contract.
Marginal note:Unit agreement
108 (1) The Minister may, with the prior approval of the council, enter into a unit agreement.
Marginal note:Allocation of production
(2) The calculation of royalties payable under a contract that is subject to a unit agreement must be based on the production allocated to each tract as specified in the agreement.
Surrender, Default and Cancellation
Marginal note:Surrender of subsurface rights or interests
109 (1) A subsurface contract holder may surrender their rights or interests under the contract, in whole or in part, by sending the Minister a notice of surrender in the prescribed form.
Marginal note:Partial surrender of subsurface rights or interests
(2) In a partial surrender of subsurface rights or interests,
(a) all the rights and interests in a spacing unit must be surrendered; and
(b) the rent for subsequent years is reduced in proportion to the reduction of the lands that are subject to the contract, to a minimum of $100.
Marginal note:Notice to council
(3) When rights or interests under a subsurface contract are surrendered, the Minister must send the council a copy of the notice of surrender and, in the case of a partial surrender, a copy of the amended contract.
Marginal note:Surrender of surface rights or interests
110 (1) A surface contract holder may surrender their rights or interests under the contract, in whole or in part, by applying in the prescribed form for the Minister’s approval.
Marginal note:Copy to council
(2) The Minister must send the council a copy of the application.
Marginal note:Approval
(3) The Minister must approve the surrender if
(a) the holder is not in default under the contract, these Regulations or an order given under the Act;
(b) the Minister and the council have inspected the contract area to be surrendered and the Minister has confirmed that the remediation and reclamation of the surface in that area are satisfactory; and
(c) in the case of a partial surrender, the boundaries of the remaining contract area continue to meet the requirements of these Regulations and the partial surrender approval application fee set out in Schedule 1 has been paid.
Marginal note:Adjusted rent
(4) If the surrender of rights or interests under a surface contract is partial, the rent for subsequent years is reduced in proportion to the reduction of the lands that are subject to the contract. However, the rent must be no less than the rent payable for 1.6 hectares.
Marginal note:Notice to council
(5) If the surrender of rights or interests under a surface contract is approved, the Minister must send the council a notice to that effect and, in the case of a partial surrender, a copy of the amended contract.
Marginal note:Non-compliance notice
111 (1) If a holder fails to comply with their contract, the Act or these Regulations, the Minister may send them a notice that identifies the non-compliance and warns that the contract will be cancelled if the holder is in default.
Marginal note:Response to notice
(2) Within 30 days after the day on which the notice is received, the holder must remedy the non-compliance identified in the notice or, if the non-compliance does not relate to money owed under the Act, submit to the Minister a plan that shows how and when it will be remedied and why the proposed deadline is justified in the circumstances. Subsequently, the holder must remedy the non-compliance in accordance with the plan.
Marginal note:Deficient plan
(3) If the plan does not meet the requirements of subsection (2), the Minister must send the holder a notice to that effect that identifies its deficiencies.
Marginal note:Amended plan
(4) A holder that receives a notice sent under subsection (3) must
(a) within 30 days after the day on which the notice is received, submit to the Minister an amended plan that corrects the deficiencies identified in the notice; and
(b) remedy the non-compliance identified in the notice sent under subsection (1) in accordance with that plan.
Marginal note:Default
(5) A holder that receives a notice sent under subsection (1) is in default if they do not comply with the requirements of subsection (2) or, if applicable, subsection (4).
Marginal note:Cancellation for default
(6) The Minister must cancel the contract of a holder that is in default.
Marginal note:Non-payment of compensatory royalty
(7) If a contract is to be cancelled for non-payment of a compensatory royalty, the Minister must cancel the rights or interests conferred by the contract down to the base of the offset zone in the spacing unit to which the offset notice applies, except for any rights or interests in a spacing unit referred to in any of paragraphs 63(1)(a) to (e).
Marginal note:Cancellation notice
(8) When a contract is cancelled, the Minister must send the holder a notice indicating that their contract is cancelled, the reason for the cancellation and its effective date.
Marginal note:Notice to council
(9) The Minister must send the council a copy of every notice sent under this section.
Marginal note:Continuing liability
112 When a contract ends, any liabilities for outstanding amounts that are owed under the contract, any liabilities for damages caused by operations carried out under the contract and any obligations respecting abandonment, remediation or reclamation survive the end of the contract.
Administrative Monetary Penalties
Marginal note:Designated provisions
113 The provisions set out in Schedule 6 are designated as provisions whose contravention is a violation that may be proceeded with under sections 22 to 28 of the Act.
Transitional Provisions
Marginal note:Executive Director
114 The powers, duties and functions of the Executive Director under the Indian Oil and Gas Regulations, 1995 are to be exercised or performed by the Minister and any reference to the Executive Director in a contract granted under those Regulations is deemed to be a reference to the Minister.
Marginal note:Permits
115 Sections 15, 16 and 18 to 21 of the Indian Oil and Gas Regulations, 1995 continue to apply to permits granted under those Regulations.
116 The Indian Oil and Gas Regulations, 1995Footnote 1 are repealed.
Return to footnote 1SOR/94-753
Coming into Force
Marginal note:S.C. 2009, c. 7
Footnote *117 These Regulations come into force on the day on which An Act to amend the Indian Oil and Gas Act comes into force, but if they are registered after that day, they come into force on the day on which they are registered.
Return to footnote *[Note: Regulations in force August 1, 2019, see SI/2019-39.]
SCHEDULE 1(Subsections 2(5) and 25(4), paragraphs 29(2)(e) and 41(1)(a), subsection 44(3) and paragraphs 75(1)(d) and 110(3)(c))
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Service | Fee ($) | |
1 | Subsurface contract application | 250 |
2 | Surface lease application | 50 |
3 | Right-of-way application | 50 |
4 | Exploration licence application | 25 |
5 | Assignment approval application | 50 |
6 | Partial surrender approval application | 25 |
7 | Record search | 25 |
SCHEDULE 2(Subsections 48(1) and (2))Initial Term of Permits
Marginal note:Definitions
1 The following definitions apply in this Schedule.
- Area 1
Area 1 means the lands in Area 1 as set out in Schedule 2 to the Petroleum and Natural Gas Drilling Licence and Lease Regulation, B.C. Reg. 10/82. (Zone 1)
- Area 2
Area 2 means the lands in Area 2 as set out in Schedule 2 to the Petroleum and Natural Gas Drilling Licence and Lease Regulation, B.C. Reg. 10/82. (Zone 2)
- Area 3
Area 3 means the lands in Area 3 as set out in Schedule 2 to the Petroleum and Natural Gas Drilling Licence and Lease Regulation, B.C. Reg. 10/82. (Zone 3)
- Foothills Region
Foothills Region means the lands in the Foothills Region as set out in Schedule 1 to the Petroleum and Natural Gas Tenure Regulation, AR 263/1997. (région des contreforts)
- Northern Region
Northern Region means the lands in the Northern Region as set out in Schedule 1 to the Petroleum and Natural Gas Tenure Regulation, AR 263/1997. (région du Nord)
- Plains Region
Plains Region means the lands in the Plains Region as set out in Schedule 1 to the Petroleum and Natural Gas Tenure Regulation, AR 263/1997. (région des plaines)
- township
township means a township laid out in accordance with sections 55 to 61 of The Land Surveys Regulations, R.S.S. c. L-4.1 Reg 1. (canton)
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
Province | Region | Initial Term (Years) | |
1 | Nova Scotia | The entire province | 3 |
2 | New Brunswick | The entire province | 3 |
3 | Manitoba | The entire province | 3 |
4 | British Columbia |
| 3 |
| 4 | ||
| 5 | ||
5 | Saskatchewan |
| 2 |
| 3 | ||
| 4 | ||
6 | Alberta |
| 2 |
| 4 | ||
| 5 |
SCHEDULE 3(Subsections 1(1) and 52(3))Zones — Intermediate Term
Marginal note:Definitions
1 The following definitions apply in this Schedule.
ILND means the internal limit of a zone, whether upper or lower, that is not defined. (LIND)
- KB
KB means kelly bushing, which serves as the point on the rotary drilling table from which downhole well log depths are measured. (FE)
NDE means not deep enough and, in relation to a reference well, means that the well was not drilled to a depth that was sufficient to penetrate the upper or lower limit of a particular zone. (FI)
- NP
NP means not present and, in relation to a zone, means that the zone is not present at the location where the reference well was drilled. (NP)
TVD means true vertical depth. (PVR)
Marginal note:Zones
2 (1) For each of the First Nation lands set out in this Schedule, the lands that may be selected are the zones set out in column 1 of the table that correspond to the well log data set out in column 2 that match the well log data for the well that was drilled or re-entered by the subsurface contract holder.
Marginal note:Multiple logs
(2) If there is more than one set of well log data set out in column 2 for a zone, the set derived from the reference well that is nearest to the earning well must be used to determine the zones.
Marginal note:Unidentified zone
3 If a well is drilled into a zone that is not identified in a table to this Schedule, the Minister must determine the upper and lower limits of the deepest zone penetrated by the well, based on a review of the well log data that relate to other wells in the vicinity and on any well log data that are available and relate to lands in the vicinity.
Alexander 134
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | ||
Zone | Well Log Data | |||
00/11-11-56-27W4 | 02/6-15-56-27W4 | 00/8-1-56-27W4 | ||
Electric Log (ft. KB) | Induction Log (mKB) | Density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Edmonton, Belly River and Lea Park | Surface to 615.0 | ||
2 | Wapiabi and Second White Specks | 615.0 to 939.0 | ||
3 | Viking | 3090 to 3250 | 939.0 to 989.0 | 934.5 to 979.5 |
4 | Joli Fou | 3250 to 3293 | 989.0 to 997.0 | 979.5 to 992.0 |
5 | Mannville, including Upper Mannville, Glauconite, Ostracod, Basal Quartz “A” and Lower Basal Quartz | 3293 to 4112 | 997.0 to NDE | 992.0 to 1218.0 |
6 | Wabamun | 4112 to NDE | NDE | 1218.0 to 1384.5 |
7 | Calmar | NDE | NDE | 1384.5 to 1393.5 |
8 | Nisku | NDE | NDE | 1393.5 to NDE |
9 | Ireton | NDE | NDE | NDE |
10 | Cooking Lake | NDE | NDE | NDE |
Alexander 134A
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
00/13-22-61-17W5 | 00/3-32-63-22W5 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB TVD) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Edmonton, Belly River and Lea Park | Surface to 1147.7 | |
