Energy Efficiency Regulations, 2016
Marginal note:Definitions
257 The following definitions apply in this Subdivision.
- CSA 2.3
CSA 2.3 means the CSA standard ANSI Z21.47-2001/CSA 2.3-2001 entitled Gas-Fired Central Furnaces. (CSA 2.3)
- CSA P.2
CSA P.2[Repealed, SOR/2018-201, s. 34]
- gas furnace
gas furnace means an automatic operating gas-fired central forced air furnace that uses propane or natural gas and has an input rate of not more than 117.23 kW (400,000 Btu/h). It does not include a furnace for a mobile home or for a recreational vehicle. (générateur d’air chaud à gaz)
- through-the-wall
through-the-wall means, with respect to a gas furnace, one that is designed and marketed to be installed in an opening in an exterior wall that is fitted with a weatherized sleeve. (mural)
- SOR/2018-201, s. 34
- Date modified: