Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Energy Efficiency Regulations, 2016

Version of section 428 from 2023-06-21 to 2025-02-04:

Marginal note:Design voltage other than 120 V

  •  (1) If the design voltage of the product is other than 120 V, the information required by section 426 may correspond to

    • (a) a voltage of 120 V, followed by the words “at 120 volts” and “à 120 volts”; or

    • (b) the design voltage, followed by the words, “at [design voltage] volts” and “à [tension spécifique]”.

  • Marginal note:Additional information

    (2) If the information corresponds to the design voltage,

    • (a) the following statements must be displayed on the principal display panel:

      “This product is designed for [design voltage] volts. When used on the normal line voltage of 120 volts, the light output and energy efficiency are noticeably reduced. See [appropriate panel] panel for 120-volt rating.”

      « Ce produit a été conçu en fonction d’une tension de [tension spécifique] volts. S’il est employé à la tension normale de 120 volts, son flux lumineux et son efficacité énergétique s’en trouveront considérablement réduits. Voir le panneau [panneau en cause] pour les renseignements correspondant à une tension de 120 volts. »;

    • (b) the information required by section 426 for the product corresponding to a voltage of 120 V, followed by the words “at 120 volts” and “à 120 volts”, must be displayed on a panel of the product’s package other than the principal display panel; and

    • (c) the design voltage must be displayed on every panel that displays the information required by section 426, other than the panel on which the information required by paragraph (b) is displayed.

  • SOR/2022-265, s. 30

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