2 | Wapiabi, Cardium and Second White Specks | 1147.7 to 1663.7 | |
3 | Viking and Joli Fou | 1663.7 to 1688.3 | |
4 | Mannville | 1688.3 to 1948.1 | |
5 | Fernie and Nordegg | 1948.1 to 2024.3 | |
6 | Montney | 2024.3 to 2048.3 | |
7 | Belloy | 2048.3 to 2064.5 | |
8 | Shunda | 2064.5 to 2124.4 | |
9 | Pekisko | 2124.4 to 2170.0 | |
10 | Banff and Exshaw | 2170.0 to NDE | 2472.0 to 2668.0 |
11 | Wabamun | 2668.0 to 2893.0 | |
12 | Graminia and Blue Ridge | 2893.0 to 2946.0 | |
13 | Nisku | 2946.0 to 3100.0 | |
14 | Ireton | 3100.0 to 3273.0 | |
15 | Duvernay | 3273.0 to 3334.8 | |
16 | Cooking Lake and Beaverhill Lake | 3334.8 to 3385.0 | |
17 | Swan Hills | 3385.0 to 3422.0 | |
18 | Watt Mountain | 3422.0 to NDE |
Alexis 133
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
00/10-23-55-4W5 | ||
Acoustic Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Edmonton, Belly River and Lea Park | Surface to 760.0 |
2 | Wapiabi and Second White Specks | 760.0 to 1125.0 |
3 | Viking and Joli Fou | 1125.0 to 1170.0 |
4 | Mannville | 1170.0 to 1328.5 |
5 | Banff and Exshaw | 1328.5 to 1480.5 |
6 | Wabamun | 1480.5 to 1661.0 |
7 | Winterburn | 1661.0 to 1707.5 |
8 | Ireton | 1707.5 to NDE |
Alexis Whitecourt 232
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
00/2-31-60-12W5 | ||
Acoustic Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Edmonton, Belly River and Lea Park | Surface to 936.5 |
2 | Wapiabi and Second White Specks | 936.5 to 1381.3 |
3 | Viking and Joli Fou | 1381.3 to 1415.0 |
4 | Mannville | 1415.0 to 1655.0 |
5 | Nordegg | 1655.0 to 1691.0 |
6 | Shunda and Pekisko | 1691.0 to 1737.0 |
7 | Banff and Exshaw | 1737.0 to 1920.5 |
8 | Wabamun | 1920.5 to 2137.0 |
9 | Winterburn | 2137.0 to 2234.0 |
10 | Ireton and Duvernay | 2234.0 to 2575.5 |
11 | Swan Hills | 2575.5 to 2711.0 |
12 | Watt Mountain | 2711.0 to NDE |
Amber River 211, Hay Lake 209 and Zama Lake 210
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |||
Zone | Well Log Data | ||||
Amber River | Hay Lake | Hay Lake | Zama Lake | ||
00/11-20-114-6W6 | 00/4-1-112-5W6 | 00/6-28-112-5W6 | 00/2-12-112-8W6 | ||
Sonic Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Density Log (ft. KB) | Induction Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Wilrich | Surface to 249.0 | Surface to 242.0 | Surface to 279.0 | |
2 | Bluesky and Gething | 249.0 to 261.0 | 242.0 to 261.5 | 279.0 to 296.0 | |
3 | Banff | 261.0 to 344.0 | 261.5 to 318.7 | 296.0 to 441.0 | |
4 | Wabamun | 344.0 to 548.0 | 318.7 to NDE | ILND to 1712 | 441.0 to 633.0 |
5 | Trout River, Kakisa, Redknife and Jean Marie | 548.0 to 710.0 | 1712 to 2220 | 633.0 to 797.0 | |
6 | Fort Simpson | 710.0 to 1232.7 | 2220 to 3842 | 797.0 to 1305.5 | |
7 | Muskwa and Waterways | 1232.7 to 1310.7 | 3842 to 4192 | 1305.5 to 1394.0 | |
8 | Slave Point | 1310.7 to 1387.0 | 4192 to 4396 | 1394.0 to 1478.0 | |
9 | Watt Mountain and Sulphur Point | 1387.0 to 1422.0 | 4396 to 4525 | 1478.0 to 1524.0 | |
10 | Muskeg and Keg River | 1422.0 to 1680.0 | 4525 to 5468 | 1524.0 to 1780.0 | |
11 | Chinchaga | 1680.0 to NDE | 5468 to NDE | 1780.0 to NDE |
Beaver 152
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
00/4-6-82-3W6 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Shaftesbury | Surface to 508.0 |
2 | Paddy, Cadotte and Harmon | 508.0 to 580.0 |
3 | Notikewin and Falher | 580.0 to 920.0 |
4 | Bluesky and Gething | 920.0 to 996.0 |
5 | Fernie and Nordegg | 996.0 to 1085.0 |
6 | Montney | 1085.0 to 1307.8 |
7 | Belloy | 1307.8 to 1358.0 |
8 | Taylor Flat | 1358.0 to 1395.0 |
9 | Kiskatinaw | 1395.0 to 1406.0 |
10 | Golata | 1406.0 to 1435.0 |
11 | Debolt | 1435.0 to NDE |
Beaver Lake 131
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | ||
Zone | Well Log Data | |||
00/7-3-66-13W4 | 00/12-35-66-12W4 | 00/6-20-66-13W4 | ||
Induction Log (mKB) | Induction Log (mKB) | Sonic Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Colorado Shale | Surface to 294.5 | Surface to 308.0 | |
2 | Viking and Joli Fou | 294.5 to 335.0 | 308.0 to 348.3 | |
3 | Mannville | 335.0 to NDE | 348.3 to 542.0 | 318.0 to 486.0 |
4 | Grosmont | NDE | 542.0 to NDE | 486.0 to 542.0 |
Big Island Lake Cree Territory
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
31/7-26-62-25W3 | 01/10-20-63-24W3 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Second White Specks | 138.3 to 192.0 | |
2 | St. Walburg and Viking | ILND to 286.0 | 192.0 to 272.4 |
3 | Mannville | 286.0 to NDE | 272.4 to 502.0 |
4 | Souris River | 502.0 to NDE |
Birdtail Creek 57
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
00/12-10-15-27W1 | 00/3-21-15-27W1 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Sonic Log (ft. KB) | ||
1 | Second White Specks | 244.0 to 369.0 | 800 to 1200 |
2 | Swan River (Mannville) | 369.0 to 408.5 | 1200 to 1340 |
3 | Jurassic | 408.5 to 479.0 | 1340 to 1554 |
4 | Lodgepole | 479.0 to 538.3 | 1554 to 1734 |
5 | Bakken | 538.3 to 540.3 | 1734 to 1742 |
6 | Torquay | 540.3 to 570.3 | 1742 to NDE |
7 | Birdbear | 570.3 to NDE | NDE |
8 | Duperow | NDE | NDE |
Blood 148
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | ||
Zone | Well Log Data | |||
00/6-35-5-25W4 | 00/12-28-7-23W4 | 00/6-24-8-23W4 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Belly River and Pakowki | Surface to 1177.0 | Surface to 859.8 | Surface to 662.0 |
2 | Milk River | 1177.0 to 1278.3 | 859.8 to 975.3 | 662.0 to 783.0 |
3 | Colorado Shale | 1278.3 to 1629.0 | 975.3 to 1289.5 | 783.0 to 1086.5 |
4 | Second White Specks and Barons | 1629.0 to 1761.0 | 1289.5 to 1385.5 | 1086.5 to 1186.0 |
5 | Bow Island | 1761.0 to 1883.0 | 1385.5 to 1529.3 | 1186.0 to 1333.0 |
6 | Mannville | 1883.0 to 2090.0 | 1529.3 to 1727.5 | 1333.0 to NDE |
7 | Rierdon | 2090.0 to 2187.5 | 1727.5 to 1807.8 | NDE |
8 | LivingstoneFootnote for Blood 148a | 2187.5 to 2435.5 | 1807.8 to 1994.3 | NDE |
9 | Banff and ExshawFootnote for Blood 148b | 2435.5 to 2550.0 | 1994.3 to 2157.5 | NDE |
10 | Big Valley and Stettler | 2550.0 to 2720.5 | 2157.5 to 2309.0 | NDE |
11 | Winterburn | 2720.5 to NDE | 2309.0 to NDE | NDE |
12 | Woodbend | NDE | NDE | NDE |
Return to footnote aFormation equivalence of Livingstone is Rundle
Return to footnote bFormation equivalence of Exshaw is Bakken
Buck Lake 133C
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
00/6-20-45-5W5 | ||
Induction Log (ft. KB) | ||
1 | Belly River and Lea Park | Surface to 4650 |
2 | Wapiabi | 4650 to 5167 |
3 | Cardium and Blackstone | 5167 to 5590 |
4 | Second White Specks | 5590 to 6173 |
5 | Viking and Joli Fou | 6173 to 6316 |
6 | Mannville | 6316 to 6855 |
7 | Nordegg | 6855 to 6922 |
8 | Pekisko | 6922 to 6982 |
9 | Banff | 6982 to NDE |
Carry The Kettle Nakoda First Nation 76-33
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
31/14-29-21-19W3 | ||
Induction Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Lea Park | Surface to 219.0 |
2 | Milk River | 219.0 to 397.6 |
3 | Colorado | 397.6 to NDE |
Cold Lake 149, 149A and 149B
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
Cold Lake 149 | Cold Lake 149A and 149B | ||
00/2-13-61-3W4 | 00/6-7-64-2W4 | ||
Induction Log (mKB) | Induction Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Viking and Joli Fou | 265.0 to 304.0 | |
2 | Mannville | 304.0 to 495.3 | 305.0 to NDE |
3 | Beaverhill Lake | 495.3 to NDE | NDE |
Drift Pile River 150
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
00/10-6-74-12W5 | 00/7-25-73-12W5 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Second White Specks | 219.5 to 310.0 | |
2 | Shaftesbury | 310.0 to 418.0 | 222.5 to 420.5 |
3 | Peace River and Harmon | 418.0 to 450.4 | 420.5 to 451.3 |
4 | Spirit River | 450.4 to 707.5 | 451.3 to 739.0 |
5 | Bluesky and Gething | 707.5 to 764.0 | 739.0 to 788.0 |
6 | Shunda | 764.0 to 830.0 | 788.0 to 799.0 |
7 | Pekisko | 830.0 to NDE | 799.0 to 856.0 |
8 | Banff | NDE | 856.0 to 1081.5 |
9 | Wabamun | NDE | 1081.5 to 1350.0 |
10 | Winterburn | NDE | 1350.0 to 1483.0 |
11 | Ireton | NDE | 1483.0 to 1680.0 |
12 | Leduc | NDE | 1680.0 to 1805.0 |
13 | Beaverhill Lake | NDE | 1805.0 to 1926.5 |
14 | Slave Point and Fort Vermilion | NDE | 1926.5 to 1960.5 |
15 | Watt Mountain and Gilwood | NDE | 1960.5 to 1973.0 |
16 | Muskeg | NDE | 1973.0 to NDE |
Enoch Cree Nation 135
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
03/13-3-52-26W4 | ||
Induction Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Edmonton, Belly River and Lea Park | Surface to 691.0 |
2 | Wapiabi and Second White Specks | 691.0 to 1029.0 |
3 | Viking and Joli Fou | 1029.0 to 1076.0 |
4 | Mannville | 1076.0 to 1332.0 |
5 | Wabamun | 1332.0 to 1421.0 |
6 | Graminia, Calmar and Nisku | 1421.0 to 1502.0 |
7 | Ireton, Leduc and Cooking Lake | 1502.0 to NDE |
Halfway River 168
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
00/1-34-86-25W6 | ||
Sonic Log (mKB TVD) | ||
1 | Wilrich | Surface to 710.0 |
2 | Bluesky and Gething | 710.0 to 840.5 |
3 | Cadomin | 840.5 to 889.0 |
4 | Nikanassin | 889.0 to 994.0 |
5 | Fernie and Nordegg | 994.0 to 1112.0 |
6 | Pardonet and Baldonnel | 1112.0 to 1150.0 |
7 | Charlie Lake | 1150.0 to 1466.5 |
8 | Halfway | 1466.5 to 1517.0 |
9 | Doig | 1517.0 to 1651.5 |
10 | Montney | 1651.5 to 1960.0 |
11 | Belloy | 1960.0 to NDE |
Heart Lake 167
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
00/13-18-70-10W4 | ||
Induction Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Viking and Joli Fou | 268.0 to 306.0 |
2 | Mannville | 306.0 to 502.0 |
3 | Woodbend | 502.0 to NDE |
Horse Lakes 152B
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
00/8-27-73-12W6 | ||
Sonic Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Puskwaskau, Badheart, Cardium and Kaskapau | Surface to 928.0 |
2 | Doe Creek | 928.0 to 976.0 |
3 | Dunvegan | 976.0 to 1140.0 |
4 | Shaftesbury | 1140.0 to 1468.0 |
5 | Paddy | 1468.0 to 1496.0 |
6 | Cadotte and Harmon | 1496.0 to 1553.0 |
7 | Notikewin | 1553.0 to 1625.0 |
8 | Falher and Wilrich | 1625.0 to 1879.0 |
9 | Bluesky and Gething | 1879.0 to 2021.5 |
10 | Cadomin | 2021.5 to 2050.5 |
11 | Nikanassin | 2050.5 to 2157.5 |
12 | Fernie | 2157.5 to 2248.0 |
13 | Nordegg | 2248.0 to 2275.0 |
14 | Charlie Lake | 2275.0 to 2477.5 |
15 | Halfway | 2477.5 to 2504.0 |
16 | Doig | 2504.0 to 2553.0 |
17 | Montney | 2553.0 to NDE |
Kehewin 123
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
00/7-10-59-6W4 | 00/10-9-59-6W4Footnote for Kehewin 123a | ||
Induction Log (ft. KB) | Induction Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Viking and Joli Fou | 1053 to 1189 | |
2 | Mannville | 1189 to 1858 | 359.0 to NDE |
3 | Woodbend | 1858 to NDE | NDE |
Return to footnote aColony Channel Type Log
Little Pine 116 and Poundmaker 114
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | ||
Zone | Well Log Data | |||
21/6-7-46-21W3 | 21/15-29-44-23W3Footnote for Little Pine 116 and Poundmaker 114a | 11/2-33-44-24W3 | ||
Induction Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Second White Specks | 458.3 to 543.0 | ||
2 | Viking and Joli Fou | 543.0 to 585.0 | ||
3 | Mannville | 437.5 to 601.0 | 532.0 to ILND | 585.0 to 736.5 |
4 | Duperow | 601.0 to NDE | 736.5 to NDE |
Return to footnote aColony Channel Type Log
Loon Lake 235 and Swampy Lake 236
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
00/1-20-86-9W5 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Clearwater | 315.0 to 373.0 |
2 | Banff | 373.0 to 494.0 |
3 | Wabamun | 494.0 to 777.0 |
4 | Winterburn | 777.0 to 963.0 |
5 | Ireton | 963.0 to 1233.0 |
6 | Beaverhill Lake | 1233.0 to 1343.7 |
7 | Slave Point and Fort Vermilion | 1343.7 to 1377.5 |
8 | Watt Mountain | 1377.5 to 1382.7 |
9 | Muskeg | 1382.7 to 1452.0 |
10 | Granite Wash | 1452.0 to 1487.0 |
11 | Precambrian | 1487.0 to NDE |
Makaoo 120, Onion Lake 119-1 and 119-2 and Seekaskootch 119
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | ||
Zone | Well Log Data | |||
11/14-8-56-27W3 | 00/11-23-54-1W4 | 41/6-4-55-25W3 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB TVD) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Second White Specks | Surface to 322.0 | 346.0 to 428.0 | |
2 | St. Walburg/La Biche | ILND to 433.5 | 322.0 to 365.0 | 428.0 to 478.8 |
3 | Viking | 433.5 to 474.4 | 365.0 to 402.0 | 478.8 to 515.4 |
4 | Mannville | 474.4 to 648.0 | 402.0 to 536.0 | 515.4 to ILND |
5 | Duperow | 648.0 to NDE | 536.0 to NDE |
Ministikwan 161 and Makwa Lake 129
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
41/8-25-58-25W3 | 31/8-34-58-25W3 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Second White Specks, St. Walburg and Viking | 219.0 to 346.5 | 254.6 to 387.6 |
2 | Mannville | 346.5 to NDE | 387.6 to 627.0 |
3 | Duperow | NDE | 627.0 to NDE |
Nekaneet Cree Nation
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
21/8-32-7-28W3 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Belly River | Surface to 625.4 |
2 | Lea Park and Ribstone Creek | 625.4 to 807.0 |
3 | Milk River | 807.0 to 946.3 |
4 | Medicine Hat | 946.3 to 1107.0 |
5 | Second White Specks | 1107.0 to 1272.0 |
6 | Viking and Joli Fou | 1272.0 to 1390.3 |
7 | Mannville | 1390.3 to 1479.3 |
8 | Vanguard | 1479.3 to 1523.0 |
9 | Shaunavon and Gravelbourg | 1523.0 to 1574.5 |
10 | Mission Canyon | 1574.5 to NDE |
Ocean Man 69, 69A, 69B, 69C, 69D, 69E, 69F, 69G, 69H and 69I, Ocean Man Indian Reserve No. 69X, Ocean Man No. 69N, Ocean Man No. 69S, Ocean Man No. 69U and Flying Dust First Nation 105H, 105I, 105L and 105O
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
31/11-11-10-8W2 | 01/9-30-10-7W2 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Sonic Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Gravelbourg | ILND to 1102.0 | |
2 | Watrous | 1102.0 to 1184.4 | |
3 | Alida and Tilston | 1184.4 to NDE | |
4 | Souris Valley | ILND to 1433.5 | NDE |
5 | Bakken | 1433.5 to 1451.0 | NDE |
6 | Torquay | 1451.0 to NDE | NDE |
Pigeon Lake 138AFootnote a
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |||
Zone | Well Log Data | ||||
00/12-36-46-28W4 | 04/15-24-46-28W4 | 00/9-18-46-27W4 | 00/12-20-47-27W4 | ||
Gamma Ray-neutron Log (ft. KB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Electric Log (ft. KB) | Electric Log (ft. KB) | ||
1 | Edmonton, Belly River and Lea Park | Surface to 1036.0 | |||
2 | Wapiabi | 1036.0 to 1197.0 | |||
3 | Cardium and Blackstone | 1197.0 to 1281.3 | 3850 to 4020Footnote for Pigeon Lake 138Ab | ||
4 | Second White Specks | 1281.3 to 1423.7 | |||
5 | Viking and Joli Fou | 1423.7 to 1472.0 | |||
6 | Upper Mannville | 1472.0 to 1610.3 | |||
7 | Lower Mannville | 1610.3 to NDE | |||
8 | Wabamun | 5591 to 6295 | |||
9 | Calmar and Nisku | 6295 to 6492 | |||
10 | Ireton | 6492 to 6670 | |||
11 | Leduc | 6670 to NDE | 6434 to 7210Footnote for Pigeon Lake 138Ac |
Return to footnote aThe First Nation lands are located at the Banff subcrop limit. Any Banff and Exshaw zone remnants will be earned with the Lower Mannville zone
Return to footnote bBonnie Glen Cardium Unit No. 1: definition of unitized zone
Return to footnote cBonnie Glen D-3A Gas Cap Unit: definition of unitized zone
Puskiakiwenin 122 and Unipouheos 121
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |||
Zone | Well Log Data | ||||
00/11-21-56-3W4 | 00/6-16-57-3W4Footnote for Puskiakiwenin 122 and Unipouheos 121a | 00/12-26-57-4W4Footnote for Puskiakiwenin 122 and Unipouheos 121a | 00/8-16-58-3W4 | ||
Induction Log (mKB) | Induction Log (mKB) | Induction Log (mKB TVD) | Induction Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Viking and Joli Fou | 371.0 to 411.5 | |||
2 | Mannville | 411.5 to 546.5 | 409.5 to NDE | 416.5 to NDE | 403.0 to 575.0 |
3 | Woodbend | 546.5 to NDE | NDE | NDE | 575.0 to NDE |
Return to footnote aMcLaren Channel Type Log
Red Pheasant 108
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | ||
Zone | Well Log Data | |||
11/15-14-61-26W3 | 11/11-5-60-23W3 | 41/7-15-59-24W3 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Second White Specks | 160.8 to 239.7 | 176.0 to 253.0 | |
2 | St. Walburg | 239.7 to 279.0 | 253.0 to 300.0 | |
3 | Viking | 279.0 to 324.0 | 300.0 to 339.5 | |
4 | Mannville | 292.3 to ILND | 324.0 to 586.0 | 339.5 to 576.0 |
5 | Souris River | 586.0 to NDE | 576.0 to NDE |
Saddle Lake 125
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
00/11-32-57-11W4 | 02/6-29-57-13W4Footnote for Saddle Lake 125a | ||
Induction Log (ft. KB) | Induction Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Second White Specks | 393.0 to 491.0 | |
2 | Viking and Joli Fou | 1412 to 1542 | 491.0 to 528.3 |
3 | Mannville | 1542 to 2132 | 528.3 to 710.7 |
4 | Ireton | 2132 to NDE | 710.7 to 872.3 |
5 | Cooking Lake | NDE | 872.3 to 934.0 |
6 | Beaverhill Lake | NDE | 934.0 to NDE |
Return to footnote aMitsue Gilwood Sand Unit No. 1: definition of unitized zone
Samson 137 and 137A, Louis Bull 138B, Ermineskin 138 and Montana 139
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |||
Zone | Well Log Data | ||||
00/6-17-46-24W4 | 00/9-35-44-25W4 | 00/14-32-44-25W4 | 00/10-13-44-23W4 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB TVD) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (ft. KB) | ||
1 | Edmonton, Belly River and Lea Park | Surface to 831.0 | Surface to 944.0 | Surface to 925.0 | Surface to 2707 |
2 | Wapiabi | 831.0 to 1067.0 | 944.0 to 1183.3 | 925.0 to 1166.0 | 2707 to 3466 |
3 | Second White Specks | 1067.0 to 1199.0 | 1183.3 to 1311.0 | 1166.0 to 1295.3 | 3466 to 3866 |
4 | Viking and Joli Fou | 1199.0 to 1251.5 | 1311.0 to 1363.6 | 1295.3 to 1350.7 | 3866 to 4040 |
5 | Mannville | 1251.5 to 1439.3 | 1363.6 to 1558.2 | 1350.7 to 1530.0 | 4040 to 4815 |
6 | Banff | 1439.3 to 1451.0 | NP | 1530.0 to 1543.0 | NP |
7 | Wabamun | 1451.0 to 1613.7 | 1558.2 to 1772.6 | 1543.0 to 1763.0 | 4815 to NDE |
8 | Calmar and Nisku | 1613.7 to 1665.5 | 1772.6 to NDE | 1763.0 to 1818.3 | NDE |
9 | Ireton | 1665.5 to 1904.0 | NDE | 1818.3 to NDE | NDE |
10 | Cooking Lake | 1904.0 to NDE | NDE | NDE | NDE |
Sawridge 150G
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
00/2-6-73-5W5 | 00/4-19-71-4W5Footnote for Sawridge 150Ga | ||
Sonic Log (ft. KB) | Induction Log (ft. KB) | ||
1 | Colorado | Surface to 1248 | |
2 | Viking | 1248 to 1334 | |
3 | Mannville | 1334 to 2240 | |
4 | Banff and Exshaw | 2240 to 2440 | |
5 | Wabamun | 2440 to 3336 | |
6 | Winterburn | 3336 to 3647 | |
7 | Ireton | 3647 to 4888 | |
8 | Waterways | 4888 to 5450 | |
9 | Slave Point | 5450 to 5496 | |
10 | Watt Mountain | 5496 to 5578 | |
11 | Gilwood | 5578 to 5860 | 6112 to 6146Footnote for Sawridge 150Ga |
12 | Muskeg | 5860 to 5920 | |
13 | Keg River | 5920 to 6321 | |
14 | Lower Elk Point | 6321 to NDE |
Return to footnote aMitsue Gilwood Sand Unit No. 1: definition of unitized zone
Sharphead 141
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
00/6-1-43-26W4 | 00/14-2-43-26W4 | ||
Induction Log (mKB) | Sonic Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Horseshoe Canyon | Surface to 552.0 | |
2 | Belly River and Lea Park | 552.0 to 1016.0 | |
3 | Wapiabi, Cardium and Blackstone | 1016.0 to 1270.0 | |
4 | Second White Specks | ILND to 1384.5 | 1270.0 to 1405.0 |
5 | Viking and Joli Fou | 1384.5 to 1436.0 | 1405.0 to NDE |
6 | Mannville | 1436.0 to 1625.0 | NDE |
7 | Banff and Exshaw | 1625.0 to 1652.5 | NDE |
8 | Wabamun | 1652.5 to NDE | NDE |
Siksika 146
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | ||||
Zone | Well Log Data | |||||
00/14-3-23-23W4 | 00/5-19-22-23W4 | 00/4-4-21-20W4 | 00/2-29-20-20W4 | 00/6-20-20-19W4 | ||
Sonic Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Sonic Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Edmonton, Belly River and Pakowki | Surface to 854.5 | Surface to 810.0 | Surface to 593.0 | Surface to 630.0 | Surface to 656.0 |
2 | Milk River | 854.5 to 937.5 | 810.0 to 892.0 | 593.0 to 686.0 | 630.0 to 722.5 | 656.0 to 738.5 |
3 | Upper Colorado, including Medicine Hat | 937.5 to 1242.0 | 892.0 to 1200.0 | 686.0 to 977.5 | 722.5 to 1018.6 | 738.5 to 1026.6 |
4 | Second White Specks | 1242.0 to 1370.7 | 1200.0 to 1330.0 | 977.5 to 1095.4 | 1018.6 to 1144.0 | 1026.6 to 1147.7 |
5 | Viking | 1370.7 to 1475.0 | 1330.0 to 1441.5 | 1095.4 to 1203.7 | 1144.0 to 1248.5 | 1147.7 to 1250.0 |
6 | Mannville | 1475.0 to 1647.0 | 1441.5 to 1595.5 | 1203.7 to 1350.0 | 1248.5 to 1431.3 | 1250.0 to 1413.7 |
7 | Pekisko | 1647.0 to 1752.0 | 1595.5 to NDE | 1350.0 to NDE | 1431.3 to 1477.3 | 1413.7 to 1476.3 |
8 | Banff and Exshaw | 1752.0 to 1896.0 | NDE | NDE | 1477.3 to 1617.0 | 1476.3 to 1630.0 |
9 | Wabamun | 1896.0 to 2065.7 | NDE | NDE | 1617.0 to 1753.0 | 1630.0 to 1755.0 |
10 | Calmar and Nisku | 2065.7 to 2096.0 | NDE | NDE | 1753.0 to 1796.5 | 1755.0 to 1793.7 |
11 | Ireton and Leduc | 2096.0 to 2312.0 | NDE | NDE | 1796.5 to NDE | 1793.7 to NDE |
12 | Cooking Lake | 2312.0 to 2365.0 | NDE | NDE | NDE | NDE |
13 | Beaverhill Lake | 2365.0 to 2514.5 | NDE | NDE | NDE | NDE |
14 | Elk Point | 2514.5 to NDE | NDE | NDE | NDE | NDE |
Stoney 142-143-144 and Tsuut’ina Nation 145
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |||
Zone | Well Log Data | ||||
00/8-13-27-3W5 | 00/2-33-25-6W5Footnote for Stoney 142-143-144 and Tsuut’ina Nation 145a | 00/10-34-24-6W5(5-34)Footnote for Stoney 142-143-144 and Tsuut’ina Nation 145b | 00/5-24-27-6W5Footnote for Stoney 142-143-144 and Tsuut’ina Nation 145c | ||
Induction Log (mKB) | Neutron Log (ft. KB) | Sonic Log (ft. KB) | Sonic Log (ft. KB) | ||
1 | Belly River | Surface to 1743.0 | |||
2 | Wapiabi | 1743.0 to 2121.0 | |||
3 | Cardium and Blackstone | 2121.0 to 2418.0 | |||
4 | Viking and Joli Fou | 2418.0 to 2498.0 | |||
5 | BlairmoreFootnote for Stoney 142-143-144 and Tsuut’ina Nation 145d | 2498.0 to 2729.0 | |||
6 | Mount Head | NP | |||
7 | Turner Valley | 2729.0 to 2775.0 | 11,154 to 11,485Footnote for Stoney 142-143-144 and Tsuut’ina Nation 145a | 11,920 to 12,280Footnote for Stoney 142-143-144 and Tsuut’ina Nation 145b | 9978 to 10,198Footnote for Stoney 142-143-144 and Tsuut’ina Nation 145c |
8 | Shunda | 2775.0 to 2828.0 | |||
9 | Pekisko | 2828.0 to 2929.0 | |||
10 | Banff and Exshaw | 2929.0 to 3079.0 | |||
11 | Wabamun | 3079.0 to 3318.0 | |||
12 | Winterburn | 3318.0 to 3356.0 | |||
13 | Ireton | 3356.0 to 3368.0 | |||
14 | Leduc | 3368.0 to 3599.0 | |||
15 | Cooking Lake | 3599.0 to NDE |
Return to footnote aJumping Pound West Unit No. 1: definition of unitized zone
Return to footnote bJumping Pound West Unit No. 2: definition of unitized zone
Return to footnote cWildcat Hills Unit: definition of unitized zone
Return to footnote dIncludes any Jurassic zone remnant: Fernie, Nordegg
Sturgeon Lake 154
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
00/9-18-70-23W5 | 00/4-25-70-23W5 | ||
Sonic Log (ft. KB) | Sonic Log (ft. KB) | ||
1 | Wapiabi, Badheart and Kaskapau | Surface to 2721 | Surface to 2605 |
2 | Dunvegan and Shaftesbury | 2721 to 3467 | 2605 to 3327 |
3 | Peace River and Harmon | 3467 to 3623 | 3327 to 3482 |
4 | Spirit River | 3623 to 4573 | 3482 to 4440 |
5 | Bluesky and Gething | 4573 to 4805 | 4440 to 4586 |
6 | Cadomin | 4805 to 4890 | 4586 to 4658 |
7 | Fernie and Nordegg | 4890 to 5092 | 4658 to 4949 |
8 | Montney | 5092 to 5459 | 4949 to 5288 |
9 | Belloy | 5459 to 5590 | 5288 to 5373 |
10 | Debolt | 5590 to 6186 | 5373 to 5997 |
11 | Shunda | 6186 to 6473 | 5997 to 6290 |
12 | Pekisko | 6473 to 6674 | 6290 to 6486 |
13 | Banff and Exshaw | 6674 to 7397 | 6486 to 7228 |
14 | Wabamun | 7397 to 8184 | 7228 to 8021 |
15 | Winterburn | 8184 to 8496 | 8021 to 8422 |
16 | Ireton and Leduc | 8496 to NDE | 8422 to 9316 |
17 | Beaverhill Lake | NDE | 9316 to 9610 |
18 | Slave Point | NDE | 9610 to 9660 |
19 | Gilwood and Granite Wash | NDE | 9660 to 9730 |
20 | Precambrian | NDE | 9730 to NDE |
Sucker Creek 150A
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
00/16-36-74-15W5 | ||
Sonic Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Shaftesbury | Surface to 428 |
2 | Paddy, Cadotte and Harmon | 428 to 463 |
3 | Spirit River | 463 to 737 |
4 | Bluesky and Gething | 737 to 768 |
5 | Debolt | 768 to 863 |
6 | Shunda | 863 to 976 |
7 | Pekisko | 976 to 1031 |
8 | Banff | 1031 to 1265 |
9 | Wabamun | 1265 to 1535 |
10 | Winterburn | 1535 to 1657 |
11 | Woodbend | 1657 to 1956 |
12 | Beaverhill Lake and Slave Point | 1956 to 2084 |
13 | Gilwood and Watt Mountain | 2084 to 2113 |
14 | Granite Wash | 2113 to 2152 |
15 | Precambrian | 2152 to NDE |
Sunchild 202 and O’Chiese 203
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | ||
Zone | Well Log Data | |||
00/4-11-44-10W5 | 00/10-15-43-10W5 | 00/6-30-42-9W5 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Edmonton and Belly River | Surface to 1765.0 | Surface to 1742.0 | Surface to 1700.0 |
2 | Upper Colorado | 1765.0 to 2120.0 | 1742.0 to 2126.0 | 1700.0 to 2062.0 |
3 | Cardium | 2120.0 to 2186.0 | 2126.0 to 2197.7 | 2062.0 to 2134.7 |
4 | Lower Colorado | 2186.0 to 2522.5 | 2197.7 to 2499.0 | 2134.7 to 2451.9 |
5 | Viking | 2522.5 to 2550.0 | 2499.0 to 2526.0 | 2451.9 to 2478.6 |
6 | Upper Mannville | 2550.0 to 2720.0 | 2526.0 to 2678.0 | 2478.6 to 2627.0 |
7 | Lower Mannville | 2720.0 to 2791.4 | 2678.0 to 2757.0 | 2627.0 to 2702.5 |
8 | Fernie, Rock Creek and Poker Chip | 2791.4 to 2833.0 | 2757.0 to 2794.8 | 2702.5 to 2741.8 |
9 | Nordegg | 2833.0 to 2861.0 | 2794.8 to 2824.0 | 2741.8 to 2771.0 |
10 | Shunda | 2861.0 to 2892.2 | 2824.0 to 2854.8 | 2771.0 to 2804.2 |
11 | Pekisko | 2892.2 to 2926.0 | 2854.8 to 2905.0 | 2804.2 to 2839.0 |
12 | Banff and Exshaw | 2926.0 to NDE | 2905.0 to NDE | 2839.0 to 3021.3 |
13 | Wabamun | NDE | NDE | 3021.3 to NDE |
Thunderchild 115K and Thunderchild First Nation 115B, 115C, 115D, 115E, 115F, 115G, 115H, 115I, 115J, 115L, 115M, 115N, 115Q, 115R, 115S, 115T, 115U, 115V, 115W, 115X and 115Z
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
91/5-25-59-23W3 | 21/16-3-52-20W3 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB TVD) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | St. Walburg and Viking | 231.6 to 320.8 | |
2 | Mannville | 320.8 to NDE | 454.0 to 672.0 |
3 | Devonian | NDE | 672.0 to NDE |
Utikoomak Lake 155
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | ||
Zone | Well Log Data | |||
00/6-30-80-9W5 | 12-28-80-9W5 | 2-21-79-8W5 | ||
Sonic Log (mKB) | Electric Log (ft. KB) | Electric Log (ft. KB) | ||
1 | Peace River and Spirit River | 315.5 to 558.7 | ||
2 | Shunda and Pekisko | 558.7 to 607.0 | ||
3 | Banff and Exshaw | 607.0 to 884.0 | ||
4 | Wabamun | 884.0 to 1125.0 | ||
5 | Winterburn | 1125.0 to 1267.0 | ||
6 | Ireton | 1267.0 to 1568.0 | ||
7 | Beaverhill Lake | 1568.0 to 1686.0 | ||
8 | Slave Point and Fort Vermilion | 1686.0 to 1718.0 | ||
9 | Watt Mountain and Gilwood | 1718.0 to 1724.0 | 5552 to 5576Footnote for Utikoomak Lake 155a | 5689 to 5771Footnote for Utikoomak Lake 155b |
10 | Muskeg, Keg River and Granite Wash | 1724.0 to 1755.0 | ||
11 | Precambrian | 1755.0 to NDE |
Return to footnote aWest Nipisi Unit No. 1: definition of unitized zone
Return to footnote bNipisi Gilwood Unit No. 1: definition of unitized zone
Wabamun 133A
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
00/15-23-52-4W5 | ||
Sonic Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Belly River | Surface to 710.0 |
2 | Lea Park | 710.0 to 865.0 |
3 | Wapiabi | 865.0 to 1016.0 |
4 | Cardium and Lower Colorado | 1016.0 to 1245.0 |
5 | Viking and Joli Fou | 1245.0 to 1295.5 |
6 | Mannville | 1295.5 to 1474.0 |
7 | Banff and Exshaw | 1474.0 to 1631.0 |
8 | Wabamun | 1631.0 to 1790.0 |
9 | Graminia, Blue Ridge, Calmar and Nisku | 1790.0 to 1877.0 |
10 | Ireton | 1877.0 to NDE |
Wabasca 166, 166A, 166B, 166C and 166D
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
00/11-10-81-25W4 | ||
Induction Log (ft. KB) | ||
1 | Pelican and Joli Fou | 720 to 824 |
2 | Mannville | 824 to 1608 |
3 | Wabamun | 1608 to 1677 |
4 | Winterburn | 1677 to NDE |
White Bear 70
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
01/5-15-10-2W2 | ||
Neutron Log (ft. KB) | ||
1 | Viking | 2670 to 2843 |
2 | Mannville | 2843 to 3200 |
3 | Gravelbourg and Watrous | 3200 to 3902 |
4 | Tilston and Souris Valley | 3902 to 4380 |
5 | Bakken | 4380 to 4420 |
6 | Torquay | 4420 to 4590 |
7 | Birdbear | 4590 to 4690 |
8 | Duperow | 4690 to 5214 |
9 | Souris River | 5214 to 5593 |
10 | Dawson Bay | 5593 to 5780 |
11 | Prairie Evaporite | 5780 to NDE |
White Fish Lake 128
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
00/14-11-62-13W4Footnote for White Fish Lake 128a | 00/10-16-62-12W4Footnote for White Fish Lake 128b | ||
Induction Log (mKB) | Induction Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Viking and Joli Fou | 347.6 to 386.0 | 347.0 to 383.5 |
2 | Mannville | 386.0 to NDE | 383.5 to 539.5 |
3 | Woodbend | 539.5 to NDE |
Return to footnote aColony Channel Type Log
Return to footnote bNon-Colony Channel Type Log
Woodland Cree 226, 227 and 228
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | ||
Zone | Well Log Data | |||
00/6-18-87-18W5 | 00/7-24-86-14W5 | 00/9-34-86-17W5 | ||
Sonic Log (mKB) | Sonic Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Bullhead | Surface to 494.0 | Surface to 475.0 | Surface to 498.0 |
2 | Debolt, Shunda and Pekisko | 494.0 to 753.0 | 475.0 to 518.5 | 498.0 to 504.0Footnote for Woodland Cree 226, 227 and 228a |
3 | Banff and Exshaw | 753.0 to 1051.0 | 518.5 to 823.0 | |
4 | Wabamun | 1051.0 to 1312.0 | 823.0 to 1078.0 | |
5 | Winterburn | 1312.0 to 1397.0 | 1078.0 to 1205.5 | |
6 | Ireton | 1397.0 to 1662.0 | 1205.5 to 1509.0 | |
7 | Beaverhill Lake | 1662.0 to 1700.0 | 1509.0 to 1566.0 | |
8 | Slave Point | 1700.0 to NDE | 1566.0 to 1613.5 | |
9 | Granite Wash | 1613.5 to 1614.0 | ||
10 | Precambrian | 1614.0 to NDE |
Return to footnote aDebolt only
SCHEDULE 4(Subsections 1(1) and 63(1))Zones — Continuation
Marginal note:Definitions
1 The following definitions apply in this Schedule.
ILND means the internal limit of a zone, whether upper or lower, that is not defined. (LIND)
- KB
KB means kelly bushing, which serves as the point on the rotary drilling table from which downhole well log depths are measured. (FE)
NDE means not deep enough and, in relation to a reference well, means that the well was not drilled to a depth that was sufficient to penetrate the upper or lower limit of a particular zone. (FI)
- NP
NP means not present and, in relation to a zone, means that the zone is not present at the location where the reference well was drilled. (NP)
TVD means true vertical depth. (PVR)
Marginal note:Zones
2 (1) In the case of a contract that is continued on the basis of any of paragraphs 63(1)(a) to (g) or under section 66 of these Regulations, for each of the First Nation lands set out in this Schedule, the zones with respect to which continuation may be sought are the zones set out in column 1 of the table that correspond to the well log data set out in column 2.
Marginal note:Multiple logs
(2) If there is more than one set of well log data set out in column 2 for a zone, the set derived from the reference well that is nearest to the relevant spacing unit must be used to determine the zones that may be continued.
Marginal note:Unidentified zone
3 If the zone with respect to which the contract may be continued is not identified in a table to this Schedule, the Minister must determine the upper and lower limits of the relevant zone, based on a review of well log data that relate to wells in the vicinity of the relevant spacing unit and on any other well log data that are available and relate to lands in the vicinity.
Alexander 134
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | ||
Zone | Well Log Data | |||
00/11-11-56-27W4Footnote for Alexander 134a | 02/6-15-56-27W4 | 00/8-1-56-27W4 | ||
Electric Log (ft. KB) | Induction Log (mKB) | Density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Edmonton and Belly River | Surface to 485.0 | ||
2 | Lea Park | 485.0 to 615.0 | ||
3 | Wapiabi | 615.0 to 805.5 | ||
4 | Second White Specks | 805.5 to 939.0 | ||
5 | Viking | 3090 to 3250 | 939.0 to 989.0 | 934.5 to 979.5 |
6 | Joli Fou | 3250 to 3293 | 989.0 to 997.0 | 979.5 to 992.0 |
7 | Mannville, including Upper Mannville and Glauconite | 3293 to 3790 | 997.0 to 1150.5 | 992.0 to 1141.5 |
8 | Ostracod | 3790 to 3836 | 1150.5 to 1163.5 | 1141.5 to 1155.0 |
9 | Basal Quartz “A” | 3836 to 3852Footnote for Alexander 134a | 1163.5 to 1172.0 | 1155.0 to 1161.0 |
10 | Lower Basal Quartz | 3852 to 4112 | 1172.0 to NDE | 1161.0 to 1218.0 |
11 | Wabamun | 4112 to NDE | NDE | 1218.0 to 1384.5 |
12 | Calmar and Nisku | NDE | NDE | 1384.5 to 1393.5 |
13 | Ireton | NDE | NDE | NDE |
14 | Cooking Lake | NDE | NDE | NDE |
Return to footnote aAlexander Basal Quartz Gas Unit (Basal Quartz “A” gas): definition of unitized zone
Alexander 134A
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
00/13-22-61-17W5 | 00/3-32-63-22W5 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB TVD) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Edmonton and Belly River | Surface to 1055.6 | |
2 | Lea Park | 1055.6 to 1147.7 | |
3 | Wapiabi and Cardium | 1147.7 to 1406.5 | |
4 | Second White Specks | 1406.5 to 1663.7 | |
5 | Viking | 1663.7 to 1682.0 | |
6 | Joli Fou | 1682.0 to 1688.3 | |
7 | Upper Mannville | 1688.3 to 1904.2 | |
8 | Bluesky | 1904.2 to 1921.9 | |
9 | Gething | 1921.9 to 1948.1 | |
10 | Fernie and Nordegg | 1948.1 to 2024.3 | |
11 | Montney | 2024.3 to 2048.3 | |
12 | Belloy | 2048.3 to 2064.5 | |
13 | Shunda | 2064.5 to 2124.4 | |
14 | Pekisko | 2124.4 to 2170.0 | |
15 | Banff and Exshaw | 2170.0 to NDE | 2472.0 to 2668.0 |
16 | Wabamun | 2668.0 to 2893.0 | |
17 | Graminia and Blue Ridge | 2893.0 to 2946.0 | |
18 | Nisku | 2946.0 to 3100.0 | |
19 | Ireton | 3100.0 to 3273.0 | |
20 | Duvernay | 3273.0 to 3334.8 | |
21 | Cooking Lake and Beaverhill Lake | 3334.8 to 3385.0 | |
22 | Swan Hills | 3385.0 to 3422.0 | |
23 | Watt Mountain | 3422.0 to NDE |
Alexis 133
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
00/10-23-55-4W5 | ||
Acoustic Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Edmonton and Belly River | Surface to 617.0 |
2 | Lea Park | 617.0 to 760.0 |
3 | Wapiabi | 760.0 to 960.5 |
4 | Second White Specks | 960.5 to 1125.0 |
5 | Viking | 1125.0 to 1158.5 |
6 | Joli Fou | 1158.5 to 1170.0 |
7 | Upper Mannville | 1170.0 to 1319.0 |
8 | Lower Mannville | 1319.0 to 1328.5 |
9 | Banff | 1328.5 to 1478.0 |
10 | Exshaw | 1478.0 to 1480.5 |
11 | Wabamun | 1480.5 to 1661.0 |
12 | Winterburn | 1661.0 to 1707.5 |
13 | Ireton | 1707.5 to NDE |
14 | Cooking Lake | NDE |
Alexis Whitecourt 232
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
00/2-31-60-12W5 | ||
Acoustic Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Edmonton and Belly River | Surface to 837.0 |
2 | Lea Park | 837.0 to 936.5 |
3 | Wapiabi | 936.5 to 1169.0 |
4 | Second White Specks | 1169.0 to 1381.3 |
5 | Viking | 1381.3 to 1409.0 |
6 | Joli Fou | 1409.0 to 1415.0 |
7 | Upper Mannville | 1415.0 to 1606.0 |
8 | Lower Mannville | 1606.0 to 1655.0 |
9 | Nordegg | 1655.0 to 1691.0 |
10 | Shunda | 1691.0 to 1704.0 |
11 | Pekisko | 1704.0 to 1737.0 |
12 | Banff | 1737.0 to 1917.9 |
13 | Exshaw | 1917.9 to 1920.5 |
14 | Wabamun | 1920.5 to 2137.0 |
15 | Winterburn | 2137.0 to 2234.0 |
16 | Ireton | 2234.0 to 2535.0 |
17 | Duvernay | 2535.0 to 2575.5 |
18 | Swan Hills | 2575.5 to 2711.0 |
19 | Watt Mountain | 2711.0 to NDE |
Amber River 211, Hay Lake 209 and Zama Lake 210
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |||
Zone | Well Log Data | ||||
Amber River | Hay Lake | Hay Lake | Zama Lake | ||
00/11-20-114-6W6 | 00/4-1-112-5W6 | 00/6-28-112-5W6 | 00/2-12-112-8W6 | ||
Sonic Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Density Log (ft. KB) | Induction Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Wilrich | Surface to 249.0 | Surface to 242.0 | Surface to 279.0 | |
2 | Bluesky and Gething | 249.0 to 261.0 | 242.0 to 261.5 | 279.0 to 296.0 | |
3 | Banff | 261.0 to 344.0 | 261.5 to 318.7 | 296.0 to 441.0 | |
4 | Wabamun | 344.0 to 548.0 | 318.7 to NDE | ILND to 1712 | 441.0 to 633.0 |
5 | Trout River, Kakisa and Redknife | 548.0 to 697.0 | 1712 to 2177 | 633.0 to 785.5 | |
6 | Jean Marie | 697.0 to 710.0 | 2177 to 2220 | 785.5 to 797.0 | |
7 | Fort Simpson | 710.0 to 1232.7 | 2220 to 3842 | 797.0 to 1305.5 | |
8 | Muskwa and Waterways | 1232.7 to 1310.7 | 3842 to 4192 | 1305.5 to 1394.0 | |
9 | Slave Point | 1310.7 to 1387.0 | 4192 to 4396 | 1394.0 to 1478.0 | |
10 | Watt Mountain | 1387.0 to 1389.0 | 4396 to 4422 | 1478.0 to 1481.0 | |
11 | Sulphur Point | 1389.0 to 1422.0 | 4422 to 4525 | 1481.0 to 1524.0 | |
12 | Muskeg and Keg River | 1422.0 to 1680.0 | 4525 to 5468 | 1524.0 to 1780.0 | |
13 | Chinchaga | 1680.0 to NDE | 5468 to NDE | 1780.0 to NDE |
Beaver 152
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
00/4-6-82-3W6 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Shaftesbury | Surface to 508.0 |
2 | Paddy, Cadotte and Harmon | 508.0 to 580.0 |
3 | Notikewin and Falher | 580.0 to 920.0 |
4 | Bluesky and Gething | 920.0 to 996.0 |
5 | Fernie and Nordegg | 996.0 to 1085.0 |
6 | Montney | 1085.0 to 1307.8 |
7 | Belloy | 1307.8 to 1358.0 |
8 | Taylor Flat | 1358.0 to 1395.0 |
9 | Kiskatinaw | 1395.0 to 1406.0 |
10 | Golata | 1406.0 to 1435.0 |
11 | Debolt | 1435.0 to NDE |
Beaver Lake 131
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | ||
Zone | Well Log Data | |||
00/7-3-66-13W4 | 00/12-35-66-12W4 | 00/6-20-66-13W4 | ||
Induction Log (mKB) | Induction Log (mKB) | Sonic Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Colorado Shale | Surface to 294.5 | Surface to 308.0 | |
2 | Viking and Joli Fou | 294.5 to 335.0 | 308.0 to 348.3 | |
3 | Colony | 335.0 to 344.5 | 348.3 to 358.6 | 318.0 to 486.0 |
4 | Upper Grand Rapids 2A | 344.5 to 365.0 | 358.6 to 383.0 | |
5 | Upper Grand Rapids 2B | 365.0 to 383.3 | 383.0 to 402.0 | |
6 | Lower Grand Rapids 1 | 383.3 to 398.0 | 402.0 to 418.0 | |
7 | Lower Grand Rapids 2 | 398.0 to 421.0 | 418.0 to 445.3 | |
8 | Upper Clearwater | 421.0 to 449.5 | 445.3 to 470.6 | |
9 | Lower Clearwater | 449.5 to 483.5 | 470.6 to 500.3 | |
10 | McMurray | 483.5 to NDE | 500.3 to 542.0 | |
11 | Grosmont | NDE | 542.0 to NDE | 486.0 to 542.0 |
Big Island Lake Cree Territory
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
31/7-26-62-25W3 | 01/10-20-63-24W3 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Second White Specks | 138.3 to 192.0 | |
2 | St. Walburg | 192.0 to 221.0 | |
3 | Viking | ILND to 286.0 | 221.0 to 272.4 |
4 | Colony and McLarenFootnote for Big Island Lake Cree Territorya | 286.0 to 316.0 | 272.4 to 300.8 |
5 | Waseca | 316.0 to 333.0 | 300.8 to ILND |
6 | Lower Mannville | 333.0 to ILND | |
7 | Souris River | 502.0 to NDE |
Return to footnote aBeacon Hill Mannville Voluntary Gas Unit: definition of unitized zone
Birdtail Creek 57
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
00/12-10-15-27W1 | 00/3-21-15-27W1 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Sonic Log (ft. KB) | ||
1 | Second White Specks | 244.0 to 369.0 | 800 to 1200 |
2 | Swan River (Mannville) | 369.0 to 408.5 | 1200 to 1340 |
3 | Jurassic | 408.5 to 479.0 | 1340 to 1554 |
4 | Lodgepole | 479.0 to 538.3 | 1554 to 1734 |
5 | Bakken | 538.3 to 540.3 | 1734 to 1742 |
6 | Torquay | 540.3 to 570.3 | 1742 to NDE |
7 | Birdbear | 570.3 to NDE | NDE |
8 | Duperow | NDE | NDE |
Blood 148
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | ||
Zone | Well Log Data | |||
00/6-35-5-25W4 | 00/12-28-7-23W4 | 00/6-24-8-23W4 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Belly River | Surface to 1129.5 | Surface to 798.5 | Surface to 619.5 |
2 | Pakowki | 1129.5 to 1177.0 | 798.5 to 859.8 | 619.5 to 662.0 |
3 | Milk River | 1177.0 to 1278.3 | 859.8 to 975.3 | 662.0 to 783.0 |
4 | Colorado Shale | 1278.3 to 1629.0 | 975.3 to 1289.5 | 783.0 to 1086.5 |
5 | Second White Specks | 1629.0 to 1761.0 | 1289.5 to 1385.5 | 1086.5 to 1165.5 |
6 | Barons | NP | NP | 1165.5 to 1186.0 |
7 | Bow Island | 1761.0 to 1883.0 | 1385.5 to 1529.3 | 1186.0 to 1333.0 |
8 | Mannville | 1883.0 to 2090.0 | 1529.3 to 1727.5 | 1333.0 to NDE |
9 | Rierdon | 2090.0 to 2187.5 | 1727.5 to 1807.8 | NDE |
10 | LivingstoneFootnote for Blood 148a | 2187.5 to 2435.5 | 1807.8 to 1994.3 | NDE |
11 | Banff | 2435.5 to 2546.0 | 1994.3 to 2153.3 | NDE |
12 | ExshawFootnote for Blood 148b | 2546.0 to 2550.0 | 2153.3 to 2157.5 | NDE |
13 | Big Valley and Stettler | 2550.0 to 2720.5 | 2157.5 to 2309.0 | NDE |
14 | Winterburn | 2720.5 to NDE | 2309.0 to NDE | NDE |
15 | Woodbend | NDE | NDE | NDE |
Return to footnote aFormation equivalence of Livingstone is Rundle
Return to footnote bFormation equivalence of Exshaw is Bakken
Buck Lake 133C
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
00/6-20-45-5W5 | ||
Induction Log (ft. KB) | ||
1 | Belly River | Surface to 4193 |
2 | Lea Park | 4193 to 4650 |
3 | Wapiabi | 4650 to 5167 |
4 | Cardium | 5167 to 5302 |
5 | Blackstone | 5302 to 5590 |
6 | Second White Specks | 5590 to 6173 |
7 | Viking | 6173 to 6270 |
8 | Joli Fou | 6270 to 6316 |
9 | Mannville | 6316 to 6855 |
10 | Nordegg | 6855 to 6922 |
11 | Pekisko | 6922 to 6982 |
12 | Banff | 6982 to NDE |
Carry The Kettle Nakoda First Nation 76-33
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
31/14-29-21-19W3 | ||
Induction Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Lea Park | Surface to 219.0 |
2 | Milk River | 219.0 to 397.6 |
3 | Colorado | 397.6 to NDE |
Cold Lake 149, 149A and 149B
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
Cold Lake 149 | Cold Lake 149A and 149B | ||
00/2-13-61-3W4 | 00/6-7-64-2W4 | ||
Induction Log (mKB) | Induction Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Viking and Joli Fou | 265.0 to 304.0 | |
2 | Colony | 304.0 to 319.0 | 305.0 to 324.3 |
3 | McLaren | 319.0 to 329.5 | 324.3 to 334.0 |
4 | Waseca | 329.5 to 346.0 | 334.0 to 350.0 |
5 | Sparky | 346.0 to 363.0 | 350.0 to 366.5 |
6 | General Petroleum | 363.0 to 373.0 | 366.5 to 378.0 |
7 | Rex | 373.0 to 411.5 | 378.0 to 408.0 |
8 | Lloydminster | 411.5 to 453.0 | 408.0 to 452.0 |
9 | Cummings | 453.0 to 495.3 | 452.0 to NDE |
10 | Beaverhill Lake | 495.3 to NDE | NDE |
Drift Pile River 150
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
00/10-6-74-12W5 | 00/7-25-73-12W5 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Second White Specks | 219.5 to 310.0 | |
2 | Shaftesbury | 310.0 to 418.0 | 222.5 to 420.5 |
3 | Peace River and Harmon | 418.0 to 450.4 | 420.5 to 451.3 |
4 | Spirit River | 450.4 to 707.5 | 451.3 to 739.0 |
5 | Bluesky | 707.5 to 739.0 | 739.0 to 763.0 |
6 | Gething | 739.0 to 764.0 | 763.0 to 788.0 |
7 | Shunda | 764.0 to 830.0 | 788.0 to 799.0 |
8 | Pekisko | 830.0 to NDE | 799.0 to 856.0 |
9 | Banff | NDE | 856.0 to 1081.5 |
10 | Wabamun | NDE | 1081.5 to 1350.0 |
11 | Winterburn | NDE | 1350.0 to 1483.0 |
12 | Ireton | NDE | 1483.0 to 1680.0 |
13 | Leduc | NDE | 1680.0 to 1805.0 |
14 | Beaverhill Lake | NDE | 1805.0 to 1926.5 |
15 | Slave Point | NDE | 1926.5 to 1950.0 |
16 | Fort Vermilion | NDE | 1950.0 to 1960.5 |
17 | Watt Mountain and Gilwood | NDE | 1960.5 to 1973.0 |
18 | Muskeg | NDE | 1973.0 to NDE |
Enoch Cree Nation 135
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
03/13-3-52-26W4 | 00/14-3-52-26W4 | ||
Induction Log (mKB) | Electric Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Edmonton and Belly River | Surface to 529.0 | |
2 | Lea Park | 529.0 to 691.0 | |
3 | Wapiabi | 691.0 to 890.0 | |
4 | Second White Specks | 890.0 to 1029.0 | |
5 | Viking and Joli Fou | 1029.0 to 1076.0 | |
6 | Mannville | 1076.0 to 1332.0 | |
7 | Wabamun | 1332.0 to 1421.0 | |
8 | Graminia, Calmar and Nisku | 1421.0 to 1502.0 | |
9 | Ireton, Leduc and Cooking Lake | 1502.0 to NDE | 1573.4 to NDEFootnote for Enoch Cree Nation 135a |
Return to footnote aLeduc and Cooking Lake zones only
Halfway River 168
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
00/1-34-86-25W6 | ||
Sonic Log (mKB TVD) | ||
1 | Wilrich | Surface to 710.0 |
2 | Bluesky and Gething | 710.0 to 840.5 |
3 | Cadomin | 840.5 to 889.0 |
4 | Nikanassin | 889.0 to 994.0 |
5 | Fernie and Nordegg | 994.0 to 1112.0 |
6 | Pardonet and Baldonnel | 1112.0 to 1150.0 |
7 | Charlie Lake | 1150.0 to 1466.5 |
8 | Halfway | 1466.5 to 1517.0 |
9 | Doig | 1517.0 to 1651.5 |
10 | Montney | 1651.5 to 1960.0 |
11 | Belloy | 1960.0 to NDE |
Heart Lake 167
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
00/13-18-70-10W4 | ||
Induction Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Viking and Joli Fou | 268.0 to 306.0 |
2 | Colony | 306.0 to 330.5 |
3 | Upper Grand Rapids | 330.5 to 363.0 |
4 | Lower Grand Rapids | 363.0 to 409.5 |
5 | Clearwater | 409.5 to 461.5 |
6 | McMurray | 461.5 to 502.0 |
7 | Woodbend | 502.0 to NDE |
Horse Lakes 152B
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
00/8-27-73-12W6 | ||
Sonic Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Puskwaskau | Surface to 402.5 |
2 | Badheart | 402.5 to 446.0 |
3 | Cardium | 446.0 to 483.0 |
4 | Kaskapau | 483.0 to 928.0 |
5 | Doe Creek | 928.0 to 976.0 |
6 | Dunvegan | 976.0 to 1140.0 |
7 | Shaftesbury | 1140.0 to 1468.0 |
8 | Paddy | 1468.0 to 1496.0 |
9 | Cadotte | 1496.0 to 1521.0 |
10 | Harmon | 1521.0 to 1553.0 |
11 | Notikewin | 1553.0 to 1625.0 |
12 | Falher | 1625.0 to 1812.5 |
13 | Wilrich | 1812.5 to 1879.0 |
14 | Bluesky | 1879.0 to 1921.5 |
15 | Gething | 1921.5 to 2021.5 |
16 | Cadomin | 2021.5 to 2050.5 |
17 | Nikanassin | 2050.5 to 2157.5 |
18 | Fernie | 2157.5 to 2248.0 |
19 | Nordegg | 2248.0 to 2275.0 |
20 | Charlie Lake | 2275.0 to 2477.5 |
21 | Halfway | 2477.5 to 2504.0 |
22 | Doig | 2504.0 to 2553.0 |
23 | Montney | 2553.0 to NDE |
Kehewin 123
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
00/7-10-59-6W4 | 00/10-9-59-6W4Footnote for Kehewin 123a | ||
Induction Log (ft. KB) | Induction Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Viking and Joli Fou | 1053 to 1189 | |
2 | Colony | 1189 to 1218 | 359.0 to 386.0 |
3 | McLaren | 1218 to 1261 | NP |
4 | Waseca | 1261 to 1315 | 386.0 to 401.0 |
5 | Sparky | 1315 to 1381 | 401.0 to 421.0 |
6 | General Petroleum | 1381 to 1490 | 421.0 to 457.0 |
7 | Rex-Lloydminster | 1490 to 1644 | 457.0 to 499.0 |
8 | Cummings | 1644 to 1858 | 499.0 to NDE |
9 | Woodbend | 1858 to NDE | NDE |
Return to footnote aColony Channel Type Log
Little Pine 116 and Poundmaker 114
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | ||
Zone | Well Log Data | |||
21/6-7-46-21W3 | 21/15-29-44-23W3Footnote for Little Pine 116 and Poundmaker 114a | 11/2-33-44-24W3 | ||
Induction Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Second White Specks | 458.3 to 543.0 | ||
2 | Viking and Joli Fou | 543.0 to 585.0 | ||
3 | Colony | 437.5 to 459.0 | 532.0 to 554.0 | 585.0 to 600.8 |
4 | McLaren | 459.0 to 469.0 | 554.0 to 569.0 | 600.8 to 611.5 |
5 | Waseca | 469.0 to 485.5 | 569.0 to 588.0 | 611.5 to 634.7 |
6 | Sparky | 485.5 to 501.0 | 588.0 to 611.0 | 634.7 to 646.0 |
7 | General Petroleum | 501.0 to 518.3 | 611.0 to ILND | 646.0 to 656.5 |
8 | Rex | 518.3 to 531.0 | 656.5 to 668.7 | |
9 | Lloydminster | 531.0 to 543.3 | 668.7 to 683.4 | |
10 | Cummings | 543.3 to 573.3 | 683.4 to 702.0 | |
11 | Dina | 573.3 to 601.0 | 702.0 to 736.5 | |
12 | Duperow | 601.0 to NDE | 736.5 to NDE |
Return to footnote aColony Channel Type Log
Loon Lake 235 and Swampy Lake 236
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
00/1-20-86-9W5 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Clearwater | 315.0 to 373.0 |
2 | Banff | 373.0 to 494.0 |
3 | Wabamun | 494.0 to 777.0 |
4 | Winterburn | 777.0 to 963.0 |
5 | Ireton | 963.0 to 1233.0 |
6 | Beaverhill Lake | 1233.0 to 1343.7 |
7 | Slave Point | 1343.7 to 1361.0 |
8 | Fort Vermilion | 1361.0 to 1377.5 |
9 | Watt Mountain | 1377.5 to 1382.7 |
10 | Muskeg | 1382.7 to 1452.0 |
11 | Granite Wash | 1452.0 to 1487.0 |
12 | Precambrian | 1487.0 to NDE |
Makaoo 120, Onion Lake 119-1 and 119-2 and Seekaskootch 119
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | ||
Zone | Well Log Data | |||
11/14-8-56-27W3 | 00/11-23-54-1W4 | 41/6-4-55-25W3 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB TVD) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Second White Specks | Surface to 322.0 | 346.0 to 428.0 | |
2 | St. Walburg/La Biche | ILND to 433.5 | 322.0 to 365.0 | 428.0 to 478.8 |
3 | Viking | 433.5 to 474.4 | 365.0 to 402.0 | 478.8 to 515.4 |
4 | Colony | 474.4 to 488.9 | 402.0 to 415.0 | 515.4 to ILND |
5 | McLaren | 488.9 to 500.3 | 415.0 to 429.5 | |
6 | Waseca | 500.3 to 517.9 | 429.5 to 441.0 | |
7 | Sparky | 517.9 to 534.0 | 441.0 to 464.0 | |
8 | General Petroleum | 534.0 to 548.9 | 464.0 to 476.0 | |
9 | Rex | 548.9 to 582.0 | 476.0 to 499.0 | |
10 | Lloydminster | 582.0 to 602.6 | 499.0 to 515.0 | |
11 | Cummings and Dina | 602.6 to 648.0 | 515.0 to 536.0 | |
12 | Duperow | 648.0 to NDE | 536.0 to NDE |
Ministikwan 161 and Makwa Lake 129
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
41/8-25-58-25W3 | 31/8-34-58-25W3 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Second White Specks, St. Walburg and Viking | 219.0 to 346.5 | 254.6 to 387.6 |
2 | Colony | 346.5 to 371.0 | 387.6 to 408.0 |
3 | McLaren | 371.0 to 383.0 | 408.0 to 421.0 |
4 | Waseca | 383.0 to 407.0 | 421.0 to 440.0 |
5 | Sparky | 407.0 to 422.3 | 440.0 to 460.0 |
6 | General Petroleum | 422.3 to 433.0 | 460.0 to 471.2 |
7 | Rex, Lloydminster, Cummings and Dina | 433.0 to NDE | 471.2 to 627.0 |
8 | Duperow | NDE | 627.0 to NDE |
Nekaneet Cree Nation
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
21/8-32-7-28W3 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Belly River | Surface to 625.4 |
2 | Lea Park | 625.4 to 658.4 |
3 | Ribstone Creek | 658.4 to 807.0 |
4 | Milk River | 807.0 to 946.3 |
5 | Medicine Hat | 946.3 to 1107.0 |
6 | Second White Specks | 1107.0 to 1272.0 |
7 | Viking and Joli Fou | 1272.0 to 1390.3 |
8 | Mannville | 1390.3 to 1479.3 |
9 | Vanguard | 1479.3 to 1523.0 |
10 | Shaunavon | 1523.0 to 1562.0 |
11 | Gravelbourg | 1562.0 to 1574.5 |
12 | Mission Canyon | 1574.5 to NDE |
Ocean Man 69, 69A, 69B, 69C, 69D, 69E, 69F, 69G, 69H and 69I, Ocean Man Indian Reserve No. 69X, Ocean Man No. 69N, Ocean Man No. 69S, Ocean Man No. 69U and Flying Dust First Nation 105H, 105I, 105L and 105O
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
31/11-11-10-8W2 | 01/9-30-10-7W2 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Sonic Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Gravelbourg | ILND to 1102.0 | |
2 | Watrous | 1102.0 to 1184.4 | |
3 | Alida and Tilston | 1184.4 to NDE | |
4 | Souris Valley | ILND to 1433.5 | NDE |
5 | Bakken | 1433.5 to 1451.0 | NDE |
6 | Torquay | 1451.0 to NDE | NDE |
Pigeon Lake 138AFootnote a
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |||
Zone | Well Log Data | ||||
00/12-36-46-28W4 | 04/15-24-46-28W4 | 00/9-18-46-27W4 | 00/12-20-47-27W4 | ||
Gamma Ray-neutron Log (ft. KB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Electric Log (ft. KB) | Electric Log (ft. KB) | ||
1 | Edmonton, Belly River and Lea Park | Surface to 1036.0 | |||
2 | Wapiabi | 1036.0 to 1197.0 | |||
3 | Cardium and Blackstone | 1197.0 to 1281.3 | 3850 to 4020Footnote for Pigeon Lake 138Ab | ||
4 | Second White Specks | 1281.3 to 1423.7 | |||
5 | Viking and Joli Fou | 1423.7 to 1472.0 | |||
6 | Upper Mannville | 1472.0 to 1610.3 | |||
7 | Lower Mannville | 1610.3 to NDE | |||
8 | Wabamun | 5591 to 6295 | |||
9 | Calmar and Nisku | 6295 to 6492 | |||
10 | Ireton | 6492 to 6670 | |||
11 | Leduc | 6670 to NDE | 6434 to 7210Footnote for Pigeon Lake 138Ac |
Return to footnote aThe First Nation lands are located at the Banff subcrop limit. A contract in respect of any Banff and Exshaw zone remnants will be continued with the Lower Mannville zone
Return to footnote bBonnie Glen Cardium Unit No. 1: definition of unitized zone
Return to footnote cBonnie Glen D-3A Gas Cap Unit: definition of unitized zone
Puskiakiwenin 122 and Unipouheos 121
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |||
Zone | Well Log Data | ||||
00/11-21-56-3W4 | 00/6-16-57-3W4Footnote for Puskiakiwenin 122 and Unipouheos 121a | 00/12-26-57-4W4Footnote for Puskiakiwenin 122 and Unipouheos 121a | 00/8-16-58-3W4 | ||
Induction Log (mKB) | Induction Log (mKB) | Induction Log (mKB TVD) | Induction Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Viking and Joli Fou | 371.0 to 411.5 | |||
2 | Colony | 411.5 to 427.5 | 409.5 to 420.0 | 416.5 to 427.5 | 403.0 to 420.0 |
3 | McLaren | 427.5 to 436.5 | 420.0 to 441.0 | 427.5 to 444.3 | 420.0 to 428.6 |
4 | Waseca | 436.5 to 449.5 | 441.0 to 456.0 | 444.3 to 462.7 | 428.6 to 447.0 |
5 | Sparky | 449.5 to 472.0 | 456.0 to 475.0 | 462.7 to 484.3 | 447.0 to 460.5 |
6 | General Petroleum | 472.0 to 485.0 | 475.0 to 488.5 | 484.3 to 498.0 | 460.5 to 475.6 |
7 | Rex | 485.0 to 491.0 | 488.5 to 498.5 | 498.0 to 509.2 | 475.6 to 487.5 |
8 | Lloydminster | 491.0 to 528.0 | 498.5 to 537.0 | 509.2 to NDE | 487.5 to 533.0 |
9 | Cummings | 528.0 to 546.5 | 537.0 to NDE | NDE | 533.0 to 575.0 |
10 | Woodbend | 546.5 to NDE | NDE | NDE | 575.0 to NDE |
Return to footnote aMcLaren Channel Type Log
Red Pheasant 108
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | ||
Zone | Well Log Data | |||
11/15-14-61-26W3 | 11/11-5-60-23W3 | 41/7-15-59-24W3 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Second White Specks | 160.8 to 239.7 | 176.0 to 253.0 | |
2 | St. Walburg | 239.7 to 279.0 | 253.0 to 300.0 | |
3 | Viking | 279.0 to 324.0 | 300.0 to 339.5 | |
4 | Mannville | 292.3 to ILND | 324.0 to 586.0 | 339.5 to 576.0 |
5 | Souris River | 586.0 to NDE | 576.0 to NDE |
Saddle Lake 125
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
00/11-32-57-11W4 | 02/6-29-57-13W4Footnote for Saddle Lake 125a | ||
Induction Log (ft. KB) | Induction Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Second White Specks | 393.0 to 491.0 | |
2 | Viking and Joli Fou | 1412 to 1542 | 491.0 to 528.3 |
3 | Colony | 1542 to 1582 | 528.3 to ILND |
4 | Upper Grand Rapids | 1582 to 1710 | |
5 | Lower Grand Rapids | 1710 to 1844 | |
6 | Clearwater | 1844 to 2025 | |
7 | McMurray | 2025 to 2132 | ILND to 710.7 |
8 | Ireton | 2132 to NDE | 710.7 to 872.3 |
9 | Cooking Lake | NDE | 872.3 to 934.0 |
10 | Beaverhill Lake | NDE | 934.0 to NDE |
Return to footnote aMitsue Gilwood Sand Unit No. 1: definition of unitized zone
Samson 137 and 137A, Louis Bull 138B, Ermineskin 138 and Montana 139
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |||
Zone | Well Log Data | ||||
00/6-17-46-24W4 | 00/9-35-44-25W4 | 00/14-32-44-25W4 | 00/10-13-44-23W4 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB TVD) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (ft. KB) | ||
1 | Edmonton and Belly River | Surface to 702.0 | Surface to 817.5 | Surface to 793.0 | Surface to 2230 |
2 | Lea Park | 702.0 to 831.0 | 817.5 to 944.0 | 793.0 to 925.0 | 2230 to 2707 |
3 | Wapiabi | 831.0 to 1067.0 | 944.0 to 1183.3 | 925.0 to 1166.0 | 2707 to 3466 |
4 | Second White Specks | 1067.0 to 1199.0 | 1183.3 to 1311.0 | 1166.0 to 1295.3 | 3466 to 3866 |
5 | Viking | 1199.0 to 1229.7 | 1311.0 to 1342.0 | 1295.3 to 1330.0 | 3866 to 3970 |
6 | Joli Fou | 1229.7 to 1251.5 | 1342.0 to 1363.6 | 1330.0 to 1350.7 | 3970 to 4040 |
7 | Mannville | 1251.5 to 1439.3 | 1363.6 to 1558.2 | 1350.7 to 1530.0 | 4040 to 4815 |
8 | Banff | 1439.3 to 1451.0 | NP | 1530.0 to 1543.0 | NP |
9 | Wabamun | 1451.0 to 1613.7 | 1558.2 to 1772.6 | 1543.0 to 1763.0 | 4815 to NDE |
10 | Calmar and Nisku | 1613.7 to 1665.5 | 1772.6 to NDE | 1763.0 to 1818.3 | NDE |
11 | Ireton | 1665.5 to 1904.0 | NDE | 1818.3 to NDE | NDE |
12 | Cooking Lake | 1904.0 to NDE | NDE | NDE | NDE |
Sawridge 150G
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
00/2-6-73-5W5 | 00/4-19-71-4W5Footnote for Sawridge 150Ga | ||
Sonic Log (ft. KB) | Induction Log (ft. KB) | ||
1 | Colorado | Surface to 1248 | |
2 | Viking | 1248 to 1334 | |
3 | Mannville | 1334 to 2240 | |
4 | Banff and Exshaw | 2240 to 2440 | |
5 | Wabamun | 2440 to 3336 | |
6 | Winterburn | 3336 to 3647 | |
7 | Ireton | 3647 to 4888 | |
8 | Waterways | 4888 to 5450 | |
9 | Slave Point | 5450 to 5496 | |
10 | Watt Mountain | 5496 to 5578 | |
11 | Gilwood | 5578 to 5860 | 6112 to 6146a |
12 | Muskeg | 5860 to 5920 | |
13 | Keg River | 5920 to 6321 | |
14 | Lower Elk Point | 6321 to NDE |
Return to footnote aMitsue Gilwood Sand Unit No. 1: definition of unitized zone
Sharphead 141
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
00/6-1-43-26W4 | 00/14-2-43-26W4 | ||
Induction Log (mKB) | Sonic Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Horseshoe Canyon | Surface to 552.0 | |
2 | Belly River and Lea Park | 552.0 to 1016.0 | |
3 | Wapiabi, Cardium and Blackstone | 1016.0 to 1270.0 | |
4 | Second White Specks | ILND to 1384.5 | 1270.0 to 1405.0 |
5 | Viking and Joli Fou | 1384.5 to 1436.0 | 1405.0 to NDE |
6 | Mannville | 1436.0 to 1625.0 | NDE |
7 | Banff and Exshaw | 1625.0 to 1652.5 | NDE |
8 | Wabamun | 1652.5 to NDE | NDE |
Siksika 146
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | ||||
Zone | Well Log Data | |||||
00/14-3-23-23W4 | 00/5-19-22-23W4 | 00/4-4-21-20W4 | 00/2-29-20-20W4 | 00/6-20-20-19W4 | ||
Sonic Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Sonic Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Edmonton and Belly River | Surface to 812.0 | Surface to 763.5 | Surface to 548.5 | Surface to 585.0 | Surface to 603.5 |
2 | Pakowki | 812.0 to 854.5 | 763.5 to 810.0 | 548.5 to 593.0 | 585.0 to 630.0 | 603.5 to 656.0 |
3 | Milk River | 854.5 to 937.5 | 810.0 to 892.0 | 593.0 to 686.0 | 630.0 to 722.5 | 656.0 to 738.5 |
4 | Upper Colorado, including Medicine Hat | 937.5 to 1242.0 | 892.0 to 1200.0 | 686.0 to 977.5 | 722.5 to 1018.6 | 738.5 to 1026.6 |
5 | Second White Specks | 1242.0 to 1370.7 | 1200.0 to 1330.0 | 977.5 to 1095.4 | 1018.6 to 1144.0 | 1026.6 to 1147.7 |
6 | Viking Lag Sand | NP | 1330.0 to 1333.0 | 1095.4 to 1101.0 | NP | NP |
7 | Viking (Bow Island) | 1370.7 to 1475.0 | 1333.0 to 1441.5 | 1101.0 to 1203.7 | 1144.0 to 1248.5 | 1147.7 to 1250.0 |
8 | Mannville | 1475.0 to 1647.0 | 1441.5 to 1595.5 | 1203.7 to 1350.0 | 1248.5 to 1431.3 | 1250.0 to 1413.7 |
9 | Pekisko | 1647.0 to 1752.0 | 1595.5 to NDE | 1350.0 to NDE | 1431.3 to 1477.3 | 1413.7 to 1476.3 |
10 | Banff and Exshaw | 1752.0 to 1896.0 | NDE | NDE | 1477.3 to 1617.0 | 1476.3 to 1630.0 |
11 | Wabamun | 1896.0 to 2065.7 | NDE | NDE | 1617.0 to 1753.0 | 1630.0 to 1755.0 |
12 | Calmar and Nisku | 2065.7 to 2096.0 | NDE | NDE | 1753.0 to 1796.5 | 1755.0 to 1793.7 |
13 | Ireton and Leduc | 2096.0 to 2312.0 | NDE | NDE | 1796.5 to NDE | 1793.7 to NDE |
14 | Cooking Lake | 2312.0 to 2365.0 | NDE | NDE | NDE | NDE |
15 | Beaverhill Lake | 2365.0 to 2514.5 | NDE | NDE | NDE | NDE |
16 | Elk Point | 2514.5 to NDE | NDE | NDE | NDE | NDE |
Stoney 142-143-144 and Tsuut’ina Nation 145
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |||
Zone | Well Log Data | ||||
00/8-13-27-3W5 | 00/2-33-25-6W5Footnote for Stoney 142-143-144 and Tsuut’ina Nation 145a | 00/10-34-24-6W5(5-34)Footnote for Stoney 142-143-144 and Tsuut’ina Nation 145b | 00/5-24-27-6W5Footnote for Stoney 142-143-144 and Tsuut’ina Nation 145c | ||
Induction Log (mKB) | Neutron Log (ft. KB) | Sonic Log (ft. KB) | Sonic Log (ft. KB) | ||
1 | Belly River | Surface to 1743.0 | |||
2 | Wapiabi | 1743.0 to 2121.0 | |||
3 | Cardium and Blackstone | 2121.0 to 2418.0 | |||
4 | Viking and Joli Fou | 2418.0 to 2498.0 | |||
5 | BlairmoreFootnote for Stoney 142-143-144 and Tsuut’ina Nation 145d | 2498.0 to 2729.0 | |||
6 | Mount Head | NP | |||
7 | Turner Valley | 2729.0 to 2775.0 | 11,154 to 11,485Footnote for Stoney 142-143-144 and Tsuut’ina Nation 145a | 11,920 to 12,280Footnote for Stoney 142-143-144 and Tsuut’ina Nation 145b | 9978 to 10,198Footnote for Stoney 142-143-144 and Tsuut’ina Nation 145c |
8 | Shunda | 2775.0 to 2828.0 | |||
9 | Pekisko | 2828.0 to 2929.0 | |||
10 | Banff and Exshaw | 2929.0 to 3079.0 | |||
11 | Wabamun | 3079.0 to 3318.0 | |||
12 | Winterburn | 3318.0 to 3356.0 | |||
13 | Ireton | 3356.0 to 3368.0 | |||
14 | Leduc | 3368.0 to 3599.0 | |||
15 | Cooking Lake | 3599.0 to NDE |
Return to footnote aJumping Pound West Unit No. 1: definition of unitized zone
Return to footnote bJumping Pound West Unit No. 2: definition of unitized zone
Return to footnote cWildcat Hills Unit: definition of unitized zone
Return to footnote dIncludes any Jurassic zone remnant: Fernie, Nordegg
Sturgeon Lake 154
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
00/9-18-70-23W5 | 00/4-25-70-23W5 | ||
Sonic Log (ft. KB) | Sonic Log (ft. KB) | ||
1 | Wapiabi | Surface to 1844 | Surface to 1755 |
2 | Badheart | 1844 to 1897 | 1755 to 1795 |
3 | Kaskapau | 1897 to 2721 | 1795 to 2605 |
4 | Dunvegan | 2721 to 2960 | 2605 to 2835 |
5 | Shaftesbury | 2960 to 3467 | 2835 to 3327 |
6 | Peace River | 3467 to 3540 | 3327 to 3395 |
7 | Harmon | 3540 to 3623 | 3395 to 3482 |
8 | Spirit River | 3623 to 4573 | 3482 to 4440 |
9 | Bluesky and Gething | 4573 to 4805 | 4440 to 4586 |
10 | Cadomin | 4805 to 4890 | 4586 to 4658 |
11 | Fernie and Nordegg | 4890 to 5092 | 4658 to 4949 |
12 | Montney | 5092 to 5459 | 4949 to 5288 |
13 | Belloy | 5459 to 5590 | 5288 to 5373 |
14 | Debolt | 5590 to 6186 | 5373 to 5997 |
15 | Shunda | 6186 to 6473 | 5997 to 6290 |
16 | Pekisko | 6473 to 6674 | 6290 to 6486 |
17 | Banff | 6674 to 7378 | 6486 to 7208 |
18 | Exshaw | 7378 to 7397 | 7208 to 7228 |
19 | Wabamun | 7397 to 8184 | 7228 to 8021 |
20 | Winterburn | 8184 to 8496 | 8021 to 8422 |
21 | Ireton | 8496 to 8637 | 8422 to 9316 |
22 | Leduc | 8637 to NDE | NP |
23 | Beaverhill Lake | NDE | 9316 to 9610 |
24 | Slave Point | NDE | 9610 to 9660 |
25 | Gilwood and Granite Wash | NDE | 9660 to 9730 |
26 | Precambrian | NDE | 9730 to NDE |
Sucker Creek 150A
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
00/16-36-74-15W5 | ||
Sonic Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Shaftesbury | Surface to 428 |
2 | Paddy, Cadotte and Harmon | 428 to 463 |
3 | Spirit River | 463 to 737 |
4 | Bluesky and Gething | 737 to 768 |
5 | Debolt | 768 to 863 |
6 | Shunda | 863 to 976 |
7 | Pekisko | 976 to 1031 |
8 | Banff | 1031 to 1265 |
9 | Wabamun | 1265 to 1535 |
10 | Winterburn | 1535 to 1657 |
11 | Woodbend | 1657 to 1956 |
12 | Beaverhill Lake and Slave Point | 1956 to 2084 |
13 | Gilwood and Watt Mountain | 2084 to 2113 |
14 | Granite Wash | 2113 to 2152 |
15 | Precambrian | 2152 to NDE |
Sunchild 202 and O’Chiese 203
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | ||
Zone | Well Log Data | |||
00/4-11-44-10W5 | 00/10-15-43-10W5 | 00/6-30-42-9W5 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Edmonton and Belly River | Surface to 1765.0 | Surface to 1742.0 | Surface to 1700.0 |
2 | Upper Colorado | 1765.0 to 2120.0 | 1742.0 to 2126.0 | 1700.0 to 2062.0 |
3 | Cardium | 2120.0 to 2186.0 | 2126.0 to 2197.7 | 2062.0 to 2134.7 |
4 | Lower Colorado | 2186.0 to 2522.5 | 2197.7 to 2499.0 | 2134.7 to 2451.9 |
5 | Viking | 2522.5 to 2550.0 | 2499.0 to 2526.0 | 2451.9 to 2478.6 |
6 | Upper Mannville | 2550.0 to 2720.0 | 2526.0 to 2678.0 | 2478.6 to 2627.0 |
7 | Lower Mannville | 2720.0 to 2791.4 | 2678.0 to 2757.0 | 2627.0 to 2702.5 |
8 | Fernie, Rock Creek and Poker Chip | 2791.4 to 2833.0 | 2757.0 to 2794.8 | 2702.5 to 2741.8 |
9 | Nordegg | 2833.0 to 2861.0 | 2794.8 to 2824.0 | 2741.8 to 2771.0 |
10 | Shunda | 2861.0 to 2892.2 | 2824.0 to 2854.8 | 2771.0 to 2804.2 |
11 | Pekisko | 2892.2 to 2926.0 | 2854.8 to 2905.0 | 2804.2 to 2839.0 |
12 | Banff and Exshaw | 2926.0 to NDE | 2905.0 to NDE | 2839.0 to 3021.3 |
13 | Wabamun | NDE | NDE | 3021.3 to NDE |
Thunderchild 115K and Thunderchild First Nation 115B, 115C, 115D, 115E, 115F, 115G, 115H, 115I, 115J, 115L, 115M, 115N, 115Q, 115R, 115S, 115T, 115U, 115V, 115W, 115X and 115Z
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
91/5-25-59-23W3 | 21/16-3-52-20W3 | ||
Neutron-density Log (mKB TVD) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | St. Walburg | 231.6 to 274.4 | |
2 | Viking | 274.4 to 320.8 | |
3 | Colony | 320.8 to 340.0 | 454.0 to 478.0 |
4 | McLaren | 340.0 to 352.0 | 478.0 to 489.0 |
5 | Waseca | 352.0 to ILND | 489.0 to 516.0 |
6 | Sparky | 516.0 to 546.0 | |
7 | General Petroleum | 546.0 to 575.0 | |
8 | Rex | 575.0 to 608.0 | |
9 | Lloydminster | 608.0 to 646.0 | |
10 | Cummings | 646.0 to 672.0 | |
11 | Devonian | 672.0 to NDE |
Utikoomak Lake 155
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | ||
Zone | Well Log Data | |||
00/6-30-80-9W5 | 12-28-80-9W5Footnote for Utikoomak Lake 155a | 2-21-79-8W5Footnote for Utikoomak Lake 155b | ||
Sonic Log (mKB) | Electric Log (ft. KB) | Electric Log (ft. KB) | ||
1 | Peace River and Spirit River | 315.5 to 558.7 | ||
2 | Shunda and Pekisko | 558.7 to 607.0 | ||
3 | Banff and Exshaw | 607.0 to 884.0 | ||
4 | Wabamun | 884.0 to 1125.0 | ||
5 | Winterburn | 1125.0 to 1267.0 | ||
6 | Ireton | 1267.0 to 1568.0 | ||
7 | Beaverhill Lake | 1568.0 to 1686.0 | ||
8 | Slave Point and Fort Vermilion | 1686.0 to 1718.0 | ||
9 | Watt Mountain and Gilwood | 1718.0 to 1724.0 | 5552 to 5576Footnote for Utikoomak Lake 155a | 5689 to 5771Footnote for Utikoomak Lake 155b |
10 | Muskeg and Keg River | 1724.0 to 1750.0 | ||
11 | Granite Wash | 1750.0 to 1755.0 | ||
12 | Precambrian | 1755.0 to NDE |
Return to footnote aWest Nipisi Unit No. 1: definition of unitized zone
Return to footnote bNipisi Gilwood Unit No. 1: definition of unitized zone
Wabamun 133A
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
00/15-23-52-4W5 | ||
Sonic Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Belly River | Surface to 710.0 |
2 | Lea Park | 710.0 to 865.0 |
3 | Wapiabi | 865.0 to 1016.0 |
4 | Cardium and Lower Colorado | 1016.0 to 1245.0 |
5 | Viking | 1245.0 to 1276.0 |
6 | Joli Fou | 1276.0 to 1295.5 |
7 | Upper Mannville | 1295.5 to 1424.0 |
8 | Glauconite | 1424.0 to 1445.0 |
9 | Lower Mannville | 1445.0 to 1474.0 |
10 | Banff and Exshaw | 1474.0 to 1631.0 |
11 | Wabamun | 1631.0 to 1790.0 |
12 | Graminia, Blue Ridge and Calmar | 1790.0 to 1840.0 |
13 | Nisku | 1840.0 to 1877.0 |
14 | Ireton | 1877.0 to NDE |
Wabasca 166, 166A, 166B, 166C and 166D
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
00/11-10-81-25W4 | ||
Induction Log (ft. KB) | ||
1 | Pelican and Joli Fou | 720 to 824 |
2 | Grand Rapids | 824 to 1116 |
3 | Clearwater | 1116 to 1452 |
4 | Wabiskaw | 1452 to 1536 |
5 | McMurray | 1536 to 1608 |
6 | Wabamun | 1608 to 1677 |
7 | Winterburn | 1677 to NDE |
White Bear 70
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Zone | Well Log Data | |
01/5-15-10-2W2 | ||
Neutron Log (ft. KB) | ||
1 | Viking | 2670 to 2843 |
2 | Mannville | 2843 to 3200 |
3 | Gravelbourg | 3200 to 3645 |
4 | Watrous | 3645 to 3902 |
5 | Tilston | 3902 to 3944 |
6 | Souris Valley | 3944 to 4380 |
7 | Bakken | 4380 to 4420 |
8 | Torquay | 4420 to 4590 |
9 | Birdbear | 4590 to 4690 |
10 | Duperow | 4690 to 5214 |
11 | Souris River | 5214 to 5593 |
12 | Dawson Bay | 5593 to 5780 |
13 | Prairie Evaporite | 5780 to NDE |
White Fish Lake 128
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Zone | Well Log Data | ||
00/14-11-62-13W4Footnote for White Fish Lake 128a | 00/10-16-62-12W4Footnote for White Fish Lake 128b | ||
Induction Log (mKB) | Induction Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Viking and Joli Fou | 347.6 to 386.0 | 347.0 to 383.5 |
2 | Colony | 386.0 to 426.0 | 383.5 to 397.5 |
3 | Upper Grand Rapids 2 | 426.0 to 439.0 | 397.5 to 431.0 |
4 | Lower Grand Rapids 1 | 439.0 to 453.0 | 431.0 to 445.0 |
5 | Lower Grand Rapids 2 | 453.0 to 471.0 | 445.0 to 459.0 |
6 | Upper Clearwater | 471.0 to 498.0 | 459.0 to 491.5 |
7 | Lower Clearwater | 498.0 to 522.0 | 491.5 to 516.5 |
8 | McMurray | 522.0 to NDE | 516.5 to 539.5 |
9 | Woodbend | 539.5 to NDE |
Return to footnote aColony Channel Type Log
Return to footnote bNon-Colony Channel Type Log
Woodland Cree 226, 227 and 228
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 | ||
Zone | Well Log Data | |||
00/6-18-87-18W5 | 00/7-24-86-14W5 | 00/9-34-86-17W5 | ||
Sonic Log (mKB) | Sonic Log (mKB) | Neutron-density Log (mKB) | ||
1 | Bullhead | Surface to 494.0 | Surface to 475.0 | Surface to 498.0 |
2 | Debolt | 494.0 to 540.0 | NP | 498.0 to 504.0 |
3 | Shunda | 540.0 to 664.0 | NP | |
4 | Pekisko | 664.0 to 753.0 | 475.0 to 518.5 | |
5 | Banff and Exshaw | 753.0 to 1051.0 | 518.5 to 823.0 | |
6 | Wabamun | 1051.0 to 1312.0 | 823.0 to 1078.0 | |
7 | Winterburn | 1312.0 to 1397.0 | 1078.0 to 1205.5 | |
8 | Ireton | 1397.0 to 1662.0 | 1205.5 to 1509.0 | |
9 | Beaverhill Lake | 1662.0 to 1700.0 | 1509.0 to 1566.0 | |
10 | Slave Point | 1700.0 to NDE | 1566.0 to 1613.5 | |
11 | Granite Wash | 1613.5 to 1614.0 | ||
12 | Precambrian | 1614.0 to NDE |
SCHEDULE 5(Subsection 79(1))Royalties
Marginal note:Definition of marketable gas
1 In this Schedule, marketable gas means gas, consisting mainly of methane, that meets industry or utility specifications for use as a domestic, commercial or industrial fuel or as an industrial raw material.
Actual Selling Price
Marginal note:Highest value
2 (1) For the purposes of this Schedule, if the Minister determines that the actual selling price of oil or gas is less than the fair value of that oil or gas at the time and place of production, the actual selling price is deemed to be that fair value. In that case, the Minister must send the contract holder notice of the royalties payable and, within 30 days after the day on which the notice is received, the holder must pay the royalties payable in accordance with that notice.
Marginal note:Factors to consider
(2) In determining the fair value of oil or gas, the Minister, in consultation with the council, must take into account the following factors:
(a) any applicable reference price;
(b) in the case of gas, transportation cost, volume of fuel gas and heat value;
(c) in the case of oil, transportation cost, quality adjustment for sulphur content and density;
(d) whether the parties to the transaction are related parties within the meaning of subsection 82(4) of these Regulations;
(e) the Bank of Canada’s daily exchange rate for converting U.S. dollars to Canadian dollars; and
(f) the factor of 6.2898 to convert barrels of oil to cubic metres of oil.
Oil Royalty
Marginal note:Calculation of royalty — oil
3 (1) The royalty on oil that is recovered from, or attributed to, lands in a contract area consists of the basic royalty determined in accordance with subsection (2) or (3) and the supplementary royalty determined in accordance with subsection (5). All amounts are to be calculated at the time and place of production.
Marginal note:Basic royalty — first five years
(2) During the five-year period beginning on the day on which production of oil from the contract area begins, the basic royalty for each month of that period is equal to the actual selling price multiplied by the monthly royalty determined in accordance with column 2 of the table to this subsection, based on the monthly production, referred to in column 1, of oil that is recovered from, or attributed to, each well.
Item Column 1 Column 2 Monthly Production (m3) Monthly Royalty (m3) 1 80 or less 10% of the number of cubic metres 2 More than 80 but not more than 160 8 m3 plus 20% of the number of cubic metres in excess of 80 3 More than 160 24 m3 plus 26% of the number of cubic metres in excess of 160 Marginal note:Basic royalty — subsequent years
(3) Beginning immediately after the period referred to in subsection (2), the basic royalty for each subsequent month is equal to the actual selling price multiplied by the monthly royalty determined in accordance with column 2 of the table to this subsection, based on the monthly production, referred to in column 1, of oil that is recovered from, or attributed to, each well.
Item Column 1 Column 2 Monthly Production (m3) Monthly Royalty (m3) 1 80 or less 10% of the number of cubic metres 2 More than 80 but not more than 160 8 m3 plus 20% of the number of cubic metres in excess of 80 3 More than 160 but not more than 795 24 m3 plus 26% of the number of cubic metres in excess of 160 4 More than 795 189 m3 plus 40% of the number of cubic metres in excess of 795 Marginal note:Notice to council
(4) The Minister must send the council notice of the date on which the production referred to in subsection (2) begins.
Marginal note:Supplementary royalty
(5) The supplementary royalty is
(a) in respect of oil to which subsection (2) applies, the amount determined by the formula
(T – B)0.50(P – R)
- T
- is the amount of oil, in cubic metres, that is recovered from, or attributed to, each well in the contract area during the month,
- B
- is the monthly royalty, in cubic metres, determined in accordance with the table to subsection (2),
- P
- is the actual selling price of the oil per cubic metre, and
- R
- is the reference price, equal to
(i) in the case of oil recovered from a source set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection, the price set out in column 3, and
(ii) in any other case, $25 per cubic metre; and
(b) in respect of oil to which subsection (3) applies, the amount determined by the formula
(T – B)[0.75(P – R – $12.58) + $6.29]
- T
- is the amount of oil, in cubic metres, that is recovered from, or attributed to, each well in the contract area during the month,
- B
- is the monthly royalty, in cubic metres, determined in accordance with the table to subsection (3),
- P
- is the actual selling price of the oil per cubic metre, and
- R
- is the reference price, equal to
(i) in the case of oil recovered from a source set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection, the price set out in column 3, and
(ii) in any other case, $25 per cubic metre.
Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 First Nation Lands Source Producing Before January 1, 1974 Reference Price ($/m3) 1 Pigeon Lake 138A Cardium 24.04 Leduc 25.37 2 Sawridge 150G Gilwood Sand 25.13 3 Enoch Cree Nation 135 Lower Cretaceous 24.64 Acheson Leduc 24.45 Yekau Lake Leduc 25.01 4 Sturgeon Lake 154 Leduc 21.51 5 Utikoomak Lake 155 Gilwood Sand Unit No. 1 25.00 West Nipisi Unit No. 1 24.58 6 White Bear 70 10-2-10-2 W2 well 22.40 8-9-10-2 W2 well 22.63 7 Siksika 146 6-25-20-21 W4 well 18.19 8 Ermineskin 138 6-11-45-25 W4 well 19.18
Gas Royalty
Marginal note:Calculation of royalty — gas
4 (1) When gas that is recovered from, or attributed to, lands in a contract area is sold, the royalty payable is the gross royalty value of the gas, determined in accordance with subsection (2), less the portion of the cost of gathering, dehydrating, compressing and processing the gas that is equal to its gross royalty value divided by its total value.
Marginal note:Gross royalty
(2) The gross royalty value of gas that is recovered from, or attributed to, lands in the contract area is the basic gross royalty value of 25% of the quantity of that gas multiplied by the actual selling price plus the supplementary gross royalty value determined in accordance with subsection (3). All amounts are to be calculated at the time and place of production.
Marginal note:Supplementary gross royalty
(3) The supplementary gross royalty value of gas, individually determined for each gas component produced, is equal to the sum of the products obtained by multiplying 75% of the quantity of each gas component by
(a) in the case of marketable gas,
(i) if the actual selling price exceeds $10.65/1000 m3 but does not exceed $24.85/1000 m3, 30% of the difference between the actual selling price per 1000 m3 and $10.65/1000 m3, or
(ii) if the actual selling price exceeds $24.85/1000 m3, $4.26/1000 m3 plus 55% of the portion of the actual selling price in excess of $24.85/1000 m3;
(b) in the case of pentanes plus, if the actual selling price exceeds $27.68/m3, 50% of the portion of the actual selling price in excess of $27.68/m3;
(c) in the case of sulphur, if the actual selling price exceeds $39.37/t, 50% of the portion of the actual selling price in excess of $39.37/t;
(d) in the case of other components from a source that produces marketable gas, an amount equal to the product obtained by multiplying the actual selling price of each of those components by the percentage by which the overall royalty rate for marketable gas, taking both basic and supplementary gross royalty values into account, exceeds 25%; and
(e) in the case of other components from a source that does not produce marketable gas, the lesser of one third of the actual selling price of that component and the amount determined under any special agreement entered into under subsection 4(2) of the Act.
Marginal note:Measurement of volumes
(4) For the purposes of this section, volumes referred to are volumes measured at standard conditions of 101.325 kPa and 15°C.
Marginal note:Notice to council
(5) The Minister must send the council notice of any costs that are deducted under subsection (1) for gathering, dehydrating, compressing and processing.
Royalty on Oil or Gas Consumed
Marginal note:No royalty payable
5 (1) Despite sections 2 to 4, the royalty payable on oil or gas recovered from, or attributed to, lands in a contract area is nil if the oil or gas is consumed in drilling for, producing or processing oil or gas that is recovered from, or attributed to, those lands.
Marginal note:Royalty payable
(2) However, subsection (1) does not apply to oil or gas that is consumed in the production or processing of crude bitumen.
SCHEDULE 6(Section 113)Administrative Monetary Penalties
Indian Oil and Gas Act
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Provision | Penalty ($) | |
1 | 5(1)(a)(i) | 10,000 |
2 | 5(1)(a)(ii) | 10,000 |
3 | 16 | 10,000 |
4 | 17(2) | 10,000 |
Indian Oil and Gas Regulations
Item | Column 1 | Column 2 |
Provision | Penalty ($) | |
1 | 16 | 10,000 |
2 | 19(2) | 1,000 |
3 | 21(a)(i) | 1,000 |
4 | 21(a)(ii) | 1,000 |
5 | 21(a)(iii) | 1,000 |
6 | 21(a)(iv) | 1,000 |
7 | 21(a)(v) | 1,000 |
8 | 21(b)(i) | 1,000 |
9 | 21(b)(ii) | 1,000 |
10 | 21(b)(iii) | 1,000 |
11 | 21(b)(iv) | 1,000 |
12 | 21(b)(v) | 1,000 |
13 | 21(b)(vi) | 1,000 |
14 | 21(c)(i) | 1,000 |
15 | 21(c)(ii) | 1,000 |
16 | 21(c)(iii) | 1,000 |
17 | 21(c)(iv) | 1,000 |
18 | 21(c)(v) | 1,000 |
19 | 21(c)(vi) | 1,000 |
20 | 21(c)(vii) | 1,000 |
21 | 21(d)(i) | 1,000 |
22 | 21(d)(ii) | 1,000 |
23 | 21(d)(iii) | 1,000 |
24 | 21(d)(iv) | 1,000 |
25 | 21(d)(v) | 1,000 |
26 | 21(d)(vi) | 1,000 |
27 | 21(d)(vii) | 1,000 |
28 | 21(d)(viii) | 1,000 |
29 | 21(e) | 1,000 |
30 | 21(f) | 1,000 |
31 | 32(1) | 2,500 |
32 | 32(2)(a) | 10,000 |
33 | 32(2)(b) | 2,500 (per hole) |
34 | 32(2)(c) | 2,500 |
35 | 32(2)(d) | 10,000 |
36 | 32(2)(f) | 1,500 |
37 | 33(1) | 10,000 |
38 | 34 | 10,000 |
39 | 59(2) | 10,000 |
40 | 75(5) | 10,000 |
41 | 78 | 10,000 |
42 | 82(2)(a) | 1,000 |
43 | 82(2)(b) | 1,000 |
44 | 82(2)(d) | 1,000 |
45 | 83(2) | 2,000 |
46 | 98 | 1,000 |
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